Iraq is exploding. Bush/Cheney/McCain are lookin' up...we think


Harry Hope


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Iraq is exploding: "The cease-fire is over; we have been told to fight
the Americans"

by Joe Sudbay (DC)

Now Dick Cheney and John McCain were in Iraq last week telling us all
how great things were going, although Cheney had to sneak into Iraq
without being greeted as a liberator,
five years later, and McCain repeatedly didn't know the basic facts
about the n Sunnis and Shiites.

George Bush, with some of his old swagger, touted the progress in Iraq
last week, too.

But, one more time, the facts don't match the rhetoric from

The Mahdi Army's seven-month-long cease-fire appears to have come

Rockets fired from the capital's Shiite district of Sadr City slammed
into the Green Zone Tuesday, the second time in three days, and
firefights erupted around Baghdad pitting government and US forces
against the militia allied to the influential Shiite cleric Moqtada

At the same time, the oil-export city of Basra became a battleground
Tuesday as Iraqi forces, backed by US air power, launched a major
crackdown on the Mahdi Army elements.

British and US forces were guarding the border with Iran to intercept
incoming weapons or fighters, according to a senior security official
in Basra.

The US blames the latest attacks on rogue Mahdi Army elements tied to
Iran, but analysts say the spike in fighting with Shiite militants
potentially opens a second front in the war when the American military
is still doing battle with the Sunni extremists of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

"The cease-fire is over; we have been told to fight the Americans,"
said one Mahdi Army militiaman, who was reached by telephone in Sadr

This same man, when interviewed in January, had stated that he was
abiding by the cease-fire and that he was keeping busy running his
cellular phone store.


Well, ya see, that's what happens when Cheney forgets to change Johnny
and Georgie's diapers
