Interveiw 9


Aug 8, 2004
Murdaland, USA
For your pleasure I have compiled yet another interview. This interviewee is based on a very interesting member whom I feel has a lot to say, but no where to say it. So let us see if he can step up to the plate and actually say something worth reading. Ladies and Gentlemen:

He Froze to Death When He Was Born Here He Is



For all us, non-icelandic(thats what your nationality is right?) people please pronounce the name Friðbjörn for us. At least for me. I say (Frib-Da-horn) but I'd place money I'm wrong. Please educate us in the way of your name.

Yes, that's the one. On a side note, since I've been getting it quite a lot, no, we don't live in igloos. And neither do Canadians. Um I really wish I had registered with another name. Damn that registration day, lol. Now, for the pronunciation. First there's "Frið". Fri is pretty simple, the i is pronounced like in the word "this". And then the Ð/ð. It's not some kind of a or o with an acute, like some people seem to think, it's kind of a messed up D with a line in it, lol. And you say it like th in the word "the". Then there's "björn". That would be something like "byurdn". Y as in "yellow", u as in "burn" and then rdn, and you don't stick a vowel anywhere in between those three. That is however like, impossible to pronounce, for most people.

Does you name have any special meaning?

Yeah actually. And I actually know it, which is rare when it comes to names. It's my middle name, and Frið means peace, and björn means bear. That's the literal meaning. But it just basically means someone who keeps peace.

What song are you currently listening to?

Silicon world (or was it girl? I can't remember) by Eiffel 65

Will this song possibly affect the outcome/answers of the next 5 questions?

I would like to say no, but then again I am very easily brainwashed. Which comes in handy for my foes.

Friðbjörn, your [ were ] Moderator on this site. For you what's the hardest part of your job? Why?
I'm not a mod anymore lol. But yeah, the hardest part was probably dealing with fights and stuff like that. I hate that. And having to make decisions involving friends. Always has that ethical issue. Luckily my friends on here aren't very belligerent though, haha.

Honestly, what was your opinion on the first upgrade we received this year?

I kinda liked it. I didn't gaze at it in awe exactly, but I liked it. It obviously had its flaws, but I didn't take it as hideous as some people did. But that's of course matter of opinion, so what I have to say about it matters fairly little.

A big controversy that has been headlining a large grumble fest is Mark(hahninator.) Some people feel as though he is a menace and can do nothing more than complain. Others feel is a huge contributor to the site. How do you feel about this? Is he being a menace really a large price to pay for the amount of contributions he gives to this site?

Ahh somehow I suspected you'd bring this one up. Actually I was hoping you would, when you told me you'd interview me. Okay I'll try to keep it short lol
Mark ain't perfect, he has his flaws, but I mean, who doesn't. Whatever you can say about the guy, he does contribute a lot. He's like a don or something in the trade world, or that's as far as I've come to know, and sharing Mountain View is definitely a biggie, so props for that. At LPFA there was a lot of bad things said but I'd like to put that behind us. I mean, I generally hold grudges (oooh moan from audience) but right now I don't wanna have a beef with anyone. It ruins things. I'm trying to go through life with that in mind only to have as much fun as I can, enjoy things while they last. With that in mind I hope Mark is as willing as me to bury the hatchet.
Now lol, to answer your question...I don't consider him a menace. Even if I did, I wouldn't say so here. And I don't believe in karma, so I'm not gonna put all his deeds on a scale and weigh good things against bad... I wanna try and focus on the good. There's a lot of people out there, real life and here, that do things that I don't like, but usually I try to find a common ground where we can co-exist.

In a year if this site where to stay basically the same as its been for the past 3 months, how would you see the site activity wise? What are ways you think we can change it?

I've been here almost 3 months I think, since I came back, and based on what I see I think the activity's increasing. In january things were kinda...dark, I guess, the whole didn't look so good. But I mean, yeah, I think it's getting better. Matt came back for example, he brings a lot to this place in his own shroomy special way, lol. What we can do is things like this, revive something we like, and get some buzz going. When the new album drops we'll be back at full tilt again too, I think. There's nothing I'd love more though than for old members to return.

Do you think you as a member get the full amount of dignity and respect you deserve on this site? Or do you feel you are slightly take advantage of?

Hmm you got me there eh. Tricky one indeed. I can't say I feel everyone on this site gets the attention they're due. Some do, not all. Back when I was a mod people would respond more to what I have to say, and now not as much. I can't complain though, cause I know now who were friends, and who were just looking at the color of the user name. Overall, I'm good. I've got friends on here, their opinion is the only one that matters to me. Right now on LPF there's less of cliques than there used to be, so I think overall if you're a member that doesn't have so and so many friends on here, you get more credit than you would have, a while ago.

Now, to stray away from the mass load of hell I just dumped on you lets lighten things up a bit. I've strayed through some of your MySpace stuff and found out that you are a musician of sort. Do you mind explaining to us how you got started. What kind of music you make and what makes you different from the Jeezy'z, Stenners, Reflectionists [banned], and Azk's [lawl] of the forums?

How I got started was, I was listening to LP "back in the day"(lol), and I've always liked the rap in their music. So I started to rap. When I then got my hands on fruity loops, I made myself some beats. But when I realized rapping wasn't really my skill, I turned to just general songwriting. But it wasn't much of songwriting, cause that was before I learned any music theory. So the first **** I did was off key and generally boring and lame. Matty here can testify to that, if he remembers lol. It was just some electronic stuff made with fruity loops, nothing special really. I did that for a while (knowing some music theory by that time lol), but then I got tired of it, and had used all the possibilities that FL had, so I was kinda in limbo for a while, but when I left LPF in august, I picked a guitar I'd had for four years up for the first time, out of nowhere, and I haven't put it down since. Nowadays I just play guitar and see what comes out, which most of the time is something like rock/folk, but since I got an electric I've been going more into a metal direction. I'm in a band too, but we've haven't done any material yet. So we'll see.

