Iraq's Best-Loved Athlete Want's America "OUT"


Gandalf Grey

Younis Mahmoud: "I Want America Out" - Why Iraq's Best-Loved Athlete Can't
Go Home

By Gary Leupp
Created Aug 2 2007 - 9:13am

He may be the most beloved man in Iraq right now. Younis Mahmoud, the Iraqi
soccer team captain who scored the winning goal in Iraq's final win over
Saudi Arabia in the Asian Cup, triggering mass jubilation in his tortured
country, is a symbol of Iraqi nationhood.

Mahmoud, a Sunni Muslim on a majority Shiite team, scored on a pass last
Sunday from Mulla Mohammed, the team's only Kurdish player, for a 1-0
victory. I can only imagine how moving that was to the secular Baathists,
the Sadrist nationalists, and others worried about civil war provoked by the
invasion, or partition as openly suggested by some U.S. politicians like Joe
Biden. All kinds of people are saying that Iraqis should learn from the
soccer team and unite to achieve national goals. Praise for the team vents
contempt for the corruption and lethargy of the compromised political class.

But does Mahmoud plan to head home and bask in his country's affection? No,
he'll return to his home in Qatar where he plays for a local team.

"I don't want the Iraqi people to be angry with me," he told AP, noting that
a bomb killed Iraqis celebrating the teams' win over South Korea last week.
The dead included a boy. "His mother said when her child was killed in front
of her, she didn't cry. She said, 'I present my son as a sacrifice for the
national team.' Then we had to win." Mahmoud is perhaps disturbed that
anyone would attack a group of soccer fans celebrating a victory. But he
also expresses fear towards those ruling Iraq.

One of the team captain's closest friends has been arrested during the
occupation, "and for one year neither me nor his family knew where he is."
Mahmoud has no confidence about his own security in Iraq, even as it unites
in pride over his athletic achievement. He's afraid he'll be killed if he
goes back, and makes it clear where he places the blame for the catastrophe.

"I want America to go out," he declares. "Today, tomorrow, or the day after
tomorrow, but out. I wish the American people didn't invade Iraq and
hopefully it will be over soon."

I doubt his reputation in Iraq will suffer from the report of those remarks.

Other Iraqi soccer-players' quotes from the past [1]

Olympic team midfielder Salih Sadir, responding in Athens in August 2004 to
Bush's claim that Iraq wouldn't be able to participate in the games had he
not "liberated" their country tells Sports Illustrated: "Iraq as a team does
not want Mr. Bush to use us for the presidential campaign. . . . He can find
another way to advertise himself. . . .We don't wish for the presence of the
Americans in our country. We want them to go away."

Star player Ahmed Manajid, Sunni from Fallujah, after declaring that if he
weren't playing soccer in Athens he would "for sure" be fighting alongside
his people: "I want to defend my home. If a stranger invades America and the
people resist, does that mean they are terrorists? Everyone [in Fallujah]
has been labeled a terrorist. These are all lies. Fallujah people are some
of the best people in Iraq. . . How will [Bush] meet his god having
slaughtered so many men and women? He has committed so many crimes."

Team coach Adnan Hamad stressed, "My problems are not with the American
people. . . They are with what America has done in Iraq: destroy everything.
.. . The American army has killed so many people in Iraq. What is freedom
when I go to the stadium and there are shootings on the road?"

About author Gary Leupp is a Professor of History, and Adjunct Professor of
Comparative Religion, at Tufts University and author of numerous works on
Japanese history. He can be reached at: [2].

NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not
always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
available to advance understanding of
political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. I
believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107

