Jake Tapper's smoke detector goes off at ABC News


Gandalf Grey

Jake Tapper's smoke detector goes off at ABC News

By Eric Boehlert

Created Apr 9 2008 - 9:55am

Jake Tapper followed his nose.

Last week, relying solely on his sense of smell, Tapper basically accused
Sen. Barack Obama of being a liar [1] because, seven months ago, Tapper, who
claims to be a bloodhound of sorts, got a whiff of smoke on Obama when he
ran into the senator for "a second" outside the Senate chamber in the
Capitol. When Tapper inquired whether the candidate had smoked any
cigarettes after announcing he was going to try to kick the habit, the
campaign, after checking with Obama, insisted he had not. The reporter never
saw Obama light up, but Tapper "knew what [he'd] smelled."

After Obama last week conceded on television that he'd slipped off the
nicotine wagon a couple of times, Tapper had his a-ha moment: He'd been
right all along! (Although Tapper still had no proof Obama had been smoking
last August.)

So Tapper wrote up an item on his ABC News blog suggesting Obama was a liar
and hinting he had a credibility problem. Tapper also stressed that he
didn't "like feeling that [he] wasn't being dealt with honestly" by the
Obama campaign.

Defensive about writing up such an obviously trivial report, Tapper insisted
the I-think-Obama-lied-about-smoking saga was important because journalists
were doing the people's work and they needed to hold politicians accountable
for the good of the country.

Oh brother.

Was Tapper doing the people's work and holding leaders accountable back in
late January, when a blog post of his violently ripped words from Bill
Clinton out of context and suggested the former president audaciously
advocated slowing down the U.S. economy to fight global warming? Or how
about when Tapper subsequently refused to apologize when readers and
bloggers [2] highlighted the egregious error he had made? That sad tale
still represents one of the low points in terms of campaign journalism this

Question: Do campaigns ever get the feeling they're not being dealt with
honestly by Tapper?

It's true that the prolific reporter has done some good fact-checking work
[3] this year, which made the misguided I-think-Obama-lied-about-smoking
effort all the more depressing. I don't even know how to describe or
categorize that kind of work, which, sadly, has become commonplace on the
campaign trail this year. It certainly does not represent journalism in any
fundamental way. I don't mean to be juvenile, but I think the phrase brain
fart comes closer to the actual description. Meaning, it's, "I have an idea
in my head. I don't know if it's true but I'm going to type it into my
computer and post it online under the auspice of ABC News."

The irony is that these sort of careless, thoughtless online endeavors
represent precisely what mainstream journalists accuse bloggers of being:
unserious and unsupervised. Yet, in truth, I can't think of a single A-list
(liberal) blogger who would attach their name to such a speculative -- and
meaningless -- allegation as the one Tapper lobbed at Obama.

The I-think-Obama-lied-about-smoking post, titled "Obama is Smokin'," was
not that long and really ought to be read in its entirety in order to get a
sense of the vacuous tone, the creeping narcissism, and the misplaced sense
of duty:

Last August, I ran into Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, outside the Senate
chamber in the Capitol.

This was before the Obama surge, before he had omnipresent Secret Service
agents, back when you might see him strolling solo.

We chatted for a second, mainly about the Pakistan speech [4] he'd
recently given and about how the media had covered it. He was in good

As any close friend or family member can attest, I have an unusually keen
sense of smell and immediately I smelled cigarette smoke on Obama. Frankly,
he reeked of cigarettes.

Obama ran off before I could ask him if he'd just snuck a smoke, so I
called his campaign.

They denied it. He'd quit months before, in February [5], they insisted.
He chewed nicorette.

But I knew what I'd smelled and I asked his campaign to double-check and
to ask him if he'd had a cigarette.

They reported back that he had told them he hadn't had a cigarette since
he quit.

And maybe that was true. Maybe I imagined the cigarette smoke. My
olfactory nerve [6] somehow misfired.

Except ... last night on MSNBC's Hardball, Obama admitted that his attempt
to wean himself from the vile tobacco weed had not been entirely successful.

"I fell off the wagon a couple times during the course of it, and then was
able to get back on," he said. "But it is a struggle like everything else."

Now I wonder about last August.

It's not a big deal in the scheme of things -- the war on Iraq, a major
economic crisis -- indeed, it's miniscule. Hardly worth mentioning.

Except that I don't like feeling that I wasn't being dealt with honestly.
And as much as citizens who are suspect of the media might scoff at such a
notion, many of us consider ourselves to be your representatives to help
make sure our leaders are telling us the truth, and leading the country down
a path we're confident is the right one. (Corny, I know.)

This isn't the only time I've felt that way about the Obama campaign, of
course -- its response to the Austan Goolsbee [7] controversy [8] was a
profile in dissembling. (Not that Sens. Hillary Clinton and John McCain or
their campaigns are entirely innocent in this area either. Or even that
Obama is necessarily the worst offender.)


Did Obama fib about not smoking? I have no idea. Does it matter in terms of
the context of his White House campaign? I can't imagine how it would.

But after reading the item, don't you get the feeling that the news report
was just as much about Tapper as it was about Obama? About the journalist's
heightened sense of smell, his Hardy Boy detective work, his deep feeling of
betrayal after being (allegedly) misled by a politician? Let's take a look:

Number of references Tapper made to himself: 14

Number of references Tapper made to Obama: 16

That fact simply highlights a growing narcissistic disease within the
campaign press corps in which members increasingly see themselves as central
players in the unfolding political production. Specifically, with regard to
the Democratic primary, the press clearly views itself as the third
candidate on the stage. No longer content to be observers, journalists want
to be players in the drama, and have been assigning themselves increasingly
influential roles in the campaign. (As blogger Susie Madrak [9] recently
suggested to me, journalists now see themselves as de facto super
delegates.) That's why Tapper didn't think twice about framing the
I-think-Obama-lied-about-smoking as a showdown between himself and the
Democratic front-runner.

