Israel and Iran are allies!


Joseph R Loegering

This might give you an Idea as to what is going on.

I personally translated President Putin's conversation with Iran's Defense
Minister, where at the beginning of the Iraq War, in Iran Putin said, "I
will not stand for any American aggression against Iran, and I will give you
my full support for your peaceful Nuclear Program!"

But Russia supplies Israel with 99% of their Oil.

If Iran's Nuclear program is a real threat to Israel, why does Israel not
tell Russia, "Stop building Iran's Nuclear Reactor, and stop supporting
their Nuclear Program, or we will buy all of our Oil from Saudi Arabia?"

Because Russia, Iran, and Israel, are on the same side! Soviet Communists
were sent to Israel before the fall of the Wall to overthrow the Israeli
Government from within, so that they could use Israel to destroy the US and

That is why someone in the US and Israeli Governments betrayed us at the
beginning of the Iraq War, when they had Barbara Star announce from the
Pentagon that the US had CIA operatives inside of Iran.

We were drawn into the Iraq War with false Intelligence on WMD so that the
Soviet Communists united with Asian Communists could destroy our economy,
and overthrow our US and British Governments from within.

When the Department of Justice has the same problem as most of the
individuals in our Federal and State and Local Law Enforcement Systems, whom
do not have a brain big enough to comprehend how Foreign Enemies and
Domestic Criminals are using the US Corporate and US Government Systems to
set us up, let alone be able to investigate and stop them, we have no
National Security because the individuals in our Federal and State and Local
Law Enforcement Systems, have become Traitors of the People of these United

Ask Russia or China how they got my personal information on their computers,
to include all the places where I had lived, my Medical History, and to
include a history of my personal religious evolvement, and they will deny
any involvement in hacking my computer, as they say that they got it
legally, they say that they bought it from US Corporations.

And since it was extremely political and religious and gay people, Catholics
and Evangelicals and Jews and Muslims, that simultaneously hacked my
computer for months on end, arguing with each other on my Microsoft Word
Documents that they turned into a Public Chat Room, trying to set me up,
attacking my personal religious belief, attacking my political views, while
the FBI and Roadrunner, and Time Warner Cable, and CNN, claimed that they
were aware of the problem, and gave me every indication that they were
trying to help, but then using the Corporate and Government Systems and
setting me up with lies, getting me assaulted, getting me poisoned, and
nearly getting me killed, there is a real problem.

And when the Department of Justice does not have a brain big enough to
figure out how that personal information that they stole could be used to
set someone up, or figure out how to stop them, they are traitors!

Lets see, from my notes it was information in Arabic on some air defense
missals Russia was selling Syria that I sent to the FBI, and it was
Intelligence in Russian on Iran from Iran's Defense Minister's Office, that
I sent to the CIA, and I sent it to the CIA because I could get no one to
respond to problems that we ran into looking for Bin laden, and I sent it in
Russian showing that the Defense Minister pointed out the problem of
espionage agents in Iran to President Putin, and he was referring to some of
my friends who were falsely accused of being CIA operatives, because of an
announcement Barbara Star made from the Pentagon about the US having CIA
operatives in Iran. At the time we were not really spying on Iran though we
did some of that, we were there looking for some people that had helped
Osama Bin Laden, and the US did not know we were in Iran.

"Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
> "Tom Mason" <> wrote in message
> news:0O2vi.13537$
>> Wonder if Petraeus will mention that any Iraqi suspected of working for
>> the AMericans is targeted for assasination in his glowing report next
>> month.
>> "Jack" <> wrote in message
>> news:MH2vi.139$
>>> "I swear, my god, every other night, I have a nightmare that some
>>> militia is trying to kill me," he says. "I've lost hope. I can't see any
>>> future to this country. That's why most of the interpreters want to get
>>> out of Iraq."
>>> But for Ronnie and thousands of other interpreters working with the U.S.
>>> military, getting out is unspeakably difficult. And with insurgents and
>>> death squads viewing them as collaborators with the enemy, going back
>>> home isn't a realistic option, either.
>>> "[W]e drove by my house, and you know how painful it is that when you
>>> see your house and you can't stop to see your dad or your brother or
>>> your mom to say 'Hi,' " Ronnie says.
>>> To help take care of people like Ronnie, the U.S. government is offering
>>> 1,000 special immigration visas over the next two years for Iraqis and
>>> Afghans working with U.S. forces. But that accounts for just a small
>>> percentage of the roughly 9,000 interpreters working with the United
>>> States in Iraq. Tens of thousands of others work with various government
>>> agencies and contractors. The numbers don't include the interpreters'
>>> families.


> When the FBI called me at the beginning of the Iraq War, and asked me if I
> was translating the Arabic Intelligence that I sent them on Iran, and
> wanted me to work as an Arabic translator, already three of my friends had
> been killed, and five captured by our enemies, and my men were screaming
> in my other ear,"Don't take the Job, we have been betrayed, and set up!"
> And since then having my computer hacked, and people trying to set me up
> to look like an insane religious suicide bomber, the President and FBI and
> Department of Justice failing to respond, and Foreign Enemies and Domestic
> Criminals using lies to set me up, that people among the US Corporate and
> US Government systems believed, and helped them set me up while letting
> Osama Bin laden and his likes escape Justice, I have to believe my men
> were right.
> "lubow" <> wrote in message
>> Clinton Sharply Defends Her Stance on Health Care
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> After years of being criticized for the failed universal health-care
>> plan she crafted during her husband's first term in office, Sen.
>> Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) apparently has had enough.
>> During a forum at the National Association of Black Journalists
>> convention in Las Vegas, Clinton was asked why as a candidate for
>> president she is "still insisting" on bringing "socialized medicine"
>> to the United States, when people are "pulling away" from similar
>> systems in Canada and Great Britain. Worse, the questioner said, such
>> systems hurt rather than help poor people.
>> "That was a string of misrepresentations about me and about the
>> systems in other countries," Clinton started. "Number one, I have
>> never advocated socialized medicine, and I hope all the journalists
>> here heard that loudly and clearly because that has been a right-wing
>> attack on me for 15 years."
>> Clinton's plan, which died in Congress in 1994, would have required
>> employers to provide health-care coverage to employees through health-
>> maintenance organizations. Insurance firms opposed the proposal, as
>> did political conservatives who thought it removed health care -- a
>> huge portion of the nation's economy -- from the competitive
>> marketplace.
>> lubow

> Why you treasonous traitors Hillary Rodham Clinton and NY Mayor
> Bloomberg,
> you gave the Health Care orders to NYPD and the State Courts that allowed
> Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals to get away with repeatedly hacking
> my computer, and use lies, and repeatedly use US Corporate and US
> Government
> Systems to discredit and set me up with lies, and allow Osama Bin Laden
> and
> his likes escape Justice! And you both have failed to respond to me, or to
> even ask how the Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals to used lies, and
> used US Corporate and US Government Systems to discredit and set me up
> with
> lies, because you both are dangerous traitors to the People of these
> United
> States!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
> To: "George Bush" <>; "Dick Cheney"
> <>; "Deborah Oakley"
> <>; "FBI Minneapolis" <>;
> "Division, Criminal" <>
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 1:13 PM
> Subject: I hereby request that the traitors resign.
> The Department of Justice, after having the traitors among them that allow
> Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals that betray us into the hands of
> Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals, using our US Corporate and
> Government Systems to persecute and destroy our lives, review my case, it
> is
> no wonder that in this game of Political Betrayal and Treason, that
> Valerie
> Plame could not get Justice or Protection either, from the Traitors.
> I hereby request that the traitors among The US Department of Justice, and
> among the FBI, and among the CIA, and among the CID, and among all other
> US
> Law Enforcement or Intelligence Agencies, and among the US Executive
> Branch,
> and among the US Congressional Branch, and among the US Senatorial Branch,
> and among State and Local Governments, and among US Corporations, resign.
> You have failed to protect the US Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and
> all
> our Rights not protected therein, and have repeatedly allowed Foreign
> Enemies and Domestic Criminals to use US Corporate and Government Systems
> to
> set up with lies, and try to kill us.
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
> Newsgroups:
> talk.politics.misc,alt.politics.bush,alt.politics.liberalism,,alt.politics,alt.politics.usa,alt.society.liberalism
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 11:49 AM
> Subject: Re: Are Republican Leaders Leaking State Secrets?
> I missed a word that is important so I type it in.
> "Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
>> "Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
>>> From ABC News, 8/10/07:
>>> Are GOP Leaders Leaking State Secrets?
>>> Justin Rood Reports:
>>> For the second time in as many weeks, a senior House Republican may
>>> have divulged classified information in the media.
>>> In an opinion article published in the New York Post Thursday, Rep.
>>> Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., reported the top-secret budget for human
>>> spying had decreased -- the type of detail normally kept under wraps
>>> for national security reasons.
>>> "The 2008 Intelligence Authorization bill cut human-intelligence
>>> programs," Hoekstra wrote in the piece, in which he also criticized
>>> "leaks to the news media."
>>> Formerly the chairman of the intelligence committee, Hoekstra is now
>>> its highest ranking Republican.
>>> In its recent budget authorizations, that committee kept from public
>>> view all figures and most discussion of spending on such classified
>>> items as human spying.
>>> Hoekstra's apparent slip was first noted on the liberal Web site, Raw
>>> Story.
>>> "If Mr. Hoekstra wants to break ranks and disclose that information,
>>> that's fine with me," said Steven Aftergood, a government secrecy
>>> expert who has long pushed to declassify overall spending on
>>> intelligence.
>>> "But it is the sort of thing he has harshly criticized in the past."
>>> Indeed, Hoekstra's penchant for openness appears to be selective.
>>> He has aggressively attacked unnamed opponents guilty of such leaking,
>>> accusing them of "recklessly and illegally" disclosing secrets "for
>>> political or other motives" in reports published by his committee.
>>> He's even exacted punishment for suspected transgressions.
>>> Last October, Hoekstra stripped the credentials of a Democratic
>>> committee aide he believed may have leaked a then-classified document
>>> to The New York Times.
>>> A month later, he quietly reinstated the aide's access.
>>> Hoekstra spokesman Jamal Ware said his boss' op-ed discussed the
>>> spending without disclosing the underlying classified information.
>>> ""This is a partisan push being made by Democrats and their
>>> surrogates...there's nothing there," he said.
>>> Ware added that he himself had used similar language in a May press
>>> release, which stated the intelligence spending bill "cuts human
>>> intelligence programs."
>>> Secrets are apparently hard to keep these days.
>>> On July 31, House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, allegedly
>>> disclosed a secret court ruling during a television interview with Fox
>>> News' Neil Cavuto.
>>> "There's been a ruling, over the last four or five months, that
>>> prohibits the ability of our intelligence services and our
>>> counterintelligence people from listening in to two terrorists in
>>> other parts of the world where the communication could come through
>>> the United States," Boehner said.
>>> Government officials have since confirmed to reporters that Boehner
>>> was discussing classified information, although the GOP leader denies
>>> it.
>>> ____________________________________________________
>>> At what point are these Republicans brought up on charges?
>>> Harry


