Israeli spy,s run wild in US




Two Israeli citizens, possibly on a sabotage mission for the Mossad,
were apprehended Saturday afternoon, May 8, 2004, in southern
"Two Israeli men who led the Unicoi County sheriff on a high-speed
chase in a rental moving truck were placed under arrest and are
being investigated by the FBI, local officials said."
"Shmuel Dahan and Almaliach Naor, both from Israel, were being held
without bond Sunday afternoon," May 9, 2004 "at the Unicoi County
Jail. The truck, rented from a Ryder office in Mars Hill, North
Carolina was being held in the county garage pending an FBI
investigation, officials said."
"Dahan is charged with reckless driving, littering, false
identification and evading arrest, an officer with the Unicoi County
Sheriff's Department, who would not give his name, said Sunday."
"An investigation by the FBI is ongoing and more charges are
possible. A woman who answered the phone at the FBI's Knoxville
(Tennessee) office said there was no one available to answer
questions about the arrest."
"The incident began late Saturday afternoon (May 8, 2004) when
Sheriff Kent Harris noticed a rental truck traveling at high speed
along former U.S. Highway 23, a lightly-traveled highway near the
North Carolina state line."
"'I was really concerned because the driver would not stop after I
flashed my headlights for nearly three miles,' Harris said. 'He was
weaving back and forth, and I was wondering what a large (rental)
truck was doing on the two-lane highway late Saturday afternoon
instead of the faster I-26 interstate.'"
"Harris said he saw the man throw something from the truck while
they were being pursued. Officers scouring the area later found a
vial containing an unknown substance along the roadway, he said."
"Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a 'Learn to Fly'
brochure, leading Harris and others to express concern about the
Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin, Tenn. (population 5,610)."
"'I got a sick feeling when I saw it,' Harris said."
"Dahan also gave authorities a fake Florida driver's license issued
in Plantation, Fla., he said, while Naor produced a false
identification card."
"Harris subsequently contacted the FBI, the federal Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and other local authorities to
look into the situation."
"'We're not overreacting,' Harris said, 'We have a responsibility to
protect the citizens of Unicoi County, and that's what I'm going to
do at any cost. I'd rather overreact, if that's what you call it,
than be sorry later.'"
The capture of Dahan and Naor led to speculation that the Mossad was
planning an attack on the Tennessee nuclear facility in the hopes of
pinning the blame on Al-Qaeda or religious enemies like the
Christian Identity movement, which has many adherents in the
Tennessee/North Carolina border region.
But the case took a bizarre twist on Wednesday, May 12, 2004, when
federal agents escorted Dahan and Naor out of Unicoi County.
"The leader of the two Israelis arrested after leading police on a
high-speed chase in a moving van last Saturday in rural Tennessee is
the son of a spokesman for the Likud," the Israeli political
coalition led by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
"Shmuel Dahan, 23, is himself a former spokesman of the National
Union of Israeli Students, which represents the country's 150,000
university students."
"However, the investigation was halted Wednesday after the men were
released from the Unicoi County Jail into the custody of federal
officials from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS),
where they face only a deportation hearing."
"'They're taking it out of my jurisdiction,' said Sheriff Kent
Harris, who apprehended the men Saturday after a high-speed chase on
a little-used state highway." (See The Observer of Charlotte, N.C.
for May 9, 2004, "Two men arrested after high-speed chase in
Tennessee." Also the Asheville, N.C. Citizen-Times for May 12, 2004.
Many thanks to Jim Danvers for these newspaper articles.) (Editor's
Comment: Christian Identity people should consider themselves
warned. Keep an eye out for those Mossad saboteurs in your
neighborhoods. It would be a real shame if some of those Israeli
doggoschitzim accidentally wandered into Bayou Bonfouca and got
lost. One thing's for certain--Mother Dixie's alligators would soon
be "eating kosher.")


"Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base" in St. Marys, Georgia (population
13,761) "was locked down for security reasons Friday," May 21, 2004,
"after two Israelis were detained for questioning."
"Base spokesman Ed Buczek said two Israeli men attempted to enter
the base about 10:30 a.m. They were hired by a moving-and-storage
company to pick up some household goods in base housing, he said."
"One occupant of the vehicle was unable to provide base security
personnel with proper credentials after arriving at the Franklin
Gate entrance, Buczek said."
"Base personnel then inspected the van. Military dogs trained to
detect bombs were called in."
"'The military dogs were alerted to a scent in the cab of the
truck,' Buczek said. 'Guards closed access to the base and notified
the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service
"St. Marys police closed access to an area one-half- mile (0.8
kilometers) out surrounding the base, and a bomb squad was called
in. A briefcase was recovered from the (Israeli) vehicle with a
remote-control robot, but nothing was found in it."
"'The dogs were called in again for a second pass of the vehicle,
and they didn't pick up anything,' he said."
"The two men, whose names were not released, were detained and later
taken into custody by federal immigration officers in Savannah for
possible deportation,' Buczek said."
This is the second incident during May 2004 in which Israeli
citizens were arrested near American nuclear sites. Earlier this
month, two Israelis were arrested by Sheriff Kent Harris in Unicoi
County, Tennessee following a high-speed car chase on U.S. Highway
23. One of the men, Shmuel Dahan, turned out to be the son of a
high- ranking member of the Likud, the political coalition headed by
Isreali Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. (For more on this case, see UFO
Roundup, volume 9, number 20 for May 19, 2004, "Israeli agents
caught in southern Tennessee," page 12.)
The selection of the USA's state of Georgia as the target of a
Mossad attack makes sense "if you know your American history," said
UFO Roundup editor Joseph Trainor.
"In 1862, during the American Civil War, the Confederate town
council of Lawrenceville, Ga. voted to expel the local Jews from the
community," Trainor said, "Forty years later, in 1913, vigilantes
lynched a New York City Jew named Leo Frank in Milledgeville after
Frank was acquitted in a rape case."
"Old man Sharon hates the goyim, and he's obsessed with
anti-Semitism," Trainor added, "Blowing up a nuclear site in Georgia
might be Sharon's way of avenging the anti-Semitic events in the
state's past. It would be a typical act of Zionist vengeance."
"At least Lawrenceville explains why the Zionists hate the
Confederate flag." (See the Jacksonville, Fla. Times-Union for May
22, 2004, "Security scare shuts Kings Bay." Many thanks to Jim
Danvers for this newspaper article.)
>From the UFO Files...

