ITC to review Apple win in patent battle with HTC


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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The United States International Trade Commission will re-investigate claims that HTC is infringing on Apple’s patents. In July, a judge ruled HTC was guilty of infringing on two of Apple’s patents that covered “a system and method for performing an action on a structure in computer-generated data,” and “a real-time signal processing system for serially transmitted data.” <a href="">HTC quickly said it would appeal the decision</a>, noting it has a strong case against Apple. HTC fired back and <a href="">sued the iPhone maker for patent infringement in August</a> when it accused Apple of infringing on three of its patents. HTC said it was disappointed in “Apple’s constant attempts at litigation instead of competing fairly in the market,” and even said it was willing to <a href="">bury the hatchet in the ongoing patent battles</a>. Apple and HTC must send in written submissions and “proposed remedial orders” related to the case by October 6th. The U.S. ITC will complete its investigation by December 6th, <em>Bloomberg</em> said. <span id="more-104046"></span>
[Via <a href="">Bloomberg</a>]
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report