Iran comits act of war...Dems remain stunned and stupid


Harry Dope

UK sailors captured at gunpoint
Fifteen British navy personnel have been captured at gunpoint by
Iranian forces, the Ministry of Defence says.
The men were seized at 1030 local time when they boarded a boat in the
Gulf, off the coast of Iraq, which they suspected was smuggling cars.

The Royal Navy said the group was on a routine patrol in Iraqi waters
and were understood to be unharmed.

But Iranian state television quoted the Iran foreign ministry as
saying they had illegally entered Iranian waters.

The Associated Press news agency is quoting US Navy official,
Commander Kevin Aandahl, as saying that Iran's Revolutionary Guard were

Mr Aandahl is also reported as saying the naval force had told them in
a radio message that the British were not harmed.

Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett has demanded the immediate and safe
return of the HMS Cornwall servicemen.

She added that she had called for a "full explanation" from Iran and
had left them in no doubt that she wanted the group and their equipment back

The task force's commander, Commodore Nick Lambert, said he was hoping
there had been a "simple mistake" over territorial waters.

"There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they [British personnel]
were in Iraqi territorial waters. Equally, the Iranians may claim they were
in Iranian territorial waters.

HMS Cornwall's area of operations
"We may well find that this is a simple misunderstanding at the
tactical level."

Helicopters had reported seeing two British boats being moved along
the Shatt al-Arab waterway to Iranian bases and there had been no evidence
of fighting, he added.

He said that despite scant communication, the 15 people were
understood to be safe and had reacted in an "extremely professional way, in
line with the rules of engagement".

Mrs Beckett said: "We understand that they were in two boats that were
operating in Iraqi waters in accordance with the Security Council Resolution
1723 in support of the government of Iraq to stop smuggling."

On Friday afternoon, the Iranian ambassador in London, Rasoul
Movahedian, met permanent secretary, Sir Peter Ricketts, at the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office.

The foreign secretary said the meeting had been "brisk but polite" and
said the British ambassador in Iran had also been speaking to officials in

The MoD said it had contacted relatives of the group, which comprised
eight sailors and seven marines.

There has been no official response so far from Iran, where many
ministries and official buildings were closed for a public holiday.

However, state television has reported that the British envoy was
summoned to Iran's foreign ministry.

Shadow foreign secretary William Hague and Sir Menzies Campbell,
leader of the Liberal Democrats, have both backed the call for the group's
immediate and safe return.

The incident comes at a time of renewed tensions with Iran over its
nuclear programme and follows claims that most of the violence against UK
forces in Basra is being engineered by Iranian elements.

British army Colonel Justin Maciejewski, who is based in Iraq, said
Iran was providing "sophisticated weaponry" to insurgents and "Iranian
agents" were paying local men to attack British troops.

Iranian officials have in the past denied such claims.

In 2004, Iran detained eight British servicemen for three days after
they allegedly strayed over the maritime border.

The UK claimed the men were "forcibly escorted" into Iranian
territorial waters.

The men were paraded blindfolded and made to apologise on Iranian TV
before their release was agreed.

The BBC's diplomatic correspondent James Robbins said the difference
this time was that the present Iranian government under President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad was much more hardline.

"The political climate is worse with Britain among those confronting
Iran over its controversial nuclear programme," he added.

At Vanderbilt divinity school, Mr. Gore took a course in theology and
natural science. The assigned readings included the apocalyptic, and widely
discredited "Limits to Growth," which formed much of the foundation for
"Earth in the Balance." It is said that Mr. Gore failed to hand in his book
report on time. Thus, his incomplete grade turned into an F, one of five Fs
Mr. Gore received at divinity school, which may well be a worldwide record.
On Mar 24, 4:52 am, "Harry Dope" <>
> UK sailors captured at gunpoint
> Fifteen British navy personnel have been captured at gunpoint by
> Iranian forces, the Ministry of Defence says.
> The men were seized at 1030 local time when they boarded a boat in the
> Gulf, off the coast of Iraq, which they suspected was smuggling cars.

If you want another costly, possibly even more deadly war, don't
forget to be the first one to enlist for the
frontline. Put your money where your mouth is.
"Harry Dope" <> allegedly said in

Hey EMU, you "forgot" to include the "act of war" part...

