Issues with opening up a .tiff file in a web based application


Brian Dougherty

Good Afternoon,
We have a web based application that has .tif files uploaded to it from a fax server. When users try to click on the link to the .tif file, they receive a dialog box asking them to Open or Save. If you click Open, the window opens up blank, and if you hit save, you receive an error that reads: Internet Explorer cannot download openFaxFile from (website). Internet Explorer was not able to open the site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.
Here are the particulars:
The web based app is being hosted in Citrix Presentation Server as a published application.
The Citrix server is Windows 2003 SP2 x64 w\ Internet Explorer 8 (using the 32 bit version)
When I launch the application from the server itself, I do not have an issue, the .tif files open the way they are supposed to.
Logging into Presentation server as myself (I am a domain admin), launching the application and opening the .tif files works without issue.
Logging into Presentation server with a regular domain account, you get the above mentioned error message.
We have spoken to the application vendor and they recommended the following which we have done:
1. Add the Website to the Trusted Sites in Internet Options/Security....we updated our GPOs to add this site.
2. Download and install a third party product called Alternatiff which is an add-on to IE that will be used to view the .tif files. We have downloaded both the 32 and 64 bit versions.

We also have this application published to a couple of Citrix servers that are Windows 2003 SP2 x86. Updated the GPO for these servers and downloaded the third party viewer and it works. The obvious solution is to move the application to the 32 bit server, but since it is web based and is memory intensive, we were seeing resource issues on the servers (we are maxxed out at 4GB of RAM). Which prompted us to move it to the 64 bit servers which have more memory installed.
We are also able to launch the application from desktops. This required a change to our User Policy GPO and pushing the viewer our via SCCM. I will also be putting this out on a Citrix forum.
Thank You
Brian Dougherty

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