"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson
On Aug 3, 12:19 pm, "Gandalf Grey" <>
> Younis Mahmoud: "I Want America Out" - Why Iraq's Best-Loved Athlete Can't
> Go Home
> By Gary Leupp
> Created Aug 2 2007 - 9:13am
> He may be the most beloved man in Iraq right now. Younis Mahmoud, the Iraqi
> soccer team captain who scored the winning goal in Iraq's final win over
> Saudi Arabia in the Asian Cup, triggering mass jubilation in his tortured
> country, is a symbol of Iraqi nationhood.
> Mahmoud, a Sunni Muslim on a majority Shiite team, scored on a pass last
> Sunday from Mulla Mohammed, the team's only Kurdish player, for a 1-0
> victory. I can only imagine how moving that was to the secular Baathists,
> the Sadrist nationalists, and others worried about civil war provoked by the
> invasion, or partition as openly suggested by some U.S. politicians like Joe
> Biden. All kinds of people are saying that Iraqis should learn from the
> soccer team and unite to achieve national goals. Praise for the team vents
> contempt for the corruption and lethargy of the compromised political class.
> But does Mahmoud plan to head home and bask in his country's affection? No,
> he'll return to his home in Qatar where he plays for a local team.
> "I don't want the Iraqi people to be angry with me," he told AP, noting that
> a bomb killed Iraqis celebrating the teams' win over South Korea last week.
> The dead included a boy. "His mother said when her child was killed in front
> of her, she didn't cry. She said, 'I present my son as a sacrifice for the
> national team.' Then we had to win." Mahmoud is perhaps disturbed that
> anyone would attack a group of soccer fans celebrating a victory. But he
> also expresses fear towards those ruling Iraq.
> One of the team captain's closest friends has been arrested during the
> occupation, "and for one year neither me nor his family knew where he is."
> Mahmoud has no confidence about his own security in Iraq, even as it unites
> in pride over his athletic achievement. He's afraid he'll be killed if he
> goes back, and makes it clear where he places the blame for the catastrophe.
> "I want America to go out," he declares. "Today, tomorrow, or the day after
> tomorrow, but out. I wish the American people didn't invade Iraq and
> hopefully it will be over soon."
> I doubt his reputation in Iraq will suffer from the report of those remarks.
> Other Iraqi soccer-players' quotes from the past [1]
> Olympic team midfielder Salih Sadir, responding in Athens in August 2004 to
> Bush's claim that Iraq wouldn't be able to participate in the games had he
> not "liberated" their country tells Sports Illustrated: "Iraq as a team does
> not want Mr. Bush to use us for the presidential campaign. . . . He can find
> another way to advertise himself. . . .We don't wish for the presence of the
> Americans in our country. We want them to go away."
> Star player Ahmed Manajid, Sunni from Fallujah, after declaring that if he
> weren't playing soccer in Athens he would "for sure" be fighting alongside
> his people: "I want to defend my home. If a stranger invades America and the
> people resist, does that mean they are terrorists? Everyone [in Fallujah]
> has been labeled a terrorist. These are all lies. Fallujah people are some
> of the best people in Iraq. . . How will [Bush] meet his god having
> slaughtered so many men and women? He has committed so many crimes."
> Team coach Adnan Hamad stressed, "My problems are not with the American
> people. . . They are with what America has done in Iraq: destroy everything.
> . . The American army has killed so many people in Iraq. What is freedom
> when I go to the stadium and there are shootings on the road?"
> _______
> About author Gary Leupp is a Professor of History, and Adjunct Professor of
> Comparative Religion, at Tufts University and author of numerous works on
> Japanese history. He can be reached at: [2].
> --
> NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not
> always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
> available to advance understanding of
> political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. I
> believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
> Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107
> "A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
> spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
> government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
> suffering deeply in spirit,
> and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
> debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
> patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
> back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
> stake."
> -Thomas Jefferson


.... on the mass unemployment in that state instead of following right-
wing NUTS who got 'em in that fix in the first place.

On Fri, 3 Aug 2007 09:19:39 -0700, "Gandalf Grey"
<> wrote:

>Created Aug 2 2007 - 9:13am

Created or is fabricated the better term.

CNN would love to run with this. But I don't see it anywhere but the
left-wing echo chamber.

So first question first. Is it even a real story?
The Iraqi soccer team captain who scored the single goal to win the
Asia Cup this year:

"I wish the American people didn't invade Iraq and hopefully it will
be over soon."

Let's hope that the American people insist that their representatives
in Congress hear that very message.

Why do our politicians insist on imposing their will on other people?

Where are you Hillary Clinton who wants to keep our troops deployed in
Iraq for the forseeable future---for at least another 10 years if she
should become president of the US for the next two terms?

Where are you Nancy Pelosi who would not defund the war when you have
the power to do so and when the people put you in that position of
power to do so?

Historically, the female sex has always been the icon of peace and
compassion. Look at Aristophanes' play Lysistrata and Jacques-Louis
David's 1799 oil painting, Les Sabines or "The Intervention of The
Sabine Women".

But all Nancy Pelosi has to show for as the Speaker of the House is
the installation of a day care center at Congress while ignoring the
millions of children and women who are dying of thirst, diseases, or
grief everyday in Iraq.

Yes, they are dying because of our occupation. And that's exactly
the soccer team captain's message.

In America, it seems that the new found power of the fairer sex has
become reserved entirely to prove how macho the women politicians in
Washington really can be and are: Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton,
Condoleezza Rice, and their lesser imitators.