Just another "oversight" I am sure.

Besides Iran is bestest buddies with our puppets in Iraq, you know, the
government we are supporting with young american lives and 100's billions
of $$$, that one, that makes Iran our buddies as well... see how that

Yuor Beloved Little Leader is "real smart" eh?

All the time he has been babbling about how evil Iran is, he has actually
been working behind the scenes to help them take over Iraq... now you can't
get "smarter" than that..

Way too "smart" for us "demmycrats" for sure...


Gonzo Funeral Watch: 13 days 9 hours 10 minutes and counting.


<small but dangerous>
<> wrote in message
> On Mar 24, 4:52 am, "Harry Dope" <>
> wrote:
>> UK sailors captured at gunpoint
>> Fifteen British navy personnel have been captured at gunpoint by
>> Iranian forces, the Ministry of Defence says.
>> The men were seized at 1030 local time when they boarded a boat in
>> the
>> Gulf, off the coast of Iraq, which they suspected was smuggling cars.

Let me explain somthing to you.

If UK sends soldiers into the territorial waters of another country, they
have forfieted the lives of those soldiers.
On Mar 24, 5:15 am, "fbn" <v...@g.g> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > On Mar 24, 4:52 am, "Harry Dope" <>
> > wrote:
> >> UK sailors captured at gunpoint
> >> Fifteen British navy personnel have been captured at gunpoint by
> >> Iranian forces, the Ministry of Defence says.
> >> The men were seized at 1030 local time when they boarded a boat in
> >> the
> >> Gulf, off the coast of Iraq, which they suspected was smuggling cars.

> Let me explain somthing to you.
> If UK sends soldiers into the territorial waters of another country, they
> have forfieted the lives of those soldiers.

Let's say Iran sent a warship into American territorial waters, Bu$h
and co would be screaming
bloody murder and firing missles off left and right. If America does
the same thing to Iran, they
see it as "stopping terrorism". I am no fan if Iran or it's brutal
theocracy, but the doublethink and
hypocracy is really annyoing, and I am tired of the lies and media
spin from our so called "leaders".
If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out our
entire Persian Gulf fleet. They have Russian guarantees of
protection from any U.S. attack, and Mr. Putin is quite crazy enough
to back up those guarantees, and all sane Americans know this. Iran
is doing to the U.S. exactly what Mr. Chavez is doing to the U.S.:
making fun of us, until we have the sense to get rid of Mr. Bush.
Which, I would say, we are in the process of doing, right now.

Look for Madame President Pelosi, in 6-8 weeks!
On 24 Mar 2007 08:43:11 -0700, "zeez" <> wrote:

>On Mar 24, 5:15 am, "fbn" <v...@g.g> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > On Mar 24, 4:52 am, "Harry Dope" <>
>> > wrote:
>> >> UK sailors captured at gunpoint
>> >> Fifteen British navy personnel have been captured at gunpoint by
>> >> Iranian forces, the Ministry of Defence says.
>> >> The men were seized at 1030 local time when they boarded a boat in
>> >> the
>> >> Gulf, off the coast of Iraq, which they suspected was smuggling cars.

>> Let me explain somthing to you.
>> If UK sends soldiers into the territorial waters of another country, they
>> have forfieted the lives of those soldiers.

> Let's say Iran sent a warship into American territorial waters, Bu$h
>and co would be screaming
>bloody murder and firing missles off left and right. If America does
>the same thing to Iran, they
>see it as "stopping terrorism". I am no fan if Iran or it's brutal
>theocracy, but the doublethink and
>hypocracy is really annyoing, and I am tired of the lies and media
>spin from our so called "leaders".

First off the waters in question are disputed. Iraq thinks it's
theirs and Iran claims it as theirs. Iran is taking this oppurtunity
to lay claim to it while the weak Iraqi gov't is being propped up by
foreigners. Seems logical.

Secondly, has our government even made a statement on this? We're not
lying or sabre rattling or saying the Brits were fighting terrorism
that I'm aware of.

