Is This Really Our Government? Not on Your Child's Life


Gandalf Grey

Is this really our government? Not on your child's life

By Donna Smith
Created Oct 19 2007 - 9:04am

DENVER -- So, President Bush vetoes the State Children's Health Insurance
Program expansion and Congress fails to override that veto. So this is our
government? No, it is not. It may be the insurance companies' government and
the health care profiteers' government, but it sure as hell isn't mine.

This government tries to protect life in the womb but devalues that life
once a child is born and fails to provide basic health care for
working-class children. That's not my government.

This government doesn't value my work ethic or my determination to provide
for myself. Since I am among those classified as the "working poor," I can
fend for myself for health care coverage. That's not my government.

This government does an awful lot of finger-pointing about who's to blame
for what but never watches out for my health care needs. It's a weak
Congress. It's a bumbling administration or worse - it's a selfish one.
That's not my government.

This government wants working parents not to have enough money to buy homes
or new cars or other consumer goods because they must pay huge premiums for
sub-standard health care and coverage. That's not my government.

This government is full of those claiming patriotism and love of family
while ignoring families sinking into economic ruin due to health costs and
coverage. That's not my government.

This government is full of those proclaiming love for humankind while
failing to protect even the youngest and most vulnerable in our own society.
That's not my government.

This government is full of Bible-thumping Christians who display judgmental
and cruel tendencies very opposite what the Christ I learned about would ask
of us. That's not my government.

This government will not change and will not represent its people because it
is built on arrogance of self rather than being of and by the people. And
that's not my government.

This vote today has made me more angry and more determined than ever. This
is not just about the kids, fellow Americans. It is about what we
collectively need to say to these people we elected. And if they cannot and
will not hear us - as they demonstrated today - then we must clean house.
Top to bottom, Repubs and Dems, out the door, to the curb and back to the

I have had enough. I have been ignored enough. My vote and my taxes have
been abused enough. My voice matters. I am an American woman with a brain
and a heart and a God. And I want my country back.
Donna Smith, American SiCKO

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"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson