"Islamofascism": The Failure of a Concept


Gandalf Grey

"Islamofascism": The Failure of a Concept

By Gary Leupp
Created Nov 1 2007 - 10:50am

The Louisiana politician Huey Long declared in the 1930s that "Fascism will
come to America in the name of anti-fascism" and "in the name of national
security." I don't think we're there yet, but there are some fascist-like
forces mobilizing, and they're doing so in the name of protecting American
Judeo-Christian civilization from a phantom they've conjured up called
"Islamofascism." (Variants include Islamo-Fascism, Islamo-fascism, Islamic
fascism, etc.)

They want to make it a household word, sliding easily off the tongue,
interchangeable with the more familiar "Islam" or inadequately frightening
"Islamism." (The latter alludes to specifically political Islam, including
variants of it that--like the political evangelical Christianity in this
country--are non-violent.) They want the media to embrace it, and
politicians beginning with president Bush to routinely incorporate it into
their rhetoric. They want academics to promote the concept of a specifically
Muslim form of that evil phenomenon that emerged in war-exhausted Europe in
the 1920s-30s and which in its principle expressions (in Italy, Germany,
Spain, Hungary) had some distinctly Christian features. They're throwing
millions of dollars into a propaganda effort to popularize a concept that
isn't just politically and intellectually tendentious but calculated to
vilify more targets (indeed any Muslim target) for attack.

The real (Americo-)fascists staged an early Halloween event last week, all
dressed up as anti-fascists, made up as compassionate conservatives deeply
disturbed by Muslim misogyny. They went door to door--or rather campus to
campus--trick-or-treating, trying to scare. Their so-called "Islamo-Fascism
Awareness Week" undertaken by well-funded, extreme-right ideologues,
featuring such cartoon characters as Ann Coulter and Rick Santorum and
deploying student brown shirts to lead their way, was amusing in its
childishness but like most Halloween events rather spooky. They want to
scare. That's the whole point.

The scare tactics involve the promotion of the notion that we're back in the
1930s, and a Hitler is again undertaking a program of genocide. The
fear-mongering propaganda program includes the following components:

1. The promotion of a certain interpretation of modern history, according to
which, having defeated fascism in World War II, and communism in the Cold
War, the West now in Bush's "War on Terror" confronts a new, terrifying
global "ism"--Islamofascism--that must meet with the same sort of heroic
resistance. Some pronounce this most recent war as World War III, others
World War IV. (Bush personally seems to want to apply the "World War III"
designation to an upcoming confrontation he apparently seeks to provoke with

2. The disparagement of those questioning this view of the past and present,
and those inclined towards a level-headed response to the various forms of
Islamic militancy, as "appeasers" analogous to those who failed to challenge
Hitler during his rise to power.

3. The specific vilification of Iran, involving

1. the depiction of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the new Nazi Germany
2. the depiction of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the new Hitler,
3. the representation of the Iranian nuclear energy program as a primarily
military one,
4. the accusation that Iran's nuclear energy program is designed to inflict
a "nuclear holocaust" and "wipe Israel off the map."

One finds this fear-mongering mix of loaded terms, fringe theorizing,
unsubstantiated accusations and deliberate disinformation among other places
in Norman Podhoretz's recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal praying for
the bombing of Iran. It's nonsense--but frighteningly influential nonsense,
peddled by right-wing think tanks and articulated by pundits treated with
respect on mainstream news channels. (It may be having an effect. A recent
Zogby poll shows 52% of Americans now favoring an attack on Iran.)

Podhoretz and fellow neoconservatives have George Bush's ear, and the
president has not only used the term "Islamofascism" but warned of a
"nuclear holocaust" if Iran continues to enrich uranium, and in one of his
most bizarre press statements to date suggested that Iran might by such
activity provoke World War III.

"We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy
Israel. So I've told people that, if you're interested in avoiding World War
III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having
the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."

He is speaking of a country with cordial ties to all its neighbors,
including U.S. client-states Afghanistan and Iraq, and which has not
provoked a war in many centuries. Iran's president has actually not said
that he personally, or Iran, wants to destroy Israel, a country with two or
three hundred nuclear weapons. Iran according to both the IAEA and CIA is
years from having nuclear weapons even if it planned to produce them, and if
it used them against Israel the latter and/or U.S. would respond by
eradicating the regime responsible along with much of the Iranian civilian
population. But no matter that Bush's charges make no sense (actually
prompting Dennis Kucinich to question his mental health). He can depict a
regime of pretty much anything having vilified it as Islamofascist.

Some very well-funded and highly energized proponents of the Iraq invasion
and upcoming attacks on other Muslim countries conducted their
"Islamofascism Awareness Week" October 22-26. The organizers have
predictably claimed that the events on some 114 campuses (down from the 200
they'd earlier predicted) constituted a glorious victory. Extreme right-wing
ideologue and principal organizer David Horowitz on his website boasted that
the week "witnessed the largest, most successful campus demonstrations by
students not associated with the anti-American left in the history of campus
protests." Actually, I've seen no evidence for any "campus demonstrations"
by Horowitz-inspired, Islamophobic students at all. Rather, I've seen
reports of reasonable people responding with appropriate revulsion to a
campaign based on fear and hate.

Take Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, for example. When antiwar
activists got word--just a few days before the event--that Daniel Pipes
would be speaking on campus, posters appeared everywhere exposing this
neocon's history and calling on students, faculty and staff to attend and
protest. The Tufts Democrats and progressive faculty members added their
names to the flier, and on the evening of the talk a poster protesting hate
speech endorsed by practically every religious organization on campus, plus
the Tufts Coalition Opposed to the War in Iraq, was circulated and
positively received by the great majority of persons in attendance. The
student brownshirt introducing Pipes was noticeably shaken by the hostile
reception, and Pipes himself seems to have abbreviated his remarks and
availability for questions. Almost all of the latter were confrontational.

Pipes began somewhat disarmingly by stating that he personally did not think
the term "Islamofascism" useful, nor did he think Islam itself was the
problem. Rather, he targeted "Muslim extremism," while noting that often
Muslim extremists posed as moderates--another way of saying all Muslims are
inherently suspect. Among the extremists he included a disparate array of
movements and governments, including the Palestinians against whom Israel
must not compromise but win "victory."

I've tried to determine what the necessary components of "Islamofascism" or
even "Muslim extremism" might be in the minds of those using the terms so
glibly. I wind up with the following:

1. Islam (of any sort).
2. Willingness to use violence to obtain certain ends, not even necessarily
religious but maybe political or nationalist (such as ending occupation).
3. Opposition to U.S. policy, particularly towards Middle Eastern countries
including Israel
4. Opposition to Israel, particularly Israeli occupation of Arab land

Notice how minimalistic these components are.

One might include support for the implementation of Sharia law, but among
the states and movements labeled "Islamofascist" by those promoting the
concept there are a wide range of views on that issue. Some like Syria are
pointedly secular (as was Saddam's Iraq) and have harshly suppressed groups
they consider extremist. One might include under component 2 specific
reference to suicide bombing, but that's not a feature of all the groups and
states targeted by the terminology. Some, Bush included, want to associate
the vilified with the idea of a revived Caliphate, but according to the
authoritative Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (Oxford University Press,
1997), "in practice, there is little sign of any desire to return to the
Caliphate" among Muslims. In any case, note that the four characteristics
listed above are hardly "fascist" or even "extreme" by definition.