> Whoever leaked that "The 2008 Intelligence Authorization bill cut
> human-intelligence
> programs," should get the highest honored medal in the land! Many of our
> Agents are undercover and cannot speak out for themselves.
> To the covert deep cover US Agents and all others involved in getting
> human-intelligence on Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals. Having been
> an
> outed CID informant, I know the dangers that you each daily face, and I
> know
> the feeling of being betrayed by this bureaucratic system wherein once you
> are betrayed, it is impossible to stop the damage that it causes, letting
> both Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals use the systems to both
> discredit you and get you setup, and no one will listen, because every
> Agency will just pass the buck, and they will not stop the people
> attacking
> you through the system, nor change the system so that they cannot attack
> you.
> Even when they got the intelligence wrong on Iraq because that they said
> that they lacked human-intelligence, them traitors in Washington outed
> Valerie Plame as a Political game, and the results of her getting justice,
> is non existent the same way that it will continue to be for you and for
> me,
> fortunately Valerie Plame's husband can afford extra security, but the
> majority of us that have been outed cannot afford that and without
> protection from the Government, them traitors in Washington have betrayed
> us
> into the hand of our Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals.
> Everyone we need to help our Agents that cannot speak for themselves
> because
> that they are under cover. The Justice Department fails to listen to any
> of
> our complaints because they are all traitors in Washington, like in
> Valerie
> Plame's case, they get us NO Justice and NO protection. Send them a notice
> to
> change course or get out of Washington.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
> To: "Division, Criminal" <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 5:58 PM
> Subject: Fw: Criminal investigation needed Please respond if you can or
> cannot help, thanks
> This criminal investigation is needed and warranted.
> Before peace can come, the true reason for the War must be confronted.
> Because it is necessary to know where I stand, a short presentation of my
> religious faith leads up to the details of the Soviet and Communist Asian
> plot to overthrow the Western Democracies from within.
> To the true Christians, Jerusalem was just a shadow or physical
> representation of a heavenly Jerusalem, which though it shall come in the
> future, it can be seen in the visions given by Spirit Jehovah, which is
> only a true vision when not made up by the souls of men. Therefore the
> true
> descendants of Israel that believed the truth about Jesus as the uniquely
> begotten son of Jehovah, from the loins of Judah, uniquely begotten in a
> virgin of the house of David, would never fight a war to take the physical
> Jerusalem, or the physical biblical promised land, they would take it with
> righteousness.
> Become like the dirty eagle, who flies high about the sea, and dives down
> into the water to remove the dirty feathers, and climbs upon the warm sand
> of the seashore to grow new feathers and become a clean eagle, for hearing
> the voice of Jehovah, the shed blood of his uniquely begotten son is the
> water of the sea, that gives remission of sin, and cleanses you of your
> sins, and the clean feathers are the good works which Jehovah has
> predestined for you to do by his Spirit, as we patently look for this
> heavens and earth to perish, and for new Jerusalem to come from him
> wherein
> dwells righteousness.
> The Devil is in the detail, in my mind Politics and Religion are two
> separate and harmoniously symbiant issues, but for too many that I must
> come
> to an understanding with, so that we may all live in peace with one
> another,
> these two issues are too often inseparable and or are conflicting.
> To be law abiding is Political, but to be law abiding is not true
> Religion,
> for to be law abiding cannot justify anyone in the eyes of the God of
> Abraham, and the law abiding are too often deceived into thinking that
> because they are law abiding, that they are righteous without being
> acquainted with the God of Abraham, whom without a person's works of the
> law, imputes righteousness unto those who hear and believe and hearken
> unto
> his voice.
> Because of people's different points of view, different types of Politics,
> and different types of Religion, exist and are practiced among mankind.
> And
> these differing practices often differ so much, that they bring conflicts
> and bloodshed among mankind, and it is the conflicts and bloodshed among
> mankind, that I wish to turn into tolerance towards one another's
> different
> views, and bring peace among mankind. But among mankind there are always
> those who wish to be intolerant, and stir up strife, and cause greater
> conflicts and more bloodshed, and it is these whom are intolerant, that
> are
> the enemies of peace, and are enemies of all mankind.
> Many of you may be aware that I am 100% for getting Osama Bin Laden and
> his
> likes, not because of his Religious or Political Beliefs, but because
> planning and launching an attack, where unarmed innocent men, women, and
> children, of many different Religious and Political beliefs, were
> slaughtered, are actions of a cowardly infidel that the God of Abraham
> despises.
> And many of you may be aware that not because of their Religious Beliefs,
> I
> am 100% against the Political actions that led to the invasion and
> occupation of Iraq, because I believed that the regime in power was not
> responsible for the actions of a cowardly infidel that the God of Abraham
> despises, that were done on 9-11, and that I believed that the regime in
> power in Iraq was being used by Communist Enemies of my Country, trying to
> draw us into that conflict in Iraq with false intelligence, so that they
> may
> destroy our economy and overthrow our US and British and Israeli
> Governments
> from within.
> And many of you may be aware that not because of their Religious Beliefs,
> I
> am against many of the Political actions of the Israeli, and Russian, and
> Iranian, and Chinese Governments, that have placed them in their current
> postures with these United States.
> There must be a way of getting all sides to drop their Arms, and bring
> those
> who commit acts of infidels to Justice, and the only way to do that is to
> begin to open a dialog with all the parties involved.
> If Syria's United Nations ambassador, Basahr Ja'afari, can be believed,
> and
> I believe that he can be, he says his nation is under siege as more than
> 1.6
> million Iraqis have fled into Syria since the U.S. and British invasion of
> Iraq, and the rate is climbing at 3,000 more each day.
> These Sunni refugees are fleeing Iraq into Syria, because after 8 years of
> a
> War with Shiite Iran draining resources, and straining quality of life of
> the Sunni reducing many of them to live by but the bare necessities of
> life,
> West of the Euphrates River, some of the infrastructure was deliberately
> targeted during the 1991 Gulf War, and then during the 12 years of UN and
> NATO sanctions against Iraq that followed, and now during this present US
> and British occupation of Iraq, and by Shiite Iraqi opposition, having
> taken out many Bridges and Transpiration Infrastructures, Electrical
> Infrastructures, Water Infrastructures, Food Supply Infrastructures,
> Sanitation Infrastructures, and Hospital Infrastructures, and deliberately
> hindering the repairs of these Infrastructures, so that children are born
> deformed, and the elder die early of the hardships, because all that their
> parents have to drink and give to their children to drink is contaminated
> Water, and all that they have to eat and feed their children is low
> quality
> Food, as they are forced to make do with what little that they have, and
> live in unsanitary conditions among additional hazards of radiation from
> depleted Uranium Rounds from US Antitank Weapons, or flee their Nation of
> birth, is an Anti-Semitic Genocidal War Crime against Humanity.
> It is an Anti-Semitic Genocidal War Crime against Humanity because in the
> 'de-Baathification', this selected group of Sunni, have been targeted and
> are being killed by a number of their enemies.
> Many of these people fleeing Iraq into Syria, are being targeted by Shiite
> and Kurd enemies, because that under Saddam Hussein, these people did the
> bidding of President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush Sr., and
> of the leaders of the Soviet Union.
> These people were betrayed by the Soviet Leaders whom were working with
> President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush Sr. to influence
> Saddam Hussein, to go to War with the Shiites of Iran, even though the
> Majority of the Iraqis were Shiite, where many of Shiites in the South
> stood
> with Iran, and where many of the Kurds in the North stood with Iran.
> Saddam Hussein was tricked into attacking Kuwait by people from the United
> States and the Soviet Union, and our attack to remove him from Kuwait was
> deliberately cut short of removing Saddam from power, in hopes that the
> Shiites and Kurds would rise against the Sunni minority, and many on both
> sides would kill each other. This was done under the direction of the
> leaders of the United States, and of the leaders of the fallen Soviet
> Union,
> united with Communist Asia, whom both were for a long time in preparation
> of
> this move, sending immigrants to Israel, the US, and Britain, to act as
> moles getting into positions of influence, so that eventually they could
> overthrow the Democratic Governments of these Nations from within.
> Simultaneously the Soviets from the fallen Soviet Union, planned on taking
> both France and Germany over from within also.
> The Soviets helped Saddam comply with UN demands on WMD by 1993, but
> insisted that he put up a front as if he still had WMD, to keep his
> enemies
> among the Shiites and Kurds from attacking him. But this was set up by the
> Soviets to keep NATO wasting money on no fly zones over the North and
> South
> sectors of Iraq, and the false intelligence on WMD sent by the Soviets
> mostly through Israel, was enough to keep them enforcing the no fly zones,
> and the Soviets knew that the double cross that the US did on the Islamic
> Warriors who were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan at the time, would
> lead to something like what happened on 9-11, and they took advantage of
> it
> handing us more false intelligence on WMD in Iraq, and it was enough to
> draw
> the US and Britain into a costly War in Iraq that will help the Soviets
> united with Asian Communists destroy our economies and take us over from
> within.
> Now the Sunni minority who followed Saddam doing the bidding of the
> Western
> and Eastern Rulers, are being betrayed again by all them who helped
> instigate and motivate them to War against Iran, and many of them did not
> fight in that War, and those that did were just following Saddam's orders.
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
> To: "Division, Criminal" <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 10:00 AM
> Subject: Re: Criminal investigation needed Please respond if you can or
> cannot help, thanks
> Justice denied by the so called proper authority in this case, is National
> Security denied and breached by enemies of the People of these United
> States.
> Thanks to influences of their biblical misinterpretation and betrayal of
> true believers, making themselves out to be conservatives and liberals
> with
> an alike objective, among the News Media and among our US Government, as
> they both hide the truth, and promote nothing but lies against the truth,
> usually painting a view of the world as an evil place, and painting a view
> of the true believers as insane and or evil and painting true scriptures
> as
> evil.
> These fake Religious People among our News Media and among our Political
> People and among our Nation, often say that they believe and live by the
> scriptures, but deliberately promote lies and do things contrary to the
> scriptures, that will always cause a backlash against true believers, as
> they deliberately hide the truth and have taken over and hijacked our
> Religions and our Governments with lies, and have done away with our
> freedom
> to exercise our faith, and have done away with our US Constitution, our
> Bill
> of Rights, and all of our Rights not protected therein.
> Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put
> darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and
> sweet for bitter!"
> 2 Peter 2:1-2 " But there were false prophets also among the people, even
> as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in
> damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon
> themselves swift destruction, and many shall follow their pernicious ways,
> by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of."
> 2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into
> an angel of light."
> Use the 1st Amendment and send this to all them traitors among them
> treasonous Tax and spend Democrats and among them treasonous Borrow until
> economic Collapse Republicans on all levels of US Government.
> Mr. President George Bush
> When I am standing against a deadly enemy who was trained, financed, and
> armed, by your family, and some of my family either dies or is wounded by
> enemies that your family trained, financed, and armed, I don't want to be
> ignored when I have problems or need something to fight the enemy that you
> claim that we are at War with, so that because of you ignoring my needs,
> the
> enemy that you led us to War against, that your family trained, financed
> and
> armed, can kill me and or more of my family too, because of your treason
> and
> or incompetence!
> Under the Reagan/Bush Administration is when we actually began a period of
> time where, "If you are not with us, you are against us!," which meant
> that
> the US Government was both with you, and against you, at the same time,
> and
> that is for all practical purposes, the standard that we live by today,
> because of your treason and or incompetence!
> Since I was born, it has been the goal of Communist Nations to destroy our
> US Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and all our Rights that are not
> protected therein, and it has become self evident, that because of your
> treason and or incompetence, you have taken their side against us, while
> saying you are leading us against the enemy of our Freedom, the Freedom
> that
> you yourself have destroyed!
> Since while you play with your crayons, you don't seem to be able to
> connect
> any dots, allow me to connect a few for you!
> First, 9-11 happened because of your family's and US Politicians'
> participation in Foreign Policy! But you just blow off the results of your
> Policies as blow-back, and stay the course of causing more blow-back!
> Prior to the fall of the Communist wall, President Ronald Reagan and Vice
> President George Bush Sr. were working with the Soviets to support Saddam
> Hussein against Iran, because Iran was against the Soviets who needed US
> help to stop Iran, while the US was supporting Osama Bin Laden and other
> Muslim Warriors among Afghanistan, against the Soviets. When Osama Bin
> Laden
> and other Muslim Warriors realized that the US was supporting Saddam
> Hussein, and other Muslim Warriors, whom they considered to be
> Communists,
> because their enemy the Communist Soviets, were their ally, they felt
> betrayed by the US, and declared War on the US, while Saddam Hussein who
> was
> on the side of the Communist Soviets, betrayed us, and the Communist
> Soviets wanting to destroy both Iran and Osama and his Warriors whom were
> attacking them, and the US, sent immigrants to Israel, to try to take over
> Israeli Policy, and take over the US, to use the US to destroy the
> Soviets'
> enemies, Iran and Osama Bin Laden and his Warriors, and now when we try to
> get Osama Bin Laden and his likes that you say we are at War with, or get
> information on Iran whom you call part of the axis of evil, the US
> Government ignores us, and lets our enemies use the US Government and US
> Corporations to stop us one way or another, while the enemy tries to set
> us
> up, and get us killed, and the US calls the results of their Policies,
> blow-back.
> It was George Bush Sr.'s influence with the Chinese, that got Chinese Arms
> for Afghanistan and Iran against the Soviets, and that Weapons flow has
> not
> stopped, and even in Iraq today, many of the Weapons that are killing our
> Troops, which includes my cousin, are coming through that either that
> Chinese pipeline opened by George Bush Sr., or because he played both
> sides
> against each other, through the old Soviet Weapons Pipeline opened by
> George
> Bush Sr.. To me, the loss of life in my family, is a very costly
> blow-back.
> Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave the unconstitutional orders to NYPD, that
> allowed Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN to set me up! He refuses to
> answer and correct the problem because He is a traitor of our US
> Constitution, and a traitor of our Bill of Rights, and a traitor of all
> our
> rights not protected there in, and is a traitor on the War on Terrorism
> who
> deliberately helps Bin Laden and his likes escape!
> This is not at all hard to understand about these Zionists, many of the
> Jews, Christians, and Muslims, are fakes, and are Communist Soviet
> Zionists,
> and they all lie against the truth . Look at all the warring sides in this
> conflict. They all falsely believe that when a person dies, they
> immediately
> go to heaven or hell. But all those scriptures that they all claim to
> believe, say that is a lie that overthrows true faith.
> 2 Timothy 2:18 "Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the
> resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some."
> So they do not walk by Spirit Jehovah, they walk by an evil Spirit that
> lies
> against the truth. Note we do not get the riches of his grace until in
> ages
> to come, which means after the resurrection of the just.
> Ephesians 2: 1-8
> "And you has he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; Wherein
> in
> time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to
> the
> prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children
> of
> disobedience, among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in
> the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the
> mind;
> and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. But God, who is
> rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we
> were
> dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace you are
> saved;) And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in
> heavenly
> places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might show the
> exceeding
> riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. For
> by
> grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the
> gift of God:"
> And then just like Hitler, they outlaw marriages sanctified by the God of
> Abraham, like Jacob's marriage to more than one woman, as a wife from whom
> came the children of Israel, by the State marriage Acts, that they passed
> falsely saying that they were protecting the sanctity of marriage."
> If you are an honest American, send this whole thing to them traitors in
> Washington, I corrected some of the typing errors.
> Dean Loegering was the son of my Grandfather's brother, and his name is
> written on the Vietnam Memorial Wall, he was killed in 1967. Take a look
> at
> the names written on that wall, and ask how did many of these men die? You
> may have been there, but I will remind you, and I will tell you four
> reasons
> why many of them are written there, either one, for money, or two, for
> booze, or three, for drugs, or four, for sex, someone in the US Armed
> Forces
> sold US Weapons and or US Supplies on the black market, and those US
> Weapons
> and or US Supplies were used by the Communists to write many of them names
> on that Wall.
> Personally, while being unarmed, for the same four reasons, several times
> I
> have faced loaded weapons that our US Troops sold to our enemies, and each
> time, I found a way of taking them away from them without getting killed,
> fortunately.
> My cousin Joshua Schmitt died by the fourth roadside bomb attack that hit
> him within one year in Iraq.
> Some of our Troops are dying by weapons that were financed and or sold to
> our enemies by people in US Corporations, or in our US Government, or in
> our
> US Armed Forces.
> Mr. President George Bush
> My name is Joseph R Loegering Anoka Mn.
> We have no religious freedom at all, because in the beginning of the Iraq
> War, you said we were on a crusade against Islam, and now the backlash in
> our Armed Forces is wiping out the freedom to exercise religious faith of
> our Troops, and you are using the same indirect attack on religious faith
> as
> the Communist Soviets, saying that you support it, while you and they are
> attacking for every trumped up reason, but what they are really attacking
> for, a person's
> religious faith. The same has been done to me while trying to get and or
> give out Actionable Intelligence on Osama Bin Laden or his Top Officers.
> People hacked my Computer trying to make me look like an insane religious
> suicide bomber, and though I sent the Proof to you Mr. President, and to
> the
> FBI, there is absolute silence as to what to do to get them and or stop
> them
> from setting up and harming more US Citizens.
> You have let all of our enemies use the US Corporate and US Government
> Systems via our computers, to gather personal information on every US
> Citizen, so that they may set us up, and attack us at will, and we have
> the
> full right to defend ourselves against such attacks.
> You traitors in Washington that have joined the ranks of Communist Soviets
> and Jihadist attacking us, need to change course, repeatedly I asked for
> accurate maps,so that I could give out accurate information on Top Leaders
> of Al-Qaeda that may be able to lead us to Osama Bin Laden, but you all
> have
> failed to respond to defend this Nation.
> Actionable Intelligence on Osama Bin Laden or his Top Officers in Pakistan
> and or the Middle East, is impossible to be given to the US Government,
> they
> will
> not respond when US Citizens have it, because they do not want Actionable
> Intelligence on Osama Bin Laden or his Top Officers in Pakistan and or the
> Middle East, so that they can drag this War on Terrorism out, and use it
> as
> an
> excuse to pass Laws that do away with our US Constitution and our Bill of
> Rights and all of our Rights not protected therein.
> They even used Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN, to intimidate
> Courts
> and Doctors to force me to sign a written contract saying that I would
> stop
> looking for Osama Bin Laden, or they would not let me go.
> Traitors!
> Persecuting our Troops in the US Military
> Because the President Bush began the Iraq War announcing it as a crusade,
> a
> backlash is taking away the very rights that our troops stand and fight
> for,
> as their rights are being usurped in the US Armed Forces, and this time
> they
> are using Islam as the excuse, saying that they do not want to offend
> Islam,
> Christians and Jews in our Military are persecuted more now than they were
> when I served in the US Army in 1970s and 1980s. Believe me, this issue
> about not wanting Islam to see this War as a crusade, is being taken
> advantage of by agnostic or atheist people, and by hostile Muslims that we
> are fighting, so that they may persecute our Troops in our Military for
> their Religious beliefs, taking away their religious freedom that they
> volunteered to defend.
> The Muslims are also targeting our US Troops that had Drug and Alcohol
> problems, trying to influence them to do their dirty works, just like the
> Soviets did, because most of our enemies among Islam learned how to War
> from
> the Communist Soviets.
> I have nothing against agnostic or atheist people, but those who opposed
> religious faith in the Military, when I was in the US Army, were mostly
> agnostic or atheist, and they were too often the ones that boasted the
> most
> about doing Justice, while falsely accusing and getting false convictions
> on
> men, just because they had a religious belief.
> A change in some towards doing good, and a change in some towards doing
> evil.
> Which direction do you head for in your heart?
> When I was in Germany under President Gerald Ford, I was registered as an
> informant of CID, and as I watched the Soviet Agents pick their targets
> among our Troops, trying to find men that were weak in character, so that
> they could control and influence them to do their dirty works, it became
> evident that they targeted mostly those that had Drug or Alcohol problems.
> Then one day I found a group of young US Troops who were following a US
> Soldier with bad character, whom was a bad influence over them, and as I
> watched them, I saw a young man named Chris, who would not have been
> there,
> except for the fact that the wrong crowd was all he had to hang out with,
> and no matter what he did to try to impress his friends among the wrong
> crowd, you could tell that he just did not fit in with them. So I waited
> for
> the opportunity to catch him alone, and I took him aside and just began
> talking about my faith in God, and my duty to my Country, and he listened
> intently. After several hours, he said nothing as he appeared to feel
> guilty, and went back and joined his friends among the wrong crowd.
> Then a few weeks later, one night as I was entering the back gate of the
> post, I saw that crowd smoking dope, and I saw Chris whom appeared to be
> distressed standing with them. So I walked up to them, and said to Chris
> so
> that they all could hear, "If you want out, stop hanging around with these
> men, they are a bad influence upon you, just come and hang out with me!"
> And
> I walked away, and soon as I looked back, you could see Chris looking back
> and forth at them and then me, and he pulled a bag of drugs out of his
> pocket and handed it to them, and took off running after me, and from that
> moment on, he was with me every day, and I taught him about my faith in
> God
> and my duty to my Country, and soon there were rumors throughout the post
> about Chris, trying to convert his entire Company.
> But before Chris had joined me, he had gotten charged for Drug Possession,
> and had a Court Martial scheduled at Brigade Headquarters, so that day I
> put
> on my Dress Uniform and went to his Court Martial as a character witness,
> and when the Brigade Col. talked to me on the stand, I told him that Chris
> was contrite, and was reforming, and had made great progress in reform,
> and
> that making an example out of him with harsh punishment like normal, might
> hinder that reform, and that would not be right. And the Col. said, "Well,
> I
> will talk to his First Sergeant about that, and find out," and he called
> him
> on the phone, and asked how Chris had been doing lately, and you could
> hear
> his First Sergeant say, "Sir, I do not understand what has happened to
> this
> man, lately he has been trying to convert my entire Company!" And the Col.
> just hung up the phone without saying goodbye, and he looked at me and
> said,
> "Pvt. so and so, is Calvary, but you are Infantry, how is it that you two
> have gotten together?" And when I told him how and that we meet at the USO
> Club for fellowship, without my asking, he gave me the Brigade Training
> Room
> for holding meetings, and he went lighter than normal on Chris, trying to
> Influence other Soldiers to change too.
> Changing from doing that which is evil, moment by moment unto doing that
> which is good is what life is all about. If you listen to and follow them
> that do evil, you will bring troubles upon yourself, but if you are
> contrite
> in your heart, and put off that which is evil, and begin listening to and
> following them that endeavor to do good, you will bring upon yourselves
> good
> things, the most important of which is good self esteem, that comes from
> knowing that you are endeavoring to do good.
> No man can come unto me, and change, except if the Father calls unto him,
> and the man hears and hearkens unto his still small voice in his heart,
> and
> if they cannot hear his still small voice and change, they are not mine,
> and
> they will hear and hearken unto another's voice.
> But the crown of achievement in life, is knowing that it is not because
> you
> endeavor to do good, but by divine favor your Maker has brought your heart
> to acquaint him, bless you Jehovah, you are always with the just in heart,
> and you always deliver them in times of trouble when their heart acquaints
> you, and you guide them through life, and you give them the seal of your
> calling, your uniquely begotten son from the loins of Judah, conceived in
> the virgin of the house of David, as he suffered and died and was raised
> from among the dead, and was ascended up to sit at your right hand, and
> became the Salvation of all who acquaint you, and obey your still small
> voice. Within my being a cup, O Jehovah you have always been there, thank
> you for sending your uniquely begotten son as my cup, my silver cup
> whereby
> I drink and divine your heavenly things past and present and yet to come,
> as
> you give me utterance by the Spirit of Salvation speaking with other
> tongues
> of men and of angels, and as the visions of your son standing head and
> shoulders above me, reaches his arms about me and holds me within the
> clouds, as his long hair descends down below his shoulders and lays upon
> his
> one piece white robe that covers him, as I rest the crown of my bald head
> upon his breasts wearing my predetermined garments of many colors and many
> pieces, the garment of the heir by birthright of the house of Israel of
> the
> tribe of Ephraim. O Jehovah let this day of your resurrection of the just,
> become in your choice of your predetermined time and season, according to
> your word which you have spoken by all your holy prophets and apostles.
> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:57 PM
> Subject: Tell them traitors in Washington this applies to them all!
> Mr. President, my name is Joseph R Loegering from Anoka Mn, about the fake
> War on Terrorism, after being outed as a CID informant, and having been
> kidnapped at gunpoint outside Ft. Riley Kansas by Foreign exchange
> students
> from Africa, whom bought M-16s, and Ammo, and what looked like an M-72 Law
> and Explosives from some of our Troops on Ft Riley, I know how low quality
> of character of some of our Troops, that our US Government has a habit of
> handing weapons to, while taking away our 2nd Amendment right one way or
> another, so that the low life that gets our Weapons from the US Government
> can kill us.
> Tell them traitors in Washington this applies to them all!
> Mr. President, putting Gang Bangers near Poppy Fields, and expecting them
> to
> hold on to 190,000 Soviet Style Weapons plus NATO Style Weapons and
> Equipment, is about one of the most treasonous acts that this Government
> has
> committed in this fake War on Terrorism yet! How many of our honest Troops
> have they shot in the back so that they can trade Weapons and Supplies for
> Drugs? Is that what happened to Pat Tillman?
> In service to God and Country
> Joseph
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Division, Criminal" <>
> To: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 9:13 AM
> Subject: RE: Criminal investigation needed Please respond if you can or
> cannot help, thanks
> This is in response to your recent e-mail to the Department of Justice
> requesting an investigation.
> The Department of Justice, after reviewing your correspondence, has
> determined that the issues as presented do not warrant action by this
> office. From the information that you have provided, it appears that your
> concerns have already been submitted to the proper authorities.
> Consequently, we are unable to assist you at this time.
> ________________________________
> From: Joseph R Loegering []
> Sent: Fri 7/27/2007 3:36 PM
> To: Division, Criminal
> Subject: Criminal investigation needed Please respond if you can or cannot
> help, thanks
> To whom it may concern and to the
> U.S. Department of Justice
> 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
> Washington, DC 20530-0001
> My name is Joseph R Loegering
> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
> Blog
> <>
> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
> Intelligence and NBC Defense.
> The Central Command and Control Office.
> 6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19
> Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579
> Phone 763-205-1296
> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
> Because the US Government fails to announce Publicly that I was outed as a
> registered CID Informant in 1980-1982, recorded only in the White House
> and
> the Pentagon for my protection, Doctors and Courts and Criminals and
> Foreign
> Enemies, continuously get me misdiagnose and misjudge falsely accusing me
> to
> be delusional, and they force treat me with drugs that only cause the
> original symptoms of brain damage to be more prominent, and cause added
> signs of organic brain damage.
> Originally the Doctors misdiagnosed my chronic stomach problems as
> delusional, because they had no test for Celiac Disease, but after some
> Doctors diagnosed me as having a form of Celiac Decease, the other Doctors
> still refuse to remove the misdiagnosis of being delusional from my
> Medical
> Records, compounded with further misdiagnosis, so that my medical records
> have become a threat to my Life, my Liberty, and my pursuit of happiness.
> Foreign and Domestic Enemies are now taking advantage of the Medical and
> Judicial systems to have me abused in such a manner for Political and or
> Religious, and or Criminal Reasons.
> All the psychiatric drugs have produced such bad Iatrogenic Illnesses,
> that
> the Neurologists tell me to stop taking the drugs because that they say
> that
> they are killing me. After St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital New York City,
> and
> Rockland Psychiatric Center, 140 Old Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg NY,
> 10962,
> forced upon me all the same drugs that had already caused me medical harm,
> Doctors at both Hospitals said that of all the drugs that did me no good,
> they each had me choose one of the drugs from the multitudes, that had the
> least side effects, and even though they produced no medical benefit to
> me,
> and caused harm, I was literally told by Dr Koo of Rockland Psychiatric
> Center, and Dr Meckler of St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital, that I had to take
> them so that they could get paid for treating me, or I could not be
> released. And these Doctors write both misdiagnosis, and fraudulent
> entries
> in my Medial Records, saying falsely that those drugs that I had to
> choose,
> are causing me some good, and Dr Smith of the Kansas City did the same
> falsifying of my records.
> Any Doctor or Nurse that sees me have an acute episode of what they call a
> chronic multiple complex seizure disorder, the first thing they say is,
> "He
> looks like he is having a stroke!" And they test to see if I have had
> another stroke like that rock first caused. Why would someone at CNN, and
> or
> the VA, make false
> allegations, and deliberate misdiagnosis, and allow Doctors to force a
> person to take the exact same medications that makes them suicidal and
> delusional? These happen to be the exact same medications that
> Neurologists
> had already told me to stop taking, because going by the fluctuating
> abnormal brain waves coming from the right lobe of my brain, recorded on
> EEGs, they believed my problem was neurological, and believed the healthy
> portions of my mind was taking over the functions that I had lost from
> when
> that rock damaged part of my brain, and they said that the medication was
> making me more dysfunction and more helpless, because it was interfering
> with the natural development of neurons by the healthy part of my brain,
> that needed to form them neurons naturally, to take over the functions
> that
> I had lost. Now every time I get near that point, some Doctor reads
> something that them Psychiatrists wrote in my medical records, and they
> force me to take the exact same damaging medications that results in the
> original symptoms of brain damage becoming more prominent, and I begin
> displaying added symptoms of brain damage, so tell me, what good are the
> Doctors or them medications that nearly kill you every time you take them?
> Now the US Army denies any service connected disability, because they say
> that they can find no connection in my medical records of my being hit by
> that rock, and the stroke that I had at the age of 24, even though my
> medical records have a record of a dramatic loss of hearing, because of
> the
> ringing in my ears, which is a symptom of Traumatic Brain Injury.
> Now I don't think getting hit by that rock during a race riot at Ft Drum
> NY
> in 1981 was someone trying to knock me off because I was outed as a secret
> informant of the Criminal Investigations Department of the US Armed
> Forces,
> which is only recorded in the White house and the Pentagon for my
> protection. But five Military Doctors misdiagnosing me as being
> permanently
> blind, and not recording the obvious symptoms of TBI, and my pickup truck
> getting filled with bullet holes, and my acting First Sergeant helping a
> retired Col. steal the truck and scrap it to hide the evidence, and even
> my
> Military gear getting stolen because under protest in front of witnesses I
> followed my acting First Sergeant and put it where he falsely said it wold
> be protected, only to be stolen just like I said it would be, just might
> be
> part of a cover-up of an investigation of corruption of power that the
> unit was going through.
> Then someone selling weapons, ammo, and explosives, in 1982 to two foreign
> exchange students from Africa, that were waiting at an intersection
> outside
> Ft. Riley for me and a friend of mine, and kidnapping us at gun point, and
> we were able to escape at the 11 mile marker outside Kansas City when the
> car broke down, that may have been a setup where someone was trying to get
> me knocked off because that they knew I was a registered CID informant.
> And during the President's campaign while hunting for Bin Laden and
> someone
> breaking into my computer and trying to make me look like an insane
> religious suicide bomber, and Dr. Smith's deliberate against the first
> Neurologist's advice, repeated his efforts to drug me into being a
> vegetable
> with medications already known to cause me harm, to as he falsely
> claimed,
> to prevent me from doing crimes, or to prevent me from hurting the
> President, and CNN, Time Warner, and Roadrunner Cable knowing that, and
> knowing that CNN's announcement from the Pentagon got some of my men
> killed,
> and others captured overseas looking for Bin Laden, and after finding that
> out, making it look like they were willing to help get Bin Laden, and then
> treating me with nothing but false allegations and lies, there is
> something
> that smells terribly rotten in the whole mess. Because at the time, even
> the
> FBI called me and wanted me to work for them as an Arabic Translator
> because
> of what we sent them from Iran, but my men were screaming in my other ear,
> "don't take the job, we
> have been setup and betrayed. "
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <
> <> >
> To: < <> >
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 1:13 PM
> Subject: USDOJ Comments
> To whom it may concern and to the
> U.S. Department of Justice
> 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
> Washington, DC 20530-0001
> My name is Joseph R Loegering
> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
> Blog
> <>
> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
> Intelligence and NBC Defense.
> The Central Command and Control Office.
> 6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19
> Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579
> Phone 763-205-1296
> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
> When the US Judicial and US Medical systems can be used against the free
> and
> just citizens of these United States, and prior to Al-Qaeda trying to use
> Doctors to attack Britain I was sounding the warning that both our
> Judicial
> and Medical systems have been breached by enemies of the people of these
> United States, and they consequences being an attack through the systems
> that made the systems work against me using only lies, falsehood,
> misjudgment, and misdiagnosis, I and the People of these United States,
> need
> and deserve a full investigation and accurate records kept, and a full
> redress of the grievances of this matter.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <
> <> >
> To: "Tucker Carlson" < <> >; "Lou
> Dobbs" < <> >;
> "Larry King" <
> <> >; "Jack Cafferty"
> < <> >; "George Bush"
> < <> >; "FBI
> Minneapolis" < <> >;
> "Daryn Kagan" < <> >;
> "Dick Cheney" <
> <> >; "CNN Public Relations"
> < <> >; "CNN Public Relations"
> < <> >; "BRENDAN
> BERNHARD" < <> >; "Bill
> O'Reilly" < <> >;
> "Beltway Boys" < <> >; "ABC
> News"
> < <> >
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 12:58 PM
> Subject: Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN, I am waiting for phone
> calls.
> Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN, I am waiting for phone calls.
> You will see from this news group, I get threatening attacks, from people
> who do not know what is going on, from all over the world, and the CNN
> Staff, is no different, they don't understand what is going on.
> "Joseph R Loegering" <
> <> > wrote in message
> <> ...
> I put this in a response.
> It is obvious something is wrong when you cannot even comprehend who Nancy
> Grace is. So since you must have never watched CNN, let alone understand
> what is happening, start with her website.
> <>
> Now, because I was hunting Osama Bin Laden and his likes, and Al-Qaeda,
> hopefully you will know and understand that they are deceitful murders,
> that
> are supposedly on the opposite side of what Nancy Grace says that she
> stands
> for, and I thought she might want to help get them, while I was hunting
> them, but someone hacked my computer trying to stop me, by trying to set
> me
> up to look like an insane religious suicide bomber, and I have a right to
> oppose such actions that threaten my life, and it is my right to oppose
> anyone who tries to help them set me up to look like I am insane, because
> they are a dangerous threat to my life, and for some reason Nancy Grace,
> is
> using the same false allegations against me as Al-Qaeda, and apparently
> has
> taken the side of Al-Qaeda that is trying to kill me.
> Now read this letter that I wrote to CNN.
> Someone has used the systems of Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN to
> try to set me up, and try to discredit me, and try to kill me. I need to
> talk with the head officers of Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN to
> find the guilty parties, and put a stop to it one and for all, or to
> defend
> my life and my family and my countrymen, I will have to do my best to put
> you out of business!
> Because the legalists will pick at what I mistyped because that I am near
> blind most of the time from a rock that hit me in the US Army, I will
> rewrite this with more complete words. The FBI told me I need to contact
> and
> talk to Nancy Grace. My phone is 1-763-205-1296
> I talked with the FBI, and yes people hacked my computer to set me up. And
> they said I need to contact and talk with Nancy Grace, and stop people
> from
> using her to set me up with lies.
> Wondering why someone would hack my computer, and try to make me look like
> an insane religious suicide bomber, what were they going to try to do?
> Were
> they going to try to kidnap me, and strap a bomb on me, and blow it by
> remote? Or were they going to try to get me in trouble with the law, and
> jail me for a setup? Or were they going to try to get people to scream
> that
> I was dangerous, and get me locked up against my will for unneeded forced
> harmful medical treatment?
> Well one of the medical staff said,
> "Even though the medical treatment is hurting you, we cannot let you out,
> because if we did, and something were to happen, CNN would sue us!"
> Set up by CNN and their staff, it cost the US Tax Payers a lot of money
> for
> forced treatment that only caused me physical and mental harm and
> financial
> ruin, and got me repeatedly assaulted and injured by prisoners that I was
> locked up with, and caused a cyst that needed surgery that got infected
> because of the unsanitary conditions that I was forced to stay in, and
> destroyed my medical insurance, and divided my family, and made me
> homeless,
> and left me more dysfunctional and more defenseless.
> Having written CNN before then, trying to get them to tell the truth
> publicly about how harmful many Doctors and drugs are, when it comes to
> mental health, and then being setup by them for that exact abuse, is no
> coincidence.....
> ....And using her fame and influence and powerful Lawyers to intimidate a
> hospital staff not to allow a person out of a hospital for Court, so that
> Nancy Grace could present false testimony in Court, and get a restraining
> order with false testimony, is obstruction of justice, and perjury, and a
> framing setup.
> I need to know why you used lies to help set me up for forced harmful
> medical treatment, when I had written you specifically ahead of time
> telling
> you how damaging that kind of misdiagnosis and treatment was to me.
> Forcing
> someone to do something that has already proven to cause them harm, is a
> threat to their life, and is Reckless Endangerment, Assault, and Attempted
> Murder.
> Using false allegations of arriving unannounced, and using false
> allegations
> of being homeless, and using false allegations of stalking Wolf Blitzer
> and
> Nancy Grace, and using false allegations of being an insane mental
> patience,
> or false allegations of being a dangerous mental patience, and posting
> this
> all over the internet, is slander and liable.
> Using advertisement, saying to come to that place in New York, and meet
> your
> favorite news Anchor while showing Paula Zahn and Nancy Grace on
> television,
> and then not getting to see either Larry King or Nancy Grace after sending
> a
> letter saying that I would be there the 3rd of December 2005, and spending
> the money to catch a plane flight from Kansas City to New York, is false
> advertisement. And using that advertisement to try to get a conviction of
> stalking or a restraining order is entrapment.
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Joseph R Loegering <>
> To: George Bush <> ; Dick Cheney
> <> ; FBI Minneapolis
> <> ; Deborah Oakley
> <>
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 12:19 PM
> Subject: It makes no sense unless someone paid them to set me up!
> Deborah
> I need to honestly know how Nancy Grace responds to this.
> It makes no sense for Nancy Grace or her answering services or her
> security,
> to try to get my Criminal Records, and say that since they accused me of
> stalking CNN has learned of my Criminal Record, and try to use it Publicly
> to try to discredit and dehumanize me, when I had written them beforehand
> telling them that those charges on my Criminal Records that they used,
> were
> trumped up and I was forced under duress to make a confession, and wanted
> help in getting to the bottom of the problem and getting my record
> cleared.
> In order to stop the nightmares from coming back in the form of PSTD that
> the lies and abuse caused to me, and to prevent it from happening again or
> to others, I need to talk to Nancy Grace, if she really stands for true
> Justice and cares about people, and if she cannot be human enough to
> honestly accept the truth, and honestly let me know why she went against
> the
> truth, and obstructed Justice, and caused me physical and mental harm, and
> took my liberty away while Bin Laden and his likes got away, she needs to
> be
> fired.
> This is what many people like Nancy Grace and her Producers are hiding
> from
> the Public, as they get people to allow this and call this Justice in
> criminal Courts of the United States, and allow the medical abuse that
> they
> call mental evaluation and medical treatment in Courts and Hospitals,
> which
> make both misjudgments and misdiagnosis in most cases when it comes to
> mental issues, because it is just a behavioral mind control program that
> destroys people's health. My Phone number is 1-205-1296
> I even wrote her show telling her about this miscarriage of Justice in
> Seattle Washington, and wanted to know how to stop them from doing it to
> me
> again and or to others, and how I could get Justice for the miscarriage of
> Justice, which would be getting my second amendment rights back. By trying
> to use the falsehood after I wrote her show the truth, someone was calling
> me a liar.
> I need to find out who turned Nancy Grace against me with lies and
> falsehood, and set me up and had her attack me, causing me to have to
> endure
> extreme miscarriage of justice that produced dangerously harmful medical
> abuse, in extremely unsanitary confinement with sick and dangerous people,
> where I was assaulted by prisoners, and was poisoned by Doctors with
> drugs,
> that my Doctors warned me not to take saying that they were killing me,
> and
> being forced to take them against my Doctors' advice, it caused the old
> symptoms of organic brain damage to be more prominent, and causing added
> symptoms of organic brain damage Why did she allow such abuse on me,
> instead
> of communicating with me, with a simple phone call to my home at the time,
> if she did not want me to come to New York to see her as one of my
> favorite
> Anchors like the News Advertisement said, instead of setting me up for
> such
> abuse without any justifiable reason. If she would have called I would not
> have even asked for her, I would have just asked to see Larry King and
> probably Paula Zahn.
> Nancy Grace even tried to use this record which is falsehood, to
> discredit,
> and dehumanize me, because she is no different than the Judge and Lawyers
> and Police that produced this falsehood and caused a miscarriage of
> justice
> in this case, but you have investigative journalists that can look up the
> evidence, and see that I am telling the truth. I will even sign papers so
> that you can get my medical and legal records. We need to stop these
> miscarriages of Justice going on.
> The only reason that I can now write this accurately from memory, though
> it
> occurred in the early 1990s, is I am no longer suffering from the
> withdrawals from Psychotropic Drugs, them drugs destroy my mind so much, I
> cannot remember things, and I cannot communicate accurately verbally or in
> writing, take a look at the difference of my writing when I was repeatedly
> under the influence and or withdrawals of them, because of Dr. Smith of
> the
> Kansas City VA.
> In Washington State, because I needed a job that I could handle with my
> disabilities, I was buying a 9mm Glock and Security Guard Belt from a man
> that said he was a Security Guard that got fired and needed to sell it. I
> called the Seattle Police Department and notified them that I was
> registered
> as an informant of CID in the US Army, and that I wanted to buy this gun
> and
> belt and ammo for $500 in a private transaction between two citizens of
> the
> United States, and that I wanted a carry permit for a Security Job, and
> the
> Duty Officer said I would have to bring the gun in for registration.
> I had met a girl, Rebecca Brown, three days before that I was escorting to
> drug rehab centers who would not accept her because she needed $750 more,
> so
> as we were on the way to more drug rehab centers taking a bus because I
> cannot drive because of a seizure disorder and going nearly completely
> blind
> at times, I stopped off and gave the man a $50 deposit on the gun, and
> unloaded it and put it and the belt in my backpack, and put the ammo in my
> pocket, and stopped off and picked up the applications for an Armed
> Security
> Guard job at three different warehouses, and they all required you to have
> your own gun and belt, and a carry permit, and showing them the gun and
> belt, and telling them what the Police said, got me the applications.
> We went to five more drug rehab centers that turned her down for lack of
> money, so on the way back heading towards the North Seattle Police
> Precinct
> that I had called, I had told her not to worry about the money, because
> now
> that I had a gun, I could make enough money to help her. But someone on
> the
> Bus hearing that, got off the bus and called a Swat Team in to stop the
> bus
> before we could get to North Seattle, and all that they told the Police
> was,
> "They got a gun and are going out to make money, and they are talking
> about
> drugs."
> When the Police searched me the backpack was on the floor under the bus
> seat, and the ammo was in my pockets, because by law to transport it, the
> ammo and weapon needed to be separate, unless you had a carry permit,
> which
> we were on the way to get, so all I had was a sales receipt that only
> showed
> that I had given the man $50 so far for the gun and belt and two clips of
> ammo, one with silver dress bullets, and one with brass target practice
> bullets. And the Police even asked the girl to pick up my backpack and
> hand
> it to them when I told them where the gun was. Once the Police searched me
> and saw the paperwork, they were not going to arrest me, because my record
> came back clean, but then they ran that girls record, and when it came
> back
> several miles long, I knew some of it, and it did not matter to me, and I
> told the Officers that, because she needed help to get off the drugs that
> were driver her to do the crimes of robbery, prostitution, and arson. But
> when that record came back, they used having her pick up my back pack, and
> hand it to them, to charge her with carrying a concealed weapon, and
> because
> I had the ammo, charged me with the same, but put on the Police Report
> that
> the gun was loaded.
> When they took us to jail, they were nice until we got to the jail where
> we
> were humiliated and assaulted by half a dozen Sheriff Guard Officers at
> the
> Booking Desk, who had beat the hell out of us while stripping us and
> another
> prisoner while we were handcuffed, so that they could take pictures of
> scars
> and tattoos. I was beaten and hurt bad enough as they were screaming,
> "Your
> in my Jail now!", that when I finally got to Harbor View Hospital thirty
> days later, they were still able to take pictures of the damage, and
> because
> the cuffs dug into my back while they were dragging me across the floor to
> strip my clothes off, a large cyst formed on my rib cage where the
> handcuffs
> dug in, and my elbow was out of joint, I thought they broke it, and my
> genitals was nearly ripped to shreds because they did not unsnap my pants
> to
> tear them off, and every time they shook me pulling my pant legs while my
> head was bouncing off the concrete floor, them snaps dug in and tore more,
> it looked like they clawed me with fingernails in the photos. The Police
> at
> the Booking Desk destroyed all the paperwork evidence related to the gun
> and
> security jobs, except for the gun, belt, and ammo, and put half her stuff
> from her backpack into mine, and took half my stuff and put it into hers.
> And they had her watch them abuse me, to force a false confession out of
> her, where to try to stop them from abusing me, she confessed and claimed
> that we had a German Lugar, and got on the Bus to fire it off, because she
> never handled the gun, I kept it in my backpack and showed her one time,
> and
> she did not even know it was a 9mm Glock.
> Getting a Court appointed Attorney was worse, she was a gay worse than the
> prosecutor, just because I was taking that girl to rehab centers because
> of
> my religious belief. King County jail became under investigation for the
> abuse of prisoners at that time, and I believe that they said the FBI was
> doing the investigation but no one would even talk to us. Under duress,
> because they were forcing Rebecca to testify against me, or they would
> lock
> her away for several years, eventually unable to get any witnesses from
> the
> Bus, unable to get any of the evidence, and unable to get any attorney
> that
> would help with my defense, I made a false confession to reckless
> endangerment, and carrying a concealed weapon. And because of the pain, I
> got hooked on heroin from Rebecca, when she gave it to me so that I could
> get out of bed so that she could get me to the hospital for treatment and
> those photos.
> The Psychological trauma alone, left me in a state of mind where I could
> not
> think or even focus on anything to defend myself in the dragging out Court
> case, which was strange because my so called defense attorney said I was
> not
> mentally capable of going to Court, and the Court sent me for a mental
> evaluation, and that was the first time a Psychiatrist ever said that I
> was
> not delusional, when it was the most delusional and confusing and secluded
> time mentally of my life.
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Joseph R Loegering <>
> To: Lou Dobbs <> ; FBI Minneapolis
> <> ; Dick Cheney
> <> ; George Bush
> <> ; Larry King
> <> ; ABC News
> <> ; Beltway Boys
> <> ; Bill O'Reilly <>
> ; CNN Public Relations <> ; CNN Public Relations
> <> ; Deborah Oakley
> <>
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:25 PM
> Subject: Fw: Brain Shrinkage in Bi Polar "Disorder" caused by Drugs not
> Disease.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Joseph R Loegering <>
> Newsgroups:
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Brain Shrinkage in Bi Polar "Disorder" caused by Drugs not
> Disease.
> This self defense action was not taken by the CIA, this self defense
> action
> was taken by an outed informant of the Criminal Investigation Department
> of
> the United States Army, called CID. This self defense action was taken
> because Terrorists falsely accused my friends of being CIA operatives and
> killed some of them, and took others as prisoners.
> I was registered as a CID informant while in the US Army in 1976 to 1979,
> for spoiling the Plot of a Soviet Agent in Germany, trying to drug and
> control me.
> Computers have not only connected us to the entire Global Business World,
> they have connected us with Global Terrorist organizations, and Common
> Criminals and Global Criminal organizations, and with the Common Enemies
> of
> our Nation.
> I recently began getting thank you letters from my Senator, where someone
> was using my email address and sending my Senator emails as Ms. Loegering,
> while I have no wife or daughter. I notified the FBI that someone was
> sending my Senator letters, and apparently was taking the opposite side of
> issues that I stood for. Within a few days Senator Coleman called me, and
> notified me that someone was indeed sending him emails, using my email
> address, and then I found out that they were also contacting the
> President,
> and my Congressmen too.
> The fraud emails in my name, and falsely accusing me to be a CIA Agent,
> was
> a threat to me, because like Valerie Plame was outed as a CIA operative,
> in
> 1982 I was outed as a secret informant of the Criminal Investigation
> Department of the United States Army, CID, which for my safety from
> Foreign
> Agents and Domestic Criminals, was only recorded in the White House and
> the
> US Pentagon, and once I was outed, I was kidnapped by Foreign terrorists
> at
> gunpoint, and when I escaped, Domestic Criminals began trying to kill me
> ever since, just because they are afraid that I would rat them out.
> Anyone who even says that someone is an operative of an Intelligence
> Agency
> or of a Police Force, wither they know it or not, they are making a Threat
> against the Life of that person, even if they are not truly an Agent like
> my
> friends who were killed and or captured when falsely accused of being CIA
> operatives. You see how well it worked when I turned it around on my
> unprovoked attackers, who were falsely accusing me of being a CIA Agent to
> try to get me attacked by others.
> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
> As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
> Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and
> to
> my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to
> face
> with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
> interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
> busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
> gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
> and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
> to the loyal among the US Government.
> We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
> Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
> Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
> secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
> membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our
> Duty
> that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
> defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
> serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
> Foreign and Domestic.
> In Service of God and Country
> Joseph R Loegering
> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
> "Rev. 11D Meow!" <Piffle@Spork.Corn> wrote in message
> Your Shortness of Yogurt growths impresses me dearly.
> "Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
> ? ????, ??? ??? - ????????? ?????
> "Pork Pie Hat" <Piffle@Spork.Corn> wrote in message
> Can I get a job there making $75 + AN HOUR!!!?
> I'd do it.
> "Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
> "Pork Pie Hat" <Piffle@Spork.Corn> wrote in message
> Your CIA ex douche-bags,
> certainly musta gone through
> Pissant Mind Control Training!
> Vosotros sois dioses, Y dijo Dios, Sea la luz, Y vi
That should say this, I cannot give out all the details, or they can figure
out how we did it.

