New member
Okay, It's been a while since I've done these interveiws so I am going to do this as best as I possibly can. Misery, your a pretty "old" member of so essentially you've been through alot of their ups and downs. As of now, alot of the older members are feeling as though the forums are at it's lowest point. Would you agree? And if so what do you think is contributing to this problem? How could it be fixed?
I wouldn't necessarily say it's at it's lowest point, but it definately feels like it's down there. Like you said, I've been here a while and I've been through quite a bit, and I feel confident in saying that once Linkin Park finally releases their new album we'll start getting alot of new and interesting members. I mean, just look at the spark Qwerty created, and that was just one song.
Probably a large majority of the forums are no longer Linkin Park fans. Do you, personally, think that after the new release of the Linkin Park Cd their "fan" instincts will be ressurected some if any?
I'm sure quite a few will get back into Linkin Park.. I think the main thing is that they're just sick of listening to the same two albums over and over, haha. Of course, there will be some that will never come back, but hey, that's normal.
Has MTV helped currupt the publics image of what music should be?
Yes and no. Stations like MTV help bring music to the masses, and without it I'm sure alot of people wouldn't listen to as much music as they do now. However, these stations only focus and concentrate on mainstream music, so nobody reallly hears any other music besides that. So yea, good and bad.
Who do you tend to associate with in the forums?
The only person I really ever talk to nowadays is Josh (Vash) and we don't really even talk that often anymore. I'm kind of an LPF loner ever since we've been in this downwards swing and, going back to your first question, am somewhat contributing to this 'funk' we're in with my inactivity.
Any plans on possibly leaving the forums anytime soon?
Nah. I mean, I might not be very active, but I think I'll always stick around. I have roots here, and when it is active, it's a really fun place to come.
What current thread do you like the most to visit?
Not really any specific thread.. just pretty much whatever has new posts when I come online, haha.
We've had a lot of fan fics in the past if you could just pull one out from their make it into a movie which story would you pic? If you haven't read any just pick one that sounds interesting.
I'd have to say the LPF Convention series.. the only fanfic I ever really got in to. That, and I've always wanted to be in a movie
If we had another LPF awards tommorrow and you could win fictional or real which would you want to win?
None. I don't think I deserve any with my inactivity lately.
Who's your favorite superhero and villian and why?
Spider-Man and Venom. Classic. I've loved them since I was a kid, I'm not sure why. They're in my system now, though, so I don't think that's ever going to change.
In the past let's say 2 years has mainstream Rock and Roll along with Rap reached an all time low? Seeing as though the whole individuality we once had in music has now seemingly jumped off the planet leaving us with the same sounding music we have today?
Again, maybe not an all-time low, but pretty close. There are way too many bands out there that sound exactly the same, and there's not a whole lot of diversity.
If you could write a book what would you write about and why?
An autobiography, of course. I'm just that interesting.
Any bands you listen to that you just hate but they have catchy songs?
Well, I don't listen to them except every now and then. But Billy Talent has a couple of catchy songs that I don't mind, but I absolutely hate the band. They're a terrible band, but some of those catchy hooks draw me in. Sigh.
What color should the next lpf layout be?
Depends what colour theme the artwork for the next Linkin Park album is. I liked it when the LPF colour scheme matched Meteora (although this layout is far superior)
Thanks for agreeing to interveiw with me. Any shoutouts, websites, myspaces, threads or anything you wanna talk about?
Thanks alot for having me, it's been alot of fun. No shout outs really, just love for everyone XD