Lebanon's Hizbollah is a political party that controls a large bloc in the
national parliament, owns broadcasting stations, and provides a range of
social services. One can say this of many political parties. It has an armed
wing. But so do Lebanon's Christian Phalangists. It is a Shiite party but
has enjoyed widespread support among non-Shiites as well, obtaining enormous
popularity during Israel's attack last summer. It's often accused of trying
to impose Sharia law, but a secular Christian journalist, Joseph Samaha,
wrote in 2004, "One would have to be blind not to notice the changes
Hezbollah has undergone. Has Hezbollah tried to ban books or impose sharia?
Not once. Their electoral program is [an] almost social democratic [one]. So
we're confronting a very different kind of Fundamentalist party." Hardly
sounds "fascist." Where is the racial theory, the drive to expand territory?
(Don't tell me the drive to recover the Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms is an
effort to obtain Lebensraum.)

The Palestinian group Hamas is Sunni. Israel initially encouraged its
formation as a Muslim alternative to the secular PLO. It evolved into a
violent movement in resistance to occupation, employing such extreme methods
as suicide bombings. But it observed unilateral ceasefires with Israel from
January 2005 to June 2006, and November 2006 to April 2007, and has offered
a 10-year ceasefire if Israel agrees to withdraw to the 1967 borders.
Brought to power (if we can speak about power under occupation) in a free
election, it is widely respected among the oppressed Palestinians as a moral
and efficient alternative to corrupt PLO politicians. Last month leader
Ismail Haniyeh's spokesman stated the group's willingness to negotiate with
Israel, declaring, "The principle of negotiating with the enemy is not
legally and religiously rejected" and "Hamas is ready to sit at the
negotiating table if it is convinced that a political achievement can be
made. But the general impression manifested by the current Israeli policy
doesn't give any positive sign." These seem like moderate rather than
extremist remarks.

Al-Qaeda is a collection of clandestine cells plotting spectacular acts of
violence designed to produce a general all-out war between the (Sunni)
Muslim world and the U.S. and its allies. It may succeed in that--in tandem
with the neoconservatives in Washington who want to conquer Southwest Asia,
encircle China, establish permanent military bases and control the flow of
oil from the region.

If these movements have little in common, neither do the demonized states.
The governments of Syria and Iran (those most in the neocons' crosshairs)
are strategically allied, but very different; one a hereditary secular
dictatorship that deals harshly with political Islam, the other a Shiite
theocratic state with some democratic features such as competitive
elections. The Taliban regime in Afghanistan that fell in 2001 was another
very different phenomenon; it had features in common with Saudi Arabia, one
of the few countries that recognized the Taliban regime. Both apply Sharia
law, notoriously stoning women for adultery. But Saudi Arabia is a close
U.S. ally, generally exempt from vilification. Even the Taliban regime was
initially welcomed by some in Washington, including the Afghan-American
Zalmay Khalilzad, in recent years U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq.
This neocon, as a Rand analyst in October 1996, wrote a Washington Post
op-ed urging ties with the regime (in connection with oil pipeline
construction) and nothing that it "does not practice the anti-U.S. style of
fundamentalism practiced by Iran."

No demonization of the Talibs as "Islamofascists" then. No great fuss about
the burqa, the ancient female garment in Afghanistan that isn't specifically
Muslim and may indeed have Byzantine origins. (And which, you notice, has
not disappeared under the Karzai/warlord regime placed in power by the U.S.)
Recall that the Taliban toppled the Northern Alliance forces who had been
funded by the CIA all through the 1980s to "bleed the Soviets" and overthrow
a secular regime pitted against Muslim extremists. U.S. policy had been to
encourage jihadist mentality to defeat a government promoting modern public
education, health clinics, and gender equality. Mujahadeen of the Taliban
had been involved in that effort too, as well as the Saudi volunteers led by
Osama bin Laden!

The Taliban, even while stoning women in soccer stadiums, blasting away
ancient Buddhist statues, and hosting bin Laden (who left Sudan for
Afghanistan in a U.S.-backed arrangement in 1996) were receiving aid from
Saudi Arabia and the U.S. up to 2001. The forms of "extremism" based on
rigid interpretations of Islamic law were seen in Washington (appropriately
enough) as internal affairs rather than cause for American fears and
military intervention. But these days, allegations of Muslim maltreatment of
women and cultural intolerance (which could have been made centuries before
the western/capitalist phenomenon of fascism appeared) are being used to
demonize and essentialize over a billion people in a heavily warlike

Designed for that purpose, Islamofascism is a failure as a concept. But it
may yet be a success as a propaganda tool--rather like the concept of the
"Jewish conspiracy for world domination" widely promoted in the 1930s.

NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not
always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
available to advance understanding of
political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. I
believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107

