It's about that Iranian threat to US Navy ships in the Strait ofHormuz -- didn't happen says the Nav

  • Thread starter Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

An alleged threat to blow up US warships "may not have come" from
Iranian speedboats involved in a recent stand-off, the BBC has
The voice on a Pentagon tape could instead have come from another ship
in the area or a transmitter on land, senior US Navy sources told the

The US has sent Iran a formal protest over Sunday's stand-off in the
Strait of Hormuz.

Iran has accused the US of faking its video of the incident.

Conflicting accounts

Iranian state-run TV has broadcast a separate video of the stand-off,
in which there is no sign of threatening behaviour by the Iranian
patrols, thought to belong to the Revolutionary Guards. But the four-
minute clip does not appear to show the whole incident.

The US military said video and audio that it released confirmed its
allegation that Iranian speedboats harassed US warships and threatened
to blow them up in a radio communication.

"I am coming at you. You will explode in a couple of minutes," the
Iranians said in a radio transmission, according to US officials.

Pentagon officials said the speedboats came within about 200m (650ft)
of the US vessels.

US officials have described the actions of the speed boats as
dangerous and provocative.

US sailors assumed battle stations and the captain on one of the ships
was about to order an attack when the Iranian boats turned away, they

On Wednesday the US lodged a formal diplomatic complaint with the
Iranian foreign ministry through the Swiss embassy in Tehran.


The New York Times noted on Wednesday that the US-released audio
includes no ambient noise of the kind that might be expected if the
broadcast had come from on one of the speedboats.

Pentagon officials said the voice heard in the video clip is not
directly traceable to the Iranian military, but could still have come
from a high quality radio on one of the small boats, the paper

Iran described the incident as a routine contact which happens all the
time in the crowded waters of the Gulf.

The Pentagon has insisted that the three US vessels - identified as
navy cruiser USS Port Royal, destroyer USS Hopper and frigate USS
Ingraham - were in international waters.

The confrontation has further inflamed tensions between arch-foes Iran
and the United States.

US President George W Bush is currently on a tour of the Middle East
which will tackle what the Americans see as the threat posed by Iran
to regional stability.
Iran tried to get the US vessels to fire on the speed boats os they would
have an excuse to launch a missle attack on the US ships.
The US ships would be sitting ducks in the narrow waters of the straights
and would not have time to shoot the missles down like
they would if they were out in the ocean. The best thing for the Navy to do
is before they send ships into the straights, post a nuclier sub
in plain view of the iranians for a few minutes and then dive under. Send
them a warning that out ships will pass through the straights
and that any inteference will be rewarded with their entire country being
vaperized. It's too bad I'm not the president isn't it?
"presidentbyamendment" <> wrote in message
On Jan 11, 12:44 am, "Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names"
<> wrote:
> An alleged threat to blow up US warships "may not have come" from
> Iranian speedboats involved in a recent stand-off, the BBC has
> learned.
> The voice on a Pentagon tape could instead have come from another ship
> in the area or a transmitter on land, senior US Navy sources told the
> BBC.
> The US has sent Iran a formal protest over Sunday's stand-off in the
> Strait of Hormuz.
> Iran has accused the US of faking its video of the incident.
> Conflicting accounts
> Iranian state-run TV has broadcast a separate video of the stand-off,
> in which there is no sign of threatening behaviour by the Iranian
> patrols, thought to belong to the Revolutionary Guards. But the four-
> minute clip does not appear to show the whole incident.
> The US military said video and audio that it released confirmed its
> allegation that Iranian speedboats harassed US warships and threatened
> to blow them up in a radio communication.
> "I am coming at you. You will explode in a couple of minutes," the
> Iranians said in a radio transmission, according to US officials.
> Pentagon officials said the speedboats came within about 200m (650ft)
> of the US vessels.
> US officials have described the actions of the speed boats as
> dangerous and provocative.
> US sailors assumed battle stations and the captain on one of the ships
> was about to order an attack when the Iranian boats turned away, they
> said.
> On Wednesday the US lodged a formal diplomatic complaint with the
> Iranian foreign ministry through the Swiss embassy in Tehran.
> Doubts
> The New York Times noted on Wednesday that the US-released audio
> includes no ambient noise of the kind that might be expected if the
> broadcast had come from on one of the speedboats.
> Pentagon officials said the voice heard in the video clip is not
> directly traceable to the Iranian military, but could still have come
> from a high quality radio on one of the small boats, the paper
> reported.
> Iran described the incident as a routine contact which happens all the
> time in the crowded waters of the Gulf.
> The Pentagon has insisted that the three US vessels - identified as
> navy cruiser USS Port Royal, destroyer USS Hopper and frigate USS
> Ingraham - were in international waters.
> The confrontation has further inflamed tensions between arch-foes Iran
> and the United States.
> US President George W Bush is currently on a tour of the Middle East
> which will tackle what the Americans see as the threat posed by Iran
> to regional stability.

Maybe it was Patriot Games.

Rick Hohensee