Israel to Scuzzy Muzzies: **** You, Enjoy No Electricity For A While, Assholes!


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Israeli Approves Gaza Power Cuts

Thursday, October 25, 2007

JERUSALEM -- Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Thursday approved an Israeli
plan for limited cuts in electricity to Gaza to counter continued rocket
fire from the territory, officials said.

Israel's government last month declared Gaza a "hostile territory," clearing
the way for Israel to impose the sanctions. That decision followed the June
takeover of the territory by the Islamic militants of Hamas and almost daily
rocket fire by Gaza militants at towns in southern Israel.

Barak's approval was the last step needed for the sanctions to go into
effect. Under the plan, Israel will cut electricity for increasing lengths
of time each time a Palestinian rocket is fired into Israel. Officials would
not say when Israel plans to begin the cutoffs.