"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson
"Gandalf Grey" <gandalfgrey@infectedmail.com> wrote in message
> "Islamofascism": The Failure of a Concept
> By Gary Leupp
> Created Nov 1 2007 - 10:50am
> The Louisiana politician Huey Long declared in the 1930s that "Fascism
> will
> come to America in the name of anti-fascism" and "in the name of national
> security." I don't think we're there yet, but there are some fascist-like
> forces mobilizing, and they're doing so in the name of protecting American
> Judeo-Christian civilization from a phantom they've conjured up called
> "Islamofascism." (Variants include Islamo-Fascism, Islamo-fascism, Islamic
> fascism, etc.)
> They want to make it a household word, sliding easily off the tongue,
> interchangeable with the more familiar "Islam" or inadequately frightening
> "Islamism." (The latter alludes to specifically political Islam, including
> variants of it that--like the political evangelical Christianity in this
> country--are non-violent.) They want the media to embrace it, and
> politicians beginning with president Bush to routinely incorporate it into
> their rhetoric. They want academics to promote the concept of a
> specifically
> Muslim form of that evil phenomenon that emerged in war-exhausted Europe
> in
> the 1920s-30s and which in its principle expressions (in Italy, Germany,
> Spain, Hungary) had some distinctly Christian features. They're throwing
> millions of dollars into a propaganda effort to popularize a concept that
> isn't just politically and intellectually tendentious but calculated to
> vilify more targets (indeed any Muslim target) for attack.
> The real (Americo-)fascists staged an early Halloween event last week, all
> dressed up as anti-fascists, made up as compassionate conservatives deeply
> disturbed by Muslim misogyny. They went door to door--or rather campus to
> campus--trick-or-treating, trying to scare. Their so-called
> "Islamo-Fascism
> Awareness Week" undertaken by well-funded, extreme-right ideologues,
> featuring such cartoon characters as Ann Coulter and Rick Santorum and
> deploying student brown shirts to lead their way, was amusing in its
> childishness but like most Halloween events rather spooky. They want to
> scare. That's the whole point.
> The scare tactics involve the promotion of the notion that we're back in
> the
> 1930s, and a Hitler is again undertaking a program of genocide. The
> fear-mongering propaganda program includes the following components:
> 1. The promotion of a certain interpretation of modern history, according
> to
> which, having defeated fascism in World War II, and communism in the Cold
> War, the West now in Bush's "War on Terror" confronts a new, terrifying
> global "ism"--Islamofascism--that must meet with the same sort of heroic
> resistance. Some pronounce this most recent war as World War III, others
> World War IV. (Bush personally seems to want to apply the "World War III"
> designation to an upcoming confrontation he apparently seeks to provoke
> with
> Iran.)
> 2. The disparagement of those questioning this view of the past and
> present,
> and those inclined towards a level-headed response to the various forms of
> Islamic militancy, as "appeasers" analogous to those who failed to
> challenge
> Hitler during his rise to power.
> 3. The specific vilification of Iran, involving
> 1. the depiction of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the new Nazi Germany
> 2. the depiction of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the new
> Hitler,
> and
> 3. the representation of the Iranian nuclear energy program as a primarily
> military one,
> 4. the accusation that Iran's nuclear energy program is designed to
> inflict
> a "nuclear holocaust" and "wipe Israel off the map."
> One finds this fear-mongering mix of loaded terms, fringe theorizing,
> unsubstantiated accusations and deliberate disinformation among other
> places
> in Norman Podhoretz's recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal praying for
> the bombing of Iran. It's nonsense--but frighteningly influential
> nonsense,
> peddled by right-wing think tanks and articulated by pundits treated with
> respect on mainstream news channels. (It may be having an effect. A recent
> Zogby poll shows 52% of Americans now favoring an attack on Iran.)
> Podhoretz and fellow neoconservatives have George Bush's ear, and the
> president has not only used the term "Islamofascism" but warned of a
> "nuclear holocaust" if Iran continues to enrich uranium, and in one of his
> most bizarre press statements to date suggested that Iran might by such
> activity provoke World War III.
> "We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy
> Israel. So I've told people that, if you're interested in avoiding World
> War
> III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from
> having
> the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."
> He is speaking of a country with cordial ties to all its neighbors,
> including U.S. client-states Afghanistan and Iraq, and which has not
> provoked a war in many centuries. Iran's president has actually not said
> that he personally, or Iran, wants to destroy Israel, a country with two
> or
> three hundred nuclear weapons. Iran according to both the IAEA and CIA is
> years from having nuclear weapons even if it planned to produce them, and
> if
> it used them against Israel the latter and/or U.S. would respond by
> eradicating the regime responsible along with much of the Iranian civilian
> population. But no matter that Bush's charges make no sense (actually
> prompting Dennis Kucinich to question his mental health). He can depict a
> regime of pretty much anything having vilified it as Islamofascist.
> Some very well-funded and highly energized proponents of the Iraq invasion
> and upcoming attacks on other Muslim countries conducted their
> "Islamofascism Awareness Week" October 22-26. The organizers have
> predictably claimed that the events on some 114 campuses (down from the
> 200
> they'd earlier predicted) constituted a glorious victory. Extreme
> right-wing
> ideologue and principal organizer David Horowitz on his website boasted
> that
> the week "witnessed the largest, most successful campus demonstrations by
> students not associated with the anti-American left in the history of
> campus
> protests." Actually, I've seen no evidence for any "campus demonstrations"
> by Horowitz-inspired, Islamophobic students at all. Rather, I've seen
> reports of reasonable people responding with appropriate revulsion to a
> campaign based on fear and hate.
> Take Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, for example. When antiwar
> activists got word--just a few days before the event--that Daniel Pipes
> would be speaking on campus, posters appeared everywhere exposing this
> neocon's history and calling on students, faculty and staff to attend and
> protest. The Tufts Democrats and progressive faculty members added their
> names to the flier, and on the evening of the talk a poster protesting
> hate
> speech endorsed by practically every religious organization on campus,
> plus
> the Tufts Coalition Opposed to the War in Iraq, was circulated and
> positively received by the great majority of persons in attendance. The
> student brownshirt introducing Pipes was noticeably shaken by the hostile
> reception, and Pipes himself seems to have abbreviated his remarks and
> availability for questions. Almost all of the latter were confrontational.
> Pipes began somewhat disarmingly by stating that he personally did not
> think
> the term "Islamofascism" useful, nor did he think Islam itself was the
> problem. Rather, he targeted "Muslim extremism," while noting that often
> Muslim extremists posed as moderates--another way of saying all Muslims
> are
> inherently suspect. Among the extremists he included a disparate array of
> movements and governments, including the Palestinians against whom Israel
