I certainly hope there will be some balancing done to push back against this massive socialist swing our Government has taken.
But I believe we can agree that slow baby steps are being made and while it may not happen in my lifetime, feel the socialist agenda will one day take over.
Because the masses want something for nothing. This big monster with healthcare may be too big of a bite, but if it fails, smaller bites will be taken to reach the same goal. The Republicans will still offer compromise and appeasement and softening their goals while the Liberals/socialists have their target set and will take the compromise and the second they have it, they will pretend it never happened and ask for more.
There is no way to make them happy short of the Government running everything, and as long as Republicans are trying to make them happy, they will be doomed to lose.
As I see it, the only way to "fix" things is to give up on the Liberals/socialists. Stop trying to appease them and do what needs to be done. That is their actions to Republicans, the liberals have told all the Republicans to go screw themselves so why not do the same to them?