It could be a link to worse health conditions among people that lead to things like the loss of long

Increased Fungus and Viruses found among bees in the study of the decline of
bees in U.S.

The Solar out put Change and Earth's Magnetic Field and Volcanic Activity
Changes, may even be the cause of the increased fungus and bacteria and
viruses, because they are either no loner killed off by the normal
frequencies of the sun's rays and earth's magnetic field, or by the colder
winters, and they thrive in the new warmer climate. It may also be the cause
of increased infectious diseases in Humans, I was studying how fungus and
bacteria and viruses, survive naturally, and was studying what we could use
to kill fungus and bacteria and viruses, as a Nuclear, Biological, and
Chemical Warfare Instructor for the US Army. The electrometric wavelength
changes and temperature changes make it ideal for fungus and bacteria and
viruses to survive longer and thrive and multiply easer in Nature, and could
be a link to worse health conditions among people that lead to things like
the loss of longevity of life among baby boomers.


By Jia-Rui Chong and Thomas H. Maugh II, Tribune Newspapers:Los Angeles
Times; Tribune news services contributed
Published April 26, 2007

A fungus that caused widespread loss of honeybee colonies in Europe and
Asia may be playing a crucial role in the phenomenon known as Colony
Collapse Disorder that is wiping out bees across the United States,
researchers in California said Wednesday.

The new findings represent the first solid evidence pointing to a
potential cause of the disorder. But they are "highly preliminary" and
from only a few hives in California's Merced County, said Joe DeRisi, a
biochemist at the University of California, San Francisco.

Other researchers said Wednesday that they, too, had found the fungus, a
single-celled parasite called Nosema ceranae, in affected hives from
around the country -- as well as in some hives that have survived. Those
researchers also have found two other fungi and a half-dozen viruses in
the dead bees.

N. ceranae is "one of many pathogens" in the bees, said entomologist
Diana Cox-Foster of Pennsylvania State University. "By itself, it is
probably not the culprit ... but it may be one of the key players."

Cox-Foster was one of the organizers of a meeting in Washington this week
at which about 60 bee researchers discussed Colony Collapse Disorder.

"We still haven't ruled out other factors, such as pesticides or
inadequate food resources following a drought," she said.

(That is where the Solar out put Change and Earth's Magnetic Field and
Volcanic Activity Changes, that causes Climate Change and droughts, and the
increase of fungus, bacteria, and viruses, may all
be linked into the bees dying and Whales and Dolphins beaching themselves,
by other researchers. The Communists just want us to breakdown our
Communications and get rid of our Subs, and make us pass a bunch of
regulations so that they can help out greedy rulers destroy the poor among
the US and Israel, and destroy the middle class.)

Many researchers at the meeting in Washington widely dismissed a report
that cell phone towers and radio waves may be to blame for the bees'
disappearance. The theory has percolated throughout the Internet, despite
repeated denunciations by bee researchers.


From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

to the Scientists and Volunteers among the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

and to whomsoever it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

I don't know all the powers of Nature, but there are just too many people
that are totally ignorant of the powers that I know exist in Nature, but
they have all of a sudden made themselves the experts, who falsely say
climate change is manmade, and is not caused by Nature!

This useless Plasma Generator, is only useful for demonstrating the truth!

Useful Plasma Generator, the lower pressure and vacuume at the edge of the
Stratosphere where the sun's wavelengths produce Ions like Ozone, which
block out a lot of ultraviolet light, except at the Magnetic Poles of the
Earth where the charged Ions are either pushed out of the Zone above the
Pole producing a hole in the Ozone Later, or at the other Pole, the charged
Ions are pulled out of the Zone above the Pole. Some of the diverse kinds of
Natural Plasma is visible in the Northern Lights.