"Police are investigating the killing of a New Hampshire science
writer who championed cold fusion."
"Eugene Mallove, 56, of Pembroke, N.H. died late Friday night," May
14, 2004, "after being assaulted at a house owned by his parents" in
Norwich, Conn. (population 36,117), "police said. The family rented
out the house."
"Mallove died of injuries to his head and neck, the Norwich Bulletin
reported Sunday. The office of the chief state medical examiner
ruled the death a homicide."
"Mallove was discovered at the house after police received a report
of an injured person. An initial investigation indicated a robbery
and a fight had taken place, police said. Several unidentified items
were taken, and Mallove's minivan was missing."
"His 1993 green Dodge Caravan was found early Saturday in an
employee parking lot at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket,
Conn. Police are looking for anyone who saw the minivan after 7 p.m.
on Friday," May 14, 2004. It had several large bumper stickers on
the back, including one advertising his magazine's Web site:"
"Mallove, who moved from Norwich to Bow, N.H. in 1987 and to
Pembroke three years ago (2001) was president of the Concord,
N.H.-based New Energy Institute and editor- in-chief of the magazine
Infinite Energy."
"The magazine's managing editor, who worked with him for six years,
called Mallove 'the most caring and giving person I probably have
ever known, a very successful, brilliant man.'"
"'It's hard not to love the thing he loves because he's so
passionate,' Christy Frazier said, 'He touched the lives of
everybody he came in contact with.'"
"Mallove, who earned his bachelor's and master's degrees at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology" in Cambridge, Mass. "and his
Ph.D. from Harvard University, was chief science writer at the
M.I.T. news office until he left to champion cold fusion. He also
taught science writing at M.I.T. and Boston University."
"He was the author of several books, including one on cold fusion
that was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize: Fire and Ice: Searching
for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor."
"Mallove believed the infamous Pons and Fleishmann announcement in
1989 that they created nuclear fusion by running an electrical
current through a jar was not 'voodoo science' but a glimpse into an
interesting topic worth investigating."
"That belief was partially vindicated earlier this year when the
U.S. Department of Energy ordered a panel of scientists to review
existing research on cold fusion to see whether it is worth
"'They are now going to do the right thing. It's over ten years
late, no doubt about that (and) should have been reviewed a long
time ago...but there is a breakthrough,' Mallove said in a recent
interview with The Telegraph of Nashua, N.H."
"'There is a large body of positive evidence' for low-energy nuclear
reactions, he said., 'We have measured tritium (a by-product of
fusion), measured heat multiple ways...There are thousands of
papers, hundreds of which are bulletproof.'"
"Mallove's parents, Mitchell and Gladys Mallove, followed him to New
Hampshire in 1988. His father died last year after a long illness,
but he was still caring for his mother, who has Alzheimer's disease,
Frazier said."
"He was also survived by his wife, Joanne; a daughter, Kimberlynn; a
son, Ethan; and one grandson." (See the Boston Globe for May 16,
2004, "Police investigate Norwich slaying of N.H. man." Many thanks
to Loren Coleman for this newspaper article.)

"The Russian and U.S. military launched an unprecedented six-day
command post exercise in Moscow Monday," May 17, 2004 "to train for
coordinating joint operations in a third country. For the first
time, more than 100 officers from the Russian ground forces'
Combined Arms Academy will work together with the U.S. Army Southern
European Task Force (Airborne) and the U.S. Seventh Army Training
Command to plan a peacekeeping and anti-terrorist operation."
"The exercise, code-named Operation Torgau 2004, runs from Monday to
Saturday," May 22, 2004, "at the academy's Moscow headquarters and
at a (Russian) army training center in the Moscow region, where
officers will practice joint reconnaissance and planning, a Russian
ground forces spokesman said."
Torgau is the German city on the river Elbe where Soviet Russian and
American forces linked up in April 1945, near the end of World War
"According to a communique issued by the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, the
operation is 'designed to expand military relations between the
Russian and U.S. military during work at a joint staff. The joint
staff will track the interaction of Russian and American brigades
during a peacekeeping mission to protect a third Allied country."
In other New World Order news, Fort Polk in Louisiana, "the state's
largest military installation will soon get an influx of 500 more
soldiers and $270 million when the Army adds a Stryker Brigade
(Editor's Note: Stryker Brigades are fast-moving armored car units
specifically designed for urban warfare. They were NOT named after
Dr. William Stryker, Rumsfeld's villainous assistant in last year's
hit sci-fi action movie X2:The X-Men United.)
"The Army plans to transform the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment into a
Stryker Brigade unit. The decision means that new wheeled armored
vehicles and equipment will be housed at the base."
In 1992, former President George H.W. Bush handed over the post to
the United Nations to become the UN Training Center for North
America. (See the Moscow Times for May 18, 2004 and USA Today for
May 21, 2004, "Across the USA: Louisiana," page 8A. Many thanks to
Jim Danvers for the Moscow article.)