> must not compromise but win "victory."
> I've tried to determine what the necessary components of "Islamofascism"
> or
> even "Muslim extremism" might be in the minds of those using the terms so
> glibly. I wind up with the following:
> 1. Islam (of any sort).
> 2. Willingness to use violence to obtain certain ends, not even
> necessarily
> religious but maybe political or nationalist (such as ending occupation).
> 3. Opposition to U.S. policy, particularly towards Middle Eastern
> countries
> including Israel
> 4. Opposition to Israel, particularly Israeli occupation of Arab land
> Notice how minimalistic these components are.
> One might include support for the implementation of Sharia law, but among
> the states and movements labeled "Islamofascist" by those promoting the
> concept there are a wide range of views on that issue. Some like Syria are
> pointedly secular (as was Saddam's Iraq) and have harshly suppressed
> groups
> they consider extremist. One might include under component 2 specific
> reference to suicide bombing, but that's not a feature of all the groups
> and
> states targeted by the terminology. Some, Bush included, want to associate
> the vilified with the idea of a revived Caliphate, but according to the
> authoritative Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (Oxford University
> Press,
> 1997), "in practice, there is little sign of any desire to return to the
> Caliphate" among Muslims. In any case, note that the four characteristics
> listed above are hardly "fascist" or even "extreme" by definition.
> Lebanon's Hizbollah is a political party that controls a large bloc in the
> national parliament, owns broadcasting stations, and provides a range of
> social services. One can say this of many political parties. It has an
> armed
> wing. But so do Lebanon's Christian Phalangists. It is a Shiite party but
> has enjoyed widespread support among non-Shiites as well, obtaining
> enormous
> popularity during Israel's attack last summer. It's often accused of
> trying
> to impose Sharia law, but a secular Christian journalist, Joseph Samaha,
> wrote in 2004, "One would have to be blind not to notice the changes
> Hezbollah has undergone. Has Hezbollah tried to ban books or impose
> sharia?
> Not once. Their electoral program is [an] almost social democratic [one].
> So
> we're confronting a very different kind of Fundamentalist party." Hardly
> sounds "fascist." Where is the racial theory, the drive to expand
> territory?
> (Don't tell me the drive to recover the Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms is
> an
> effort to obtain Lebensraum.)
> The Palestinian group Hamas is Sunni. Israel initially encouraged its
> formation as a Muslim alternative to the secular PLO. It evolved into a
> violent movement in resistance to occupation, employing such extreme
> methods
> as suicide bombings. But it observed unilateral ceasefires with Israel
> from
> January 2005 to June 2006, and November 2006 to April 2007, and has
> offered
> a 10-year ceasefire if Israel agrees to withdraw to the 1967 borders.
> Brought to power (if we can speak about power under occupation) in a free
> election, it is widely respected among the oppressed Palestinians as a
> moral
> and efficient alternative to corrupt PLO politicians. Last month leader
> Ismail Haniyeh's spokesman stated the group's willingness to negotiate
> with
> Israel, declaring, "The principle of negotiating with the enemy is not
> legally and religiously rejected" and "Hamas is ready to sit at the
> negotiating table if it is convinced that a political achievement can be
> made. But the general impression manifested by the current Israeli policy
> doesn't give any positive sign." These seem like moderate rather than
> extremist remarks.
> Al-Qaeda is a collection of clandestine cells plotting spectacular acts of
> violence designed to produce a general all-out war between the (Sunni)
> Muslim world and the U.S. and its allies. It may succeed in that--in
> tandem
> with the neoconservatives in Washington who want to conquer Southwest
> Asia,
> encircle China, establish permanent military bases and control the flow of
> oil from the region.
> If these movements have little in common, neither do the demonized states.
> The governments of Syria and Iran (those most in the neocons' crosshairs)
> are strategically allied, but very different; one a hereditary secular
> dictatorship that deals harshly with political Islam, the other a Shiite
> theocratic state with some democratic features such as competitive
> elections. The Taliban regime in Afghanistan that fell in 2001 was another
> very different phenomenon; it had features in common with Saudi Arabia,
> one
> of the few countries that recognized the Taliban regime. Both apply Sharia
> law, notoriously stoning women for adultery. But Saudi Arabia is a close
> U.S. ally, generally exempt from vilification. Even the Taliban regime was
> initially welcomed by some in Washington, including the Afghan-American
> Zalmay Khalilzad, in recent years U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq.
> This neocon, as a Rand analyst in October 1996, wrote a Washington Post
> op-ed urging ties with the regime (in connection with oil pipeline
> construction) and nothing that it "does not practice the anti-U.S. style
> of
> fundamentalism practiced by Iran."
> No demonization of the Talibs as "Islamofascists" then. No great fuss
> about
> the burqa, the ancient female garment in Afghanistan that isn't
> specifically
> Muslim and may indeed have Byzantine origins. (And which, you notice, has
> not disappeared under the Karzai/warlord regime placed in power by the
> U.S.)
> Recall that the Taliban toppled the Northern Alliance forces who had been
> funded by the CIA all through the 1980s to "bleed the Soviets" and
> overthrow
> a secular regime pitted against Muslim extremists. U.S. policy had been to
> encourage jihadist mentality to defeat a government promoting modern
> public
> education, health clinics, and gender equality. Mujahadeen of the Taliban
> had been involved in that effort too, as well as the Saudi volunteers led
> by
> Osama bin Laden!
> The Taliban, even while stoning women in soccer stadiums, blasting away
> ancient Buddhist statues, and hosting bin Laden (who left Sudan for
> Afghanistan in a U.S.-backed arrangement in 1996) were receiving aid from
> Saudi Arabia and the U.S. up to 2001. The forms of "extremism" based on
> rigid interpretations of Islamic law were seen in Washington
> (appropriately
> enough) as internal affairs rather than cause for American fears and
> military intervention. But these days, allegations of Muslim maltreatment
> of
> women and cultural intolerance (which could have been made centuries
> before
> the western/capitalist phenomenon of fascism appeared) are being used to
> demonize and essentialize over a billion people in a heavily warlike
> atmosphere.
> Designed for that purpose, Islamofascism is a failure as a concept. But it
> may yet be a success as a propaganda tool--rather like the concept of the
> "Jewish conspiracy for world domination" widely promoted in the 1930s.
> _______
> --
> NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not
> always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
> available to advance understanding of
> political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues.
> I
> believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
> Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107
> "A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
> spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
> government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
> suffering deeply in spirit,
> and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
> debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
> patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
> back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are
> at
> stake."
> -Thomas Jefferson

Another article by a liberal with his head in the sand.

"Taylor" <Taylor@nospam.com> wrote in message
> "Gandalf Grey" <gandalfgrey@infectedmail.com> wrote in message
> news:472b5f49$1$17047$9a6e19ea@news.newshosting.com...
>> "Islamofascism": The Failure of a Concept
>> By Gary Leupp
>> Created Nov 1 2007 - 10:50am
>> The Louisiana politician Huey Long declared in the 1930s that "Fascism
>> will
>> come to America in the name of anti-fascism" and "in the name of national
>> security." I don't think we're there yet, but there are some fascist-like
>> forces mobilizing, and they're doing so in the name of protecting
>> American
>> Judeo-Christian civilization from a phantom they've conjured up called
>> "Islamofascism." (Variants include Islamo-Fascism, Islamo-fascism,
>> Islamic
>> fascism, etc.)
>> They want to make it a household word, sliding easily off the tongue,
>> interchangeable with the more familiar "Islam" or inadequately
>> frightening
>> "Islamism." (The latter alludes to specifically political Islam,
>> including
>> variants of it that--like the political evangelical Christianity in this
>> country--are non-violent.) They want the media to embrace it, and
>> politicians beginning with president Bush to routinely incorporate it
>> into
>> their rhetoric. They want academics to promote the concept of a
>> specifically
>> Muslim form of that evil phenomenon that emerged in war-exhausted Europe
>> in
>> the 1920s-30s and which in its principle expressions (in Italy, Germany,
>> Spain, Hungary) had some distinctly Christian features. They're throwing
>> millions of dollars into a propaganda effort to popularize a concept that
>> isn't just politically and intellectually tendentious but calculated to
>> vilify more targets (indeed any Muslim target) for attack.
>> The real (Americo-)fascists staged an early Halloween event last week,
>> all
>> dressed up as anti-fascists, made up as compassionate conservatives
>> deeply
>> disturbed by Muslim misogyny. They went door to door--or rather campus to
>> campus--trick-or-treating, trying to scare. Their so-called
>> "Islamo-Fascism
>> Awareness Week" undertaken by well-funded, extreme-right ideologues,
>> featuring such cartoon characters as Ann Coulter and Rick Santorum and
>> deploying student brown shirts to lead their way, was amusing in its
>> childishness but like most Halloween events rather spooky. They want to
>> scare. That's the whole point.
>> The scare tactics involve the promotion of the notion that we're back in
>> the
>> 1930s, and a Hitler is again undertaking a program of genocide. The
>> fear-mongering propaganda program includes the following components:
>> 1. The promotion of a certain interpretation of modern history, according
>> to
>> which, having defeated fascism in World War II, and communism in the Cold
>> War, the West now in Bush's "War on Terror" confronts a new, terrifying
>> global "ism"--Islamofascism--that must meet with the same sort of heroic
>> resistance. Some pronounce this most recent war as World War III, others
>> World War IV. (Bush personally seems to want to apply the "World War III"
>> designation to an upcoming confrontation he apparently seeks to provoke
>> with
>> Iran.)
>> 2. The disparagement of those questioning this view of the past and
>> present,
>> and those inclined towards a level-headed response to the various forms
>> of
>> Islamic militancy, as "appeasers" analogous to those who failed to
>> challenge
>> Hitler during his rise to power.
>> 3. The specific vilification of Iran, involving
>> 1. the depiction of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the new Nazi Germany
>> 2. the depiction of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the new
>> Hitler,
>> and
>> 3. the representation of the Iranian nuclear energy program as a
>> primarily
>> military one,
>> 4. the accusation that Iran's nuclear energy program is designed to
>> inflict
>> a "nuclear holocaust" and "wipe Israel off the map."
>> One finds this fear-mongering mix of loaded terms, fringe theorizing,
>> unsubstantiated accusations and deliberate disinformation among other
>> places
>> in Norman Podhoretz's recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal praying for
>> the bombing of Iran. It's nonsense--but frighteningly influential
>> nonsense,
>> peddled by right-wing think tanks and articulated by pundits treated with
>> respect on mainstream news channels. (It may be having an effect. A
>> recent
>> Zogby poll shows 52% of Americans now favoring an attack on Iran.)
>> Podhoretz and fellow neoconservatives have George Bush's ear, and the
>> president has not only used the term "Islamofascism" but warned of a
>> "nuclear holocaust" if Iran continues to enrich uranium, and in one of
>> his
>> most bizarre press statements to date suggested that Iran might by such
>> activity provoke World War III.
>> "We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy
>> Israel. So I've told people that, if you're interested in avoiding World
>> War
>> III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from
>> having
>> the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."
>> He is speaking of a country with cordial ties to all its neighbors,
>> including U.S. client-states Afghanistan and Iraq, and which has not
>> provoked a war in many centuries. Iran's president has actually not said
>> that he personally, or Iran, wants to destroy Israel, a country with two
>> or
>> three hundred nuclear weapons. Iran according to both the IAEA and CIA is
>> years from having nuclear weapons even if it planned to produce them, and
>> if
>> it used them against Israel the latter and/or U.S. would respond by
>> eradicating the regime responsible along with much of the Iranian
>> civilian
>> population. But no matter that Bush's charges make no sense (actually
>> prompting Dennis Kucinich to question his mental health). He can depict a
>> regime of pretty much anything having vilified it as Islamofascist.
>> Some very well-funded and highly energized proponents of the Iraq
>> invasion
>> and upcoming attacks on other Muslim countries conducted their
>> "Islamofascism Awareness Week" October 22-26. The organizers have
>> predictably claimed that the events on some 114 campuses (down from the
>> 200
>> they'd earlier predicted) constituted a glorious victory. Extreme
>> right-wing
>> ideologue and principal organizer David Horowitz on his website boasted
>> that
>> the week "witnessed the largest, most successful campus demonstrations by
>> students not associated with the anti-American left in the history of
>> campus
>> protests." Actually, I've seen no evidence for any "campus
>> demonstrations"
>> by Horowitz-inspired, Islamophobic students at all. Rather, I've seen
>> reports of reasonable people responding with appropriate revulsion to a
>> campaign based on fear and hate.
>> Take Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, for example. When
>> antiwar
>> activists got word--just a few days before the event--that Daniel Pipes
>> would be speaking on campus, posters appeared everywhere exposing this
>> neocon's history and calling on students, faculty and staff to attend and
>> protest. The Tufts Democrats and progressive faculty members added their
>> names to the flier, and on the evening of the talk a poster protesting
>> hate
>> speech endorsed by practically every religious organization on campus,
>> plus
>> the Tufts Coalition Opposed to the War in Iraq, was circulated and
>> positively received by the great majority of persons in attendance. The
>> student brownshirt introducing Pipes was noticeably shaken by the hostile
>> reception, and Pipes himself seems to have abbreviated his remarks and
>> availability for questions. Almost all of the latter were
>> confrontational.
>> Pipes began somewhat disarmingly by stating that he personally did not
>> think
>> the term "Islamofascism" useful, nor did he think Islam itself was the
>> problem. Rather, he targeted "Muslim extremism," while noting that often
>> Muslim extremists posed as moderates--another way of saying all Muslims
>> are
>> inherently suspect. Among the extremists he included a disparate array of
>> movements and governments, including the Palestinians against whom Israel
>> must not compromise but win "victory."
