JFK Plot: Book Probed Brooklyn-Guyana Terrorist Connection


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JFK Plot: Book Probed Brooklyn-Guyana Connection

A sinister connection between al-Qaida terrorist cells in Guyana and a
Brooklyn Mosque, first described in Paul Williams new book "The Day of
Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World," leapt from the
book's pages into the headlines Saturday.

Within hours of a NewsMax.com interview with Dr. Williams where he discussed
the terror connection, the federal government announced the arrest of
Guyana-based terrorists and a Guyana-born Brooklyn resident involved in an
alleged plot to launch an attack on New York's JFK International Airport
that could have resulted in a catastrophe worse than 9/11.

That suspect, Guyanese-born former JFK employee Russell Defreitas, is a U.S.
citizen and former employee at JFK airport who lived in Brooklyn.
Reportedly, he had established connections with suspected al-Qaida
terrorists in his native Guyana and Trinidad and had been able to travel
there to discuss his plans with suspected al-Qaida operatives.

Two other men, Abdul Kadir of Guyana and Kareem Ibrahim of Trinidad, were
arrested in Trinidad. Kadir, it was reported, was due to travel to Iran.
Kadir traveled to Iran most recently in 1998 and was about to fly there for
an alleged "spiritual conference" when he was arrested Friday night.

A fourth man, Abdel Nur of Guyana, was still on the run.

According to Dr. Williams, Guyanese Gulshair el-Shukrijumah - a radical
Islamic cleric from Guyana - arrived in Brooklyn in 1985 to become imam at
the notorious Farouq Mosque at 554 Atlantic Avenue. Williams describes the
mosque as having served for many years as a center for terrorists activities
and a recruiting station for al-Qaida terrorist cells in the United States.

In his book the author focuses on Gulshair's son, Adnan el-Shukrijumah, who
now emerges as a key suspect in the JFK terror plot. As NewsMax has
reported, the younger el-Shukrijumah is the suspected "invisible hand"
behind the plot to bomb a fuel pipeline feeding New York's JFK airport.

Wrote NewsMax, "The New York Post on Monday called Adnan al-Qaida's "so
called nuclear whiz kid" - a "tantalizing terror figure" with a $5 million
bounty on his head. According to the Post, Adnan was "the radical big shot
investigators hoped to snag in their 18-month JFK-plot probe."

In his interview with NewsMax, Dr. Williams warned that radical Islam and
Hezbollah had taken root in Guyana and Trinidad and discussed the connection
of the local al-Qaida operatives with Brooklyn.

In May 2001 Adnan el-Shukrijumah, Dr. Williams revealed, had traveled to
Trinidad, and his native Guyana. His present whereabouts are unknown.

"The State Department seems to be oblivious to this; these countries are now
Islamic," Dr. Williams told NewsMax after the news of the plot broke. "The
people coming over there [Guyana, Trinidad] are not coming to pick