I personally translated President Putin's conversation with Iran's Defense
Minister, where at the beginning of the Iraq War, while my men were in Iran
Putin said, "I
will not stand for any American aggression against Iran, and I will give
my full support for your peaceful Nuclear Program!"

"Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
> This might give you an Idea as to what is going on.
> I personally translated President Putin's conversation with Iran's Defense
> Minister, where at the beginning of the Iraq War, in Iran Putin said, "I
> will not stand for any American aggression against Iran, and I will give
> you
> my full support for your peaceful Nuclear Program!"
> But Russia supplies Israel with 99% of their Oil.
> If Iran's Nuclear program is a real threat to Israel, why does Israel not
> tell Russia, "Stop building Iran's Nuclear Reactor, and stop supporting
> their Nuclear Program, or we will buy all of our Oil from Saudi Arabia?"
> Because Russia, Iran, and Israel, are on the same side! Soviet Communists
> were sent to Israel before the fall of the Wall to overthrow the Israeli
> Government from within, so that they could use Israel to destroy the US
> and
> Britain.
> That is why someone in the US and Israeli Governments betrayed us at the
> beginning of the Iraq War, when they had Barbara Star announce from the
> Pentagon that the US had CIA operatives inside of Iran.
> We were drawn into the Iraq War with false Intelligence on WMD so that the
> Soviet Communists united with Asian Communists could destroy our economy,
> and overthrow our US and British Governments from within.
> When the Department of Justice has the same problem as most of the
> individuals in our Federal and State and Local Law Enforcement Systems,
> whom
> do not have a brain big enough to comprehend how Foreign Enemies and
> Domestic Criminals are using the US Corporate and US Government Systems to
> set us up, let alone be able to investigate and stop them, we have no
> National Security because the individuals in our Federal and State and
> Local
> Law Enforcement Systems, have become Traitors of the People of these
> United
> States.
> Ask Russia or China how they got my personal information on their
> computers,
> to include all the places where I had lived, my Medical History, and to
> include a history of my personal religious evolvement, and they will deny
> any involvement in hacking my computer, as they say that they got it
> legally, they say that they bought it from US Corporations.
> And since it was extremely political and religious and gay people,
> Catholics
> and Evangelicals and Jews and Muslims, that simultaneously hacked my
> computer for months on end, arguing with each other on my Microsoft Word
> Documents that they turned into a Public Chat Room, trying to set me up,
> attacking my personal religious belief, attacking my political views,
> while
> the FBI and Roadrunner, and Time Warner Cable, and CNN, claimed that they
> were aware of the problem, and gave me every indication that they were
> trying to help, but then using the Corporate and Government Systems and
> setting me up with lies, getting me assaulted, getting me poisoned, and
> nearly getting me killed, there is a real problem.
> And when the Department of Justice does not have a brain big enough to
> figure out how that personal information that they stole could be used to
> set someone up, or figure out how to stop them, they are traitors!
> Lets see, from my notes it was information in Arabic on some air defense
> missals Russia was selling Syria that I sent to the FBI, and it was
> Intelligence in Russian on Iran from Iran's Defense Minister's Office,
> that
> I sent to the CIA, and I sent it to the CIA because I could get no one to
> respond to problems that we ran into looking for Bin laden, and I sent it
> in
> Russian showing that the Defense Minister pointed out the problem of
> espionage agents in Iran to President Putin, and he was referring to some
> of
> my friends who were falsely accused of being CIA operatives, because of an
> announcement Barbara Star made from the Pentagon about the US having CIA
> operatives in Iran. At the time we were not really spying on Iran though
> we
> did some of that, we were there looking for some people that had helped
> Osama Bin Laden, and the US did not know we were in Iran.
> "Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
>> "Tom Mason" <> wrote in message
>> news:0O2vi.13537$
>>> Wonder if Petraeus will mention that any Iraqi suspected of working for
>>> the AMericans is targeted for assasination in his glowing report next
>>> month.
>>> "Jack" <> wrote in message
>>> news:MH2vi.139$
>>>> "I swear, my god, every other night, I have a nightmare that some
>>>> militia is trying to kill me," he says. "I've lost hope. I can't see
>>>> any
>>>> future to this country. That's why most of the interpreters want to get
>>>> out of Iraq."
>>>> But for Ronnie and thousands of other interpreters working with the
>>>> U.S.
>>>> military, getting out is unspeakably difficult. And with insurgents and
>>>> death squads viewing them as collaborators with the enemy, going back
>>>> home isn't a realistic option, either.
>>>> "[W]e drove by my house, and you know how painful it is that when you
>>>> see your house and you can't stop to see your dad or your brother or
>>>> your mom to say 'Hi,' " Ronnie says.
>>>> To help take care of people like Ronnie, the U.S. government is
>>>> offering
>>>> 1,000 special immigration visas over the next two years for Iraqis and
>>>> Afghans working with U.S. forces. But that accounts for just a small
>>>> percentage of the roughly 9,000 interpreters working with the United
>>>> States in Iraq. Tens of thousands of others work with various
>>>> government
>>>> agencies and contractors. The numbers don't include the interpreters'
>>>> families.