This is between the Brits and Iran. I suspect this is Iran's way of
saying "You already denounced the US and said you want to leave. So go
already chickenshit Brits "

I think Iran has correctly calculated this will make the Brits exit
If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out
entire Persian Gulf fleet. They have Russian guarantees of
protection from any U.S. attack, and Mr. Putin is quite crazy enough
to back up those guarantees, and all sane Americans know this. Iran
is doing to the U.S. exactly what Mr. Chavez is doing to the U.S.:
making fun of us, until we have the sense to get rid of Mr. Bush.
Which, I would say, we are in the process of doing, right now.

Look for Madame President Pelosi, in 6-8 weeks!
"NuGrass" <> wrote in message
On Mar 24, 8:52?am, "Harry Dope" <>
> UK sailors captured at gunpoint
> Fifteen British navy personnel have been captured at gunpoint by
> Iranian forces, the Ministry of Defence says.
> The men were seized at 1030 local time when they boarded a boat in the
> Gulf, off the coast of Iraq, which they suspected was smuggling cars.
> The Royal Navy said the group was on a routine patrol in Iraqi waters
> and were understood to be unharmed.
> But Iranian state television quoted the Iran foreign ministry as
> saying they had illegally entered Iranian waters.
> The Associated Press news agency is quoting US Navy official,
> Commander Kevin Aandahl, as saying that Iran's Revolutionary Guard were
> responsible.
> Mr Aandahl is also reported as saying the naval force had told them in
> a radio message that the British were not harmed.
> Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett has demanded the immediate and safe
> return of the HMS Cornwall servicemen.
> She added that she had called for a "full explanation" from Iran and
> had left them in no doubt that she wanted the group and their equipment
> back
> immediately.
> The task force's commander, Commodore Nick Lambert, said he was hoping
> there had been a "simple mistake" over territorial waters.
> "There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they [British personnel]
> were in Iraqi territorial waters. Equally, the Iranians may claim they
> were
> in Iranian territorial waters.
> HMS Cornwall's area of operations
> "We may well find that this is a simple misunderstanding at the
> tactical level."
> Helicopters had reported seeing two British boats being moved along
> the Shatt al-Arab waterway to Iranian bases and there had been no evidence
> of fighting, he added.
> He said that despite scant communication, the 15 people were
> understood to be safe and had reacted in an "extremely professional way,
> in
> line with the rules of engagement".
> Mrs Beckett said: "We understand that they were in two boats that were
> operating in Iraqi waters in accordance with the Security Council
> Resolution
> 1723 in support of the government of Iraq to stop smuggling."
> On Friday afternoon, the Iranian ambassador in London, Rasoul
> Movahedian, met permanent secretary, Sir Peter Ricketts, at the Foreign
> and
> Commonwealth Office.
> The foreign secretary said the meeting had been "brisk but polite" and
> said the British ambassador in Iran had also been speaking to officials in
> Tehran.
> The MoD said it had contacted relatives of the group, which comprised
> eight sailors and seven marines.
> There has been no official response so far from Iran, where many
> ministries and official buildings were closed for a public holiday.
> However, state television has reported that the British envoy was
> summoned to Iran's foreign ministry.
> Shadow foreign secretary William Hague and Sir Menzies Campbell,
> leader of the Liberal Democrats, have both backed the call for the group's
> immediate and safe return.
> The incident comes at a time of renewed tensions with Iran over its
> nuclear programme and follows claims that most of the violence against UK
> forces in Basra is being engineered by Iranian elements.
> British army Colonel Justin Maciejewski, who is based in Iraq, said
> Iran was providing "sophisticated weaponry" to insurgents and "Iranian
> agents" were paying local men to attack British troops.
> Iranian officials have in the past denied such claims.
> In 2004, Iran detained eight British servicemen for three days after
> they allegedly strayed over the maritime border.
> The UK claimed the men were "forcibly escorted" into Iranian
> territorial waters.
> The men were paraded blindfolded and made to apologise on Iranian TV
> before their release was agreed.
> The BBC's diplomatic correspondent James Robbins said the difference
> this time was that the present Iranian government under President Mahmoud
> Ahmadinejad was much more hardline.
> "The political climate is worse with Britain among those confronting
> Iran over its controversial nuclear programme," he added.
> --
> At Vanderbilt divinity school, Mr. Gore took a course in theology and
> natural science. The assigned readings included the apocalyptic, and
> widely
> discredited "Limits to Growth," which formed much of the foundation for
> "Earth in the Balance." It is said that Mr. Gore failed to hand in his
> book
> report on time. Thus, his incomplete grade turned into an F, one of five
> Fs
> Mr. Gore received at divinity school, which may well be a worldwide
> record.

