is it posible to keep the quick launch icons in a specific layout?


pyotr filipivich

I have moved the task bar tot he right side of the screen.

I have a number of applications which I have 'loaded' onto the quick

launch section of the task bar. Now, aside from the fact that

Microsoft seems to have different icons for it's products in Vista and

XP (and the confusion that is causing), is the small minor detail that

the vista task bar seems to reorganize at random. I've set up two

columns of icons, with tasks "lumped" together in rows according to my

own preferences. (mail washer next to the email program, the MP3 tag

program next to the music player, spider solitaire next to the

connection icon in the top row, and so forth)

But the spontaneous reorganization is a real PITA. I want to

click on the "next" program in the day's activities, and instead of

agent being under the browser (on row 4) it is now on row 7 in the

left column.

Yeah, I know, "so what?" Well, it is mocrosoft, and it just

works, but does anyone know if this spontaneity be reined in, short of

changing operating systems?

thanks in advance



pyotr filipivich

"Remember, the moral of our show. Put your troubles away until tomorrow.

If you're lucky, somebody will break into your house tonight and steal them."

Dean Martin
Not quite sure what your problem is.. I have Vista Ultimate 64bit

and have no problems with my 'shortcut' icons if that is what you

are referring to.

If you are loading multiple programs on your task bar, all I can

ask is why?

Set up folders on your desktop.. Utilities... Music.... Games....

Microsoft... (ie., Word,Excel,PowerPoint,etc.) Sony, Personal,

videos, Banking, and so on... In other words consolidate your icons

in their respective folders making it much easier to find.

In your music folder you can have sub-folders with Midi, MP3,

Wav, Favorites, or specific artists..

It makes for a much cleaner desktop and finding what you want

much faster. If you are putting multiple icons on your 'quick launch'

it reduces your screen capacity doesn't it?

If you right click you can select HIDE TASKBAR.. then it will

appear only when you move your pointer to the right side of the

monitor. When you access what you want, it disappears again


"pyotr filipivich" <> wrote in message



> I have moved the task bar tot he right side of the screen.


> I have a number of applications which I have 'loaded' onto the quick

> launch section of the task bar. Now, aside from the fact that

> Microsoft seems to have different icons for it's products in Vista and

> XP (and the confusion that is causing), is the small minor detail that

> the vista task bar seems to reorganize at random. I've set up two

> columns of icons, with tasks "lumped" together in rows according to my

> own preferences. (mail washer next to the email program, the MP3 tag

> program next to the music player, spider solitaire next to the

> connection icon in the top row, and so forth)


> But the spontaneous reorganization is a real PITA. I want to

> click on the "next" program in the day's activities, and instead of

> agent being under the browser (on row 4) it is now on row 7 in the

> left column.

> Yeah, I know, "so what?" Well, it is mocrosoft, and it just

> works, but does anyone know if this spontaneity be reined in, short of

> changing operating systems?


> thanks in advance


> pyotr

> --

> pyotr filipivich

> "Remember, the moral of our show. Put your troubles away until tomorrow.

> If you're lucky, somebody will break into your house tonight and steal

> them."

> Dean Martin
"Jack's stuff" <> on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 09:20:51

-0700 typed in the following:

>Not quite sure what your problem is.. I have Vista Ultimate 64bit

>and have no problems with my 'shortcut' icons if that is what you

>are referring to.


>If you are loading multiple programs on your task bar, all I can

>ask is why?

Those are the ones I use the most on a daily basis. Nice to have

them gathered in one spot.


>Set up folders on your desktop.. Utilities... Music.... Games....

>Microsoft... (ie., Word,Excel,PowerPoint,etc.) Sony, Personal,

>videos, Banking, and so on... In other words consolidate your icons

>in their respective folders making it much easier to find.

I've got folders on the desk top - "stuff not used often",

"Occasional Use only" "Not Used". And there are icon, secondary

items, mostly shortcuts to reference documents.

But I suppose I could empty the quicklaunch taskbar, put those

icons in a folder, and then add to the steps to get to Email / browser

/ etc. Rummaging around on the desktop, point and click, point and

click. Kind of nullifies the use of a quicklaunch,eh?


>In your music folder you can have sub-folders with Midi, MP3,

>Wav, Favorites, or specific artists..

Those are not even on the desk top. That's what the media player

is for.


>It makes for a much cleaner desktop and finding what you want

>much faster. If you are putting multiple icons on your 'quick launch'

>it reduces your screen capacity doesn't it?

I've a wide screen, and "hide taskbar" checked.

>If you right click you can select HIDE TASKBAR.. then it will

>appear only when you move your pointer to the right side of the

>monitor. When you access what you want, it disappears again


Yes. that is what I did.

And when I move the pointer over there, I get to hunt for the icon

because they are not where they were the last time I arranged them.

Top to bottom "Connect, email, browser, newsreader, podcatcher, and

wp/database" it is the way they are on the XP box

At least they stay that way in XP, I'd like that same system on

the laptop running Vista. . In Vista, it seems they reorganize

themselves into another pattern based on some metric known only to

Microsoft. And I'd like them to stop doing that. (I won't go into

the mess which has developed in the "right click" options on files.

>"pyotr filipivich" <> wrote :

>> I have moved the task bar tothe right side of the screen.

Ooops, my error, it should read "left side of the screen."


>> I have a number of applications which I have 'loaded' onto the quick

>> launch section of the task bar. Now, aside from the fact that

>> Microsoft seems to have different icons for it's products in Vista and

>> XP (and the confusion that is causing), is the small minor detail that

>> the vista task bar seems to reorganize at random. I've set up two

>> columns of icons, with tasks "lumped" together in rows according to my

>> own preferences. (mail washer next to the email program, the MP3 tag

>> program next to the music player, spider solitaire next to the

>> connection icon in the top row, and so forth)


>> But the spontaneous reorganization is a real PITA. I want to

>> click on the "next" program in the day's activities, and instead of

>> agent being under the browser (on row 4) it is now on row 7 in the

>> left column.

>> Yeah, I know, "so what?" Well, it is mocrosoft, and it just

>> works, but does anyone know if this spontaneity be reined in, short of

>> changing operating systems?



pyotr filipivich.

Just about the time you finally see light at the end of the tunnel,

you find out it's a Government Project to build more tunnel.
On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 14:32:42 -0700, pyotr filipivich wrote:

> I have moved the task bar tot he right side of the screen.


> I have a number of applications which I have 'loaded' onto the quick

> launch section of the task bar. Now, aside from the fact that

> Microsoft seems to have different icons for it's products in Vista and

> XP (and the confusion that is causing), is the small minor detail that

> the vista task bar seems to reorganize at random. I've set up two

> columns of icons, with tasks "lumped" together in rows according to my

> own preferences. (mail washer next to the email program, the MP3 tag

> program next to the music player, spider solitaire next to the

> connection icon in the top row, and so forth)


> But the spontaneous reorganization is a real PITA. I want to

> click on the "next" program in the day's activities, and instead of

> agent being under the browser (on row 4) it is now on row 7 in the

> left column.

> Yeah, I know, "so what?" Well, it is mocrosoft, and it just

> works, but does anyone know if this spontaneity be reined in, short of

> changing operating systems?


> thanks in advance


> pyotr

If you experiment with Jack's stuff's idea, you could create and populate a

folder and then put the folder icon on the quick-launch bar...


Gene E. Bloch (Stumbling Bloch)
is it posible to keep the quick launch icons in a specificlayout?

On Jun 13, 2:32 pm, pyotr filipivich <> wrote:

> I have moved the task bar tot he right side of the screen.

> ..................................................................................................................


> pyotr

> ........................................

Vista Ult 32 here. My "quick start" (?) icons line up, left to right,

next to the big "start" button at the lower left of the screen. I have

14 icons there in a single row. I can place them in any order and they

will stay put.

My "start menu" (?) icons line up, from right to left, next to the

"time" icon at the lower right of the screen. These appear to change

places randomly and I have not found a way to change their order.

"Right clicking" on the task bar offers an option to "lock" the task

bar, but I never use it.

"pyotr filipivich" <> wrote in message



> I have moved the task bar tot he right side of the screen.


