
There are just a few questions that can provide clear answers to the
existence of Gods and any hereafter.

1.. Why does God not speak directly to all of mankind to confirm his
existence, commands and wishes? Why is God so secretive and nebulous?

2.. Why does God not demonstrate, of the thousands of God beliefs and
claims, that he is the real God and all the others are fakes? Why does he
not smite the fakes so that his creatures are not misled?

3.. Why does any real God not permit communication from dead parents,
relatives and friends with those living presently? This would permit the
living to hear first hand, from people they know and trust, how they should
properly conduct their lives. This would also confirm God's reality and the
reality of his heaven.

4.. If there is a true God, of the thousands of God beliefs and claims,
which is the true God and which are fakes? Why does the true God not smite
and destroy all the fakes so that his creatures are not misled?

Because no God has directly, clearly and with authenticity, answered any of
these questions, it is abundantly evident that none of these thousands of
Gods actually exist.

The objective evidence is that Gods did not create man, but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods!
( I'll just copy'n'paste my reply to this in alt.religion )

Originally Posted by Bill
1.. Why does God not speak directly to all of mankind to confirm his existence, commands and wishes? Why is God so secretive and nebulous?

For someone who doesn't acknowledge the existence of a God, it sure is silly to ask questions like "Why IS God ....." if he doesn't exist.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Why shouldn't a God be secretive and nebulous?

WHY do YOU think he is secretive and nebulous?

Originally Posted by Bill
2.. Why does God not demonstrate, of the thousands of God beliefs and claims, that he is the real God and all the others are fakes? Why does he not smite the fakes so that his creatures are not misled?

Why shoudn't his creatures have the option of misleading themselves?

Originally Posted by Bill
3.. Why does any real God not permit communication from dead parents, relatives and friends with those living presently? This would permit the living to hear first hand, from people they know and trust, how they should properly conduct their lives. This would also confirm God's reality and the reality of his heaven.

Do ALL dead people know how the living should properly conduct their lives?

Do they ALL become enlightened after death if they didn't KNOW when they were alive?

You're absolutely 100/% certain that there is an Afterlife?

You're absolutely 100/% certain that there isn't already communication occuring?

You're absolutely 100% certain that God's reality CAN BE confirmed?

Originally Posted by Bill
4.. If there is a true God, of the thousands of God beliefs and claims, which is the true God and which are fakes? Why does the true God not smite and destroy all the fakes so that his creatures are not misled?

HOW do YOU destroy something that doesn't exist?

Originally Posted by Bill
Because no God has directly, clearly and with authenticity, answered any of these questions, it is abundantly evident that none of these thousands of Gods actually exist.

It is abundantly evident that a true and real God wouldn't waste his time answering such loaded questions.

Originally Posted by Bill
The objective evidence is that Gods did not create man, but quite the opposite; that man created Gods!

The objective evidence is that some men created a Godless world by accepting only what they can " see " as fact and expecting a true and real God to behave according to their own rhetorical standards.
Bill said:
There are just a few questions that can provide clear answers to the
existence of Gods and any hereafter.

1.. Why does God not speak directly to all of mankind to confirm his
existence, commands and wishes? Why is God so secretive and nebulous?

2.. Why does God not demonstrate, of the thousands of God beliefs and
claims, that he is the real God and all the others are fakes? Why does he
not smite the fakes so that his creatures are not misled?

3.. Why does any real God not permit communication from dead parents,
relatives and friends with those living presently? This would permit the
living to hear first hand, from people they know and trust, how they should
properly conduct their lives. This would also confirm God's reality and the
reality of his heaven.

4.. If there is a true God, of the thousands of God beliefs and claims,
which is the true God and which are fakes? Why does the true God not smite
and destroy all the fakes so that his creatures are not misled?

Because no God has directly, clearly and with authenticity, answered any of
these questions, it is abundantly evident that none of these thousands of
Gods actually exist.

The objective evidence is that Gods did not create man, but quite the
opposite; that man created Gods!

Bill is a dull conversationalist.

He posts this exact same crap over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, then ignores those who responded originally and smacked his sorry ass like a girl in a bondage movie.

Get over it Bill. YOU LOST!!
papabryant said:
Bill is a dull conversationalist.

He posts this exact same crap over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, then ignores those who responded originally and smacked his sorry ass like a girl in a bondage movie.

Get over it Bill. YOU LOST!!
You reduntly repeat yourself over and over!
I know! Bill's disease of redundancy is spreading. Quick, grab a phonograph needle and I'l vacinate the both of us!
papabryant said:
Bill is a dull conversationalist.

He posts this exact same crap over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, then ignores those who responded originally and smacked his sorry ass like a girl in a bondage movie.

Get over it Bill. YOU LOST!!


Who's your Daddy !?!

smack !
papabryant said:

Actually, I've got him over on http://Off Topic

trying to weasel out of refuting a paper I wrote for a Medieval Philosophy class that caused my professor to convert from atheism.

Mary, if you are so inclined, join us for the fun!

