New member
Hi, with the recent changes I've noticed problems occuring with the formatting of posts I'm creating to my fanfic. Because I am copying and pasting from a word doc I have to change the font and size and colour etc but when I do that to LPF the format instantly screws it up. I copy and paste a paragraph from Arial to Verdana and change the size and for no reason at all it changes the copied sentences to bold or Times New Roman and wont let me change it at all. The last way of posting long documents (as I do with long updates) with the previous version of LPF was extremely easier and efficient. This way makes it time consuming and frustrating to say the least. If I copy and paste a sentence at a time here I have to reformat it EVERY sentence and it screws up the setence that follows or preceeds it! Then it won't let me fix it. I even tried changing the original document on my home computer to match the settings here (Verdana, size 2 etc) but even then its pasting the upload in all italics with bold sentences and in smaller or larger writing indescriminately! If I delete the screwed up sections and try to retype it the format stays the same as it was screwed up. And the fact with the black background we can't see when the Bold or Italics or Underline funtion is being utilised (so you have to click on each of them just to make sure they're not) makes it more annoying. Generally I like the new look but for someone who spends a lot of her time posting at the writer's thread this hiccup is a real pain in the you-know-what.
**** it what the **** am I/is it doing wrong?
If anyone else is having issues or has suggestions on how to rectify this please speak up. Preferably in a respectful manner too. We aren't all computer geniuses here. Unfortunately. *pouts*
Thanks in advance.
**** it what the **** am I/is it doing wrong?
If anyone else is having issues or has suggestions on how to rectify this please speak up. Preferably in a respectful manner too. We aren't all computer geniuses here. Unfortunately. *pouts*
Thanks in advance.