introducing my new satire site

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Your first post and you use it to SPAM us in the GF forum ??

Enjoy the idiot box.
I didn't get past FIRST CLICK!!

But Phreak aren't you being a bit harsh,give the fella a chance,he was tryin' to give us somethin' to be pissed about,so it is entitled to be in the GF section, right?
I didn't get past FIRST CLICK!!

But Phreak aren't you being a bit harsh,give the fella a chance,he was tryin' to give us somethin' to be pissed about,so it is entitled to be in the GF section, right?

I dont think hes being harsh at all. I probably woulda boxed him myself.

First post had nothing interesting to say, the website much less....

all i read from that first post was "blah blah blah, im a dirty spammer"
The idiot box also ensures he won't be STARTING any more posts too. He will only be able to respond to open topics, not to mention, I ain't in the mood for his **** or his gay ass (no offense Vortex) website. We DO have a ****ing forum called SPAM for **** like that you know.

Of course I could have moved it to the SPAM forum, but why bother, its a shitty website, I found NOTHING on it even remotely humorus or enlightning. Not to mention his HTML skills are something out of 6th grade computer class.
phreakwars said:
, I ain't in the mood for his **** or his gay ass (no offense Vortex)

I aughta' wash your mouth out with my tounge!

none taken :cool:
The beauty of spam is that, you can toss him in the diot box but he's already left his distinct urine here, we are of no more use to him.
there are plenty of other dogs who will lift their legs in the same spot.......the scent will be gone in no time
No biggy if he left his mark, he'll only prove himself to be an idiot, and this stupid post will slowly fade away into the GF archives like every subject eventually does.

So for anybody that clicked his site, thats just one more person who knows he's an idiot... hell, I may even make this damn post a sticky... and DON'T make me put up a poll....then again, maybe I should, it might help him in the long run.
sucking balls tho....its not always a bad thing.....

trust me (crap...we need an evil smile smiley)
Vortex said:
(crap...we need an evil smile smiley)
Patience caterpillar.Have some Jesus juice and chill..the power of the Piss will convert the infidel in good time. Why use a ****ing stupid emoticon when you have the power of IMG in your hands.When a subject goes to the polls the IMG of the net presents itself so that the followers of GF may use its power to influence there perspective.

Jesus Juice = Good


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OH i have had plenty of jesus me!

But is it legal to drink the stuff when little children arent around?
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