>> I've tried to determine what the necessary components of "Islamofascism"
>> or
>> even "Muslim extremism" might be in the minds of those using the terms so
>> glibly. I wind up with the following:
>> 1. Islam (of any sort).
>> 2. Willingness to use violence to obtain certain ends, not even
>> necessarily
>> religious but maybe political or nationalist (such as ending occupation).
>> 3. Opposition to U.S. policy, particularly towards Middle Eastern
>> countries
>> including Israel
>> 4. Opposition to Israel, particularly Israeli occupation of Arab land
>> Notice how minimalistic these components are.
>> One might include support for the implementation of Sharia law, but among
>> the states and movements labeled "Islamofascist" by those promoting the
>> concept there are a wide range of views on that issue. Some like Syria
>> are
>> pointedly secular (as was Saddam's Iraq) and have harshly suppressed
>> groups
>> they consider extremist. One might include under component 2 specific
>> reference to suicide bombing, but that's not a feature of all the groups
>> and
>> states targeted by the terminology. Some, Bush included, want to
>> associate
>> the vilified with the idea of a revived Caliphate, but according to the
>> authoritative Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (Oxford University
>> Press,
>> 1997), "in practice, there is little sign of any desire to return to the
>> Caliphate" among Muslims. In any case, note that the four characteristics
>> listed above are hardly "fascist" or even "extreme" by definition.
>> Lebanon's Hizbollah is a political party that controls a large bloc in
>> the
>> national parliament, owns broadcasting stations, and provides a range of
>> social services. One can say this of many political parties. It has an
>> armed
>> wing. But so do Lebanon's Christian Phalangists. It is a Shiite party but
>> has enjoyed widespread support among non-Shiites as well, obtaining
>> enormous
>> popularity during Israel's attack last summer. It's often accused of
>> trying
>> to impose Sharia law, but a secular Christian journalist, Joseph Samaha,
>> wrote in 2004, "One would have to be blind not to notice the changes
>> Hezbollah has undergone. Has Hezbollah tried to ban books or impose
>> sharia?
>> Not once. Their electoral program is [an] almost social democratic [one].
>> So
>> we're confronting a very different kind of Fundamentalist party." Hardly
>> sounds "fascist." Where is the racial theory, the drive to expand
>> territory?
>> (Don't tell me the drive to recover the Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms is
>> an
>> effort to obtain Lebensraum.)
>> The Palestinian group Hamas is Sunni. Israel initially encouraged its
>> formation as a Muslim alternative to the secular PLO. It evolved into a
>> violent movement in resistance to occupation, employing such extreme
>> methods
>> as suicide bombings. But it observed unilateral ceasefires with Israel
>> from
>> January 2005 to June 2006, and November 2006 to April 2007, and has
>> offered
>> a 10-year ceasefire if Israel agrees to withdraw to the 1967 borders.
>> Brought to power (if we can speak about power under occupation) in a free
>> election, it is widely respected among the oppressed Palestinians as a
>> moral
>> and efficient alternative to corrupt PLO politicians. Last month leader
>> Ismail Haniyeh's spokesman stated the group's willingness to negotiate
>> with
>> Israel, declaring, "The principle of negotiating with the enemy is not
>> legally and religiously rejected" and "Hamas is ready to sit at the
>> negotiating table if it is convinced that a political achievement can be
>> made. But the general impression manifested by the current Israeli policy
>> doesn't give any positive sign." These seem like moderate rather than
>> extremist remarks.
>> Al-Qaeda is a collection of clandestine cells plotting spectacular acts
>> of
>> violence designed to produce a general all-out war between the (Sunni)
>> Muslim world and the U.S. and its allies. It may succeed in that--in
>> tandem
>> with the neoconservatives in Washington who want to conquer Southwest
>> Asia,
>> encircle China, establish permanent military bases and control the flow
>> of
>> oil from the region.
>> If these movements have little in common, neither do the demonized
>> states.
>> The governments of Syria and Iran (those most in the neocons' crosshairs)
>> are strategically allied, but very different; one a hereditary secular
>> dictatorship that deals harshly with political Islam, the other a Shiite
>> theocratic state with some democratic features such as competitive
>> elections. The Taliban regime in Afghanistan that fell in 2001 was
>> another
>> very different phenomenon; it had features in common with Saudi Arabia,
>> one
>> of the few countries that recognized the Taliban regime. Both apply
>> Sharia
>> law, notoriously stoning women for adultery. But Saudi Arabia is a close
>> U.S. ally, generally exempt from vilification. Even the Taliban regime
>> was
>> initially welcomed by some in Washington, including the Afghan-American
>> Zalmay Khalilzad, in recent years U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan and
>> Iraq.
>> This neocon, as a Rand analyst in October 1996, wrote a Washington Post
>> op-ed urging ties with the regime (in connection with oil pipeline
>> construction) and nothing that it "does not practice the anti-U.S. style
>> of
>> fundamentalism practiced by Iran."
>> No demonization of the Talibs as "Islamofascists" then. No great fuss
>> about
>> the burqa, the ancient female garment in Afghanistan that isn't
>> specifically
>> Muslim and may indeed have Byzantine origins. (And which, you notice, has
>> not disappeared under the Karzai/warlord regime placed in power by the
>> U.S.)
>> Recall that the Taliban toppled the Northern Alliance forces who had been
>> funded by the CIA all through the 1980s to "bleed the Soviets" and
>> overthrow
>> a secular regime pitted against Muslim extremists. U.S. policy had been
>> to
>> encourage jihadist mentality to defeat a government promoting modern
>> public
>> education, health clinics, and gender equality. Mujahadeen of the Taliban
>> had been involved in that effort too, as well as the Saudi volunteers led
>> by
>> Osama bin Laden!
>> The Taliban, even while stoning women in soccer stadiums, blasting away
>> ancient Buddhist statues, and hosting bin Laden (who left Sudan for
>> Afghanistan in a U.S.-backed arrangement in 1996) were receiving aid from
>> Saudi Arabia and the U.S. up to 2001. The forms of "extremism" based on
>> rigid interpretations of Islamic law were seen in Washington
>> (appropriately
>> enough) as internal affairs rather than cause for American fears and
>> military intervention. But these days, allegations of Muslim maltreatment
>> of
>> women and cultural intolerance (which could have been made centuries
>> before
>> the western/capitalist phenomenon of fascism appeared) are being used to
>> demonize and essentialize over a billion people in a heavily warlike
>> atmosphere.
>> Designed for that purpose, Islamofascism is a failure as a concept. But
>> it
>> may yet be a success as a propaganda tool--rather like the concept of the
>> "Jewish conspiracy for world domination" widely promoted in the 1930s.
>> _______
>> --
>> NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not
>> always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
>> available to advance understanding of
>> political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice
>> issues. I
>> believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as
>> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
>> Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107
>> "A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
>> spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore
>> their
>> government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we
>> are
>> suffering deeply in spirit,
>> and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous
>> public
>> debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
>> patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of
>> winning
>> back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are
>> at
>> stake."
>> -Thomas Jefferson