>> When the FBI called me at the beginning of the Iraq War, and asked me if
>> I
>> was translating the Arabic Intelligence that I sent them on Iran, and
>> wanted me to work as an Arabic translator, already three of my friends
>> had
>> been killed, and five captured by our enemies, and my men were screaming
>> in my other ear,"Don't take the Job, we have been betrayed, and set up!"
>> And since then having my computer hacked, and people trying to set me up
>> to look like an insane religious suicide bomber, the President and FBI
>> and
>> Department of Justice failing to respond, and Foreign Enemies and
>> Domestic
>> Criminals using lies to set me up, that people among the US Corporate and
>> US Government systems believed, and helped them set me up while letting
>> Osama Bin laden and his likes escape Justice, I have to believe my men
>> were right.
>> "lubow" <> wrote in message
>>> Clinton Sharply Defends Her Stance on Health Care
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> After years of being criticized for the failed universal health-care
>>> plan she crafted during her husband's first term in office, Sen.
>>> Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) apparently has had enough.
>>> During a forum at the National Association of Black Journalists
>>> convention in Las Vegas, Clinton was asked why as a candidate for
>>> president she is "still insisting" on bringing "socialized medicine"
>>> to the United States, when people are "pulling away" from similar
>>> systems in Canada and Great Britain. Worse, the questioner said, such
>>> systems hurt rather than help poor people.
>>> "That was a string of misrepresentations about me and about the
>>> systems in other countries," Clinton started. "Number one, I have
>>> never advocated socialized medicine, and I hope all the journalists
>>> here heard that loudly and clearly because that has been a right-wing
>>> attack on me for 15 years."
>>> Clinton's plan, which died in Congress in 1994, would have required
>>> employers to provide health-care coverage to employees through health-
>>> maintenance organizations. Insurance firms opposed the proposal, as
>>> did political conservatives who thought it removed health care -- a
>>> huge portion of the nation's economy -- from the competitive
>>> marketplace.
>>> lubow

>> Why you treasonous traitors Hillary Rodham Clinton and NY Mayor
>> Bloomberg,
>> you gave the Health Care orders to NYPD and the State Courts that allowed
>> Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals to get away with repeatedly
>> hacking
>> my computer, and use lies, and repeatedly use US Corporate and US
>> Government
>> Systems to discredit and set me up with lies, and allow Osama Bin Laden
>> and
>> his likes escape Justice! And you both have failed to respond to me, or
>> to
>> even ask how the Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals to used lies, and
>> used US Corporate and US Government Systems to discredit and set me up
>> with
>> lies, because you both are dangerous traitors to the People of these
>> United
>> States!
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
>> To: "George Bush" <>; "Dick Cheney"
>> <>; "Deborah Oakley"
>> <>; "FBI Minneapolis" <>;
>> "Division, Criminal" <>
>> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 1:13 PM
>> Subject: I hereby request that the traitors resign.
>> The Department of Justice, after having the traitors among them that
>> allow
>> Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals that betray us into the hands of
>> Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals, using our US Corporate and
>> Government Systems to persecute and destroy our lives, review my case, it
>> is
>> no wonder that in this game of Political Betrayal and Treason, that
>> Valerie
>> Plame could not get Justice or Protection either, from the Traitors.
>> I hereby request that the traitors among The US Department of Justice,
>> and
>> among the FBI, and among the CIA, and among the CID, and among all other
>> US
>> Law Enforcement or Intelligence Agencies, and among the US Executive
>> Branch,
>> and among the US Congressional Branch, and among the US Senatorial
>> Branch,
>> and among State and Local Governments, and among US Corporations, resign.
>> You have failed to protect the US Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and
>> all
>> our Rights not protected therein, and have repeatedly allowed Foreign
>> Enemies and Domestic Criminals to use US Corporate and Government Systems
>> to
>> set up with lies, and try to kill us.
>> In service of God and Country
>> Joseph
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
>> Newsgroups:
>> talk.politics.misc,alt.politics.bush,alt.politics.liberalism,,alt.politics,alt.politics.usa,alt.society.liberalism
>> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 11:49 AM
>> Subject: Re: Are Republican Leaders Leaking State Secrets?
>> I missed a word that is important so I type it in.
>> "Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
>>> "Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
>>>> From ABC News, 8/10/07:
>>>> Are GOP Leaders Leaking State Secrets?
>>>> Justin Rood Reports:
>>>> For the second time in as many weeks, a senior House Republican may
>>>> have divulged classified information in the media.
>>>> In an opinion article published in the New York Post Thursday, Rep.
>>>> Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., reported the top-secret budget for human
>>>> spying had decreased -- the type of detail normally kept under wraps
>>>> for national security reasons.
>>>> "The 2008 Intelligence Authorization bill cut human-intelligence
>>>> programs," Hoekstra wrote in the piece, in which he also criticized
>>>> "leaks to the news media."
>>>> Formerly the chairman of the intelligence committee, Hoekstra is now
>>>> its highest ranking Republican.
>>>> In its recent budget authorizations, that committee kept from public
>>>> view all figures and most discussion of spending on such classified
>>>> items as human spying.
>>>> Hoekstra's apparent slip was first noted on the liberal Web site, Raw
>>>> Story.
>>>> "If Mr. Hoekstra wants to break ranks and disclose that information,
>>>> that's fine with me," said Steven Aftergood, a government secrecy
>>>> expert who has long pushed to declassify overall spending on
>>>> intelligence.
>>>> "But it is the sort of thing he has harshly criticized in the past."
>>>> Indeed, Hoekstra's penchant for openness appears to be selective.
>>>> He has aggressively attacked unnamed opponents guilty of such leaking,
>>>> accusing them of "recklessly and illegally" disclosing secrets "for
>>>> political or other motives" in reports published by his committee.
>>>> He's even exacted punishment for suspected transgressions.
>>>> Last October, Hoekstra stripped the credentials of a Democratic
>>>> committee aide he believed may have leaked a then-classified document
>>>> to The New York Times.
>>>> A month later, he quietly reinstated the aide's access.
>>>> Hoekstra spokesman Jamal Ware said his boss' op-ed discussed the
>>>> spending without disclosing the underlying classified information.
>>>> ""This is a partisan push being made by Democrats and their
>>>> surrogates...there's nothing there," he said.
>>>> Ware added that he himself had used similar language in a May press
>>>> release, which stated the intelligence spending bill "cuts human
>>>> intelligence programs."
>>>> Secrets are apparently hard to keep these days.
>>>> On July 31, House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, allegedly
>>>> disclosed a secret court ruling during a television interview with Fox
>>>> News' Neil Cavuto.
>>>> "There's been a ruling, over the last four or five months, that
>>>> prohibits the ability of our intelligence services and our
>>>> counterintelligence people from listening in to two terrorists in
>>>> other parts of the world where the communication could come through
>>>> the United States," Boehner said.
>>>> Government officials have since confirmed to reporters that Boehner
>>>> was discussing classified information, although the GOP leader denies
>>>> it.
>>>> ____________________________________________________
>>>> At what point are these Republicans brought up on charges?
>>>> Harry

