Israel Refused to Guard Anti-Semite Carter



Israel Refused to Guard Anti-Semite Carter
Israel's secret service has declined to assist US agents guarding former
President Jimmy Carter during a visit in which Israeli leaders have shunned
him, US sources told Reuters on Monday...Carter angered the Israeli
government with plans to meet Hamas' top leader, Khaled Mashaal, in Syria,
and for describing Israeli policy in the occupied Palestinian territories as
"a system of apartheid" in a 2006 book...State Department spokesman Tom
Casey told reporters that the US has "made clear our views that we did not
think now is the moment for him or anyone to be talking with Hamas." Casey
said any meeting with Hamas officials is "something we've counseled against.
But he is a private citizen, and it certainly is his decision."
[Carter]...met Israel's largely ceremonial president, Shimon Peres, on
Sunday but was shunned by the political leadership, including Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert. Israel has also rejected Carter's request to meet jailed
Palestinian uprising leader Marwan Barghouthi, who is seen as a possible
successor to President Mahmoud Abbas, a spokesman for Carter said.
Barghouthi was convicted in 2004 of murder by an Israeli court over the
killing of four Israelis and a Greek Orthodox monk in attacks by Palestinian
militants. He is serving five life sentences.
"BitterAmerican" <> wrote in message

Thanks to the current administration whose entire focus has been on a war,
or the bribing of foreign leaders, our nation has deteriorated into a 3rd
world nation. They have spent our hard earned taxpayer dollars on everything
outside of our nation and our infrastructure is crumbling down around us.

All one has to do is look at that elite texas idiot and see why we are in
this mess. That friggin idiot doesn't have a clue whats going on in this
What mess? The one you anti-American types are making up? Most of what you
say is a lie.

"Mean Democrat" <> wrote in message
> "BitterAmerican" <> wrote in message
> news:4808cac5$0$5741$

> Thanks to the current administration whose entire focus has been on a war,
> or the bribing of foreign leaders, our nation has deteriorated into a 3rd
> world nation. They have spent our hard earned taxpayer dollars on
> everything
> outside of our nation and our infrastructure is crumbling down around us.
> All one has to do is look at that elite texas idiot and see why we are in
> this mess. That friggin idiot doesn't have a clue whats going on in this
> country.
"BitterAmerican" <> wrote in message
> What mess? The one you anti-American types are making up? Most of what you
> say is a lie.

Like I said, friggin idiot doesn't have a clue whats going on in this