Is talking on a cell phone too distracting to drive?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
I have seen the myth busters episode where they test this, but they were holding the phone and trying to drive one handed around a course with cones.

Personally, I've seen people drive really shitty with the phone up to their ears, but they do a lot better with a hands-free device. My mom even has a wireless one, so she has no cords to worry about, and can focus on her driving more.

I have seen proof for both sides, but what do you guys think?
I do talk on the cell phone in the car however I don't do it in places where I am likely to be starting and stopping, places that are dangerous to drive in, in the beginning. I haven't ever had a problem. I don't think its against the law here because I have had the police drive up next to me while I was talking on the cell phone.

One morning on the way to work I saw a woman putting on her lipstick in the drop down mirror while she was driving with two children in car seats in the back...Thats a problem, much worse thenn driving with a cell phone.

I think it depends on the person. If you don't like someone doing it, I guess where I live you'll have to suck it up, its legal and evidently not a problem. I rarely hear of the subject coming up as a reason someone has been in an accident.
There's been a couple times when I've had to talk and drive. People seem to think that calling me 20 times in a row make sme more likely to answer. Usually I'll answer if I'm stopped but sometimes the other person hasn't stfu'd before the light turns green again.
Anyway, it can be very distracting, yes.
I talk and drive only if completely necessary(and usually only a few seconds). Honestly it does distract me, but thats just me. I have known people that have no probelm driving and talking on thier phone. I have been behind people on the road who, for some reason, are unable to go more that 20mph(in a 45) when they are on the phone. So i am forced to pull up next to them, flick the bird, and cut them off
South Florida drivers instigate road rage.
I love this one because It will cause a ****-storm!

It makes women drivers more dangerous while not effecting men drivers.

OK, if you got passed that, then I'll explain (lest it becomes a blanket stement). There have been several proofs that are fairly common in psychiatry that deal with gender biased learning. The findings do not proove one way or another whether men or women are more intelligent than the other, but the findings do show a desparity in the way they assimilate information.

It has been found that women learn faster and have a higher retention of information when the information is given audibally. And men on the other hand learn faster and retain more information when presented visually.

Other studies suggest that women are more atuned to sounds and men are more cogniscant of sight.

Now apply these findings to driving... When a woman hears something shocking or distracting at the very moment she sees something shocking (a wreck about to happen) she will be more inclined to pay attention to the auditory input while ignoring the visual. Men will pretty much do the opposite tuning out whatever is in the conversation to put his attention back on the road.

Don't believe it? That's OK too...

here is a university paper on the subject. 2005 Chapter 10.htm
Drive while talking all the time for my job, if i did'nt i would never get anywhere. I can drive safely and talk not a problem, but what i have noticed is loosing track of where i am. Such as what towns I've passed or wondering if I've missed a turn. So being alert to whats going on around me not a problem, remembering later what was going on around me is a problem.

I also now have a blue tooth head set, best thing ever. Hands free no cords and don't even have to touch the phone.
Personally, I think that phones shouldn't be answered at all when driving, and from first hand experience it can cause accidents. A call can be made a hundered times again, but if you have an accident you could take someones life just cos you couldn't wait?

Okay I’m gonna concede to this to an extent. I will agree with RenJen in that when I talk on the cell it’s only for a few quick seconds. I don’t go on with a full conversation. And I certainly don’t let it interfere with my driving. I have no problem not finishing what I’m saying or not answer someone if I need to devote my time driving.

I almost got hit a couple of days ago by an asshole that pulled out in front of me. It was raining, I was on my motorcycle and this **** bag turned right in front of me with his cell phone stuck to his ear. When he saw me lay on my breaks, my back tire slide out from me and then hit the horn he turned his ****ing head like he didn’t see or hear me. This asshole needs his licenses taken away forever!
"jokersarewild" said:
I have seen the myth busters episode where they test this, but they were holding the phone and trying to drive one handed around a course with cones.

I read something about this not too long ago. A study was done on driving while talking on your cell and apparently it has nothing to do with your hands, but rather it's what's going on in your head. Your attention is on talking, taking away from your overall awareness.

Personally I only talk on my cell for a few seconds while driving so it's not really a problem. It's also illegal to talk on your cell while driving where I live.
I could have sworn we went through this in a thread in the polling booth...Cell phones are dangerous on the road. If they are too dangerous to use in heavy traffic, than they are too dangerous to use in light traffic. You should give the same amount of attention to the road regardless of what the traffic conditions are. You never know what might happen.
tiredofwhiners said:
Drive while talking all the time for my job, if i did'nt i would never get anywhere. I can drive safely and talk not a problem, but what i have noticed is loosing track of where i am. Such as what towns I've passed or wondering if I've missed a turn. So being alert to whats going on around me not a problem, remembering later what was going on around me is a problem.

I also now have a blue tooth head set, best thing ever. Hands free no cords and don't even have to touch the phone.
Oh, I get it. You can drive safely and talk on the phone, but you just aren't giving enough attention to the road to know where you are or what you are doing?:rolleyes: You do realize that makes absolutely no sense, right? That's a new condition...Cell phone induced amnesia.
ToriAllen said:
Oh, I get it. You can drive safely and talk on the phone, but you just aren't giving enough attention to the road to know where you are or what you are doing?:rolleyes: You do realize that makes absolutely no sense, right? That's a new condition...Cell phone induced amnesia.

Not being a doctor i can't put a name to it, i can just tell you how it is. On top of that people under 20 and over 55 should not use a phone while driving. If you can't drive and use the phone why have cell phones? To call your husband while he's at the store.:rolleyes: Also there were mobile phones way before cell phones, the only difference is the people who NEEDED them had them. Not every Dick, Jane and Soccer mom.
You know whats funny, I rarely contemplate this board and what goes on here once I have walked away from the computer but Tori has stuck in my mind and now when I am in the car and pick up the remote to my stereo or take a drink from a water bottle...I wonder just how whigged out she would be if she was driving beside me.
Your point was taken however that people need to pay better attention when they are driving and I am paying more attention. I do think people become so laid back about driving, that is when they are ripe for an accident.
Lethalfind said:
You know whats funny, I rarely contemplate this board and what goes on here once I have walked away from the computer but Tori has stuck in my mind and now when I am in the car and pick up the remote to my stereo or take a drink from a water bottle...I wonder just how whigged out she would be if she was driving beside me.
Your point was taken however that people need to pay better attention when they are driving and I am paying more attention. I do think people become so laid back about driving, that is when they are ripe for an accident.
It wigs me out just knowing you're on the road at all!
I just don't understand. To me talking on a cell phone while I drive is no more difficult then talking to the person next to me, which I've never heard anyone say is dangerous. It's absolutely the same thing, right? Only difference is your holding a little thingy-ma-jigger in your hand. Is it possible that so many people are really that lacking in the motor skills department?

That being said, there have been many times in which I've been behind someone whom is driving like ****, 10 MPH under the speed limit or what not, and finally I get up next to them and, viola, cell phone in hand.
multi tasking for some should never happen...I haul cattle with a monster 36 foot mini pot and you wouldnt believe how many idiots on their phones cut me off or bout run into my trailer...then when ya rool yer window down and holler at em to unglue the damn phone and DRIVE..then nicely flip em off they go and get right back on the phone and call the cops!!!! :eek: