Is The End of The World Almost Here?

No. As our understanding of technology increases, so does the risk of disaster. That also plays on the global/natural disaster thing. Technology is literally ****ing the world.
no i don't think its near the end of the world. no country is stupid enough to send nuclear bombs over to another because they know it will result in the same being done by other countrys, wich will bring around the end of life as we know it. i think in the future (maybe 100-200 years from now) this will happen, but at the moment war is political and nuclear bombs are just a threat and not an actual reality.

also i think the biggest threat to the human race is global warming, we treat this world like trash and don't care because as we see it were not going to be here in say 70 years so why bother, let the next generation cope with it
allieking said:
no i don't think its near the end of the world. no country is stupid enough to send nuclear bombs over to another because they know it will result in the same being done by other countrys, wich will bring around the end of life as we know it. i think in the future (maybe 100-200 years from now) this will happen, but at the moment war is political and nuclear bombs are just a threat and not an actual reality.

also i think the biggest threat to the human race is global warming, we treat this world like trash and don't care because as we see it were not going to be here in say 70 years so why bother, let the next generation cope with it

I agree compltely with you. Wise, you are.
Sacrifice Within said:
The events that are taking place in this world today is way worse than i has been in any other time period of the world, u think the world may be comming to an end soon????????

Thats a pretty ignorant statement...not stupid, just ignorant. You say things are worse now then ever before...but let me throw some of this at you - Nazi Germany? the Dark Ages and the Black plague? the fall of the Roman Empire?

Saying our time period is bad off, is just silly. It has been alot worse in the past. Hindsight is always 20/20...I don't think we are near the end of the world. I think we could be close to a world war, but not the end of the world.
A better question is "Are we headed towards hard times?"
That would possibly be more valid. I think we are possibly headed towards hard times. Alot of these countries are starting to flex their muscles and trying to act big. Korea and Iran in particular. America is being somewhat picky on how they are dealing with this situation but I think when the time comes alot of people are going to die. America has one of,if not the, best armys in the world. Korea and Iran really aren't that tough it's just the fact that they have nuclear weapons that leaves us rethinking our steps.

Now to tie that into the coming of hard times is simple. Pretty soon someone is going to have to make a descision. They are going to have to blow up the nukes. When this happens the nuclear extractions from the bombs are going to spread and kill alot of innocent Koreans and Iranians. Therefore leaving them in hard times. Therefore putting alot of people in a state of mind that the end of times are near.
I personally beleive (with the exception of nuclear war-fare) that the end of the world will be natural. Whether its close or far, its hard to say.

However many scientists are saying now that if global warming continues, by 2100, the world will be very difficult to live in and over half of the species currently living will be extinct....

America is a really hated country outside our borders. Many people think we are ignorant... and to an extent... I agree with them...
Cyro said:
America is a really hated country outside our borders. Many people think we are ignorant... and to an extent... I agree with them...

Yeah, Id have to agree with that. And the sad part is... Its not us, the adverage citizen, its the government thats digging our country's grave. :(
UnhingedMouse0 said:
Yeah, Id have to agree with that. And the sad part is... Its not us, the adverage citizen, its the government thats digging our country's grave. :(

Yeah, thats why I honestly can't say I like the US anymore... the principles it was built on were good... but its been warped, and we are not the same country we were back then.
why worry? It's going to happen whether we like it or not. All we can do is agrue over when its going to happen and how its going to happen OR complain about how we dont want it to end.

I personally think [as it says in the bible] that the world will end 121212. if you guys understand that. But then again... I could be wrong. so Dont listen to me & you'll be just fine.


No one is correct in that answer. No one really knows. They make assumptions. like

"Oh em gee the world is ending on 6/6/6. .. " um.. we're still here
anothe example. . the "enemy" was supposed to fill the air with chemical gas on august 22, 2006. . but uh... we're still here.

There have been other assumptions made & they dont work out. so **** it. Dont worry about it... it's going to happen some day & there is NOTHING you can do to stop it.

People in this world are ignorant . . . so if global warming does kill us... then blame them.
Question technically is it the end of the world?
Or is just the end of humanity?

Becuase if it was the end of the world...then why don't we just go to the moon or mars? So if we are wondering about the end of the world then I think that I am not only becuase I figure ill just do some extreme training before hand so I can fly to the moon and watch everyone die.
UnhingedMouse0 said:
Yeah, Id have to agree with that. And the sad part is... Its not us, the adverage citizen, its the government thats digging our country's grave. :(

Its everyone's fault America is digging a grave for itself. The politicans are so busy arguing elephants and donkeys, and the citizens are too busy worrying about Vince and Jen and the "****ing gas prices" to realize the state of things.
America has its head in the sand...and if we don't start pulling our head out and seeing things for what they are, then we are indeed headed for hard times in our nation's history.
And the world's.
Clogz said:
Its everyone's fault America is digging a grave for itself. The politicans are so busy arguing elephants and donkeys, and the citizens are too busy worrying about Vince and Jen and the "****ing gas prices" to realize the state of things.
America has its head in the sand...and if we don't start pulling our head out and seeing things for what they are, then we are indeed headed for hard times in our nation's history.
And the world's.

Yeah America does need to get its head out of sand...but on bright side gas is down to $2.74 :D
LPpinkfreak821 said:
why worry? It's going to happen whether we like it or not. All we can do is agrue over when its going to happen and how its going to happen OR complain about how we dont want it to end.

I personally think [as it says in the bible] that the world will end 121212. if you guys understand that. But then again... I could be wrong. so Dont listen to me & you'll be just fine.


No one is correct in that answer. No one really knows. They make assumptions. like

"Oh em gee the world is ending on 6/6/6. .. " um.. we're still here
anothe example. . the "enemy" was supposed to fill the air with chemical gas on august 22, 2006. . but uh... we're still here.

There have been other assumptions made & they dont work out. so **** it. Dont worry about it... it's going to happen some day & there is NOTHING you can do to stop it.

People in this world are ignorant . . . so if global warming does kill us... then blame them.

Well said. I like that.