Jesus Christ vs. The Predator

I should say this is the most stupid poll ever,but my votes for Jesus though.
Why?coz predator is just a fictional charactor.
They are both as real as anyone wants them to be.

My money is on the Predator. This decision is based solely on that SMART laser weapon on his shoulder. Sweet!
Predator would strike...

Jesus would turn the other cheek...

but - is that a sign of pacifism...

or is he just reaching around to open a can of whoopass on old ugly?

Besides, if predator took Jesus out, he'd just keep resurrecting himself enough times until the predator died of old age.

Jesus wins again.
Jesus might win the fight, but Predator has the ultimate suicide pill; the nuclear device activated on his wrist.

Take no prisoners, leave no corpse. :) :cool:
builder said:
Jesus might win the fight, but Predator has the ultimate suicide pill; the nuclear device activated on his wrist.

Take no prisoners, leave no corpse. :) :cool:

Jesus will just lay Armaggedon on his ass

Point for Jesus.
DING DING...welcome sports fans. This is Vortex reporting live from the Coliseum in Rome for the fight of a lifetime! (literally!) Last time we had a blood bath as Martha Stewart and Satan duked it out for 32 days and 32 nights till finnally Satan succumbed to Marthas Evil!. But today, sports fans, its gonna be one hell of a fight. Its Jesus Christ Vs. The Preditor! And here they are ariving to the ring...Theme songs blaring here they come!

Jesus Christ, weighing in at 130 and standing 5'9" comming all the way from Jesrusalem. And he knows whos his daddy!

and now The Predator! Standing at about 8'2" and weighing 390 of solid muscle...he is sure to be a match for Jesus!


Jesus waves his arms in the air...the crowd ROARS (a few satanists, muslims, and WYPO members politely clap) and he produces a goblet of water from out of nowhere and changes it to wine (OOHHHH from the croud)

Predator flexes his massive arms as 2 giant curved blads protrude from his wrists (a hiss from the crowd...and many others begin to roar with delight)

The two draw closer and the jesus fans are getting nervous..but still showing support .

The Predator slashes, yet misses jesus but ripps his robe to shreds! Jesus now in a loing cloth gives out his best evil snicker, and parts the beads of sweat on the predators forhead

(the crowd stares in disbelief)

The predator pulls out his trusty bull whip, and jesus doesnt look impressed....Everyone knows the whip is no good against Jesus...but the predator may soon know that folley!

CRACK..The Predator gets a good slash on his back...jesus just winces...


round one is over...there is no clear winner as of yet..but the predator has drawn some blood...The crowd is demanding a ruling on round one with their Chanting

Well while they get ready for round 2 lets take a commercial break!
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Lets look at this logically.......

- Could The Predator kick the fuk out of the Romans? Yes

-Did the romans kick the fuk out of jesus. Yes

So it therefore stands reasonable that The Predator could wipe the floor with Jesus. Mystery solved. :)
but my votes for Jesus though.
Why?coz predator is just a fictional charactor.
And Jesus isn't?

- Could The Predator kick the fuk out of the Romans? Yes

-Did the romans kick the fuk out of jesus. Yes

So it therefore stands reasonable that The Predator could wipe the floor with Jesus. Mystery solved.

Haha nice!

The Predator would own Jesus.
Silmaril39 said:
And Jesus isn't?

Haha nice!

The Predator would own Jesus.

Ofcourse Jesus aint fictional.People like you with no faith and no vision into life like yourself wouldn't understand.

Jesus has God on his side and predator has movie fans on his side.God created the fans,there for Jesus would own predator.Mystery solved!!!
Ofcourse Jesus aint fictional.People like you with no faith and no vision into life like yourself wouldn't understand.

Jesus has God on his side and predator has movie fans on his side.God created the fans,there for Jesus would own predator.Mystery solved!!!

What if the predator has more fans than jesus has faithfull?
Vortex said:
What if the predator has more fans than jesus has faithfull?

And who created the fans?God.And who's side is God on?Jesus's side.
Therefore what do you know.Vortex still doesn't get it!!
And who created the fans?God.And who's side is God on?Jesus's side.
Therefore what do you know.Vortex still doesn't get it!!

And if there is no god? Who then doesn't get it?