The fluctuations in both the sun's production of wavelengths, and the
earth's fluctuations in production of wavelengths, causes the Holes in the
Ozone Layer to either expand or contract. The same way it affects the
diverse kinds of
Natural Plasma in the visible Northern Lights that can be seen fluctuate in
intensity at

In the periods where the sun and the earth expands the Holes in the Zones
above the Poles, more sunlight reaches the Poles because of the absence of
what they so call Greenhouse Gases.

CO2 Ionizes in water vapor to produce Carbonic Acid, especially where it is
cold like at the Poles, and as it is Ionized it is pushed out of the Zones
above the Poles, leaving those Zones more open to sunlight for melting the
Ice Caps.

Oops, the holes in the Ozone and CO2 layer above the Poles that are melting
the Ice Caps, are not manmade gases causing a Greenhouse effect, it is
Nature producing the Holes and melting the Ice caps, and someone just made a
lot of money off the CFC regulation scam, who made the money, and who
suffered at their unnecessary expense that had to be paid?

Oops, the increasing Volcanic Activity over the past few hundred years, and
the extra solar activity, affected the Magnetic Fields that affect the Holes
in the Zones above the Poles, and has also affected the Bees Navigation
abilities, and the Whales and Dolphins Navigation Abilities, but the
Communists want to use that as a warfare tactic, to get us to voluntarily
break down our communications abilities, and get rid of our US Subs.
Communications and Sub Defense gone with one Psychological Warfare Attack
that brainwashed the Green Go Nuts!

There is no doubt that the Old Hardliner Communists are deliberately using
our News Media to Promote false scientific information about CO2
concentration studies, so that they can get Laws and regulations passed, so
that they can Rip off the USA like they Ripped Off Russia.

I know for sure about the recent Pole shifting and Climate Change there,
because I had an Eskimos as a Girl Friend in the 1980 who got support checks
from her Native Tribe. The Eskimos were finding Woolly mammoths in the
receding Glaciers, and they were fresh enough that they were eating the
meat. But the Science exploration Team asked where they were getting the
meat, and found that they were Woolly mammoths that were killed and frozen
before they could rot. The Woolly mammoths still had fresh Grass in their
mouths, which shows several things. One they died fast, and most likely it
was when the Continents split, because they were all joined at one time. Two
it shows the Climate changed really fast from being a Grassy Plain, to
becoming a Glacier. And three unlike Dinosaurs who fossilized, the Woolly
mammoths were not there long enough, and not under the right conditions to
fossilize, because the Eskimos were eating the meat as it thawed out. The
Pole shift occurred about five to six thousand years ago and that is when
Woolly mammoths became extinct, and both Poles and the climates shifted at
the same time. And another thing it probably shows is, that any fossilized
animal that resembles a Woolly mammoth, is not related, and Elephants may be
related to Woolly mammoths.

One thing that Atheistic Scientists, and Communist Scientists will
deliberately not accept, and fabricate false scientific facts to try to
disprove is that the Earth, and all life on it was destroyed about seven
thousand years ago, and God formed a new Earth out of the debris, and made
new man, and all new life forms. There is no doubt that the Old Hardliner
Communists from the Fallen Soviet Union are trying to Rob the USA the same
way that they robbed Russia. These Old Hardliner Communists hate the truth
of the Scriptures, and will even use them, and twist them into lies to try
to deceive you and bring you into bondage. That is what happened to many
among the Catholic Church and among the Evangelical Churches in many
Communist Countries.

These people are not Scientists, because Science is a study and presentation
of the True Facts of history, life, material things, and the principles that
govern them, these who falsely call themselves Scientist, throw off the
truth that earth was destroyed, and that all life in it then perished, and
new earth was formed, and new life created, so that there is no evolutionary
link between the manlike creatures that were, or the life forms that were,
and mankind which began with Adam, and the new life forms that began as he

Because I revealed that the both the accurate Magnetic Field Strength
Studies and the CO2 concentration Studies, showed an abrupt change about
seven to ten thousand years ago, which would correspond to the original
Scripture teachings, warning us to "be aware of the opposition of Science
falsely so Called..." someone began removing those charts and grafts from
the Internet, so that they can deceive people with the twisted Science
Fiction that they present as evolution.

There was a Phanerozoic CO2 Chart at. I had pointed it out in a
previous post on the Internet and saved the chart because it contradicts
what these nuts are saying, and verified other accurate scientific studies
on the Subject.

But someone is deliberately removing CO2 concentration reports and grafts
from the Interment that showed that for the past seven to ten thousand
years, CO2 is actually at its Lowest Concentration Point in the past 520
million years, and we are experiencing a rise in CO2 that is proportional to
the rise of Natural Volcanic Eruptions. Why is someone removing those
Grafts, if there is no fraud involved? After those things were removed then
the News Media starts lying saying that scientists drilled into the South
Pole's Ice. and from the Ice they determined that CO2 is now at it's highest
concentration point, which they could not have done scientifically, because
the South Pole was not always located where it is, so there was no Ice there
for CO2 to collect in during that time. The Poles shifting place has been
well documented in Magnetic Field Lava Studies, now they want to throw out
all the science that we grew up with, and rewrite the books so that they can
make more money off their falsehood.

How do you solve the problem if a majority wants to waste money trying to
fix something that is not the cause of Global Warming?

Here is the problem, every year thousands of meteorites hit the Earth's
atmosphere, they burn up, and they add Mass to the Earth. Now this Earth has
Gravity pulling on all that Mass that is causing such great pressure on the
Earth's Core, the Core gets so hot it melts into Lava. The More Meteorites
that hit the Earth, the Greater the Mass, and the Hotter the Core, and the
Hotter the Core, the more that downward pressure helps hot lava to rise at
weak spots, and the Volcanoes produce more CO2 than man could ever produce.
However because at the Bottom of both Oceans this hot Lava bubbling up,
being under great pressure from the Oceans, causes the water temperature
down there to be 800 to 1200 Degrees F, which the currents disperse about,
and the sea heats up, and gives off heat so that fewer clouds form causing
droughts in many places. This rise in Lava at the Core changes the magnetic
Field so much, that bees cannot find their hives, and Whales and Dolphins
cannot navigate and many end up beaching themselves. So, unless you can
launch enough Mass off the Earth, equal to or grater than the amounts
Meteorites add to the Earth's Mass, eventually Earth will become as hot as
Venus, in fact Venus right now is only warmer than Earth because it is
closer to the Sun, if Venus had the same Mass as Earth, Venus would be much
hotter. These are the simple Physics of Nature, the more Mass a Planet
Gains, the hotter it will become. In fact, the amount of CO2 in our
atmosphere is rising in a equal proportion to the rise of Volcanic Activity.
Unless you can stop or reverse the Volcanic Activity by getting rid of some
of Earth's Mass, there is no way for man to lower the amount of CO2 in the

But these green go nuts want to waste our recourses and taxes on a losing
cause, that is not causing Global Warming, the hot lava is warming the
Since it just so happens that real Scientists are making videos of the
volcanoes that are also responsible for global warming, but even seeing it
your own eyes, and if you were to vist there and experience the 800 to 1220
Degree F waters for yourself, since you cannot believe things that can be
seen and felt, how can you believe things that cannot be seen or felt, like
the broad band of Powerful Energy Wavelengths, or even the Powerful
invisible God who created all these things that can be seen, which make
known all the things that cannot be seen, that he created also?

All Matter converted to Energy, produces a broad spectrum of Wavelengths,
electromagnetic Wavelengths are just one wide band produced as the pull on
the land masses, by Gravitational Wavelengths, which are a wide band of
Wavelengths, causes pressure on the elements at the core of the earth, and
that pressure makes them hot enough to produce heat energy, which is another
band of Wavelengths, and the heat melts the metals and nonmetals into Lava,
but simultaneously the heating up and melting of the elements produces other
Wavelengths of Energy, similar to those a solar flare produces when it blows
out of the sun, which interferes with the Wavelengths that we use in our TV
and Cell Phone and other communications devices, so apparently you could be
right, Physics don't work right on the planet that your from.