Wow, that means that if they capture 6 Austrailian soldiers that would
be the last of the "coalition" forces except for the US.

Maybe Britian should invade Iraq and we could join their "coalition"
force with about 2% of the total invading force.


what the **** are you saying?
SyVyN11 wrote:
> "Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
>> If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
>> being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
>> is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
>> it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out
>> our entire Persian Gulf fleet. They have Russian guarantees of
>> protection from any U.S. attack, and Mr. Putin is quite crazy enough
>> to back up those guarantees, and all sane Americans know this. Iran
>> is doing to the U.S. exactly what Mr. Chavez is doing to the U.S.:
>> making fun of us, until we have the sense to get rid of Mr. Bush.
>> Which, I would say, we are in the process of doing, right now.
>> Look for Madame President Pelosi, in 6-8 weeks!

> If Bush leaves, Cheney is the president.
> but facts are something libs don't care about.

Nonsense. Cheney has his puppeteer arm so far up Bush's ass he can't pull it
out. They'll exit as a team.


John R. Carroll
Machining Solution Software, Inc.
Los Angeles San Francisco
Jerry Kraus wrote:

> If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
> being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
> is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
> it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out
> our
> entire Persian Gulf fleet. They have Russian guarantees of
> protection from any U.S. attack, and Mr. Putin is quite crazy enough
> to back up those guarantees, and all sane Americans know this. Iran
> is doing to the U.S. exactly what Mr. Chavez is doing to the U.S.:
> making fun of us, until we have the sense to get rid of Mr. Bush.
> Which, I would say, we are in the process of doing, right now.
> Look for Madame President Pelosi, in 6-8 weeks!

USS Liberty
"Art Students"
Franklin, Rosen, Weissman
Ariel J. Weinmann
Feith's Iraqi intel
Mossad snipers killing US troops
Virtus Tutissima Cassis
On Mar 24, 4:18 pm, "SyVyN11" <> wrote:
> "Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
> > If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
> > being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
> > is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
> > it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out our
> > entire Persian Gulf fleet. They have Russian guarantees of
> > protection from any U.S. attack, and Mr. Putin is quite crazy enough
> > to back up those guarantees, and all sane Americans know this. Iran
> > is doing to the U.S. exactly what Mr. Chavez is doing to the U.S.:
> > making fun of us, until we have the sense to get rid of Mr. Bush.
> > Which, I would say, we are in the process of doing, right now.

> > Look for Madame President Pelosi, in 6-8 weeks!

> If Bush leaves, Cheney is the president.
> but facts are something libs don't care about.
> - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Cheney is dead, indicted or both. Cons can't quite grasp this fact.
In article <>,
"Jerry Kraus" <> wrote:

> If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
> being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
> is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
> it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out
> our
> entire Persian Gulf fleet.

No, they don't, you hysterical idiot.

Iran is behaving exactly like a nation who knows she's losing.


"Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people,
and therefore deprive them of their arms."
"Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
> If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
> being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
> is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
> it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out our
> entire Persian Gulf fleet. They have Russian guarantees of
> protection from any U.S. attack, and Mr. Putin is quite crazy enough
> to back up those guarantees, and all sane Americans know this. Iran
> is doing to the U.S. exactly what Mr. Chavez is doing to the U.S.:
> making fun of us, until we have the sense to get rid of Mr. Bush.
> Which, I would say, we are in the process of doing, right now.
> Look for Madame President Pelosi, in 6-8 weeks!

If Bush leaves, Cheney is the president.

but facts are something libs don't care about.

On Mar 24, 4:02 pm, Neolibertarian <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> "Jerry Kraus" <> wrote:
> > If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
> > being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
> > is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
> > it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out
> > our
> > entire Persian Gulf fleet.

