Is Ray Charles doing the LPF homepage now?


New member
Am I the only one that has noticed the article about Mr. Hahn, but a picture of Mike; an article about JayZ/LP going Platinum, but a Nirvanna picture; and an article about Chester, but a picture of Mr. Hahn?

Methinks somebody is coding with one of those white sticks.



New member
This should be moved to the "Site" section really. It's not a picture that represents the news lol, it's just the avatar of the person that posted the news. Linkinpark-1 posted the LP / Jay Z news and she has a matching Nirvana avatar and siggy. We've been told to disable signitures in the news section, but our avatars are still there. Don't know if Qwest can do anything about this. =)


New member
I don't see how avatars and pics would even mix with the post anyway. It just looks normal to me. Funny though, Ray Charles doing LPF. :p


New member
I didn't realize those pics were members avatars. I thought the homepoage was actually code done by an administrator or something, and he or she just goofed on putting a specific picture with an article.
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