Ordinary American people seem to blame Bush and Cheney only for the

They seem to ignore the fact that without the cooperation of these
women, Bush and Cheney would have been unable to pull this inhumane
act off, much less able to maintain it to this day, with no end in
sight, and with all the powerful women like Clinton, Pelosi, and Rice
cheering it along. The power of cooperation is in fact the essence of
the message that runs through Aristophanes' Lysistrata and David's Les

lo yeeOn

>One of the team captain's closest friends has been arrested during
>the occupation, "and for one year neither me nor his family knew
>where he is." Mahmoud has no confidence about his own security in
>Iraq, even as it unites in pride over his athletic achievement. He's
>afraid he'll be killed if he goes back, and makes it clear where he
>places the blame for the catastrophe. "I want America to go out," he
>declares. "Today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, but out. I
>wish the American people didn't invade Iraq and hopefully it will be
>over soon."

In article <46b35404$1$23517$>,
Gandalf Grey <> wrote:
>Younis Mahmoud: "I Want America Out" - Why Iraq's Best-Loved Athlete Can't
>Go Home
>By Gary Leupp
>Created Aug 2 2007 - 9:13am
>He may be the most beloved man in Iraq right now. Younis Mahmoud, the Iraqi
>soccer team captain who scored the winning goal in Iraq's final win over
>Saudi Arabia in the Asian Cup, triggering mass jubilation in his tortured
>country, is a symbol of Iraqi nationhood.
>Mahmoud, a Sunni Muslim on a majority Shiite team, scored on a pass last
>Sunday from Mulla Mohammed, the team's only Kurdish player, for a 1-0
>victory. I can only imagine how moving that was to the secular Baathists,
>the Sadrist nationalists, and others worried about civil war provoked by the
>invasion, or partition as openly suggested by some U.S. politicians like Joe
>Biden. All kinds of people are saying that Iraqis should learn from the
>soccer team and unite to achieve national goals. Praise for the team vents
>contempt for the corruption and lethargy of the compromised political class.
>But does Mahmoud plan to head home and bask in his country's affection? No,
>he'll return to his home in Qatar where he plays for a local team.
>"I don't want the Iraqi people to be angry with me," he told AP, noting that
>a bomb killed Iraqis celebrating the teams' win over South Korea last week.
>The dead included a boy. "His mother said when her child was killed in front
>of her, she didn't cry. She said, 'I present my son as a sacrifice for the
>national team.' Then we had to win." Mahmoud is perhaps disturbed that
>anyone would attack a group of soccer fans celebrating a victory. But he
>also expresses fear towards those ruling Iraq.
>One of the team captain's closest friends has been arrested during the
>occupation, "and for one year neither me nor his family knew where he is."
>Mahmoud has no confidence about his own security in Iraq, even as it unites
>in pride over his athletic achievement. He's afraid he'll be killed if he
>goes back, and makes it clear where he places the blame for the catastrophe.
>"I want America to go out," he declares. "Today, tomorrow, or the day after
>tomorrow, but out. I wish the American people didn't invade Iraq and
>hopefully it will be over soon."
>I doubt his reputation in Iraq will suffer from the report of those remarks.
>Other Iraqi soccer-players' quotes from the past [1]
>Olympic team midfielder Salih Sadir, responding in Athens in August 2004 to
>Bush's claim that Iraq wouldn't be able to participate in the games had he
>not "liberated" their country tells Sports Illustrated: "Iraq as a team does
>not want Mr. Bush to use us for the presidential campaign. . . . He can find
>another way to advertise himself. . . .We don't wish for the presence of the
>Americans in our country. We want them to go away."
>Star player Ahmed Manajid, Sunni from Fallujah, after declaring that if he
>weren't playing soccer in Athens he would "for sure" be fighting alongside
>his people: "I want to defend my home. If a stranger invades America and the
>people resist, does that mean they are terrorists? Everyone [in Fallujah]
>has been labeled a terrorist. These are all lies. Fallujah people are some
>of the best people in Iraq. . . How will [Bush] meet his god having
>slaughtered so many men and women? He has committed so many crimes."
>Team coach Adnan Hamad stressed, "My problems are not with the American
>people. . . They are with what America has done in Iraq: destroy everything.
>. . The American army has killed so many people in Iraq. What is freedom
>when I go to the stadium and there are shootings on the road?"
>About author Gary Leupp is a Professor of History, and Adjunct Professor of
>Comparative Religion, at Tufts University and author of numerous works on
>Japanese history. He can be reached at: [2].
>NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not
>always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
>available to advance understanding of
>political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. I
>believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as
>provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
>Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107
>"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
>spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
>government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
>suffering deeply in spirit,
>and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
>debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
>patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
>back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
>-Thomas Jefferson
djw wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Aug 2007 09:19:39 -0700, "Gandalf Grey"
> <> wrote:
>> Created Aug 2 2007 - 9:13am

> Created or is fabricated the better term.
> CNN would love to run with this. But I don't see it anywhere but the
> left-wing echo chamber.

Bullshit. CNN is an establishment cheerleader.