>> Whoever leaked that "The 2008 Intelligence Authorization bill cut
>> human-intelligence
>> programs," should get the highest honored medal in the land! Many of our
>> Agents are undercover and cannot speak out for themselves.
>> To the covert deep cover US Agents and all others involved in getting
>> human-intelligence on Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals. Having been
>> an
>> outed CID informant, I know the dangers that you each daily face, and I
>> know
>> the feeling of being betrayed by this bureaucratic system wherein once
>> you
>> are betrayed, it is impossible to stop the damage that it causes, letting
>> both Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals use the systems to both
>> discredit you and get you setup, and no one will listen, because every
>> Agency will just pass the buck, and they will not stop the people
>> attacking
>> you through the system, nor change the system so that they cannot attack
>> you.
>> Even when they got the intelligence wrong on Iraq because that they said
>> that they lacked human-intelligence, them traitors in Washington outed
>> Valerie Plame as a Political game, and the results of her getting
>> justice,
>> is non existent the same way that it will continue to be for you and for
>> me,
>> fortunately Valerie Plame's husband can afford extra security, but the
>> majority of us that have been outed cannot afford that and without
>> protection from the Government, them traitors in Washington have betrayed
>> us
>> into the hand of our Foreign Enemies and Domestic Criminals.
>> Everyone we need to help our Agents that cannot speak for themselves
>> because
>> that they are under cover. The Justice Department fails to listen to any
>> of
>> our complaints because they are all traitors in Washington, like in
>> Valerie
>> Plame's case, they get us NO Justice and NO protection. Send them a
>> notice
>> to
>> change course or get out of Washington.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
>> To: "Division, Criminal" <>
>> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 5:58 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Criminal investigation needed Please respond if you can or
>> cannot help, thanks
>> This criminal investigation is needed and warranted.
>> Before peace can come, the true reason for the War must be confronted.
>> Because it is necessary to know where I stand, a short presentation of my
>> religious faith leads up to the details of the Soviet and Communist Asian
>> plot to overthrow the Western Democracies from within.
>> To the true Christians, Jerusalem was just a shadow or physical
>> representation of a heavenly Jerusalem, which though it shall come in the
>> future, it can be seen in the visions given by Spirit Jehovah, which is
>> only a true vision when not made up by the souls of men. Therefore the
>> true
>> descendants of Israel that believed the truth about Jesus as the uniquely
>> begotten son of Jehovah, from the loins of Judah, uniquely begotten in a
>> virgin of the house of David, would never fight a war to take the
>> physical
>> Jerusalem, or the physical biblical promised land, they would take it
>> with
>> righteousness.
>> Become like the dirty eagle, who flies high about the sea, and dives down
>> into the water to remove the dirty feathers, and climbs upon the warm
>> sand
>> of the seashore to grow new feathers and become a clean eagle, for
>> hearing
>> the voice of Jehovah, the shed blood of his uniquely begotten son is the
>> water of the sea, that gives remission of sin, and cleanses you of your
>> sins, and the clean feathers are the good works which Jehovah has
>> predestined for you to do by his Spirit, as we patently look for this
>> heavens and earth to perish, and for new Jerusalem to come from him
>> wherein
>> dwells righteousness.
>> The Devil is in the detail, in my mind Politics and Religion are two
>> separate and harmoniously symbiant issues, but for too many that I must
>> come
>> to an understanding with, so that we may all live in peace with one
>> another,
>> these two issues are too often inseparable and or are conflicting.
>> To be law abiding is Political, but to be law abiding is not true
>> Religion,
>> for to be law abiding cannot justify anyone in the eyes of the God of
>> Abraham, and the law abiding are too often deceived into thinking that
>> because they are law abiding, that they are righteous without being
>> acquainted with the God of Abraham, whom without a person's works of the
>> law, imputes righteousness unto those who hear and believe and hearken
>> unto
>> his voice.
>> Because of people's different points of view, different types of
>> Politics,
>> and different types of Religion, exist and are practiced among mankind.
>> And
>> these differing practices often differ so much, that they bring conflicts
>> and bloodshed among mankind, and it is the conflicts and bloodshed among
>> mankind, that I wish to turn into tolerance towards one another's
>> different
>> views, and bring peace among mankind. But among mankind there are always
>> those who wish to be intolerant, and stir up strife, and cause greater
>> conflicts and more bloodshed, and it is these whom are intolerant, that
>> are
>> the enemies of peace, and are enemies of all mankind.
>> Many of you may be aware that I am 100% for getting Osama Bin Laden and
>> his
>> likes, not because of his Religious or Political Beliefs, but because
>> planning and launching an attack, where unarmed innocent men, women, and
>> children, of many different Religious and Political beliefs, were
>> slaughtered, are actions of a cowardly infidel that the God of Abraham
>> despises.
>> And many of you may be aware that not because of their Religious
>> Beliefs,
>> I
>> am 100% against the Political actions that led to the invasion and
>> occupation of Iraq, because I believed that the regime in power was not
>> responsible for the actions of a cowardly infidel that the God of Abraham
>> despises, that were done on 9-11, and that I believed that the regime in
>> power in Iraq was being used by Communist Enemies of my Country, trying
>> to
>> draw us into that conflict in Iraq with false intelligence, so that they
>> may
>> destroy our economy and overthrow our US and British and Israeli
>> Governments
>> from within.
>> And many of you may be aware that not because of their Religious Beliefs,
>> I
>> am against many of the Political actions of the Israeli, and Russian,
>> and
>> Iranian, and Chinese Governments, that have placed them in their current
>> postures with these United States.
>> There must be a way of getting all sides to drop their Arms, and bring
>> those
>> who commit acts of infidels to Justice, and the only way to do that is to
>> begin to open a dialog with all the parties involved.
>> If Syria's United Nations ambassador, Basahr Ja'afari, can be believed,
>> and
>> I believe that he can be, he says his nation is under siege as more than
>> 1.6
>> million Iraqis have fled into Syria since the U.S. and British invasion
>> of
>> Iraq, and the rate is climbing at 3,000 more each day.
>> These Sunni refugees are fleeing Iraq into Syria, because after 8 years
>> of
>> a
>> War with Shiite Iran draining resources, and straining quality of life of
>> the Sunni reducing many of them to live by but the bare necessities of
>> life,
>> West of the Euphrates River, some of the infrastructure was deliberately
>> targeted during the 1991 Gulf War, and then during the 12 years of UN
>> and
>> NATO sanctions against Iraq that followed, and now during this present
>> US
>> and British occupation of Iraq, and by Shiite Iraqi opposition, having
>> taken out many Bridges and Transpiration Infrastructures, Electrical
>> Infrastructures, Water Infrastructures, Food Supply Infrastructures,
>> Sanitation Infrastructures, and Hospital Infrastructures, and
>> deliberately
>> hindering the repairs of these Infrastructures, so that children are born
>> deformed, and the elder die early of the hardships, because all that
>> their
>> parents have to drink and give to their children to drink is contaminated
>> Water, and all that they have to eat and feed their children is low
>> quality
>> Food, as they are forced to make do with what little that they have, and
>> live in unsanitary conditions among additional hazards of radiation from
>> depleted Uranium Rounds from US Antitank Weapons, or flee their Nation of
>> birth, is an Anti-Semitic Genocidal War Crime against Humanity.
>> It is an Anti-Semitic Genocidal War Crime against Humanity because in the
>> 'de-Baathification', this selected group of Sunni, have been targeted and
>> are being killed by a number of their enemies.
>> Many of these people fleeing Iraq into Syria, are being targeted by
>> Shiite
>> and Kurd enemies, because that under Saddam Hussein, these people did the
>> bidding of President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush Sr.,
>> and
>> of the leaders of the Soviet Union.
>> These people were betrayed by the Soviet Leaders whom were working with
>> President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush Sr. to influence
>> Saddam Hussein, to go to War with the Shiites of Iran, even though the
>> Majority of the Iraqis were Shiite, where many of Shiites in the South
>> stood
>> with Iran, and where many of the Kurds in the North stood with Iran.
>> Saddam Hussein was tricked into attacking Kuwait by people from the
>> United
>> States and the Soviet Union, and our attack to remove him from Kuwait was
>> deliberately cut short of removing Saddam from power, in hopes that the
>> Shiites and Kurds would rise against the Sunni minority, and many on both
>> sides would kill each other. This was done under the direction of the
>> leaders of the United States, and of the leaders of the fallen Soviet
>> Union,
>> united with Communist Asia, whom both were for a long time in preparation
>> of
>> this move, sending immigrants to Israel, the US, and Britain, to act as
>> moles getting into positions of influence, so that eventually they could
>> overthrow the Democratic Governments of these Nations from within.
>> Simultaneously the Soviets from the fallen Soviet Union, planned on
>> taking
>> both France and Germany over from within also.
>> The Soviets helped Saddam comply with UN demands on WMD by 1993, but
>> insisted that he put up a front as if he still had WMD, to keep his
>> enemies
>> among the Shiites and Kurds from attacking him. But this was set up by
>> the
>> Soviets to keep NATO wasting money on no fly zones over the North and
>> South
>> sectors of Iraq, and the false intelligence on WMD sent by the Soviets
>> mostly through Israel, was enough to keep them enforcing the no fly
>> zones,
>> and the Soviets knew that the double cross that the US did on the Islamic
>> Warriors who were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan at the time, would
>> lead to something like what happened on 9-11, and they took advantage of
>> it
>> handing us more false intelligence on WMD in Iraq, and it was enough to
>> draw
>> the US and Britain into a costly War in Iraq that will help the Soviets
>> united with Asian Communists destroy our economies and take us over from
>> within.
>> Now the Sunni minority who followed Saddam doing the bidding of the
>> Western
>> and Eastern Rulers, are being betrayed again by all them who helped
>> instigate and motivate them to War against Iran, and many of them did not
>> fight in that War, and those that did were just following Saddam's
>> orders.
>> In service of God and Country
>> Joseph
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
>> To: "Division, Criminal" <>
>> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 10:00 AM
>> Subject: Re: Criminal investigation needed Please respond if you can or
>> cannot help, thanks
>> Justice denied by the so called proper authority in this case, is
>> National
>> Security denied and breached by enemies of the People of these United
>> States.
>> Thanks to influences of their biblical misinterpretation and betrayal of
>> true believers, making themselves out to be conservatives and liberals
>> with
>> an alike objective, among the News Media and among our US Government, as
>> they both hide the truth, and promote nothing but lies against the truth,
>> usually painting a view of the world as an evil place, and painting a
>> view
>> of the true believers as insane and or evil and painting true scriptures
>> as
>> evil.
>> These fake Religious People among our News Media and among our Political
>> People and among our Nation, often say that they believe and live by the
>> scriptures, but deliberately promote lies and do things contrary to the
>> scriptures, that will always cause a backlash against true believers, as
>> they deliberately hide the truth and have taken over and hijacked our
>> Religions and our Governments with lies, and have done away with our
>> freedom
>> to exercise our faith, and have done away with our US Constitution, our
>> Bill
>> of Rights, and all of our Rights not protected therein.
>> Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put
>> darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet,
>> and
>> sweet for bitter!"
>> 2 Peter 2:1-2 " But there were false prophets also among the people,
>> even
>> as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in
>> damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon
>> themselves swift destruction, and many shall follow their pernicious
>> ways,
>> by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of."
>> 2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed
>> into
>> an angel of light."
>> Use the 1st Amendment and send this to all them traitors among them
>> treasonous Tax and spend Democrats and among them treasonous Borrow until
>> economic Collapse Republicans on all levels of US Government.
>> Mr. President George Bush
>> When I am standing against a deadly enemy who was trained, financed, and
>> armed, by your family, and some of my family either dies or is wounded by
>> enemies that your family trained, financed, and armed, I don't want to be
>> ignored when I have problems or need something to fight the enemy that
>> you
>> claim that we are at War with, so that because of you ignoring my needs,
>> the
>> enemy that you led us to War against, that your family trained, financed
>> and
>> armed, can kill me and or more of my family too, because of your treason
>> and
>> or incompetence!
>> Under the Reagan/Bush Administration is when we actually began a period
>> of
>> time where, "If you are not with us, you are against us!," which meant
>> that
>> the US Government was both with you, and against you, at the same time,
>> and
>> that is for all practical purposes, the standard that we live by today,
>> because of your treason and or incompetence!
>> Since I was born, it has been the goal of Communist Nations to destroy
>> our
>> US Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and all our Rights that are not
>> protected therein, and it has become self evident, that because of your
>> treason and or incompetence, you have taken their side against us, while
>> saying you are leading us against the enemy of our Freedom, the Freedom
>> that
>> you yourself have destroyed!
>> Since while you play with your crayons, you don't seem to be able to
>> connect
>> any dots, allow me to connect a few for you!
>> First, 9-11 happened because of your family's and US Politicians'
>> participation in Foreign Policy! But you just blow off the results of
>> your
>> Policies as blow-back, and stay the course of causing more blow-back!
>> Prior to the fall of the Communist wall, President Ronald Reagan and Vice
>> President George Bush Sr. were working with the Soviets to support
>> Saddam
>> Hussein against Iran, because Iran was against the Soviets who needed US
>> help to stop Iran, while the US was supporting Osama Bin Laden and other
>> Muslim Warriors among Afghanistan, against the Soviets. When Osama Bin
>> Laden
>> and other Muslim Warriors realized that the US was supporting Saddam
>> Hussein, and other Muslim Warriors, whom they considered to be
>> Communists,
>> because their enemy the Communist Soviets, were their ally, they felt
>> betrayed by the US, and declared War on the US, while Saddam Hussein who
>> was
>> on the side of the Communist Soviets, betrayed us, and the Communist
>> Soviets wanting to destroy both Iran and Osama and his Warriors whom were
>> attacking them, and the US, sent immigrants to Israel, to try to take
>> over
>> Israeli Policy, and take over the US, to use the US to destroy the
>> Soviets'
>> enemies, Iran and Osama Bin Laden and his Warriors, and now when we try
>> to
>> get Osama Bin Laden and his likes that you say we are at War with, or get
>> information on Iran whom you call part of the axis of evil, the US
>> Government ignores us, and lets our enemies use the US Government and US
>> Corporations to stop us one way or another, while the enemy tries to set
>> us
>> up, and get us killed, and the US calls the results of their Policies,
>> blow-back.
>> It was George Bush Sr.'s influence with the Chinese, that got Chinese
>> Arms
>> for Afghanistan and Iran against the Soviets, and that Weapons flow has
>> not
>> stopped, and even in Iraq today, many of the Weapons that are killing our
>> Troops, which includes my cousin, are coming through that either that
>> Chinese pipeline opened by George Bush Sr., or because he played both
>> sides
>> against each other, through the old Soviet Weapons Pipeline opened by
>> George
>> Bush Sr.. To me, the loss of life in my family, is a very costly
>> blow-back.
>> Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave the unconstitutional orders to NYPD, that
>> allowed Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN to set me up! He refuses
>> to
>> answer and correct the problem because He is a traitor of our US
>> Constitution, and a traitor of our Bill of Rights, and a traitor of all
>> our
>> rights not protected there in, and is a traitor on the War on Terrorism
>> who
>> deliberately helps Bin Laden and his likes escape!
>> This is not at all hard to understand about these Zionists, many of the
>> Jews, Christians, and Muslims, are fakes, and are Communist Soviet
>> Zionists,
>> and they all lie against the truth . Look at all the warring sides in
>> this
>> conflict. They all falsely believe that when a person dies, they
>> immediately
>> go to heaven or hell. But all those scriptures that they all claim to
>> believe, say that is a lie that overthrows true faith.
>> 2 Timothy 2:18 "Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the
>> resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some."
>> So they do not walk by Spirit Jehovah, they walk by an evil Spirit that
>> lies
>> against the truth. Note we do not get the riches of his grace until in
>> ages
>> to come, which means after the resurrection of the just.
>> Ephesians 2: 1-8
>> "And you has he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; Wherein
>> in
>> time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to
>> the
>> prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children
>> of
>> disobedience, among whom also we all had our conversation in times past
>> in
>> the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the
>> mind;
>> and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. But God, who is
>> rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we
>> were
>> dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace you are
>> saved;) And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in
>> heavenly
>> places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might show the
>> exceeding
>> riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. For
>> by
>> grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the
>> gift of God:"
>> And then just like Hitler, they outlaw marriages sanctified by the God of
>> Abraham, like Jacob's marriage to more than one woman, as a wife from
>> whom
>> came the children of Israel, by the State marriage Acts, that they passed
>> falsely saying that they were protecting the sanctity of marriage."
>> If you are an honest American, send this whole thing to them traitors in
>> Washington, I corrected some of the typing errors.
>> Dean Loegering was the son of my Grandfather's brother, and his name is
>> written on the Vietnam Memorial Wall, he was killed in 1967. Take a look
>> at
>> the names written on that wall, and ask how did many of these men die?
>> You
>> may have been there, but I will remind you, and I will tell you four
>> reasons
>> why many of them are written there, either one, for money, or two, for
>> booze, or three, for drugs, or four, for sex, someone in the US Armed
>> Forces
>> sold US Weapons and or US Supplies on the black market, and those US
>> Weapons
>> and or US Supplies were used by the Communists to write many of them
>> names
>> on that Wall.
>> Personally, while being unarmed, for the same four reasons, several times
>> I
>> have faced loaded weapons that our US Troops sold to our enemies, and
>> each
>> time, I found a way of taking them away from them without getting killed,
>> fortunately.
>> My cousin Joshua Schmitt died by the fourth roadside bomb attack that hit
>> him within one year in Iraq.
>> Some of our Troops are dying by weapons that were financed and or sold to
>> our enemies by people in US Corporations, or in our US Government, or in
>> our
>> US Armed Forces.
>> Mr. President George Bush
>> My name is Joseph R Loegering Anoka Mn.
>> We have no religious freedom at all, because in the beginning of the Iraq
>> War, you said we were on a crusade against Islam, and now the backlash in