Just a few years ago, that would have been seen as wildly arrogant and
presumptuous -- but no more. If a journalist has a hunch -- a gut feeling --
that a presidential candidate has lied to him about an irrelevant issue, a
journalist like Tapper shows no hesitation about airing that allegation,
even without having the slightest bit of proof to back it up. It's his word
against Obama's, and since they're both equals -- since journalists see
themselves on the same plane as the candidate -- it makes perfect sense to
post the allegation.

Tapper advertised that oversized sense of entitlement right at the end of
his post, when he insisted journalists see their job as making sure
politicians are "leading the country down a path we're confident is the
right one." [Emphasis added.]

Huh? Since when did reporters like Tapper assign themselves the task of
deciding the right direction for this country? Honestly, WTF?

Meanwhile, isn't it time to finally bury this altruistic notion that
campaign journalists are the people's representatives and that they're
driven by a desire to hold candidates accountable? It's a quaint idea. I
just don't see much evidence to support that anymore.

What I do see is lots of media "gotcha" moments that continue to drive
political journalism into the ground.

For instance, blogger Digby dissected [10] this Tapper dud [11] from earlier
in the campaign. And then there was the atrocious example [12] when Tapper
literally invented a news story [13] by suggesting Bill Clinton thought it
would be a good idea to slow down the U.S. economy to fight global warming.

Following an address Clinton gave in Denver in late January, Tapper, who,
online at times refers to the former president with the Clinton-haters'
pejorative, "Bubba," wrote that Clinton "characterized what the U.S. and
other industrialized nations need to do to combat global warming this way:
'We just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas
emissions 'cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren.' "

Tapper wondered out loud: "At a time that the nation is worried about a
recession is that really the characterization his wife would want him
making? 'Slow down our economy'?"

At various times in the post, Tapper expressed bewilderment about what
Clinton had meant by his comments and Tapper questioned whether he was
somehow misreading the quotes. He was so unsure, he even reached out to the
Clinton campaign and asked for help in explaining what Bill Clinton had
meant. [In a follow-up post, Tapper wrote, "The Clinton campaign did not
provide for me, as requested, an explanation of what he meant."]

Yet the original, sensational headline for Tapper's piece suggested no
confusion: "Bill: 'We Just Have to Slow Down Our Economy' to Fight Global

The sheer absurdity of Clinton's alleged claim quickly earned Tapper a link
at the Drudge Report, and just as quickly spawned a Republican National
Committee press release mocking Clinton's comments, as reported by Tapper.
(The RNC conveniently transferred the notion of slowing the economy from
Bill Clinton to "Senator Clinton's campaign.")

But as scores of blogs such as Sadly No! [14] immediately noted, anybody
with a GED should have understood what Clinton had said because he expressed
his thoughts in a very clear manner. Only Tapper, a senior political
reporter for one of the largest news organizations in the country, had
trouble grasping the obvious. (Click here [15] to see a clip of Clinton's
remarks at Crooks and Liars.)

Only Tapper concluded that Clinton's point had been precisely the opposite
of what Clinton had said, which is that, hypothetically, "rich" countries
could try to slow their economies to fight global warming but that wouldn't
work end in the end, and that the "only way" to fight global warming was to
prove that doing so "is good economics that we will create more jobs to
build a sustainable economy."

It got worse, though. When the Clinton campaign corrected Tapper's blunder
and accused him of "parsing" Clinton's words (a generous description, if you
ask me), rather than admit his obvious error, Tapper doubled down [16]: "I
will plead guilty to 'parsing' -- the dictionary definition of the word --
'To examine closely or subject to detailed analysis, especially by breaking
up into components' or 'To make sense of; comprehend.' "

Tapper claimed he was making sense of Clinton's global warming comments,
when he appeared to be the only who couldn't figure them out. Even some
conservative bloggers set aside their chronic disdain for Clinton to note
just how dishonest Tapper had been on the issue: "That's not good journalism
in any sense," wrote [17] Iain Murray at National Review Online.

And just for the sake of context, note that the day before the global
warming journalism disaster, Tapper had posted an item on his blog which he
lifted [18] straight from the far-right, Clinton-hating website
WorldNetDaily.com. The item was about how Ken Starr footnote Kathleen Willey
had ominously warned Obama to beware of the Clinton's "secret
private-investigator army." That, for Tapper, represented news.

But back to the global warming nonsense because Tapper has made a habit of
expressing bewilderment at what the Clintons say on the campaign trail; of
being just utterly confused about the meaning of their words. For instance,
on March 17, Tapper wrote [19] that he was "struck" after hearing Sen.
Hillary Clinton speak about Iraq on the campaign trail in Pittsburgh -- "she
sounded as if she were implying that the Iraqi people were entirely to blame
for their current troubles." [Emphasis added.]

Not content to analyze what the candidate said, Tapper reported on what it
"sounded" like Clinton was "implying." By the way, here's what Clinton
actually said in Pittsburgh regarding Iraqis:

CLINTON: And I believe that at the same time that we have to make clear to
the Iraqis that they have been given the greatest gift that a human being
can give another human being -- the gift of freedom. And it is up to them to
decide how they will use that precious gift that has been paid for with the
blood and sacrifice and treasure of the United States of America.

How any adult, let alone a senior political journalist, could suggest that,
based on those comments, Clinton had claimed the Iraqi people were entirely
to blame for their current troubles, boggles the mind.

That's why I get nervous when Tapper announces political journalists are in
charge of choosing the right path for this country. Personally, I hope we
pick a different path.

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"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson