Iran Starts WWIII, US Will Finish it - Death to Iran - Bomb Iran NOW!


Patriot Games


Friday, 23 March 2007
Tense backdrop to Navy incident

In some ways, the capture of 15 Navy personnel in the Gulf seems to be a
mirror image of what happened in June 2004.

Then, as now, British servicemen on patrol in the disputed waters near the
southern border between Iraq and Iran found themselves arrested and held by
Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces.

Though there are significant differences, like the exact location of the two

On this occasion both US and UK naval officers have said the patrol boats
were on routine patrol inside Iraqi waters in the northern Gulf.

Whereas the incident in 2004 took place further north, in the narrow waters
of the Shatt al-Arab waterway, and British officials were far less clear
about which side of the disputed border they were.

It was "appalling weather" and "a confused situation" they said at the
time - leaving open the possibility servicemen were indeed picked up in
Iranian waters.

Blindfolded appearance

At any event, on that occasion the eight men and their three patrol boats
were accused of entering Iranian territorial waters deliberately,
"fully-armed with sophisticated weapons, radios and other instruments",
according to the Iranians.

Some reports even suggested they might be put on trial in Iran.

They were held for three days, and paraded blindfolded on Iranian

Only after they had made a televised apology for apparently losing their way
and straying into Iranian territory were they flown to Tehran and released
into the custody of the British embassy there.

Though the boats and equipment were never returned to Britain.

Strained relations

But the more significant difference between then and now is the changed
political climate.

In 2004, though relations between Britain and Iran were strained, they had
not deteriorated to the current level.

British diplomats were still insisting Iranian influence in southern Iraq,
though extensive, was largely benign.

And although the row over Iran's nuclear programme was brewing, a phone call
to Tehran from Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw was able to draw on
previous good relations with the reformist Iranian Foreign Minister, Kamal
Kharazzi, to help defuse the crisis.

Today the diplomatic landscape is more complicated.

Iraq influence claims

In the first place both Britain and the United States are now openly
accusing some on the Iranian side of fuelling the violence inside Iraq.

Just this morning the British commanding officer in Basra in southern Iraq
said he had been told by local tribal leaders that Iranian agents were
arming locals and paying them up to $500 a month to carry out attacks and,
he said, "all circumstantial evidence points to Iranian involvement."

Further north the Americans have made similar allegations.

And Iran has repeatedly voiced its anger at the arrest in January of five
members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard on suspicion of fuelling unrest. They
are still being held by the Americans.

But beyond strains over Iraq, there is also rising tension over Iran's
nuclear programme.

Since the previous reformist Iranian president was replaced by President
Ahmadinejad in June 2005, Western attempts to persuade Iran to curb its
nuclear ambitions have got nowhere.

Rising pressure

At every turn President Ahmadinejad has defiantly insisted that Iran will
pursue its legal right to enrich uranium.

That has led the UN Security Council to up the ante by imposing targeted

Now the pressure is about to be ratcheted up again.

The UN Security Council is poised to vote on a new resolution to widen those

At UN headquarters in New York this week an attempt by South Africa to delay
and dilute the new sanctions was firmly rebuffed by some of the
veto-wielding members - including Britain.

Now it looks as though the vote could come as early as Saturday.

President Ahmadinejad has even announced he wants to fly to New York to put
his case to the Security Council.

Supreme leader's warning

So is today's incident connected to the wider diplomatic context?

Well, it certainly could be.

Earlier this week the Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned
Western countries that if they continued to issue "threats and enforcement
of coercion and violence, then undoubtedly they must know that the Iranian
authorities will use all their capacities to strike enemies that attack".

And some Iranian officials briefing reporters privately have echoed that

But it also seems there is an intense debate going on between different
factions inside the Iranian government about how far it is really in the
country's interests to push confrontation.

A recent conference in Baghdad which both the Americans and Iranians
attended produced some sharp exchanges but also the hope that further
co-operation might be possible.

And alongside the veiled threats, Iranian diplomats have also signalled they
are ready for a compromise on the nuclear deal - so long as they are not
forced into a humiliating climb-down.

All of which suggests this latest seizure of British sailors may well be
part of a bigger diplomatic game.

But it is also still possible it is simply the result of a misunderstanding
in a confused area where territorial waters have for decades been disputed.

So whether the diplomatic background makes it easier or harder to extract
their release is difficult to tell.

At the very least, those conducting negotiations to end the crisis will have
to tread carefully.
On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 21:15:08 GMT, "Patriot Games"
<> wrote:

>Friday, 23 March 2007
>Tense backdrop to Navy incident

US will finish it??????

NO WAY. Absolutely NOT!

The Brits hate our guts. They have made it clear.

NO MORE ADVENTURES. Remember? Remember the news stories about their
miltiary guys saying "well the Americans, their trigger happy. They
don't understand how to deal with these people"

I see they're making great headway in the Muslim world with their

If they have any sense of consistency they will immediately sack their
top navy commander and pull all their guys back from the disputed
waters pronto AND pull completely out of Iraq (they're already running
like dogs shot by bb gun).

If they're going to call us fascists for being muscular they need to
handle their own problems.

They're the ones who pissed on us and counseled diplomacy with Iran,

And called us stupid.

And **** all over the courageous Tony Blair, our ONLY British friend
except maybe some of their military and police guys who actually
understand what we're up against.

Picture Charlie Brown, Lucy and the football. Guess who we would be
if we did anything to Iran to help our 'allies' (who hate our guts) or
to support the UN's pointless toilet-paper resolutions. .
"djw" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 21:15:08 GMT, "Patriot Games"
> <> wrote:
>>Friday, 23 March 2007
>>Tense backdrop to Navy incident

> US will finish it??????
> NO WAY. Absolutely NOT!


> The Brits hate our guts. They have made it clear.

Which Brits? The civilian population whose opinion MEANS NOTHING. Or did
you mean the Blair and the Brit military with whom we get along just fine?

> NO MORE ADVENTURES. Remember? Remember the news stories about their
> miltiary guys saying "well the Americans, their trigger happy. They
> don't understand how to deal with these people"
> I see they're making great headway in the Muslim world with their
> understanding.
> If they have any sense of consistency they will immediately sack their
> top navy commander and pull all their guys back from the disputed
> waters pronto AND pull completely out of Iraq (they're already running
> like dogs shot by bb gun).
> If they're going to call us fascists for being muscular they need to
> handle their own problems.
> They're the ones who pissed on us and counseled diplomacy with Iran,
> remember?
> And called us stupid.
> And **** all over the courageous Tony Blair, our ONLY British friend
> except maybe some of their military and police guys who actually
> understand what we're up against.
> Picture Charlie Brown, Lucy and the football. Guess who we would be
> if we did anything to Iran to help our 'allies' (who hate our guts) or
> to support the UN's pointless toilet-paper resolutions. .

The UN sanctions are important because they're part of a process that will
eventually led to our sanctioned bombing of Iran.
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 17:06:42 GMT, "Patriot Games"
<> wrote:

>"djw" <> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 21:15:08 GMT, "Patriot Games"
>> <> wrote:
>>>Friday, 23 March 2007
>>>Tense backdrop to Navy incident

>> US will finish it??????
>> NO WAY. Absolutely NOT!

>> The Brits hate our guts. They have made it clear.

>Which Brits? The civilian population whose opinion MEANS NOTHING. Or did
>you mean the Blair and the Brit military with whom we get along just fine?

The former. They'll be spitting nails along with all of Europe,
Canada, Latin America, and half this country if we do anything
aggressive toward Iran.

Remember Iraq? Remember how we did the right thing? Pled to the UN,
formed a 60 nation coalition, gave dickhead Hussein an entire 1 and a
half years to comply (hide his weapons, no doubt)?

The only thing guaranteed Patriot is that will be replayed, probably

I don't want to help people who do not want to be helped. Indeed will
spit on us for it and call our President a dimwit. They see no
correlation between the people who murdered their fellow Brits on a
train and this Iranian Islamic police state.

>> NO MORE ADVENTURES. Remember? Remember the news stories about their
>> miltiary guys saying "well the Americans, their trigger happy. They
>> don't understand how to deal with these people"
>> I see they're making great headway in the Muslim world with their
>> understanding.
>> If they have any sense of consistency they will immediately sack their
>> top navy commander and pull all their guys back from the disputed
>> waters pronto AND pull completely out of Iraq (they're already running
>> like dogs shot by bb gun).
>> If they're going to call us fascists for being muscular they need to
>> handle their own problems.
>> They're the ones who pissed on us and counseled diplomacy with Iran,
>> remember?
>> And called us stupid.
>> And **** all over the courageous Tony Blair, our ONLY British friend
>> except maybe some of their military and police guys who actually
>> understand what we're up against.
>> Picture Charlie Brown, Lucy and the football. Guess who we would be
>> if we did anything to Iran to help our 'allies' (who hate our guts) or
>> to support the UN's pointless toilet-paper resolutions. .

>The UN sanctions are important because they're part of a process that will
>eventually led to our sanctioned bombing of Iran.

Yes but the nations who they're intended for laugh at them and the
nations on the security counsel have no intention of ever enforcing
them save the U.S. and British but ONLY with a Tony Blair in the lead.

Things are going to have to get worse before they get better and the
US needs to let the Brits and the Euros handle Iran because they
already said they could (which they obviously can't and won't). They
realize now that they've set the standard on aggressive defense (they
against it) they CAN'T act or they'll be called fascists. In fact,
the only nations that seem to get exemption from being called fascists
are the actual fascists!!!

We can take some small comfort in the fact that IRan is in dire
straights economically due to Amhadinejad's stupidity and their people
are sick of being oppressed. They may fall on their own anyway.

If they attack Israel, well we can't stop that anyway with Russia
helping them with nuclear technology and a useless UN passing
resolutions against Israel all the time and helping make they and we
international pariahs while militant Islam marches merrily along.
"djw" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 17:06:42 GMT, "Patriot Games"
> <> wrote:
>>"djw" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 21:15:08 GMT, "Patriot Games"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>Friday, 23 March 2007
>>>>Tense backdrop to Navy incident
>>> US will finish it??????
>>> NO WAY. Absolutely NOT!

>>> The Brits hate our guts. They have made it clear.

>>Which Brits? The civilian population whose opinion MEANS NOTHING. Or did
>>you mean the Blair and the Brit military with whom we get along just fine?

> The former. They'll be spitting nails along with all of Europe,
> Canada, Latin America, and half this country if we do anything
> aggressive toward Iran.

Bullshit. The Brit military (especially the Royal Navy) would LOVE to sink
some Iranian watercraft!

> Remember Iraq? Remember how we did the right thing? Pled to the UN,
> formed a 60 nation coalition, gave dickhead Hussein an entire 1 and a
> half years to comply (hide his weapons, no doubt)?
> The only thing guaranteed Patriot is that will be replayed, probably
> worse.

You're depressing me....

> I don't want to help people who do not want to be helped. Indeed will
> spit on us for it and call our President a dimwit. They see no
> correlation between the people who murdered their fellow Brits on a
> train and this Iranian Islamic police state.

Now I'm really depressed....

>>> NO MORE ADVENTURES. Remember? Remember the news stories about their
>>> miltiary guys saying "well the Americans, their trigger happy. They
>>> don't understand how to deal with these people"
>>> I see they're making great headway in the Muslim world with their
>>> understanding.
>>> If they have any sense of consistency they will immediately sack their
>>> top navy commander and pull all their guys back from the disputed
>>> waters pronto AND pull completely out of Iraq (they're already running
>>> like dogs shot by bb gun).
>>> If they're going to call us fascists for being muscular they need to
>>> handle their own problems.
>>> They're the ones who pissed on us and counseled diplomacy with Iran,
>>> remember?
>>> And called us stupid.
>>> And **** all over the courageous Tony Blair, our ONLY British friend
>>> except maybe some of their military and police guys who actually
>>> understand what we're up against.
>>> Picture Charlie Brown, Lucy and the football. Guess who we would be
>>> if we did anything to Iran to help our 'allies' (who hate our guts) or
>>> to support the UN's pointless toilet-paper resolutions. .

>>The UN sanctions are important because they're part of a process that will
>>eventually led to our sanctioned bombing of Iran.

> Yes but the nations who they're intended for laugh at them and the
> nations on the security counsel have no intention of ever enforcing
> them save the U.S. and British but ONLY with a Tony Blair in the lead.

We can bring charges on any nation not honoring the sanctions.