>> our Armed Forces is wiping out the freedom to exercise religious faith of
>> our Troops, and you are using the same indirect attack on religious faith
>> as
>> the Communist Soviets, saying that you support it, while you and they are
>> attacking for every trumped up reason, but what they are really attacking
>> for, a person's
>> religious faith. The same has been done to me while trying to get and or
>> give out Actionable Intelligence on Osama Bin Laden or his Top Officers.
>> People hacked my Computer trying to make me look like an insane religious
>> suicide bomber, and though I sent the Proof to you Mr. President, and to
>> the
>> FBI, there is absolute silence as to what to do to get them and or stop
>> them
>> from setting up and harming more US Citizens.
>> You have let all of our enemies use the US Corporate and US Government
>> Systems via our computers, to gather personal information on every US
>> Citizen, so that they may set us up, and attack us at will, and we have
>> the
>> full right to defend ourselves against such attacks.
>> You traitors in Washington that have joined the ranks of Communist
>> Soviets
>> and Jihadist attacking us, need to change course, repeatedly I asked for
>> accurate maps,so that I could give out accurate information on Top
>> Leaders
>> of Al-Qaeda that may be able to lead us to Osama Bin Laden, but you all
>> have
>> failed to respond to defend this Nation.
>> Actionable Intelligence on Osama Bin Laden or his Top Officers in
>> Pakistan
>> and or the Middle East, is impossible to be given to the US Government,
>> they
>> will
>> not respond when US Citizens have it, because they do not want Actionable
>> Intelligence on Osama Bin Laden or his Top Officers in Pakistan and or
>> the
>> Middle East, so that they can drag this War on Terrorism out, and use it
>> as
>> an
>> excuse to pass Laws that do away with our US Constitution and our Bill of
>> Rights and all of our Rights not protected therein.
>> They even used Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN, to intimidate
>> Courts
>> and Doctors to force me to sign a written contract saying that I would
>> stop
>> looking for Osama Bin Laden, or they would not let me go.
>> Traitors!
>> Persecuting our Troops in the US Military
>> Because the President Bush began the Iraq War announcing it as a crusade,
>> a
>> backlash is taking away the very rights that our troops stand and fight
>> for,
>> as their rights are being usurped in the US Armed Forces, and this time
>> they
>> are using Islam as the excuse, saying that they do not want to offend
>> Islam,
>> Christians and Jews in our Military are persecuted more now than they
>> were
>> when I served in the US Army in 1970s and 1980s. Believe me, this issue
>> about not wanting Islam to see this War as a crusade, is being taken
>> advantage of by agnostic or atheist people, and by hostile Muslims that
>> we
>> are fighting, so that they may persecute our Troops in our Military for
>> their Religious beliefs, taking away their religious freedom that they
>> volunteered to defend.
>> The Muslims are also targeting our US Troops that had Drug and Alcohol
>> problems, trying to influence them to do their dirty works, just like the
>> Soviets did, because most of our enemies among Islam learned how to War
>> from
>> the Communist Soviets.
>> I have nothing against agnostic or atheist people, but those who opposed
>> religious faith in the Military, when I was in the US Army, were mostly
>> agnostic or atheist, and they were too often the ones that boasted the
>> most
>> about doing Justice, while falsely accusing and getting false convictions
>> on
>> men, just because they had a religious belief.
>> A change in some towards doing good, and a change in some towards doing
>> evil.
>> Which direction do you head for in your heart?
>> When I was in Germany under President Gerald Ford, I was registered as an
>> informant of CID, and as I watched the Soviet Agents pick their targets
>> among our Troops, trying to find men that were weak in character, so that
>> they could control and influence them to do their dirty works, it became
>> evident that they targeted mostly those that had Drug or Alcohol
>> problems.
>> Then one day I found a group of young US Troops who were following a US
>> Soldier with bad character, whom was a bad influence over them, and as I
>> watched them, I saw a young man named Chris, who would not have been
>> there,
>> except for the fact that the wrong crowd was all he had to hang out with,
>> and no matter what he did to try to impress his friends among the wrong
>> crowd, you could tell that he just did not fit in with them. So I waited
>> for
>> the opportunity to catch him alone, and I took him aside and just began
>> talking about my faith in God, and my duty to my Country, and he listened
>> intently. After several hours, he said nothing as he appeared to feel
>> guilty, and went back and joined his friends among the wrong crowd.
>> Then a few weeks later, one night as I was entering the back gate of the
>> post, I saw that crowd smoking dope, and I saw Chris whom appeared to be
>> distressed standing with them. So I walked up to them, and said to Chris
>> so
>> that they all could hear, "If you want out, stop hanging around with
>> these
>> men, they are a bad influence upon you, just come and hang out with me!"
>> And
>> I walked away, and soon as I looked back, you could see Chris looking
>> back
>> and forth at them and then me, and he pulled a bag of drugs out of his
>> pocket and handed it to them, and took off running after me, and from
>> that
>> moment on, he was with me every day, and I taught him about my faith in
>> God
>> and my duty to my Country, and soon there were rumors throughout the post
>> about Chris, trying to convert his entire Company.
>> But before Chris had joined me, he had gotten charged for Drug
>> Possession,
>> and had a Court Martial scheduled at Brigade Headquarters, so that day I
>> put
>> on my Dress Uniform and went to his Court Martial as a character witness,
>> and when the Brigade Col. talked to me on the stand, I told him that
>> Chris
>> was contrite, and was reforming, and had made great progress in reform,
>> and
>> that making an example out of him with harsh punishment like normal,
>> might
>> hinder that reform, and that would not be right. And the Col. said,
>> "Well,
>> I
>> will talk to his First Sergeant about that, and find out," and he called
>> him
>> on the phone, and asked how Chris had been doing lately, and you could
>> hear
>> his First Sergeant say, "Sir, I do not understand what has happened to
>> this
>> man, lately he has been trying to convert my entire Company!" And the
>> Col.
>> just hung up the phone without saying goodbye, and he looked at me and
>> said,
>> "Pvt. so and so, is Calvary, but you are Infantry, how is it that you two
>> have gotten together?" And when I told him how and that we meet at the
>> USO
>> Club for fellowship, without my asking, he gave me the Brigade Training
>> Room
>> for holding meetings, and he went lighter than normal on Chris, trying to
>> Influence other Soldiers to change too.
>> Changing from doing that which is evil, moment by moment unto doing that
>> which is good is what life is all about. If you listen to and follow them
>> that do evil, you will bring troubles upon yourself, but if you are
>> contrite
>> in your heart, and put off that which is evil, and begin listening to and
>> following them that endeavor to do good, you will bring upon yourselves
>> good
>> things, the most important of which is good self esteem, that comes from
>> knowing that you are endeavoring to do good.
>> No man can come unto me, and change, except if the Father calls unto him,
>> and the man hears and hearkens unto his still small voice in his heart,
>> and
>> if they cannot hear his still small voice and change, they are not mine,
>> and
>> they will hear and hearken unto another's voice.
>> But the crown of achievement in life, is knowing that it is not because
>> you
>> endeavor to do good, but by divine favor your Maker has brought your
>> heart
>> to acquaint him, bless you Jehovah, you are always with the just in
>> heart,
>> and you always deliver them in times of trouble when their heart
>> acquaints
>> you, and you guide them through life, and you give them the seal of your
>> calling, your uniquely begotten son from the loins of Judah, conceived in
>> the virgin of the house of David, as he suffered and died and was raised
>> from among the dead, and was ascended up to sit at your right hand, and
>> became the Salvation of all who acquaint you, and obey your still small
>> voice. Within my being a cup, O Jehovah you have always been there, thank
>> you for sending your uniquely begotten son as my cup, my silver cup
>> whereby
>> I drink and divine your heavenly things past and present and yet to come,
>> as
>> you give me utterance by the Spirit of Salvation speaking with other
>> tongues
>> of men and of angels, and as the visions of your son standing head and
>> shoulders above me, reaches his arms about me and holds me within the
>> clouds, as his long hair descends down below his shoulders and lays upon
>> his
>> one piece white robe that covers him, as I rest the crown of my bald head
>> upon his breasts wearing my predetermined garments of many colors and
>> many
>> pieces, the garment of the heir by birthright of the house of Israel of
>> the
>> tribe of Ephraim. O Jehovah let this day of your resurrection of the
>> just,
>> become in your choice of your predetermined time and season, according to
>> your word which you have spoken by all your holy prophets and apostles.
>> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:57 PM
>> Subject: Tell them traitors in Washington this applies to them all!
>> Mr. President, my name is Joseph R Loegering from Anoka Mn, about the
>> fake
>> War on Terrorism, after being outed as a CID informant, and having been
>> kidnapped at gunpoint outside Ft. Riley Kansas by Foreign exchange
>> students
>> from Africa, whom bought M-16s, and Ammo, and what looked like an M-72
>> Law
>> and Explosives from some of our Troops on Ft Riley, I know how low
>> quality
>> of character of some of our Troops, that our US Government has a habit of
>> handing weapons to, while taking away our 2nd Amendment right one way or
>> another, so that the low life that gets our Weapons from the US
>> Government
>> can kill us.
>> Tell them traitors in Washington this applies to them all!
>> Mr. President, putting Gang Bangers near Poppy Fields, and expecting them
>> to
>> hold on to 190,000 Soviet Style Weapons plus NATO Style Weapons and
>> Equipment, is about one of the most treasonous acts that this Government
>> has
>> committed in this fake War on Terrorism yet! How many of our honest
>> Troops
>> have they shot in the back so that they can trade Weapons and Supplies
>> for
>> Drugs? Is that what happened to Pat Tillman?
>> In service to God and Country
>> Joseph
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Division, Criminal" <>
>> To: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
>> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 9:13 AM
>> Subject: RE: Criminal investigation needed Please respond if you can or
>> cannot help, thanks
>> This is in response to your recent e-mail to the Department of Justice
>> requesting an investigation.
>> The Department of Justice, after reviewing your correspondence, has
>> determined that the issues as presented do not warrant action by this
>> office. From the information that you have provided, it appears that your
>> concerns have already been submitted to the proper authorities.
>> Consequently, we are unable to assist you at this time.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Joseph R Loegering []
>> Sent: Fri 7/27/2007 3:36 PM
>> To: Division, Criminal
>> Subject: Criminal investigation needed Please respond if you can or
>> cannot
>> help, thanks
>> To whom it may concern and to the
>> U.S. Department of Justice
>> 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
>> Washington, DC 20530-0001
>> My name is Joseph R Loegering
>> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
>> Blog
>> <>
>> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
>> Intelligence and NBC Defense.
>> The Central Command and Control Office.
>> 6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19
>> Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579
>> Phone 763-205-1296
>> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
>> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
>> Because the US Government fails to announce Publicly that I was outed as
>> a
>> registered CID Informant in 1980-1982, recorded only in the White House
>> and
>> the Pentagon for my protection, Doctors and Courts and Criminals and
>> Foreign
>> Enemies, continuously get me misdiagnose and misjudge falsely accusing me
>> to
>> be delusional, and they force treat me with drugs that only cause the
>> original symptoms of brain damage to be more prominent, and cause added
>> signs of organic brain damage.
>> Originally the Doctors misdiagnosed my chronic stomach problems as
>> delusional, because they had no test for Celiac Disease, but after some
>> Doctors diagnosed me as having a form of Celiac Decease, the other
>> Doctors
>> still refuse to remove the misdiagnosis of being delusional from my
>> Medical
>> Records, compounded with further misdiagnosis, so that my medical records
>> have become a threat to my Life, my Liberty, and my pursuit of happiness.
>> Foreign and Domestic Enemies are now taking advantage of the Medical and
>> Judicial systems to have me abused in such a manner for Political and or
>> Religious, and or Criminal Reasons.
>> All the psychiatric drugs have produced such bad Iatrogenic Illnesses,
>> that
>> the Neurologists tell me to stop taking the drugs because that they say
>> that
>> they are killing me. After St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital New York City,
>> and
>> Rockland Psychiatric Center, 140 Old Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg NY,
>> 10962,
>> forced upon me all the same drugs that had already caused me medical
>> harm,
>> Doctors at both Hospitals said that of all the drugs that did me no good,
>> they each had me choose one of the drugs from the multitudes, that had
>> the
>> least side effects, and even though they produced no medical benefit to
>> me,
>> and caused harm, I was literally told by Dr Koo of Rockland Psychiatric
>> Center, and Dr Meckler of St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital, that I had to
>> take
>> them so that they could get paid for treating me, or I could not be
>> released. And these Doctors write both misdiagnosis, and fraudulent
>> entries
>> in my Medial Records, saying falsely that those drugs that I had to
>> choose,
>> are causing me some good, and Dr Smith of the Kansas City did the same
>> falsifying of my records.
>> Any Doctor or Nurse that sees me have an acute episode of what they call
>> a
>> chronic multiple complex seizure disorder, the first thing they say is,
>> "He
>> looks like he is having a stroke!" And they test to see if I have had
>> another stroke like that rock first caused. Why would someone at CNN, and
>> or
>> the VA, make false
>> allegations, and deliberate misdiagnosis, and allow Doctors to force a
>> person to take the exact same medications that makes them suicidal and
>> delusional? These happen to be the exact same medications that
>> Neurologists
>> had already told me to stop taking, because going by the fluctuating
>> abnormal brain waves coming from the right lobe of my brain, recorded on
>> EEGs, they believed my problem was neurological, and believed the healthy
>> portions of my mind was taking over the functions that I had lost from
>> when
>> that rock damaged part of my brain, and they said that the medication was
>> making me more dysfunction and more helpless, because it was interfering
>> with the natural development of neurons by the healthy part of my brain,
>> that needed to form them neurons naturally, to take over the functions
>> that
>> I had lost. Now every time I get near that point, some Doctor reads
>> something that them Psychiatrists wrote in my medical records, and they
>> force me to take the exact same damaging medications that results in the
>> original symptoms of brain damage becoming more prominent, and I begin
>> displaying added symptoms of brain damage, so tell me, what good are the
>> Doctors or them medications that nearly kill you every time you take
>> them?
>> Now the US Army denies any service connected disability, because they say
>> that they can find no connection in my medical records of my being hit by
>> that rock, and the stroke that I had at the age of 24, even though my
>> medical records have a record of a dramatic loss of hearing, because of
>> the
>> ringing in my ears, which is a symptom of Traumatic Brain Injury.
>> Now I don't think getting hit by that rock during a race riot at Ft Drum
>> NY
>> in 1981 was someone trying to knock me off because I was outed as a
>> secret
>> informant of the Criminal Investigations Department of the US Armed
>> Forces,
>> which is only recorded in the White house and the Pentagon for my
>> protection. But five Military Doctors misdiagnosing me as being
>> permanently
>> blind, and not recording the obvious symptoms of TBI, and my pickup truck
>> getting filled with bullet holes, and my acting First Sergeant helping a
>> retired Col. steal the truck and scrap it to hide the evidence, and even
>> my
>> Military gear getting stolen because under protest in front of witnesses
>> I
>> followed my acting First Sergeant and put it where he falsely said it
>> wold
>> be protected, only to be stolen just like I said it would be, just might
>> be
>> part of a cover-up of an investigation of corruption of power that the
>> unit was going through.
>> Then someone selling weapons, ammo, and explosives, in 1982 to two
>> foreign
>> exchange students from Africa, that were waiting at an intersection
>> outside
>> Ft. Riley for me and a friend of mine, and kidnapping us at gun point,
>> and
>> we were able to escape at the 11 mile marker outside Kansas City when the
>> car broke down, that may have been a setup where someone was trying to
>> get
>> me knocked off because that they knew I was a registered CID informant.
>> And during the President's campaign while hunting for Bin Laden and
>> someone
>> breaking into my computer and trying to make me look like an insane
>> religious suicide bomber, and Dr. Smith's deliberate against the first
>> Neurologist's advice, repeated his efforts to drug me into being a
>> vegetable
>> with medications already known to cause me harm, to as he falsely
>> claimed,
>> to prevent me from doing crimes, or to prevent me from hurting the
>> President, and CNN, Time Warner, and Roadrunner Cable knowing that, and
>> knowing that CNN's announcement from the Pentagon got some of my men
>> killed,
>> and others captured overseas looking for Bin Laden, and after finding
>> that
>> out, making it look like they were willing to help get Bin Laden, and
>> then
>> treating me with nothing but false allegations and lies, there is
>> something
>> that smells terribly rotten in the whole mess. Because at the time, even
>> the
>> FBI called me and wanted me to work for them as an Arabic Translator
>> because
>> of what we sent them from Iran, but my men were screaming in my other
>> ear,
>> "don't take the job, we
>> have been setup and betrayed. "
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <
>> <> >
>> To: < <> >
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 1:13 PM
>> Subject: USDOJ Comments
>> To whom it may concern and to the
>> U.S. Department of Justice
>> 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
>> Washington, DC 20530-0001
>> My name is Joseph R Loegering
>> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
>> Blog
>> <>
>> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
>> Intelligence and NBC Defense.
>> The Central Command and Control Office.
>> 6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19
>> Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579
>> Phone 763-205-1296
>> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
>> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
>> When the US Judicial and US Medical systems can be used against the free
>> and
>> just citizens of these United States, and prior to Al-Qaeda trying to use
>> Doctors to attack Britain I was sounding the warning that both our
>> Judicial
>> and Medical systems have been breached by enemies of the people of these
>> United States, and they consequences being an attack through the systems
>> that made the systems work against me using only lies, falsehood,
>> misjudgment, and misdiagnosis, I and the People of these United States,
>> need
>> and deserve a full investigation and accurate records kept, and a full
>> redress of the grievances of this matter.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joseph R Loegering" <
>> <> >
>> To: "Tucker Carlson" < <> >; "Lou
>> Dobbs" < <> >;
>> "Larry King" <
>> <> >; "Jack Cafferty"
>> < <> >; "George Bush"
>> < <> >; "FBI
>> Minneapolis" < <> >;
>> "Daryn Kagan" < <> >;
>> "Dick Cheney" <
>> <> >; "CNN Public Relations"
>> < <> >; "CNN Public Relations"
>> < <> >; "BRENDAN
>> BERNHARD" < <> >; "Bill
>> O'Reilly" < <> >;
>> "Beltway Boys" < <> >; "ABC
>> News"
>> < <> >
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 12:58 PM
>> Subject: Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN, I am waiting for phone
