New member
I know I got off on the wrong foot with some people but after reading this I'm sure most of the ladies will understand. Kudo's for the guys that do but after the reaction I got, I don't expect much. Interesting that some people got so hostile and had to bite my head off whereas some of them defended their pov intelligently and with a sense of humor. Shows me that they are secure and don't feel threaten by things people say to them.
Any hoo. Has anyone noticed on the news that there seems to be more serial rapists, and killers out there lately? Most of the victims are female. No I don't have a link I just know what I watch and read strongly indicates that. Why does it seem so prevalent? Do you think it's the internet with all it has to offer to push people farther into fantasy/ addiction or maybe a lot of women are expressing themselves in a provocative manner? Perhaps it's our permissive society. Now I'm not saying that just because women promote themselves as easy marks means that the man should act on it. We all have that choice unless we are severely mentally ill. No will always be no. But there seems to be so many predators out there with a sense of entitlement. Also do you think that predators can ever be cured. Mind you I'm talking both sexes here. Anybody have any ideas about a solution?
Any hoo. Has anyone noticed on the news that there seems to be more serial rapists, and killers out there lately? Most of the victims are female. No I don't have a link I just know what I watch and read strongly indicates that. Why does it seem so prevalent? Do you think it's the internet with all it has to offer to push people farther into fantasy/ addiction or maybe a lot of women are expressing themselves in a provocative manner? Perhaps it's our permissive society. Now I'm not saying that just because women promote themselves as easy marks means that the man should act on it. We all have that choice unless we are severely mentally ill. No will always be no. But there seems to be so many predators out there with a sense of entitlement. Also do you think that predators can ever be cured. Mind you I'm talking both sexes here. Anybody have any ideas about a solution?