Is it our fault?


New member
I know I got off on the wrong foot with some people but after reading this I'm sure most of the ladies will understand. Kudo's for the guys that do but after the reaction I got, I don't expect much. Interesting that some people got so hostile and had to bite my head off whereas some of them defended their pov intelligently and with a sense of humor. Shows me that they are secure and don't feel threaten by things people say to them.

Any hoo. Has anyone noticed on the news that there seems to be more serial rapists, and killers out there lately? Most of the victims are female. No I don't have a link I just know what I watch and read strongly indicates that. Why does it seem so prevalent? Do you think it's the internet with all it has to offer to push people farther into fantasy/ addiction or maybe a lot of women are expressing themselves in a provocative manner? Perhaps it's our permissive society. Now I'm not saying that just because women promote themselves as easy marks means that the man should act on it. We all have that choice unless we are severely mentally ill. No will always be no. But there seems to be so many predators out there with a sense of entitlement. Also do you think that predators can ever be cured. Mind you I'm talking both sexes here. Anybody have any ideas about a solution?



New member
Personally, I think there's not so much of an increase as there is more media coverage with a huge emphasis on shock value. You're free to disagree. :)

I don't think that expressing yourself in a provocative manner is an kind of excuse for brutally raping or killing someone; like you said: no means no!

I think we just have a lot of sick minds that wander through our world that feel they can do whatever they want.... they've always been there, but there's more of them now because there are more of us.

In the past many of these people would have been committed before they acted out so violently, but with State funded mental facilities being pretty much non-existant except for those who have already been convicted. Since the late 80's, with budget cuts and closing of facilities, they are now free to wander amongst us. Many would have been committed in the past by family, before they caused serious harm. Many health plans don't cover mental health and private care is prohibitively expensive.

I don't think they can be cured.... this kind of sickness is permanent and runs too deep.



Active Members
Well first of all there is no one 'right' answer but my own point of view is that it does happen more often and is caused mostly by a change in society to no longer hold anyone responsible for their own actions.

You can even kill someone, be found 'insane' then after a short time in a mental facility be back on the street again because your mental illness was 'cured'.

Outside of being insane there are a host of new and interesting ways a person can kill another person and still be found not guilty because of masterful legal games and theatrics in a courtroom (see OJ).

To a small degree I believe 'some' women do dress way to provacative but as you say, there is no excuse for attacking someone in that way and while the woman "MIGHT" have drawn more attention to herself and made herself a target because of her dress....the sick piece of garbage who would actually attack a woman would have forund someone to attack if not that woman so still the blame falls on them, not the woman.

That said, I would still think some common sense should be considered. I know there are areas of several towns I travel to that should be avoided if I want to avoid trouble. I would not start trouble but I find it smart to avoid the possibility of someone else starting trouble I might get pulled into. Women know they will get lots of attention if they dress that way, (that is the point right?) so by knowing this before they ever leave the house, I would say some extra precautions should be taken to be sure she is safe should be considered. Staying with a group of other girls is a good example.



New member
I know I got off on the wrong foot with some people but after reading this I'm sure most of the ladies will understand. Kudo's for the guys that do but after the reaction I got, I don't expect much. Interesting that some people got so hostile and had to bite my head off whereas some of them defended their pov intelligently and with a sense of humor. Shows me that they are secure and don't feel threaten by things people say to them.
blow it out your bohonkus.

Any hoo. Has anyone noticed on the news that there seems to be more serial rapists, and killers out there lately? Most of the victims are female. No I don't have a link I just know what I watch and read strongly indicates that. Why does it seem so prevalent? Do you think it's the internet with all it has to offer to push people farther into fantasy/ addiction or maybe a lot of women are expressing themselves in a provocative manner? Perhaps it's our permissive society. Now I'm not saying that just because women promote themselves as easy marks means that the man should act on it. We all have that choice unless we are severely mentally ill. No will always be no. But there seems to be so many predators out there with a sense of entitlement. Also do you think that predators can ever be cured. Mind you I'm talking both sexes here. Anybody have any ideas about a solution?
If hookers wouldn't charge so much there would be less rape. It's hard for a rapist to raise $300 a night.

in all seriousness, I am not sold that this kind of junk happens more now that it used to. This junk is considered newsworthy (the shock value Mercury talked about,) so it makes the news more often than it used to- in some ways that is good, and in some ways it is bad.

It's good that it raises awareness, but bad that it desensitizes us over time to the point where these stories no longer affect us like they used to- unless we know the person.

on that note, I haven't heard much about serial killers lately.