>> calls.
>> Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN, I am waiting for phone calls.
>> You will see from this news group, I get threatening attacks, from people
>> who do not know what is going on, from all over the world, and the CNN
>> Staff, is no different, they don't understand what is going on.
>> "Joseph R Loegering" <
>> <> > wrote in message
>> <> ...
>> I put this in a response.
>> It is obvious something is wrong when you cannot even comprehend who
>> Nancy
>> Grace is. So since you must have never watched CNN, let alone understand
>> what is happening, start with her website.
>> <>
>> Now, because I was hunting Osama Bin Laden and his likes, and Al-Qaeda,
>> hopefully you will know and understand that they are deceitful murders,
>> that
>> are supposedly on the opposite side of what Nancy Grace says that she
>> stands
>> for, and I thought she might want to help get them, while I was hunting
>> them, but someone hacked my computer trying to stop me, by trying to set
>> me
>> up to look like an insane religious suicide bomber, and I have a right to
>> oppose such actions that threaten my life, and it is my right to oppose
>> anyone who tries to help them set me up to look like I am insane, because
>> they are a dangerous threat to my life, and for some reason Nancy Grace,
>> is
>> using the same false allegations against me as Al-Qaeda, and apparently
>> has
>> taken the side of Al-Qaeda that is trying to kill me.
>> Now read this letter that I wrote to CNN.
>> Someone has used the systems of Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN to
>> try to set me up, and try to discredit me, and try to kill me. I need to
>> talk with the head officers of Roadrunner, Time Warner Cable, and CNN to
>> find the guilty parties, and put a stop to it one and for all, or to
>> defend
>> my life and my family and my countrymen, I will have to do my best to put
>> you out of business!
>> Because the legalists will pick at what I mistyped because that I am near
>> blind most of the time from a rock that hit me in the US Army, I will
>> rewrite this with more complete words. The FBI told me I need to contact
>> and
>> talk to Nancy Grace. My phone is 1-763-205-1296
>> I talked with the FBI, and yes people hacked my computer to set me up.
>> And
>> they said I need to contact and talk with Nancy Grace, and stop people
>> from
>> using her to set me up with lies.
>> Wondering why someone would hack my computer, and try to make me look
>> like
>> an insane religious suicide bomber, what were they going to try to do?
>> Were
>> they going to try to kidnap me, and strap a bomb on me, and blow it by
>> remote? Or were they going to try to get me in trouble with the law, and
>> jail me for a setup? Or were they going to try to get people to scream
>> that
>> I was dangerous, and get me locked up against my will for unneeded forced
>> harmful medical treatment?
>> Well one of the medical staff said,
>> "Even though the medical treatment is hurting you, we cannot let you out,
>> because if we did, and something were to happen, CNN would sue us!"
>> Set up by CNN and their staff, it cost the US Tax Payers a lot of money
>> for
>> forced treatment that only caused me physical and mental harm and
>> financial
>> ruin, and got me repeatedly assaulted and injured by prisoners that I was
>> locked up with, and caused a cyst that needed surgery that got infected
>> because of the unsanitary conditions that I was forced to stay in, and
>> destroyed my medical insurance, and divided my family, and made me
>> homeless,
>> and left me more dysfunctional and more defenseless.
>> Having written CNN before then, trying to get them to tell the truth
>> publicly about how harmful many Doctors and drugs are, when it comes to
>> mental health, and then being setup by them for that exact abuse, is no
>> coincidence.....
>> ....And using her fame and influence and powerful Lawyers to intimidate a
>> hospital staff not to allow a person out of a hospital for Court, so that
>> Nancy Grace could present false testimony in Court, and get a restraining
>> order with false testimony, is obstruction of justice, and perjury, and a
>> framing setup.
>> I need to know why you used lies to help set me up for forced harmful
>> medical treatment, when I had written you specifically ahead of time
>> telling
>> you how damaging that kind of misdiagnosis and treatment was to me.
>> Forcing
>> someone to do something that has already proven to cause them harm, is a
>> threat to their life, and is Reckless Endangerment, Assault, and
>> Attempted
>> Murder.
>> Using false allegations of arriving unannounced, and using false
>> allegations
>> of being homeless, and using false allegations of stalking Wolf Blitzer
>> and
>> Nancy Grace, and using false allegations of being an insane mental
>> patience,
>> or false allegations of being a dangerous mental patience, and posting
>> this
>> all over the internet, is slander and liable.
>> Using advertisement, saying to come to that place in New York, and meet
>> your
>> favorite news Anchor while showing Paula Zahn and Nancy Grace on
>> television,
>> and then not getting to see either Larry King or Nancy Grace after
>> sending
>> a
>> letter saying that I would be there the 3rd of December 2005, and
>> spending
>> the money to catch a plane flight from Kansas City to New York, is false
>> advertisement. And using that advertisement to try to get a conviction of
>> stalking or a restraining order is entrapment.
>> In service of God and Country
>> Joseph
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Joseph R Loegering <>
>> To: George Bush <> ; Dick Cheney
>> <> ; FBI Minneapolis
>> <> ; Deborah Oakley
>> <>
>> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 12:19 PM
>> Subject: It makes no sense unless someone paid them to set me up!
>> Deborah
>> I need to honestly know how Nancy Grace responds to this.
>> It makes no sense for Nancy Grace or her answering services or her
>> security,
>> to try to get my Criminal Records, and say that since they accused me of
>> stalking CNN has learned of my Criminal Record, and try to use it
>> Publicly
>> to try to discredit and dehumanize me, when I had written them beforehand
>> telling them that those charges on my Criminal Records that they used,
>> were
>> trumped up and I was forced under duress to make a confession, and wanted
>> help in getting to the bottom of the problem and getting my record
>> cleared.
>> In order to stop the nightmares from coming back in the form of PSTD that
>> the lies and abuse caused to me, and to prevent it from happening again
>> or
>> to others, I need to talk to Nancy Grace, if she really stands for true
>> Justice and cares about people, and if she cannot be human enough to
>> honestly accept the truth, and honestly let me know why she went against
>> the
>> truth, and obstructed Justice, and caused me physical and mental harm,
>> and
>> took my liberty away while Bin Laden and his likes got away, she needs to
>> be
>> fired.
>> This is what many people like Nancy Grace and her Producers are hiding
>> from
>> the Public, as they get people to allow this and call this Justice in
>> criminal Courts of the United States, and allow the medical abuse that
>> they
>> call mental evaluation and medical treatment in Courts and Hospitals,
>> which
>> make both misjudgments and misdiagnosis in most cases when it comes to
>> mental issues, because it is just a behavioral mind control program that
>> destroys people's health. My Phone number is 1-205-1296
>> I even wrote her show telling her about this miscarriage of Justice in
>> Seattle Washington, and wanted to know how to stop them from doing it to
>> me
>> again and or to others, and how I could get Justice for the miscarriage
>> of
>> Justice, which would be getting my second amendment rights back. By
>> trying
>> to use the falsehood after I wrote her show the truth, someone was
>> calling
>> me a liar.
>> I need to find out who turned Nancy Grace against me with lies and
>> falsehood, and set me up and had her attack me, causing me to have to
>> endure
>> extreme miscarriage of justice that produced dangerously harmful medical
>> abuse, in extremely unsanitary confinement with sick and dangerous
>> people,
>> where I was assaulted by prisoners, and was poisoned by Doctors with
>> drugs,
>> that my Doctors warned me not to take saying that they were killing me,
>> and
>> being forced to take them against my Doctors' advice, it caused the old
>> symptoms of organic brain damage to be more prominent, and causing added
>> symptoms of organic brain damage Why did she allow such abuse on me,
>> instead
>> of communicating with me, with a simple phone call to my home at the
>> time,
>> if she did not want me to come to New York to see her as one of my
>> favorite
>> Anchors like the News Advertisement said, instead of setting me up for
>> such
>> abuse without any justifiable reason. If she would have called I would
>> not
>> have even asked for her, I would have just asked to see Larry King and
>> probably Paula Zahn.
>> Nancy Grace even tried to use this record which is falsehood, to
>> discredit,
>> and dehumanize me, because she is no different than the Judge and Lawyers
>> and Police that produced this falsehood and caused a miscarriage of
>> justice
>> in this case, but you have investigative journalists that can look up the
>> evidence, and see that I am telling the truth. I will even sign papers so
>> that you can get my medical and legal records. We need to stop these
>> miscarriages of Justice going on.
>> The only reason that I can now write this accurately from memory, though
>> it
>> occurred in the early 1990s, is I am no longer suffering from the
>> withdrawals from Psychotropic Drugs, them drugs destroy my mind so much,
>> I
>> cannot remember things, and I cannot communicate accurately verbally or
>> in
>> writing, take a look at the difference of my writing when I was
>> repeatedly
>> under the influence and or withdrawals of them, because of Dr. Smith of
>> the
>> Kansas City VA.
>> In Washington State, because I needed a job that I could handle with my
>> disabilities, I was buying a 9mm Glock and Security Guard Belt from a man
>> that said he was a Security Guard that got fired and needed to sell it. I
>> called the Seattle Police Department and notified them that I was
>> registered
>> as an informant of CID in the US Army, and that I wanted to buy this gun
>> and
>> belt and ammo for $500 in a private transaction between two citizens of
>> the
>> United States, and that I wanted a carry permit for a Security Job, and
>> the
>> Duty Officer said I would have to bring the gun in for registration.
>> I had met a girl, Rebecca Brown, three days before that I was escorting
>> to
>> drug rehab centers who would not accept her because she needed $750 more,
>> so
>> as we were on the way to more drug rehab centers taking a bus because I
>> cannot drive because of a seizure disorder and going nearly completely
>> blind
>> at times, I stopped off and gave the man a $50 deposit on the gun, and
>> unloaded it and put it and the belt in my backpack, and put the ammo in
>> my
>> pocket, and stopped off and picked up the applications for an Armed
>> Security
>> Guard job at three different warehouses, and they all required you to
>> have
>> your own gun and belt, and a carry permit, and showing them the gun and
>> belt, and telling them what the Police said, got me the applications.
>> We went to five more drug rehab centers that turned her down for lack of
>> money, so on the way back heading towards the North Seattle Police
>> Precinct
>> that I had called, I had told her not to worry about the money, because
>> now
>> that I had a gun, I could make enough money to help her. But someone on
>> the
>> Bus hearing that, got off the bus and called a Swat Team in to stop the
>> bus
>> before we could get to North Seattle, and all that they told the Police
>> was,
>> "They got a gun and are going out to make money, and they are talking
>> about
>> drugs."
>> When the Police searched me the backpack was on the floor under the bus
>> seat, and the ammo was in my pockets, because by law to transport it, the
>> ammo and weapon needed to be separate, unless you had a carry permit,
>> which
>> we were on the way to get, so all I had was a sales receipt that only
>> showed
>> that I had given the man $50 so far for the gun and belt and two clips of
>> ammo, one with silver dress bullets, and one with brass target practice
>> bullets. And the Police even asked the girl to pick up my backpack and
>> hand
>> it to them when I told them where the gun was. Once the Police searched
>> me
>> and saw the paperwork, they were not going to arrest me, because my
>> record
>> came back clean, but then they ran that girls record, and when it came
>> back
>> several miles long, I knew some of it, and it did not matter to me, and I
>> told the Officers that, because she needed help to get off the drugs that
>> were driver her to do the crimes of robbery, prostitution, and arson. But
>> when that record came back, they used having her pick up my back pack,
>> and
>> hand it to them, to charge her with carrying a concealed weapon, and
>> because
>> I had the ammo, charged me with the same, but put on the Police Report
>> that
>> the gun was loaded.
>> When they took us to jail, they were nice until we got to the jail where
>> we
>> were humiliated and assaulted by half a dozen Sheriff Guard Officers at
>> the
>> Booking Desk, who had beat the hell out of us while stripping us and
>> another
>> prisoner while we were handcuffed, so that they could take pictures of
>> scars
>> and tattoos. I was beaten and hurt bad enough as they were screaming,
>> "Your
>> in my Jail now!", that when I finally got to Harbor View Hospital thirty
>> days later, they were still able to take pictures of the damage, and
>> because
>> the cuffs dug into my back while they were dragging me across the floor
>> to
>> strip my clothes off, a large cyst formed on my rib cage where the
>> handcuffs
>> dug in, and my elbow was out of joint, I thought they broke it, and my
>> genitals was nearly ripped to shreds because they did not unsnap my pants
>> to
>> tear them off, and every time they shook me pulling my pant legs while my
>> head was bouncing off the concrete floor, them snaps dug in and tore
>> more,
>> it looked like they clawed me with fingernails in the photos. The Police
>> at
>> the Booking Desk destroyed all the paperwork evidence related to the gun
>> and
>> security jobs, except for the gun, belt, and ammo, and put half her stuff
>> from her backpack into mine, and took half my stuff and put it into hers.
>> And they had her watch them abuse me, to force a false confession out of
>> her, where to try to stop them from abusing me, she confessed and claimed
>> that we had a German Lugar, and got on the Bus to fire it off, because
>> she
>> never handled the gun, I kept it in my backpack and showed her one time,
>> and
>> she did not even know it was a 9mm Glock.
>> Getting a Court appointed Attorney was worse, she was a gay worse than
>> the
>> prosecutor, just because I was taking that girl to rehab centers because
>> of
>> my religious belief. King County jail became under investigation for the
>> abuse of prisoners at that time, and I believe that they said the FBI was
>> doing the investigation but no one would even talk to us. Under duress,
>> because they were forcing Rebecca to testify against me, or they would
>> lock
>> her away for several years, eventually unable to get any witnesses from
>> the
>> Bus, unable to get any of the evidence, and unable to get any attorney
>> that
>> would help with my defense, I made a false confession to reckless
>> endangerment, and carrying a concealed weapon. And because of the pain, I
>> got hooked on heroin from Rebecca, when she gave it to me so that I could
>> get out of bed so that she could get me to the hospital for treatment and
>> those photos.
>> The Psychological trauma alone, left me in a state of mind where I could
>> not
>> think or even focus on anything to defend myself in the dragging out
>> Court
>> case, which was strange because my so called defense attorney said I was
>> not
>> mentally capable of going to Court, and the Court sent me for a mental
>> evaluation, and that was the first time a Psychiatrist ever said that I
>> was
>> not delusional, when it was the most delusional and confusing and
>> secluded
>> time mentally of my life.
>> In service of God and Country
>> Joseph
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Joseph R Loegering <>
>> To: Lou Dobbs <> ; FBI Minneapolis
>> <> ; Dick Cheney
>> <> ; George Bush
>> <> ; Larry King
>> <> ; ABC News
>> <> ; Beltway Boys
>> <> ; Bill O'Reilly
>> <>
>> ; CNN Public Relations <> ; CNN Public Relations
>> <> ; Deborah Oakley
>> <>
>> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:25 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Brain Shrinkage in Bi Polar "Disorder" caused by Drugs not
>> Disease.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Joseph R Loegering <>
>> Newsgroups:
>> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: Brain Shrinkage in Bi Polar "Disorder" caused by Drugs not
>> Disease.
>> This self defense action was not taken by the CIA, this self defense
>> action
>> was taken by an outed informant of the Criminal Investigation Department
>> of
>> the United States Army, called CID. This self defense action was taken
>> because Terrorists falsely accused my friends of being CIA operatives and
>> killed some of them, and took others as prisoners.
>> I was registered as a CID informant while in the US Army in 1976 to 1979,
>> for spoiling the Plot of a Soviet Agent in Germany, trying to drug and
>> control me.
>> Computers have not only connected us to the entire Global Business World,
>> they have connected us with Global Terrorist organizations, and Common
>> Criminals and Global Criminal organizations, and with the Common Enemies
>> of
>> our Nation.
>> I recently began getting thank you letters from my Senator, where someone
>> was using my email address and sending my Senator emails as Ms.
>> Loegering,
>> while I have no wife or daughter. I notified the FBI that someone was
>> sending my Senator letters, and apparently was taking the opposite side
>> of
>> issues that I stood for. Within a few days Senator Coleman called me, and
>> notified me that someone was indeed sending him emails, using my email
>> address, and then I found out that they were also contacting the
>> President,
>> and my Congressmen too.
>> The fraud emails in my name, and falsely accusing me to be a CIA Agent,
>> was
>> a threat to me, because like Valerie Plame was outed as a CIA operative,
>> in
>> 1982 I was outed as a secret informant of the Criminal Investigation
>> Department of the United States Army, CID, which for my safety from
>> Foreign
>> Agents and Domestic Criminals, was only recorded in the White House and
>> the
>> US Pentagon, and once I was outed, I was kidnapped by Foreign terrorists
>> at
>> gunpoint, and when I escaped, Domestic Criminals began trying to kill me
>> ever since, just because they are afraid that I would rat them out.
>> Anyone who even says that someone is an operative of an Intelligence
>> Agency
>> or of a Police Force, wither they know it or not, they are making a
>> Threat
>> against the Life of that person, even if they are not truly an Agent like
>> my
>> friends who were killed and or captured when falsely accused of being CIA
>> operatives. You see how well it worked when I turned it around on my
>> unprovoked attackers, who were falsely accusing me of being a CIA Agent
>> to
>> try to get me attacked by others.
>> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
>> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
>> As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
>> Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and
>> to
>> my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to
>> face
>> with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
>> interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
>> busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
>> gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
>> and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the
>> evidence
>> to the loyal among the US Government.
>> We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
>> Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
>> Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
>> secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
>> membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our
>> Duty
>> that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
>> defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
>> serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
>> Foreign and Domestic.
>> In Service of God and Country
>> Joseph R Loegering
>> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
>> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
>> "Rev. 11D Meow!" <Piffle@Spork.Corn> wrote in message
>> Your Shortness of Yogurt growths impresses me dearly.
>> "Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
>> ? ????, ??? ??? - ????????? ?????
>> "Pork Pie Hat" <Piffle@Spork.Corn> wrote in message
>> Can I get a job there making $75 + AN HOUR!!!?
>> I'd do it.
>> "Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
>> "Pork Pie Hat" <Piffle@Spork.Corn> wrote in message
>> PHEW!
>> Your CIA ex douche-bags,
>> certainly musta gone through
>> Pissant Mind Control Training!
>> Vosotros sois dioses, Y dijo Dios, Sea la luz, Y vi