> No, they don't, you hysterical idiot.
> Iran is behaving exactly like a nation who knows she's losing.
> --
> NeoLibertarian
> "Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people,
> and therefore deprive them of their arms."
> ---Aristotle

So why can't we do anything about it, bright boy?
Hatto von Aquitanien wrote:

> Jerry Kraus wrote:
>> If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
>> being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
>> is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
>> it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out
>> our
>> entire Persian Gulf fleet. They have Russian guarantees of
>> protection from any U.S. attack, and Mr. Putin is quite crazy enough
>> to back up those guarantees, and all sane Americans know this. Iran
>> is doing to the U.S. exactly what Mr. Chavez is doing to the U.S.:
>> making fun of us, until we have the sense to get rid of Mr. Bush.
>> Which, I would say, we are in the process of doing, right now.
>> Look for Madame President Pelosi, in 6-8 weeks!

> USS Liberty
> 9/11/01
> Pollard
> "Art Students"
> Franklin, Rosen, Weissman
> Ariel J. Weinmann
> Feith's Iraqi intel
> Mossad snipers killing US troops
> ...
> ...
> ...
> ...

Please alow me to elaborate. Israel is the greatest threat to the United
States of America in our entire history.

Virtus Tutissima Cassis
"Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
> On Mar 24, 4:18 pm, "SyVyN11" <> wrote:
>> "Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
>> > If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
>> > being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for this,
>> > is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and they know
>> > it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to knock out our
>> > entire Persian Gulf fleet. They have Russian guarantees of
>> > protection from any U.S. attack, and Mr. Putin is quite crazy enough
>> > to back up those guarantees, and all sane Americans know this. Iran
>> > is doing to the U.S. exactly what Mr. Chavez is doing to the U.S.:
>> > making fun of us, until we have the sense to get rid of Mr. Bush.
>> > Which, I would say, we are in the process of doing, right now.

>> > Look for Madame President Pelosi, in 6-8 weeks!

>> If Bush leaves, Cheney is the president.
>> but facts are something libs don't care about.
>> - Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

> Cheney is dead, indicted or both. Cons can't quite grasp this fact.

and libs have a problem with reality.

Where the **** has Cheney been indicted?

When did he die?

You can't grasp the fact that he is still alive.

SyVyN11 wrote:
> "Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
>> On Mar 24, 4:18 pm, "SyVyN11" <> wrote:
>>> "Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
>>>> If you observe carefully, you will note that Iran is deliberately
>>>> being as confrontational as they possibly can. The reason for
>>>> this, is that the U.S. cannot possibly do anything to them, and
>>>> they know it. They have Russian missle technology good enough to
>>>> knock out our entire Persian Gulf fleet. They have Russian
>>>> guarantees of protection from any U.S. attack, and Mr. Putin is
>>>> quite crazy enough to back up those guarantees, and all sane
>>>> Americans know this. Iran is doing to the U.S. exactly what Mr.
>>>> Chavez is doing to the U.S.: making fun of us, until we have the
>>>> sense to get rid of Mr. Bush. Which, I would say, we are in the
>>>> process of doing, right now.
>>>> Look for Madame President Pelosi, in 6-8 weeks!
>>> If Bush leaves, Cheney is the president.
>>> but facts are something libs don't care about.
>>> - Hide quoted text -
>>> - Show quoted text -

>> Cheney is dead, indicted or both. Cons can't quite grasp this fact.

> and libs have a problem with reality.

Hey lib. How about an answer?

Why are you and alfred e bush so afraid of Nancy Pelosi?
Goobers veto of the supplemental spending bill will defund the war. Pelosi
won't be signing that veto you know. It will be Bush. How will a Bush veto
that cuts off funds support our brave troops?

Come on lib, out with it.

John R. Carroll
Machining Solution Software, Inc.
Los Angeles San Francisco
How could anyone expect a liberal Democratic reaction to Iran's act of war
provocation against our British allies when they are still hopped-up in
their combination "Ain't We Slick" Celebration/"Oh, ****! They're All
Looking At Us!" mode, which mean they all have one thumb up their asses, and
one in their mouths.

There's liable to be Iranian commandos burning Baltimore on their way to
Washington before those assholes wake up to danger.