> I have a number of applications which I have 'loaded' onto the quick

> launch section of the task bar.

>the small minor detail that

> the vista task bar seems to reorganize at random. I've set up two

> columns of icons, with tasks "lumped" together in rows according to my

> own preferences. (mail washer next to the email program, the MP3 tag

> program next to the music player, spider solitaire next to the

> connection icon in the top row, and so forth)


> But the spontaneous reorganization is a real PITA. I want to

> click on the "next" program in the day's activities, and instead of

> agent being under the browser (on row 4) it is now on row 7 in the

> left column.

It's not clear to me whether you are referring to the 'Quick Launch'

toolbar, the 'Notification Area'(Tray) or the Task bar itself. I have a

number of programs lined up in the 'Quick Launch' toolbar and these do

not change, either as a single row or otherwise. Those programs in the

tray change as they become active as set by right-click of the task

bar>Properties>Notification Arera>Customise. I have the task bar at the

top and set to 'locked' and all icons visible (i.e. no >>) on the Quick

Launch toolbar.

is it possible to keep the quick launch icons in a specific layout?

"Tom Allen" <> on Tue, 15 Jun 2010 12:15:27 +0100 typed

in the following:


>"pyotr filipivich" <> wrote in message




>> I have moved the task bar tot he right side of the screen.


>> I have a number of applications which I have 'loaded' onto the quick

>> launch section of the task bar.


>>the small minor detail that

>> the vista task bar seems to reorganize at random. I've set up two

>> columns of icons, with tasks "lumped" together in rows according to my

>> own preferences. (mail washer next to the email program, the MP3 tag

>> program next to the music player, spider solitaire next to the

>> connection icon in the top row, and so forth)


>> But the spontaneous reorganization is a real PITA. I want to

>> click on the "next" program in the day's activities, and instead of

>> agent being under the browser (on row 4) it is now on row 7 in the

>> left column.


>It's not clear to me whether you are referring to the 'Quick Launch'


The quicklaunch toolbar. When the whole "taskbar" thingy is at

the bottom of the screen (with the Start button on the left), the

Quick launch is the next "bunch" of icons to the right of the start

button. If you have "too many" icons, and open windows, and

notifications, it is possible to make the taskbar grow "up." and the

icons now 'double stack' so to speak, making it possible to see what

is available, going on and doing stuff. The problem with the taskbar

at the bottom (and on auto-hide or 'auto pop up") was that if I ran

the mouse all the way to the bottom of a screen (to select text, move

down in a file, etc) the taskbar came up and wanted to know what was

my desire. Nothing, go away. Which is when I learned that I could

move the taskbar to one side or the other, which put it "out of the

way". Rah.

When you move the taskbar to one side or the other, the start

button is now a the top of the screen (in the corner) and the

quicklaunch area is directly below it. You can still expand the

taskbar (much as when it was along the bottom (or top), now allowing

two columns of icons to show in the "quicklaunch taskbar" area near

the start button.

>the 'Notification Area'(Tray) or the Task bar itself. I have a

>number of programs lined up in the 'Quick Launch' toolbar and these do

>not change, either as a single row or otherwise. Those programs in the

>tray change as they become active as set by right-click of the task

>bar>Properties>Notification Arera>Customise. I have the task bar at the

>top and set to 'locked' and all icons visible (i.e. no >>) on the Quick

>Launch toolbar.

That is similar to what I have, only the task bar is on the left

side of the screen. The notifications area fluxes - so what, I

rarely look there. It is that quicklaunch area which seems to

randomly move icons around.

Okay, here is the deal, I'm reading news on the webrowser, full

screen so I can see all the words. I thought the article referenced a

city in California, turns out it is Oregon. "Where the heck is

"Oakdale"? tap the window button, the task bar comes up,, fourth one

down is the mapping program, click on that and the map program comes

up. I don't want to have to minimize the browser, search for the map

program icon on the desk top (although it should be in the same spot,

[assuming the window size didn't change ... a different rant for a

different time] to make finding easier) then click on that icon to

bring the program up

Mostly, it is a case of I want the computer to configure to my way

of doing things, rather than having to configure my life to the

computer's way of doing things.





pyotr filipivich.

