Iran Gives Europe Shitstained Middle Finger an Rejects Nuclear Incentives!


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Iran Rejects Nuclear Incentives

Monday, April 7, 2008

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran rejected recent European overtures to halt its uranium
enrichment program in return for incentives and vowed Saturday to continue
to expand its nuclear program.

"Iran does not trade its rights in return for incentives," government
spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham told reporters. "The Islamic Republic of Iran
doesn't need incentives from Europe to obtain its rights."

The spokesman, however, said Iran will still talk to Europe about its
nuclear program.

"Iran has always stated that the door to dialogue and interaction with the
outside world, European or non-European is open," Elham said.

The European Union said last month that it was open for further talks with
Iran despite U.N. Security Council's approval of a third round of sanctions
over the country's refusal to suspend uranium enrichment.

Six key nations also pledged to enhance a 2006 package of political,
security and economic incentives for Iran to halt uranium enrichment.

Those countries are the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and

Iran has repeatedly said its right to enrich uranium under the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty was "nonnegotiable."

The U.S., EU, Israel and others suspect Iran's goal is to produce nuclear
weapons. Iran insists its program is aimed solely at producing nuclear

Iran says a report released by the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency
in February vindicated Iran's nuclear program and left no justification for
any Security Council sanctions.

The 11-page report by IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei said all major past
issues surrounding Iran's nuclear activities had been fully resolved or are
"no longer outstanding at this stage," repeatedly saying the IAEA's findings
are consistent with information available to the agency and explanations
provided by Iran.

Diplomats in Vienna told The Associated Press on Thursday that Iran has
assembled hundreds of advanced machines reflecting a possible intention to
speed up uranium enrichment.

One diplomat said more than 300 of the centrifuges have been linked up in
two separate units in Iran's underground enrichment plant and a third was
being assembled. He said the machines apparently are more advanced than the
thousands already running underground.

Elham said the government hoped to offer "good news" to the nation on Iran's
"achievements" on April 8, declared as the National Day of Nuclear