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The Demon Prince of Absurdity

D1ckillisioned takes a break from c0cksucking to babble to following:
>On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 04:05:05 GMT, The Demon Prince of Absurdity
><absurd_number_of_ni...@hell.corn> wrote:
>>DisiLLusioneD wrote:
>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:07:09 +0900, The 2-Belo
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> DVH and is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>> [...]
>>>>>>> Har har lol@you. Porchy's scared of posting in alt.flame.
>>>>>> Hmmm must be a story there
>>>>> I'm guessing he can't.
>>>>> His ISP doesn't let him swear, post to the flonk or a.f..
>>>> I'm beginning to think he's got several layers of parental

controls >between him
>>>> and the big, bad Net, is what. Although his mom's got strange

>tastes in
>>>> newsgroups, unless she's a some sort of white supremacist

>straight-edge or
>>>> something. "Sure, son, you can post reams of barely intelligible

>crap about the
>>>> darkies, since they're evil and gay, but IF I EVER HEAR THE F-WORD


>>>> ME#{`%$+&{`#$+%{&`+ KICK #${%`+&{` KNEETOGROIN ${%`+&{#`54;[6@;".
>>> Actually, it would appear that Porchie thought he was doing his bit
>>> for Racial Equality when he stumbled across amw-p. Ironically, he is

>>You b1tches found me in another group and made the poor decision of
>>f cking with me. You're still paying for that dingbat choice of yours.

>If I recall correctly, you came here with aus.general & aus.invest in
>your groupline. Given that only an absolute moron would bother

Tards like you never recall anything correctly. So let's get that straight.

Someone from amwp can into one of the groups that I was in and started
$hit. Then they tried to have limited follow-ups (much like what you
c nts tried very unsuccessfully to do) so that they wouldn't see my
replies. I added the original groups and then you c nt foolishly
inserted yourself into the discussion and you've been paying for it ever

I see that you have tried to trace back to the beginning of this. I see
you even google researched me to the point of responding to a jan 13th
2007 post to aus.films.. You sad little pathetic pus$y.

>trolling the aus. hiearchy, I am pretty certain no amw-p reg "found"

Tard certainty.. now that's any oxymoron for ya, d1ckillisioned/
>you in there. If you have proof to the contrary, pleace post it.

You have shown sufficient proof so the burden of proof remains with you.
All you did was point to a carefully selected thread from your google
research of me.

I suggest you continue your research because your tarded as$ have proved
>Your entrance into amw-p:
>Strangely enough, not one amw-p reg appears in that thread. Oh, &

Yet one of you c nt foolishly decided to initiate hostilities with me.
Face it, you c nt started it and now you'll have to deal with what
you've wrought.

>that just reminded me how incredibly pathetic you really are - you
>even got owned by those muh-dikkk morons !!!!!

And yet I stand today as your owner . Those tards quickly ran away from
me because they got a hint of what they were in for. If they had stayed
longer they would have been owned just like so many tards that
foolishly start $hit with me only to learn what is really in store for them.
>>> alot more racist than the inhabitants of said ng.

>>I love the way you backtrack and moonwalk just like Michael jackson >(so
>>I see you have more than pedophilia in common with Jackson).

>Explain exactly how I "backtrack", or STFU.

Re-read your post as$clown, it's blatantly obvious where your
backtracking/moonwalking begins (it doesn't seem to have an end). And I
dare you to try and make me STFU. You'll be STFU before I ever will
c nt. Now what, b1tch? Got anything else? Huh fagboi.
>>> A little (albeit extremely old) history can be found here:

>Christ, if that site was still being updated - think of how many pages
>would be dedicated to you. You'd be sharing the spotlight with the
>likes of Mighty White "Jizz Hoover" 88 & his muh-dikkk buddies !

You can't stand it that I bested u so thoroughly. You know that you're
owned . each posts of yours shows just how much you've been outwitted.
You never had a chance, and I think you realize it now. You're such a
f cking loser and there's pretty much nothing that you can do to change it.