Is Anyone Even Really Surprised At This Point?


New member
Breaking: Red State Obtains Copy of Kagan’s College Thesis…
And you will never guess what it’s on..Socialism! It’s a long document and was just posted on RS so I haven’t had time to dissect it. Please use this thread to share what you find…

(Redstate)- This proves Elena Kagan is an open and avowed socialist. The woman declares that socialists must stick together instead of radicalize.

You can see for yourself right here (PDF).



New member
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say she wrote a thesis on socialism in New York from 1900-1933?

But, I guess it will give the Glenn Beck fans something to draw another conspiracy on. :rolleyes:





New member
I had a commie teacher in one of my humanities courses. I wrote a paper defending socialism just to get an A. We know she is a socialist. She works for Obama.


Active Members
I had a commie teacher in one of my humanities courses. I wrote a paper defending socialism just to get an A. We know she is a socialist. She works for Obama.
Something said by hugo I completely agree with, birds of a feather and all that, there is no doubt that anyone who is close to Obama is a socialist.



New member
So your trying to tell me, from 11:30 last night when you created this topic, up until now, you read all 134 pages?

Yeah I bet.

So what are your thoughts on her take on communism and socialists?





Active Members
Yea, I did. In fact anyone who wants to know where she stands only needs to read the conclusion.
You still don't understand IWS, your supposed to ignore the actual words and trust them when they say they really did not mean that they wrote.

And Bender, I would not call myself a fan of Glenn Beck, but some of what he says is pretty good, just like I enjoy a lot of what Ron Paul says, but when Ron Pauls starts talkling about America is to blame for 9/11 and we should turn to isolationist beliefs I step back. I like many of the Bush policies but I also was very verbal about things he did I did not like such as his support for the McCain amnesty bill.

And there is one of the truly defining differences between normal liberals and normal conservatives, the normal liberals still feel the need to defend and even embrace everything their leadership proposes no matter how crazy while a normal conservative can find fault in one thing and support other things without feeling like we are betraying the party.

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