Now are you trying to tell me that Mr. Bill up above and Mr. Bob Young over yonder are one in the same ?
Typhoid Mary said:
Now are you trying to tell me that Mr. Bill up above and Mr. Bob Young over yonder are one in the same ?

I don't know, but thinking about it now, they MIGHT be! They seem to have the same M.O..
No There is no god.
We all know which is the oldest profession. But let me tell you which is the oldest business--religion.

Get all those superstitious fools interested in the crap. Frighten them into submission with tales of hell and damnation. Now tell them that god needs a nice church to be at, when receiving the adoration thing. Get then to contribute often until the temple is built.

Of course, as gods representative on earth - the businessman need a freebie too, so explain to the mutton heads that a home attached to the church is a must as well. Of course the business man will also need to eat and pay his bills. So a fat salary would be best. Because of his obvious importance, a cook, maid and gardener desireable too

Business man must fully understand the mutton heads and their needs, and set about addressing same. ie making them feel accepted by the god and the church. Solemnizing their ceremonies, marriages,deaths,births etc like they were worth a ****. Result :businessman lives happily and richly for life, and passes the business on to an underling who has given unswerving loyalty, to the businessman- superior.

I bet those early guys would laugh their arses off if they could see how big their scam became.

I just cannot believe that in my time people still fall for all this bullocks.

Sorry Hamza, but its the Muslims that really make me laugh. Just look at them on all fours with their ****ing arses stuck up in the air !!!!!!!!

Get a life all you idiots... Why are there so many of you? Muslims,Christians,Jews,Sikhs,Hindus, perhaps I missed some group,but it doesn't really matter. None of you idiots is really worth mentioning anyway.
slip knot hazed over the rationale. Well said.

I'll add this. If there is a god, the current commercial concept of god would make she/he cringe.

Marketting has destroyed any credibility for the cause, and roped in all the dupes and dumbarses the world over.

Let's have a global get-together of all these retards on a rather large ship, and steer it straight into an iceberg. Natural justice, I think it's called. :D
builder says:
Let's have a global get-together of all these retards on a rather large ship, and steer it straight into an iceberg. Natural justice, I think it's called.
Great idea Builder. If only we could get it done, I reckon the world would be a better place. They sheep-heads have caused more wars than all the other fools put together.
Great idea Builder. If only we could get it done, I reckon the world would be a better place. They sheep-heads have caused more wars than all the other fools put together.

And the iced water will take all the hot air clean out of 'em too, Reverend John. That'll fix 'em.

Did I forget to put one of ;) these on my last post??
builder said:
I'll add this. If there is a god, the current commercial concept of god would make she/he cringe.

Inhales Its like he's sayin' what we're all thinkin' .:p

I would also like to point out the humour in your use of the word commercial which could be taken as inclusionary of religious institutions as part of the commercial world, which they most certainly are.
I asked this question of somebody else here.

Is the catholic church taxed as a business concern in America?

Is evangilism a profitable entrepreneurial position?

Are there more gullible needy souls than rational people in the world?

All interesting questions, your honour. :D
eisanbt said:
Inhales Its like he's sayin' what we're all thinkin' .:p

I would also like to point out the humour in your use of the word commercial which could be taken as inclusionary of religious institutions as part of the commercial world, which they most certainly are.
What library did you fall out of?
Slip_knot, it isn't necessarily that people are stupid. I know they are. But some people want to actually have something to believe in. I wan't there to be some sort of heaven-like place that I go to after I die. Does it exist? I don't know. Does it's possible non-existance stop me from believing in it? Nope. Know why? Because if all you do is die...and nothing else happens, at least I thought that something good would happen before I die. I would die happy. Now, if I were an athiest, I would know that heaven didn't exist, so I would think that life was pretty useless, because what we do on earth effects nothing other than itself. But this isn't the only reason.

For example: Some people like quarells(sp), so they, if they were christian, would go to people and say that they were going to hell for being gay/bi/semi-retarded. Other person starts saying that they are wrong, and an argument breaks out.

Another(catholocism): You like small weird ways. You become a preist and they only sex you have from now on involves young boys limping out of a rectory.

I am not saying religion necessarily helps people be better. It does, however, make some people happy...pisses others off. Oh well...
I'll bite. BTW, happy nu yeehah to you too, JAW. Been a while.

Who busted into a temple and turned over all the money-changer's tables, berating them viciously for using the church for profit? That would be Jesus.

Who said: "make no craven images before me"? That would be God.

Who said: "give up all your worldly possessions if you want to follow me"? That would be Jesus.

Who said: "anywhere that two people meet in my name is a church"? That would be God.

So where is religion now? It's in the biggest money-spinning sham in the business world. That's where. And how do the leaders disport themselves in religion? With wealth and pagaentry and robes and crowns and jewelled sceptres and mumbled rites and atrociously decorated cathedrals adorned with.................craven images.

How ****ed up is that? ;)

Religion is business. And that is why it has debased itself into charlotism, and that is why cults receive such an awesome following, because those that do think about the issue of religion rationally, refute the current packaged crapola, and look for something non-commercial to place their faith in.

How's that for a rant? :D