internet explorer 9



Came home from a trip and found that internet explorer will no longer load. Box says "windows checking for a solution to the problem" but never dissapears. Tried to reload exp9 and it says can not do so due to a newer version already installed. Tried to delete int exp9 in order to reload and says unable as I do not have permission. Tried to change permission but unable to change any settings. Right now I can only use google chrome. This all happened after somehow chrome was changed to my default browser. Changed it back to Int exp and it will not load. No help found so far. Suggestions? I have scanned using the latest Kaspersky and found nothing. I have Windows 7 64bit almost brand new dell computer. First problem so far. Windows 7 has been bulletproof up to this point. Not sure if one of the kids changed something or what. HELP

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