What drives you to make the music? Do you see yourself going anywhere with it? Is it just a hobby?

For me, I've always had to have something to express with. To release my feelings with. In real life I generally tend to stay away from the spotlight, and I usually say very little if anything, so instead I play music, or at least right now. I'm not really sure where I'm going with it...I mean, I can't lie, I would very much like to be famous and tour around the world and play music for a lot of people and see all these places, but then again if it doesn't turn out that way, it's no big deal. I'll just be in the garage with some friends, and to me that's equally as fun. Just as long as I get to play music. So yeah, although I put stuff on places like MySpace it's a hobby really.

What's your favorite color?[Pick One]
hmm if I absolutely had to pick I'd say blue

Now if your mother was killed by a man who was that color would you now hate it?
I don't think so. But I would seriously think next time I was about to put Blue man group on.

Big question. Scientology and Communism. What's your opinion on both?

Scientology's a religion all right, but what I dislike is how it's become this commercial money machine it seems. And with certain celebrities religion is like clothes. Depends what season it is, and it's just fashion. Declaring Tom Cruise a prophet...come on.
Communism...that, also in theory actually, is a good thing. Up here in the Nordic countries there's always been a touch of it in how society works. It's is about sharing and everyone being equal. If you look at history though, some bad people have used it to control people. So communism is good in theory, but not realistically possible. there's just too many people that would take advantage of it.

Stenners just came back not to long ago. When he did come back what was your initial reaction?

Well, I envied him cause he STOLE ALL MY DAMN THUNDER!!! RAWROMGZ

Ok now five minutes later how did you feel about the situation?

I calmed down and fired the hit man. I felt good I think. Matt and I are good friends. Oh the good times of LPC...

Who in your mind is the hottest LPFer out there right now?

Now that's a tough one. I'm not sure, there's always been a lot of hot people on LPF. And the new people around are definitely no disappointment. But to drop a few names lol I could say Franka, Jojo, Fiona, and of course the queen herself, Jen linkinpark-1. But yeah...the members pics thread is usually solid sweet stuff all through

Which Linkin Park Forumer do you consider your twin?

That would have to be Franka ^_^ Me and her are scaringly [frighteningly] alike at times.

Which LPfer do you consider underrated?

As I said, some people don't get all the credit they're due, but I'm not gonna name any one person in stead of another.

Who do you feel is most overrated?[Don't say no one or anything in that context lmfao]

Definitely Dave. I mean come on Mousy, you say you're unhinged...but that's not the truth now is it...I mean WTF DUDE!?!?
Let's play a game Friðbjörn. You are God. You know all. Tell me God is Linkin Park's next album going to suck?

Oh yes big time. Rick taking them to record in that cave studio in Afghanistan was a bad move all along...and I mean when Mike lost his leg his stage presence kinda went down the toilet too.
While we're on the subject I can't stand this new disco vs. country direction they're taking...

Is owning an iPod and being a "conformist" bad?

Hmm if I understand the dictionary right, then no, at least not if most of the people you know have one, lol but then again I could be wrong.

What's number one on your wish list right now?
a home studio ^_^

Is there anything you'd like to tell the world? Now is your time.

This is definitely the place where you put "be yourself" and 5 other clichés (to quote supernova) but yeah...I was thinking of something to put here, but the good lines always occur to you when you can't write them down, don't they...

Well thank you Friðbjörn for gathering up the daily dose of balls to go through with this interview be it if your answered all the questions or not. Any shout outs? Shout-ins? Threats? Anything?

Yeah just, thanks for choosing me, and um, I hope the next people interviewed have as much fun as I answering all this. And a thanks to all those who read this. Sorry for the long boring answers lol

And lastly the most important question...


How many licks does it take to get to the center of Stenners?
I believe Jen (suganspice) counted 37. She said that after about 20 licks it gets really
Who do you feel is most overrated?[Don't say no one or anything in that context lmfao]

Definitely Dave. I mean come on Mousy, you say you're unhinged...but that's not the truth now is it...I mean WTF DUDE!?!?
I love you too. :p
I can afford to be Unhinged when I actually get sleep...
...and I havent been getting enough of that lately.
Wait til this summer!:eek:k:

How many licks does it take to get to the center of Stenners?
I believe Jen (suganspice) counted 37. She said that after about 20 licks it gets really

Great job, both to teh leet Azk for his random question asking skills as well as to teh Fribster for his igloo-making sk.... uhhh I mean, question-answering skills. I loved it all! :rolleyes:

I love you too. :p
I can afford to be Unhinged when I actually get sleep...
...and I havent been getting enough of that lately.
Wait til this summer!:eek:k:


Great job, both to teh leet Azk for his random question asking skills as well as to teh Fribster for his igloo-making sk.... uhhh I mean, question-answering skills. I loved it all! :rolleyes:
crap I was gonna rep you but couldn't lol

ahh good times
I dunno where that came from lol, guess I thought you'd be the person that would take the teasing the best haha
glad that you did
Let's play a game Friðbjörn. You are God. You know all. Tell me God is Linkin Park's next album going to suck?

Oh yes big time. Rick taking them to record in that cave studio in Afghanistan was a bad move all along...and I mean when Mike lost his leg his stage presence kinda went down the toilet too.
While we're on the subject I can't stand this new disco vs. country direction they're taking...
Hands down this is the funniest thing I have read in a long time - I laughed so hard when I read this I almost cried! XD Oh what a superb interview. Very enlightening. I LOVE the interviews. And Vi's definately an intriguing enigma that needed *ahem* probing XD
Loved it! Thanks so much!
Great was fun reading it...

and name was