Is AIG really leaving?

The results so far are interesting...

I would think after she actually posted how she felt about 9-11, how she would have been glad if the White House would have been destroyed that she would have been happy, that more people would be wanting her to leave.
I like her in the way you like to watch a spider under glass to see what it will do...
People can be so ****ed up.
I don't know if she has said but her linguistic style suggests a link to the UK, if thats where she is living then she needs to be careful about expressing her real views or she will find herself out on her ass...Say what you want about Tony but I like his actions in throwing people causing problems out on their ass. I hope the US follows suit soon.
Sheesh.Yes I'm leaving.I already told you the reason why I'm still here.I have a ****in' week off work!!!

Oops...Allah kills a baby kitten everytime you just killed a kitten, bad girl! :mad:
Lethalfind said:
LOL, I heard Allah kills a kitten everytime a Muslim mans eats some punani...

And the baby Jesus cries whenever you take the Lord's name in vain.

Is this going somewhere? :cool:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Allah just killed two more baby kittens because you both misspelled SUPERMAN.

Poor kittens...

And baby Jesus cried too. He hates seeing kittens beheaded.
eisanbt said:
With such excessive emotional trauma, baby Jesus is gonna grow up to be one sick ****.

We've successfully tapped the baby Jesus' perpetual flow of tears.

The product is successfully marketted as Victoria Bitter. ;)

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builder said:
I'm a fan of Supreman too. Who the **** is Lex Luthor?
who is Lex Luthor??????????????????????????????

"The warped scientific genius who has been Superman's most dangerous enemy for over six decades. An evil genius and avowed enemy of humanity, he is the greatest renegade scientist of all time and one of the most dangerous evil-doers in the universe.

In an early encounter with Superman, Luthor described himself as "Just an ordinary man - but with the brain of a super-genius!" (1940), yet the texts portray him as a crazed scientist and master-fiend, a wily scientific genius with a consuming urge to conquer the world.

A power-mad, evil scientist, Superman's most inveterate hater, is Luthor. He could have been a mighty force for good in the world yet he chose to direct his great scientific brain into criminal channels.
Action Comics 47, 1942
Although Superman clearly considers Luthor one of the world's greatest scientists, despite the fact that he is a criminal, the Man of Steel has also described Luthor as a "madman" and a "fiend" and numbered him among the world's worst villains. "With that fantastic brain of his," reflects Clark Kent in September 1962, "Luthor is a menace to the entire universe!"

"Of all Superman's foes," notes Action Comics 294, "none is more relentless than Luthor, Earth's most evil criminal scientist! Luthor's driving ambition has always been to enslave the Earth, but Superman has always stood in the way!"
Now how can you be a Superman fan and not know who Lex Luthor is??
Lethalfind said:
sorry, I missed that one, now its me taking people too seriously on here...

This is a debate forum. You've scoped the Alt forums. You found lots of "serious" debate there too? Huh?

Lethal. You are classic.
builder said:
This is a debate forum. You've scoped the Alt forums. You found lots of "serious" debate there too? Huh?

Lethal. You are classic.

I guess your trying to be so clever I don't get what your saying...
I was in fact making a joke against myself that I didn't get your joke.
Again, you need to chill.
Some people might take this seriously enough to hate you but I don't, so don't assume things I say mean the worst thing posible.
Lethalfind said:
I guess your trying to be so clever I don't get what your saying...
I was in fact making a joke against myself that I didn't get your joke.
Again, you need to chill.
Some people might take this seriously enough to hate you but I don't, so don't assume things I say mean the worst thing posible.

I don't need to chill. I come here for a laugh, and to take the piss outta people. Aussie sarcasm is far removed from what you are used to.

Laconic, and dry, Aussies love to joust. In fact, if they back away from verbal repartee, they are considered to be suckholes and gutless.

Welcome to Australia. We give as good as we get. ;)
builder said:
I don't need to chill. I come here for a laugh, and to take the piss outta people. Aussie sarcasm is far removed from what you are used to.

Laconic, and dry, Aussies love to joust. In fact, if they back away from verbal repartee, they are considered to be suckholes and gutless.

Welcome to Australia. We give as good as we get. ;)

welcome to Australia might be fitting if I was IN Austrailia, I am not. So while I would like to understand how people express themselves, its not at the top of my list of priorities...
As far as your feeling that if someone backs away they are suckholes or gutless, that may be in OZ, however where I'm from it could mean we don't care...