Internet Explorer 9 Issue



Hello - Just yesterday my Internet Explorer started giving me issues. The fault is that you can open it & it goes to the home page. You can then run a google search. The text on top of the page tab changes to the new page as if it has found it but the actual page doesn't change. refresh etc does nothing. I can then open a new blank tab. Run a google search, pick on a found item & the same happens again. The page stays as google search but the tab text changes. I then need to open a new tab everytime to continue as nothing happens.
I tried removing 9 & re-installing, Tried a different version with Bing added, removed & re-installed google toolbar in but nothing worked.I removed Internet explorer 9, going back to 8 & let windows find & run an update to 9 too. This didn't work either.
I am now back to 8 again which works fine. I haven't installed any other software etc in the time its started happening. Any ideas ?
Any Ideas ?

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