New member
blow it out your bohonkus.
If hookers wouldn't charge so much there would be less rape. It's hard for a rapist to raise $300 a night

on that note, I haven't heard much about serial killers lately.
Another mental midget. What do you watch cartoons and sports?



New member
I think it's slowly getting better. A lot better when comparing today to say even 50 or 60 years ago. Women aren't under the thumb of men as much overall as they were. Women didn't have it too good. A lot of women would have been scared sh tless back then to even bring a rape to the attention of police knowing full well nothing would really happen to the guy in terms of punishment, not to mention be blamed for it on many occasions in a court of law for "asking for it", spending their life suffering in silence. Lots still would be scared today, sadly, but I think it's better. Women are finding their voice and saying, f ck you.. no more. I do think a lot of men still see women as subservient, unfortunately. Typically the might = right crowd.. plenty of them around. I don't think an individual can be cured of that..

It's never a woman's.. or a mans fault for being raped/abused/mistreated/killed no matter what they do. Women have a right to do whatever and act however they want, much to the dismay of men who think "the good ol' days" were when a woman = property and prove it in various sick and pathetic ways. I've always heard the term.. rape isn't about ***, it's about power.

And yeah, women can be controlling too.. but pretty hard for a women to physically and forcibly rape a man or intimidate them with threats of physical violence. Women have other more subtle, sick ways .. it's not a one way street, but, history has not been kind to women in the bigger picture overall. There will always be people with a sense of entitlement and sick bastards of both sexes. But I do think it's slowly getting better overall for women in general to be able to stand up for their right to be whoever the **** they wanna be.

I agree we just hear more about it with all the sensationalist **** now.. and the fact that women have a voice they didn't always have. The worlds just gotten a lot smaller as far as information goes.



New member
Another mental midget. What do you watch cartoons and sports?
Change "sports" to NASCAR and she's got eddo pegged! :D

He's a good guy, ren... just a joker, like the rest of us.



New member
A lot of women would have been scared sh tless back then to even bring a rape to the attention of police knowing full well nothing would really happen to the guy in terms of punishment not to mention be blamed for it on many occasions in a court of law for "asking for it"..
I think that's a good point, too, wez.

I think if these things are statistically higher, it's because it's being reported more often than before.

In the past, a woman could count on being blamed for it, and becoming the victim of not just the rape, but of a system that holds her at fault for that rape.



New member
I think if these things are statistically higher, it's because it's being reported more often than before.

In the past, a woman could count on being blamed for it, and becoming the victim of not just the rape, but of a system that holds her at fault for that rape.
I think so too.. and pretty much agree with everything you said up there.. Good points on the mental health. I've been seriously considering going into that field when I graduate. In A couple months!! :D



New member
a couple months??? AWESOME! Congrats on chasing & achieving that dream:)
Thanks merc.. :) .. I'm soo ready to be done. I'll be in the ER basically working for the last half of the semester here starting in a couple weeks. Looking forward to it.



New member
Can I ask ren.. were you sexually assaulted? Or in an abusive relationship?

I'd understand your hesitancy to answer with people like TJ roaming around, but.. thought I'd ask.. I'm not a lady.. but I do know what it's like to be with a control freak.. Not fun..



New member
FBI crime statistics show the rape rate in the US declined by over 40% between 1992 and 2008.

Y'all need to turn off Nancy Grace.



New member
I called Nancy and said you were a perv and that she was going to do a whole segment on you ^^


New member
Can I ask ren.. were you sexually assaulted? Or in an abusive relationship?
I'd understand your hesitancy to answer with people like TJ roaming around, but.. thought I'd ask.. I'm not a lady.. but I do know what it's like to be with a control freak.. Not fun..
Well I've had bad and good. And I have to say it does trip my trigger in a most negative way to see another person abused, be it man or woman. I don't like to see others exploited either. I have to say I lean more towards the women on that but then I am one so I guess I'm biased.



New member
Well I've had bad and good. And I have to say it does trip my trigger in a most negative way to see another person abused, be it man or woman. I don't like to see others exploited either. I have to say I lean more towards the women on that but then I am one so I guess I'm biased.
Well.. I agree with ya.. and understand ya leanin' towards women too.. but.. consider that men don't have the resources to turn to that women do and tend to never tell a soul about their situation out of embarrassment and humiliation. I think it's just as common..

Ever heard of a shelter for abused men? Me either..



New member
But to be honest ren.. I feel fortunate now that I wasn't a women in that situation.. woulda been much worse I think.. So I'd lean towards women too.. but I'm not biased.. control freaks suck.. period.
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