Is Bush right?

Slowly, but surely, people have began to realise his mistakes...

Yes. Bin Laden and others are the Hitlers and Stalins of our times.

Maybe. But I'm going to need some more convincing one way or the other.

No. This is just dishonest, warmongering designed to scare voters about national security in time for this fall's elections.

Like all the slumps Bush has had in the past, he needs to work something from the international community to strengthen is political image. This time, he can't find anything worth while.
Dick Cheney: Adolf Hitler
George W. Bush: Heinrich Himmler
CIA: Gestapy
Extreme, unwarranted Patriotism: Nazi Philosophies.
Senators: Nazis.
jokersarewild said:
Dick Cheney: Adolf Hitler
George W. Bush: Heinrich Himmler
CIA: Gestapy
Extreme, unwarranted Patriotism: Nazi Philosophies.
Senators: Nazis.
JAW = Joseph Goebels
Hamza = Rudolf Hess
builder = Col. Klink
AIG = Sargent Schultz
jokersarewild said:
Dick Cheney: Adolf Hitler
George W. Bush: Heinrich Himmler
CIA: Gestapy
Extreme, unwarranted Patriotism: Nazi Philosophies.
Senators: Nazis.

These debates are getting dumber by the day.
The thing is, Hugo, nothing that I disagree with has been set forth for debate, and all MRIH does is counters with some **** that has no real reason other then to hopefully make the opposition look dumb by making an ass of, why not mimic and make fun of his political prinicipals?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Sadaam Hussien = Adolf Hitler
Bin Laden = Heinrich Himmler
Taliban = Gestapo
Islamic Fundamentalists = The SS
Islam = The Nazi Part
Muslim = Nazi


Or if Clinton was BUSH...

MRIH = Monica Lewinsky
Well what do you people think the world war III alignments will be?

China-Russia-Iran-North Korea vs. Israel-America-and????? Who's gonna follow us into the fog?

These comparisons between the fascism of old and the fascism we now see, hold true. Nazi's were their own evil. Stalin had his own murderous regime. Bin Laden is different in his MO, but seeks the same result.

I'm not a big fan of George Bush. But I feel he is correct in his desire to use force in order to kill the eminent threat.
Jhony5 said:
Well what do you people think the world war III alignments will be?

China-Russia-Iran-North Korea vs. Israel-America-and????? Who's gonna follow us into the fog?

Russia won't be involved. They have too many of their own problems. It will be China, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Cuba (maybe), Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Palestine, various terrorist cells (foreign and domestic) VS USA, South Korea, Israel, England and some smaller numbers of troops from various other countries
Jhony5 said:
Well what do you people think the world war III alignments will be?

China-Russia-Iran-North Korea vs. Israel-America-and????? Who's gonna follow us into the fog?

These comparisons between the fascism of old and the fascism we now see, hold true. Nazi's were their own evil. Stalin had his own murderous regime. Bin Laden is different in his MO, but seeks the same result.

I'm not a big fan of George Bush. But I feel he is correct in his desire to use force in order to kill the eminent threat.
Like the previous World Wars, other countries will have to follow suite weather they like it or not. All democracies will be behind us. That includes you to Canada!:rolleyes:

You know what? I think China and Russia will be on our side eventually. Once they can't make any money and they are in jeopardy they'll jump the fence. The fights gonna be against the Arib nations.
Jhony5 said:
Well what do you people think the world war III alignments will be?

China-Russia-Iran-North Korea vs. Israel-America-and????? Who's gonna follow us into the fog?

These comparisons between the fascism of old and the fascism we now see, hold true. Nazi's were their own evil. Stalin had his own murderous regime. Bin Laden is different in his MO, but seeks the same result.

I'm not a big fan of George Bush. But I feel he is correct in his desire to use force in order to kill the eminent threat.
No I believe it will be:
USA, European Union, Russia .vs. ME, China, North Korea. Pakistan and India will try to remain nuetral but Pakistan will eventually side with ME and India with us.
And I'm tellin you guys this war is gonna last a whole lot longer than up to election year.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
No I believe it will be:
USA, European Union, Russia .vs. ME, China, North Korea. Pakistan and India will try to remain nuetral but Pakistan will eventually side with ME and India with us.

It helps to be realistic sometimes you know?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I was wondering if anybody would get it!

That was some pretty funny ****.
We used to watch that show faithfully when I was little. I even had a Dachsund named Schultzy..."I know nothing !!!"