> Another article by a liberal with his head in the sand.

Another response by a conservative with his head up Bush's ass.
"Nero" <nero@roma.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 20:50:32 +0000, Godless Marxist Progressive Anarchist
> Left-tard Black Sheep Hippie Rebels Without A Cause are all TRAITORS!

Fascist rightards are traitors.

> wrote:
>> On Nov 2, 4:01 pm, "Gandalf Grey" <gandalfg...@infectedmail.com> wrote:
>>> "Taylor" <Tay...@nospam.com> wrote in message
>>> news:472b64d8$0$5008$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> > "Gandalf Grey" <gandalfg...@infectedmail.com> wrote in message
>>> >news:472b5f49$1$17047$9a6e19ea@news.newshosting.com...
>>> >> "Islamofascism": The Failure of a Concept
>>> >> By Gary Leupp
>>> >> Created Nov 1 2007 - 10:50am
>>> >> The Louisiana politician Huey Long declared in the 1930s that
>>> >> "Fascism will
>>> >> come to America in the name of anti-fascism" and "in the name of
>>> >> national security." I don't think we're there yet, but there are
>>> >> some fascist-like forces mobilizing, and they're doing so in the
>>> >> name of protecting American
>>> >> Judeo-Christian civilization from a phantom they've conjured up
>>> >> called "Islamofascism." (Variants include Islamo-Fascism,
>>> >> Islamo-fascism, Islamic
>>> >> fascism, etc.)
>>> >> They want to make it a household word, sliding easily off the
>>> >> tongue, interchangeable with the more familiar "Islam" or
>>> >> inadequately frightening
>>> >> "Islamism." (The latter alludes to specifically political Islam,
>>> >> including
>>> >> variants of it that--like the political evangelical Christianity in
>>> >> this country--are non-violent.) They want the media to embrace it,
>>> >> and politicians beginning with president Bush to routinely
>>> >> incorporate it into
>>> >> their rhetoric. They want academics to promote the concept of a
>>> >> specifically
>>> >> Muslim form of that evil phenomenon that emerged in war-exhausted
>>> >> Europe in
>>> >> the 1920s-30s and which in its principle expressions (in Italy,
>>> >> Germany, Spain, Hungary) had some distinctly Christian features.
>>> >> They're throwing millions of dollars into a propaganda effort to
>>> >> popularize a concept that isn't just politically and intellectually
>>> >> tendentious but calculated to vilify more targets (indeed any Muslim
>>> >> target) for attack.
>>> >> The real (Americo-)fascists staged an early Halloween event last
>>> >> week, all
>>> >> dressed up as anti-fascists, made up as compassionate conservatives
>>> >> deeply
>>> >> disturbed by Muslim misogyny. They went door to door--or rather
>>> >> campus to campus--trick-or-treating, trying to scare. Their
>>> >> so-called "Islamo-Fascism
>>> >> Awareness Week" undertaken by well-funded, extreme-right ideologues,
>>> >> featuring such cartoon characters as Ann Coulter and Rick Santorum
>>> >> and deploying student brown shirts to lead their way, was amusing in
>>> >> its childishness but like most Halloween events rather spooky. They
>>> >> want to scare. That's the whole point.
>>> >> The scare tactics involve the promotion of the notion that we're
>>> >> back in the
>>> >> 1930s, and a Hitler is again undertaking a program of genocide. The
>>> >> fear-mongering propaganda program includes the following components:
>>> >> 1. The promotion of a certain interpretation of modern history,
>>> >> according to
>>> >> which, having defeated fascism in World War II, and communism in the
>>> >> Cold War, the West now in Bush's "War on Terror" confronts a new,
>>> >> terrifying global "ism"--Islamofascism--that must meet with the same
>>> >> sort of heroic resistance. Some pronounce this most recent war as
>>> >> World War III, others World War IV. (Bush personally seems to want
>>> >> to apply the "World War III" designation to an upcoming
>>> >> confrontation he apparently seeks to provoke with
>>> >> Iran.)
>>> >> 2. The disparagement of those questioning this view of the past and
>>> >> present,
>>> >> and those inclined towards a level-headed response to the various
>>> >> forms of
>>> >> Islamic militancy, as "appeasers" analogous to those who failed to
>>> >> challenge
>>> >> Hitler during his rise to power.
>>> >> 3. The specific vilification of Iran, involving
>>> >> 1. the depiction of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the new Nazi
>>> >> Germany 2. the depiction of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as
>>> >> the new Hitler,
>>> >> and
>>> >> 3. the representation of the Iranian nuclear energy program as a
>>> >> primarily
>>> >> military one,
>>> >> 4. the accusation that Iran's nuclear energy program is designed to
>>> >> inflict
>>> >> a "nuclear holocaust" and "wipe Israel off the map."
>>> >> One finds this fear-mongering mix of loaded terms, fringe
>>> >> theorizing, unsubstantiated accusations and deliberate
>>> >> disinformation among other places
>>> >> in Norman Podhoretz's recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal
>>> >> praying for the bombing of Iran. It's nonsense--but frighteningly
>>> >> influential nonsense,
>>> >> peddled by right-wing think tanks and articulated by pundits treated
>>> >> with respect on mainstream news channels. (It may be having an
>>> >> effect. A recent
>>> >> Zogby poll shows 52% of Americans now favoring an attack on Iran.)
>>> >> Podhoretz and fellow neoconservatives have George Bush's ear, and
>>> >> the president has not only used the term "Islamofascism" but warned
>>> >> of a "nuclear holocaust" if Iran continues to enrich uranium, and in
>>> >> one of his
>>> >> most bizarre press statements to date suggested that Iran might by
>>> >> such activity provoke World War III.
>>> >> "We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to
>>> >> destroy Israel. So I've told people that, if you're interested in
>>> >> avoiding World War
>>> >> III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them
>>> >> from having
>>> >> the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."
>>> >> He is speaking of a country with cordial ties to all its neighbors,
>>> >> including U.S. client-states Afghanistan and Iraq, and which has not
>>> >> provoked a war in many centuries. Iran's president has actually not
>>> >> said that he personally, or Iran, wants to destroy Israel, a country
>>> >> with two or
>>> >> three hundred nuclear weapons. Iran according to both the IAEA and
>>> >> CIA is years from having nuclear weapons even if it planned to
>>> >> produce them, and if
>>> >> it used them against Israel the latter and/or U.S. would respond by
>>> >> eradicating the regime responsible along with much of the Iranian
>>> >> civilian
>>> >> population. But no matter that Bush's charges make no sense
>>> >> (actually prompting Dennis Kucinich to question his mental health).
>>> >> He can depict a regime of pretty much anything having vilified it as
>>> >> Islamofascist.
>>> >> Some very well-funded and highly energized proponents of the Iraq
>>> >> invasion
>>> >> and upcoming attacks on other Muslim countries conducted their
>>> >> "Islamofascism Awareness Week" October 22-26. The organizers have
>>> >> predictably claimed that the events on some 114 campuses (down from
>>> >> the 200
>>> >> they'd earlier predicted) constituted a glorious victory. Extreme
>>> >> right-wing
>>> >> ideologue and principal organizer David Horowitz on his website
>>> >> boasted that
>>> >> the week "witnessed the largest, most successful campus
>>> >> demonstrations by students not associated with the anti-American
>>> >> left in the history of campus
>>> >> protests." Actually, I've seen no evidence for any "campus
>>> >> demonstrations"
>>> >> by Horowitz-inspired, Islamophobic students at all. Rather, I've
>>> >> seen reports of reasonable people responding with appropriate
>>> >> revulsion to a campaign based on fear and hate.
>>> >> Take Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, for example. When
>>> >> antiwar
>>> >> activists got word--just a few days before the event--that Daniel
>>> >> Pipes would be speaking on campus, posters appeared everywhere
>>> >> exposing this neocon's history and calling on students, faculty and
>>> >> staff to attend and protest. The Tufts Democrats and progressive
>>> >> faculty members added their names to the flier, and on the evening
>>> >> of the talk a poster protesting hate
>>> >> speech endorsed by practically every religious organization on
>>> >> campus, plus
>>> >> the Tufts Coalition Opposed to the War in Iraq, was circulated and
>>> >> positively received by the great majority of persons in attendance.
>>> >> The student brownshirt introducing Pipes was noticeably shaken by
>>> >> the hostile reception, and Pipes himself seems to have abbreviated
>>> >> his remarks and availability for questions. Almost all of the latter
>>> >> were confrontational.
>>> >> Pipes began somewhat disarmingly by stating that he personally did
>>> >> not think
>>> >> the term "Islamofascism" useful, nor did he think Islam itself was
>>> >> the problem. Rather, he targeted "Muslim extremism," while noting
>>> >> that often Muslim extremists posed as moderates--another way of
>>> >> saying all Muslims are
>>> >> inherently suspect. Among the extremists he included a disparate
>>> >> array of movements and governments, including the Palestinians
>>> >> against whom Israel must not compromise but win "victory."
>>> >> I've tried to determine what the necessary components of
>>> >> "Islamofascism" or
>>> >> even "Muslim extremism" might be in the minds of those using the
>>> >> terms so glibly. I wind up with the following:
>>> >> 1. Islam (of any sort).
