Is the manchester show ready for download?

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New member
I bought a download code the manchester gig (27/1/08) and ive been trying to download it at but when i entered my code yesterday, the page just refreshes and nothing happened, so i tried it again today and it says "this code has been used, if the show has not yet been uploaded, it will automatically be added to you account when it is"

WHERE is my account will it be added?! Ive looked all over my account and there doesnt seem to be anything that says "linkin park show here"

Or has it just not been uploaded yet?



New member
It's not up yet. The thing is broken according to Energy at LPFuse. They're probably working on it. I suspect they're trying to get the issue with the 160kbps files fixed so they're 320kbps.

Manchester won't be up till Sheffield is and Sheffield isn't even up yet.

Blame LP's management for it. They're the ******* retards that let AEG Live handle it and let Basecamp Co do the live shows for the UK. MORONS! with Sparkart is perfect and is the best way to do it, but the new popup thing and using codes only 1 time is stupid. lol.

they need to put me in charge :p

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