Just about the time you finally see light at the end of the tunnel,

you find out it's a Government Project to build more tunnel.
is it possible to keep the quick launch icons in a specific layout?

"pyotr filipivich" <> wrote in message

Snippit stuff

> That is similar to what I have, only the task bar is on the left

> side of the screen. The notifications area fluxes - so what, I

> rarely look there. It is that quicklaunch area which seems to

> randomly move icons around.

> Okay, here is the deal, I'm reading news on the webrowser, full

> screen so I can see all the words. I thought the article referenced a

> city in California, turns out it is Oregon. "Where the heck is

> "Oakdale"? tap the window button, the task bar comes up,, fourth one

> down is the mapping program, click on that and the map program comes

> up. I don't want to have to minimize the browser, search for the map

> program icon on the desk top (although it should be in the same spot,

> [assuming the window size didn't change ... a different rant for a

> different time] to make finding easier) then click on that icon to

> bring the program up

> Mostly, it is a case of I want the computer to configure to my way

> of doing things, rather than having to configure my life to the

> computer's way of doing things.


We seem to be doing similar things butt I have no idea why your quick

launches get messed up.

Not that it helps your underlying problem but the particular case you

describe can be neatly solved by the IE8 accelerator for mapping.

is it possible to keep the quick launch icons in a specific layout?

"Tom Allen" <> on Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:34:57 +0100 typed

in the following:


>"pyotr filipivich" <> wrote in message



>Snippit stuff


>> That is similar to what I have, only the task bar is on the left

>> side of the screen. The notifications area fluxes - so what, I

>> rarely look there. It is that quicklaunch area which seems to

>> randomly move icons around.

>> Okay, here is the deal, I'm reading news on the webrowser, full

>> screen so I can see all the words. I thought the article referenced a

>> city in California, turns out it is Oregon. "Where the heck is

>> "Oakdale"? tap the window button, the task bar comes up,, fourth one

>> down is the mapping program, click on that and the map program comes

>> up. I don't want to have to minimize the browser, search for the map

>> program icon on the desk top (although it should be in the same spot,

>> [assuming the window size didn't change ... a different rant for a

>> different time] to make finding easier) then click on that icon to

>> bring the program up

>> Mostly, it is a case of I want the computer to configure to my way

>> of doing things, rather than having to configure my life to the

>> computer's way of doing things.



>We seem to be doing similar things butt I have no idea why your quick

>launches get messed up.

I don't know, and by now, I don't care. But thanks


>Not that it helps your underlying problem but the particular case you

>describe can be neatly solved by the IE8 accelerator for mapping.





pyotr filipivich.

Just about the time you finally see light at the end of the tunnel,

you find out it's a Government Project to build more tunnel.
On 6/13/2010 2:32 PM, pyotr filipivich wrote:



> I have moved the task bar tot he right side of the screen.


> I have a number of applications which I have 'loaded' onto the quick

> launch section of the task bar. Now, aside from the fact that

> Microsoft seems to have different icons for it's products in Vista and

> XP (and the confusion that is causing), is the small minor detail that

> the vista task bar seems to reorganize at random. I've set up two

> columns of icons, with tasks "lumped" together in rows according to my

> own preferences. (mail washer next to the email program, the MP3 tag

> program next to the music player, spider solitaire next to the

> connection icon in the top row, and so forth)


> But the spontaneous reorganization is a real PITA. I want to

> click on the "next" program in the day's activities, and instead of

> agent being under the browser (on row 4) it is now on row 7 in the

> left column.

> Yeah, I know, "so what?" Well, it is mocrosoft, and it just

> works, but does anyone know if this spontaneity be reined in, short of

> changing operating systems?


> thanks in advance


> pyotr

One approach to get around the problem is to create shortcuts for your

programs, then assign keystrokes to start each one. The shortcuts can

either be on your desktop or placed elsewhere -- the keystrokes will

work in either case.

I've got about 30 shortcuts on my desktop. My daughter says that's too

cluttered, but it's my computer, not hers!