Some Energy Wavelengths cannot be seen or felt, others can be seen and or
felt. All of our Power Plants are the Most Inefficient Power producers man
could have ever designed. Example they either rely on exothermic chemical
reactions to produces heat and pressure to run an internal combustion engine
that turns a turbine and shaft turning an electromagnetic field generator,
to produce electricity. Or they use water or wind that turns a turbine and
shaft turning an electromagnetic field generator, to produce electricity. Or
they use Coal or Nuclear Energy to turn water into steam that turns a
turbine and shaft turning an electromagnetic field generator, to produce
electricity. The only power source different than these is Solar Cells, it
converts the sun's Energy Wavelengths into the Wavelengths of Electricity
that we use.

So you can see how wasteful they are, none of them convert any matter
directly into Electrical Energy Wavelengths. Energy equals the Mass time the
constant squared, so why settle for just a fraction of the potential
Energy in the Nuclei, just to heat water to turn a turbine? Why not
completely fissile the Nuclei, converting it entirely and directly into a
broad band of Energy Wavelengths like the sun does every second to produce
it's Energy? Nature is much better at managing Energy then man, the
exothermic out put, equals the endothermic in put, in Nature, so that we
have and live in a neat dynamically recycling environment.

We use different Wavelengths on our Computers for different things, like one
band of wavelengths is for e-mail another band is for news groups, and
another band is for the internet web pages, and a lot of others things too.

In Chemistry endoenergetic Atoms are attracted the exoenergetic Atoms, and
depending on the electron cloud structure of the attracting Atoms, the
reaction is either exothermic which means it gives off Heat Energy
Wavelengths during the reaction, or it is endothermic which means it
requires Heat Energy Wavelengths to cause the reaction. These exothermic and
endothermic reactions may or may not also require a catalyst present in
order for the reaction to occur.

In Nuclear Physics, from the smallest Nuclei in the smallest Isotope of
Iron, in order for the smallest Nuclei to climb up in size and mass towards
becoming a Hydrogen Nuclei, it would require Energy to be converted to
Matter, so that the Nuclei in the Iron Isotope could gain Size and Mass, the
same is true if it were to climb up towards becoming a Uranium Nuclei. In
our current Nuclear Physics, on the fission reactions, we shave off a
fraction of the size and mass of the Nuclei in some Uranium Isotopes, as we
split the Nucleus, so that a fractions of the size and mass of the Nuclei in
the divided newly formed Atoms, are converted to Energy, as the Nuclei of
both new Isotopes falls in size and mass towards becoming a Nuclei of the
smallest Isotope of Iron. On the fusion side of the scale, when we smash two
small Nucleus together to form a Larger Nucleolus of another Isotope, a
fraction of the size and mass of the Nuclei in the newly formed Atom is also
stripped off and is converted into energy, as the Nuclei in the newly formed
Atom falls in size and mass towards becoming a Nuclei of the smallest
Isotope of Iron. Why not take the smallest Nuclei of the smallest Isotope of
Iron, and fissile them as they convert entirely to Energy? Or would it be
easier to Ionize Hydrogen, and fissile it as it convert the Nuclei entirely
to energy?

Just some honest questions.

RF Microwave Plasma Generator

Link to my Homepage.

