Is it OK for Christians to insult islam?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004
This thread was started for AIG. She wants to know if it is OK in the Christian religion to insult other religions?

I am a bit curious myself... What is your opinion?
I simply believe that propagating hate towards anyone is bullshit. If ppl would stop 'Insulting' and start 'arguing' (Healthy argument that is) then i got no problems with pointing out wht you consider wrong in anothers religion so long as they have the oppertunity to do the same and neither of yous is being all "LISTEN MY PPL< THEY ARE DIPWADS!! CONVERT EM OR KILL EM!!"
IMO, Christians are no more innocent than a starving barracuda. Their history is just as jaded as the next religion.
I personally have never seen any commandments that said I couldn't slam another religion..

Although, I choose not to, not out of respect for another religion, but because I do not feel my knowledge of other religions, is strong enough that I would have a logical explanation to do so.

For instance, if I was to slam the Quran, I would first need to study it, and interpret it the way it was MEANT TO BE, before coming up with an ideal of my own that would make me believe the words in it were preposterous.
The christian faith is supposed to be pacifist, loving, forgiving, blah blah blah.......

cept their followers only use thse when it is convientent!

Technincally they have no right to insult anyone...after all "they arent supposed to judge others least they be judged themselves....

Much like any other major faith...They pick and choose passages and inflict harm on others with those same passages. And they feel they are totaly justified because someomeone wrote about it in the holy book.


No..they have no right to Insult/Judge...they arent supposed to. But who am i to tell self righteous ignorant lemmings what to do....

I just want to live in harmony in the world...but apparently that isnt allowed...

Guess im like Lennon...Im not the only one...but my voice doesnt matter....
Christians have no right to judge any religion, lest ye be judged thy self. Ain't that what your bible says?
Jhony5 said:
Christians have no right to judge any religion, lest ye be judged thy self. Ain't that what your bible says?

Yep..check the post above ya darlin' :D
I tried once to teach a group of cavemen to play scrabble. The problem was that all they say was !! AAAAHH !! and they couldn,t even spell that. The point i am trying to make is ..DONT WASTE YOUR ****ING TIME DEBATING RELIGION WITH A ****ING ZEALOT. YOU MAY AS WELL BANG YOUR HEAD AGAINST A BRICK WALL..
phreakwars said:
I personally have never seen any commandments that said I couldn't slam another religion..

Although, I choose not to, not out of respect for another religion, but because I do not feel my knowledge of other religions, is strong enough that I would have a logical explanation to do so.

For instance, if I was to slam the Quran, I would first need to study it, and interpret it the way it was MEANT TO BE, before coming up with an ideal of my own that would make me believe the words in it were preposterous.

MRIH,you need a lesson or two from Phreak...
'cause frankly you don't know anything about Islam or the Qu'ran.All you do is shout,''Islam is evil and barbaric while having no knowledge,except what the media tells you''.

Why do you think I don't insult the bible or christianity?I only know that the bible has many contradictions.You guys should visit the thread ''Is God Sadistic'' on ''Speak your Mind'',you'll find the contradictions there.
I'm sure its fine and dandy for the Christians to insult the Muslims. Why not? Next to Judaism, Christianity is the oldest of the monotheistic faiths to survive into our time. Older brothers should always bully their little brothers.

To be quite honest, who the **** cares? Is it the end of the world because little Johnny wants to call Akbar a homo? I don't think so. There are bigger problems in the world, nation than a Christian/Muslim argument. Move the **** on with your life.

Just because you're different than the status quo does NOT give you the right to flaunt your belief that your religion is better than anothers. You're no better than the Christians, that you say, insult you because you're Muslim. Celebrate diversity, yes, but keep it to yourself.

Seriously, I used to tell people I had mono. As it turned out, I was just really bored.
phreakwars said:
Boy, everyone who posts on this Blog is sure going to hell then.

Least they have the choice tho. Im seated, my seatbelt on, and rocketing downward according to both crap-o faiths....
Vortex said:
Least they have the choice tho. Im seated, my seatbelt on, and rocketing downward according to both crap-o faiths....
At least according to the idiots like "PIK", you'll get to have sex with young virgin boys in Islam's version of heaven !!! So I guess there is an up side. :D

Without imposing my own beliefes, it is still wrong to be christian and insult or attack others. It is part of the christian moral code.
phreakwars said:
At least according to the idiots like "PIK", you'll get to have sex with young virgin boys in Islam's version of heaven !!! So I guess there is an up side. :D


That sounds more like hell to me......Virgins dont know what they are doing...and im not a fan of hairless rats...err i mean boys....
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