Ipaq stopped syncing after upgrade to Windows XP SP3


Condor Dino

Hi All,

I hope someone can help me. Yesterday morning, our IT guys upgraded my computer to Windows XP SP3. Unfortunately, since the reboot, my PDA can not synchronize with my outlook. I have tried reboots, reinstalling activesync, soft and hard resets of the PDA. I have used google and bing to search for solutions and have not yet found anything that works. I am completely stumped. I am assuming the problem is something to do with service pack 3 because of the timing. Nothing else changed at that time.

When I put the PDA in the cradle, activesync acts as though it realises something is there to connect to. It opens and the green wheel spins. However, after maybe 30 seconds I get the message: "Activesync cannot connect to the Windows Mobile powered device. To troubleshoot the problem, click okay." The troubleshooter does not seem to find any problems and redirects me to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=65257 but none of the solutions appear relevant or work (if I could try them). For example, we have no desktop firewall to block connections.

Here are the system details:
PDA HP Ipaq 2790, Windows CE 5.0
ActiveSync 4.5 (I assume it was also 4.5 prior to the SP3 install)
Dell Laptop Windows XP SP3

A solution or any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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