This page details how a RF plasma source of approximately 1 kW can be
constructed from house-hold materials. Possible uses include plasma cleaner,
plasma etch, remote activation species generation and no use at all (my
personal favorite).
How it works
This is about the simplest high-power RF plasma source you can get. The RF
power source is a standard 2.4 GHz microwave oven with minimal
modifications. Inside the microwave oven is a non-metallic evacuated chamber
with a pressure of ~1 torr or less. As the RF power is switched on (I use
power setting of HIGH, but 'popcorn' also works pretty well), a couple of
stray electrons in the semi-evacuated chamber get accelerated and smash into
the remaining gas molecules in the chamber. When the gas molecules get hit
with an electron, they get ionized (turn into a plasma) and give off light
and additional electrons which cause more ionization. This plasma is now
self-sustaining at the appropriate chamber pressures.
What you need to do
First you'll need to score a microwave. Any one will do, doesn't matter if
it smells or where you get it as long is it fires. Next up is the vacuum
chamber. I used an empty beer bottle with a nylon hose barb epoxied into the
opening. Now I think I should mention that it would be important (as always)
not to use any metallic fittings or other parts inside the microwave oven-so
don't. Then I stuck some rubber vacuum hose onto the hose barb attached to
the chamber as means to evacuate it with the microwave on. But you are
thinking, if the door is closed, where does the hose come out? Well you're
gonna need to take the back panel off the microwave and drill a hole into
the main cooking chamber and jam the vacuum hose through it. Also you'll
need to drill a hole in the microwave cover to get the hose out the back
because you WILL IMPORTANT put the panel back on the microwave before
operation or you will get cooked with RF radiation.
Now just hook that vacuum hose up to your favorite roughing pump and turn on
the pumper. Wait till the pressure gets pretty low and turn on the RF. So
now you have what I call a 'no use' plasma source. Can't get the plasma out
of there or nothing else in the bottle. Here's where the glass-blowers come
in to make a nice chamber that you can open and close. I leave this to

Last updated: 05/23/04
Copyright 2004, Greg Miller

If you don't know about Electromagnetic waves, Here are some basics to get
you started!

The basics of electromagnetic waves.

Just like the solar winds produced from solar electromagnetic field
production, produced where there is friction between the different flows of
the sun's molten and solid materials, earth has an electromagnetic field
production, produced where there is friction between the different flows of
the earth's molten and solid materials.

a.. What would you think of a fellow, who is trying to convince you that
the waves on the pond are made from wood, just because he generates them
oscillating a wooden paddle and detects them with a wooden boat oscillating
on them?
a.. What would you think of a fellow, who is trying to convince you that
the waves on the pond are made from stone, just because he generates them by
throwing stones into the water and detects them with the little stones
rolling on the shore in the surf?
a.. What would you think of a fellow, who is trying to convince you that
waves on the pond are made from flesh and blood, just because he generates
them with his foot oscillating in the water and detects them with his tongue
feeling the oscillation?
a.. What would you think of a fellow, who is trying to convince you that
sound waves are made from paper, just because he generates them with an
oscillating paper speaker diaphragm and detects it with his oscillating
microphone paper diaphragm?
a.. What makes you think that a fellow, who is trying to convince you that
light, radio and all the rest of the so called "electro-magnetic" waves are
made from electro-magnetic fields, just because he generates them and
detects them with oscillating electro-magnetic fields, has a slightest clue
of what he is talking about?

Again why do Electromagnetic Waves not affect Gravitational Waves? Are there
other waves that are not affected by either of these?

If you drew a straight line from any point unto infinity, a wave spirals
around that line and travels parallel with it at the speed of light, and
never touches that line throughout infinity. The measurements between the
crest points above that line are called wavelengths. Can the frequency of
wavelengths become so high, that there is no longer a wave, as it becomes
the straight line above which we measure wavelengths? Instead of a wave that
exists at the beginning point of point of any line, and moves parallel to
the line approaching infinity at the speed of light, is there a wave that
always exists simultaneously spiraling around that line from it's beginning
point to throughout infinity? Is there an omnipresent power that goes from
any point to throughout infinity?

Are electromagnetic waves traveling parallel through space, in the same
direction, attracted to each other, or do they repel each other?

Are electromagnetic waves traveling parallel through space, in the opposite
direction, attracted to each other, or do they repel each other?

Do electric currents traveling through two parallel wires, attract each
other, or do they repel each other?

If the two currents travel in opposite directions in two parallel wires, do
they attract each other, or do they repel each other?

Are there any electromagnetic waves traveling parallel through space, that
repel to each other?

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!