> Things are going to have to get worse before they get better and the
> US needs to let the Brits and the Euros handle Iran because they
> already said they could (which they obviously can't and won't). They
> realize now that they've set the standard on aggressive defense (they
> against it) they CAN'T act or they'll be called fascists. In fact,
> the only nations that seem to get exemption from being called fascists
> are the actual fascists!!!

Ok, I'm now officially depressed.

> We can take some small comfort in the fact that IRan is in dire
> straights economically due to Amhadinejad's stupidity and their people
> are sick of being oppressed. They may fall on their own anyway.

A bright spot emerges from the darkness!

> If they attack Israel, well we can't stop that anyway with Russia
> helping them with nuclear technology and a useless UN passing
> resolutions against Israel all the time and helping make they and we
> international pariahs while militant Islam marches merrily along.

If Iran attacks Israel Iran will cease to exist. Israel doesn't have the
air power to fly against Iran AND defend her skies. Israel would nuke them
and be done with it.

Our defense treaties with Israel would pull us into flying defense sorties
over and around Israel.
On Mar 28, 7:35 pm, djw <> wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 16:51:58 GMT, "Patriot Games"
> <> wrote:
> >>>> The Brits hate our guts. They have made it clear.
> >>>Which Brits? The civilian population whose opinion MEANS NOTHING. Or did
> >>>you mean the Blair and the Brit military with whom we get along just fine?
> >> The former. They'll be spitting nails along with all of Europe,
> >> Canada, Latin America, and half this country if we do anything
> >> aggressive toward Iran.

> >Bullshit. The Brit military (especially the Royal Navy) would LOVE to sink
> >some Iranian watercraft!

> Right. That's why I said the former and not the latter.
In article <>,
djw <> wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 21:15:08 GMT, "Patriot Games"
> <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Friday, 23 March 2007
> >Tense backdrop to Navy incident

> US will finish it??????
> NO WAY. Absolutely NOT!
> The Brits hate our guts.

Nope. Try again.
In article <>,
djw <> wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 17:06:42 GMT, "Patriot Games"
> <> wrote:
> >"djw" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 21:15:08 GMT, "Patriot Games"
> >> <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>Friday, 23 March 2007
> >>>Tense backdrop to Navy incident
> >> US will finish it??????
> >> NO WAY. Absolutely NOT!

> >
> >Guaranteed.
> >
> >> The Brits hate our guts. They have made it clear.

> >
> >Which Brits? The civilian population whose opinion MEANS NOTHING. Or did
> >you mean the Blair and the Brit military with whom we get along just fine?

> The former. They'll be spitting nails along with all of Europe,
> Canada, Latin America, and half this country if we do anything
> aggressive toward Iran.

On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 16:51:58 GMT, "Patriot Games"
<> wrote:

>>>> The Brits hate our guts. They have made it clear.
>>>Which Brits? The civilian population whose opinion MEANS NOTHING. Or did
>>>you mean the Blair and the Brit military with whom we get along just fine?

>> The former. They'll be spitting nails along with all of Europe,
>> Canada, Latin America, and half this country if we do anything
>> aggressive toward Iran.

>Bullshit. The Brit military (especially the Royal Navy) would LOVE to sink
>some Iranian watercraft!

Right. That's why I said the former and not the latter.
On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 21:49:44 -0400, Harold Burton
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
> djw <> wrote:
>> On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 21:15:08 GMT, "Patriot Games"
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >Friday, 23 March 2007
>> >Tense backdrop to Navy incident

>> US will finish it??????
>> NO WAY. Absolutely NOT!
>> The Brits hate our guts.

>Nope. Try again.

What do you mean nope try again? Try backing it up as I can.

They most certainly do. Here's how they felt us when we were only
PLANNING on going into Iraq. Imagine how they feel about us now after
we actually did it and it didn't go ideally:
08/14/2002 - Updated 01:47 AM ET

Global warmth for U.S. after 9/11 turns to frost
By Ellen Hale, USA TODAY
OXFORD, England
In article <>,
djw <> wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 21:49:44 -0400, Harold Burton
> <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > djw <> wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 21:15:08 GMT, "Patriot Games"
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Friday, 23 March 2007
> >> >Tense backdrop to Navy incident
> >>
> >> US will finish it??????
> >>
> >> NO WAY. Absolutely NOT!
> >>
> >> The Brits hate our guts.

> >
> >
> >Nope. Try again.

> What do you mean nope try again?

I didn't say that.