It's Miller Time -- go out and buy a case or two NOW


Bothrops Alticola

The Right passed a milestone this month, although nobody appeared to
notice. Last September, anti-immigrant groups called for a boycott of
Miller beer products after the company co-sponsored a pro-immigrant
rally in Chicago. "The last thing we need is more illegal aliens
driving drunk and killing American citizens," said Jason Mrocheck of Since then, we haven't heard anything about it; a
short (if ominous) news item on Miller importing South American beer
brands is the only update on since they announced
"Phase II" of the boycott on September 26, 2006.

But it seems that enemies of "the High Life" never sleep. The Catholic
League is calling for a brand new-and, apparently, completely unrelated
-boycott of Miller beer for its sponsorship of the Folsom Street Fair,
a leather-themed parade in San Francisco. Yesterday we tracked how a
press release from Concerned Women for America-claiming a festival
flyer, a blue homage to Da Vinci's "Last Supper," was an "unprovoked
attack against Christ and His followers"-was picked up by other
religious-right groups and then Fox News. The Catholic League's Bill
Donohue was quick to join in, warning that Miller "knows the stakes,"
but even when the company pulled its name from the poster, it wasn't

"Miller's response (some might find mocking the Last Supper
offensive?), while limp, would normally have been enough to get us off
their back. But we have subsequently learned that some of the monies
being raised at this event are being funneled to a notoriously anti-
Catholic and misogynist group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
(click here). After this development was brought to the attention of
Miller, spokesman Julian Green responded that Miller was standing by
the event. That's fine with us. We just hope he knows that it really
is 'Miller Time.'"

This morning on Fox News, Donohue announced his boycott over the
participation in the fair of a group of drag queens who perform comedy
skits dressed like nuns. From another press release:

"Accordingly, Miller leaves us with no options: we are calling on more
than 200 Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu
organizations to join with us in a nationwide boycott of Miller beer.
We feel confident that once our religious allies kick in, and once the
public sees the photos of an event Miller is proudly supporting, the
Milwaukee brewery will come to its senses and pull its sponsorship
altogether. If it doesn't, the only winners will be Anheuser Busch and

This isn't the first Catholic League boycott-Donohue has lifted his
battle cry in the past against corporations including Wal-Mart,
Disney, Target, Showtime, Fox, Calvin Klein, and NordicTrack, as well
as the Jewish Museum, Madonna, and the entire city of San Francisco.
Certainly Donohue is quick to make his "beef" known via press release,
but whether his army of "over 200 religious groups" is any more than a
Potemkin backlash has yet to be proven.

Okay, gang, with the rightwing announcing a boycott of Miller, it's
time to rush out and buy several cases RIGHT NOW -- send the empties
to the pedophile Catholics.
"Bothrops Alticola" <> wrote in message
> But it seems that enemies of "the High Life" never sleep. The Catholic
> League is calling for a brand new-and, apparently, completely unrelated
> -boycott of Miller beer for its sponsorship of the Folsom Street Fair,
> a leather-themed parade in San Francisco.

Miller is beer for fags!

Don't buy it!

Don't drink Miller beer.

Miller beer is made by fags!

(Who knows what's in it...???)

Boycott Miller beer!
On Sep 29, 4:26 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> "Bothrops Alticola" <> wrote in message
> > But it seems that enemies of "the High Life" never sleep. The Catholic
> > League is calling for a brand new-and, apparently, completely unrelated
> > -boycott of Miller beer for its sponsorship of the Folsom Street Fair,
> > a leather-themed parade in San Francisco.

> Miller is beer for fags!
> Don't buy it!
> Don't drink Miller beer.
> Miller beer is made by fags!
> (Who knows what's in it...???)
> Boycott Miller beer!

Boy, you just lost yo' license to sell the High Life.