>>> >> 2. Willingness to use violence to obtain certain ends, not even
>>> >> necessarily
>>> >> religious but maybe political or nationalist (such as ending
>>> >> occupation). 3. Opposition to U.S. policy, particularly towards
>>> >> Middle Eastern countries
>>> >> including Israel
>>> >> 4. Opposition to Israel, particularly Israeli occupation of Arab
>>> >> land
>>> >> Notice how minimalistic these components are.
>>> >> One might include support for the implementation of Sharia law, but
>>> >> among the states and movements labeled "Islamofascist" by those
>>> >> promoting the concept there are a wide range of views on that issue.
>>> >> Some like Syria are
>>> >> pointedly secular (as was Saddam's Iraq) and have harshly suppressed
>>> >> groups
>>> >> they consider extremist. One might include under component 2
>>> >> specific reference to suicide bombing, but that's not a feature of
>>> >> all the groups and
>>> >> states targeted by the terminology. Some, Bush included, want to
>>> >> associate
>>> >> the vilified with the idea of a revived Caliphate, but according to
>>> >> the authoritative Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (Oxford
>>> >> University Press,
>>> >> 1997), "in practice, there is little sign of any desire to return to
>>> >> the Caliphate" among Muslims. In any case, note that the four
>>> >> characteristics listed above are hardly "fascist" or even "extreme"
>>> >> by definition.
>>> >> Lebanon's Hizbollah is a political party that controls a large bloc
>>> >> in the
>>> >> national parliament, owns broadcasting stations, and provides a
>>> >> range of social services. One can say this of many political
>>> >> parties. It has an armed
>>> >> wing. But so do Lebanon's Christian Phalangists. It is a Shiite
>>> >> party but has enjoyed widespread support among non-Shiites as well,
>>> >> obtaining enormous
>>> >> popularity during Israel's attack last summer. It's often accused of
>>> >> trying
>>> >> to impose Sharia law, but a secular Christian journalist, Joseph
>>> >> Samaha, wrote in 2004, "One would have to be blind not to notice the
>>> >> changes Hezbollah has undergone. Has Hezbollah tried to ban books or
>>> >> impose sharia?
>>> >> Not once. Their electoral program is [an] almost social democratic
>>> >> [one]. So
>>> >> we're confronting a very different kind of Fundamentalist party."
>>> >> Hardly sounds "fascist." Where is the racial theory, the drive to
>>> >> expand territory?
>>> >> (Don't tell me the drive to recover the Israeli-occupied Shebaa
>>> >> Farms is an
>>> >> effort to obtain Lebensraum.)
>>> >> The Palestinian group Hamas is Sunni. Israel initially encouraged
>>> >> its formation as a Muslim alternative to the secular PLO. It evolved
>>> >> into a violent movement in resistance to occupation, employing such
>>> >> extreme methods
>>> >> as suicide bombings. But it observed unilateral ceasefires with
>>> >> Israel from
>>> >> January 2005 to June 2006, and November 2006 to April 2007, and has
>>> >> offered
>>> >> a 10-year ceasefire if Israel agrees to withdraw to the 1967
>>> >> borders. Brought to power (if we can speak about power under
>>> >> occupation) in a free election, it is widely respected among the
>>> >> oppressed Palestinians as a moral
>>> >> and efficient alternative to corrupt PLO politicians. Last month
>>> >> leader Ismail Haniyeh's spokesman stated the group's willingness to
>>> >> negotiate with
>>> >> Israel, declaring, "The principle of negotiating with the enemy is
>>> >> not legally and religiously rejected" and "Hamas is ready to sit at
>>> >> the negotiating table if it is convinced that a political
>>> >> achievement can be made. But the general impression manifested by
>>> >> the current Israeli policy doesn't give any positive sign." These
>>> >> seem like moderate rather than extremist remarks.
>>> >> Al-Qaeda is a collection of clandestine cells plotting spectacular
>>> >> acts of
>>> >> violence designed to produce a general all-out war between the
>>> >> (Sunni) Muslim world and the U.S. and its allies. It may succeed in
>>> >> that--in tandem
>>> >> with the neoconservatives in Washington who want to conquer
>>> >> Southwest Asia,
>>> >> encircle China, establish permanent military bases and control the
>>> >> flow of
>>> >> oil from the region.
>>> >> If these movements have little in common, neither do the demonized
>>> >> states.
>>> >> The governments of Syria and Iran (those most in the neocons'
>>> >> crosshairs) are strategically allied, but very different; one a
>>> >> hereditary secular dictatorship that deals harshly with political
>>> >> Islam, the other a Shiite theocratic state with some democratic
>>> >> features such as competitive elections. The Taliban regime in
>>> >> Afghanistan that fell in 2001 was another
>>> >> very different phenomenon; it had features in common with Saudi
>>> >> Arabia, one
>>> >> of the few countries that recognized the Taliban regime. Both apply
>>> >> Sharia
>>> >> law, notoriously stoning women for adultery. But Saudi Arabia is a
>>> >> close U.S. ally, generally exempt from vilification. Even the
>>> >> Taliban regime was
>>> >> initially welcomed by some in Washington, including the
>>> >> Afghan-American Zalmay Khalilzad, in recent years U.S. ambassador to
>>> >> Afghanistan and Iraq.
>>> >> This neocon, as a Rand analyst in October 1996, wrote a Washington
>>> >> Post op-ed urging ties with the regime (in connection with oil
>>> >> pipeline construction) and nothing that it "does not practice the
>>> >> anti-U.S. style of
>>> >> fundamentalism practiced by Iran."
>>> >> No demonization of the Talibs as "Islamofascists" then. No great
>>> >> fuss about
>>> >> the burqa, the ancient female garment in Afghanistan that isn't
>>> >> specifically
>>> >> Muslim and may indeed have Byzantine origins. (And which, you
>>> >> notice, has not disappeared under the Karzai/warlord regime placed
>>> >> in power by the U.S.)
>>> >> Recall that the Taliban toppled the Northern Alliance forces who had
>>> >> been funded by the CIA all through the 1980s to "bleed the Soviets"
>>> >> and overthrow
>>> >> a secular regime pitted against Muslim extremists. U.S. policy had
>>> >> been to
>>> >> encourage jihadist mentality to defeat a government promoting modern
>>> >> public
>>> >> education, health clinics, and gender equality. Mujahadeen of the
>>> >> Taliban had been involved in that effort too, as well as the Saudi
>>> >> volunteers led by
>>> >> Osama bin Laden!
>>> >> The Taliban, even while stoning women in soccer stadiums, blasting
>>> >> away ancient Buddhist statues, and hosting bin Laden (who left Sudan
>>> >> for Afghanistan in a U.S.-backed arrangement in 1996) were receiving
>>> >> aid from Saudi Arabia and the U.S. up to 2001. The forms of
>>> >> "extremism" based on rigid interpretations of Islamic law were seen
>>> >> in Washington (appropriately
>>> >> enough) as internal affairs rather than cause for American fears and
>>> >> military intervention. But these days, allegations of Muslim
>>> >> maltreatment of
>>> >> women and cultural intolerance (which could have been made centuries
>>> >> before
>>> >> the western/capitalist phenomenon of fascism appeared) are being
>>> >> used to demonize and essentialize over a billion people in a heavily
>>> >> warlike atmosphere.
>>> >> Designed for that purpose, Islamofascism is a failure as a concept.
>>> >> But it
>>> >> may yet be a success as a propaganda tool--rather like the concept
>>> >> of the "Jewish conspiracy for world domination" widely promoted in
>>> >> the 1930s. _______
>>> >> --
>>> >> NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has
>>> >> not always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such
>>> >> material available to advance understanding of political, human
>>> >> rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. I
>>> >> believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material
>>> >> as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In
>>> >> accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107
>>> >> "A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over,
>>> >> their spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight,
>>> >> restore their
>>> >> government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime
>>> >> we are
>>> >> suffering deeply in spirit,
>>> >> and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous
>>> >> public
>>> >> debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must
>>> >> have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity
>>> >> of winning
>>> >> back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where
>>> >> principles are at
>>> >> stake."
>>> >> -Thomas Jefferson
>>> > Another article by a liberal with his head in the sand.
>>> Another response by a conservative with his head up Bush's ass.

>> So Islam isn't fascist?

> Do you have the slightest idea what fascism is?
>> Fascist Islam believes in vaginal mutilation to keep women from enjoying
>> sex:
>> http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/huston/061027
>> Fascist Islam believes in keeping women covered in public:
>> http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,20646437-601,00.html?

> from=mostpop
>> Fascist Islam believes in killing a Muslim woman who is accused of
>> cheating, having sex before marriage, being raped (!!!), wearing
>> inappropriate clothing, or wanting to marry a man of a different
>> religion or sect of Islam:
>> http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=21284&page=1
>> Fascist Islam believes in teaching children to hate:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bra53uzgPDk
