

We've been trying to tell America how dangerous The Nation of Islam
really is (Queer Jihad, Chapter V) - now comes this:

Now the Black Muslims want to bring their Jihad insanity here to
America - From WorldNetDaily.com:
Al-Qaida is aggressively recruiting black Americans for suicide
operations against the homeland, say FBI analysts who have reviewed
recent videotaped messages from the terror group's leaders.
A speech released May 5 by Osama bin Laden's deputy confirms earlier
fears that African-Americans are the No. 1 recruiting target for the
next generation of attacks. Al-Qaida has been trying to lower its Arab
profile to reduce the
odds that its terror cells will be subjected to security scrutiny.
"Federal and local law enforcement authorities should be aware that al-
Qaida terrorists may not appear Arab," warns a recent Homeland
Security intelligence report obtained by WND. "Non-Arab al-Qaida
operatives could find it easier to avoid unwanted scrutiny since they
may not fit typical profiles."
In the latest message, al-Qaida No. 2 Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri clearly
seeks to sow political and racial discontent among African-Americans.
He makes frequent references to what he calls the "martyr" Malcolm X,
and says "I want blacks in America to know that we are waging jihad to
lift oppression from all mankind." .

The American liberal has formed a lethal alliance with the Diseased
Queers and the Islamofascist Terror. Now AQ is appealing to the lazy
Negroes in America and dares to speak of Malcolm X as a "Martyr" - but
who actually killed Malcolm X?


The plea for bombers in American will be very appealing to the Black
Muslims: 50% of them have HIV or AIDS and are dying already, 80% are
Gay and (like most queers) have an ingrained Death wish, 90% are ex-
convicts and over-the-hill street hos that understand nothing but a
life of crime and all have an ingrained HATRED OF 'DE WHITE MAN - whom
they see as DEVILS!

Black Muslims: A Fifth Column Inside the United States? By the
Traditional Values Coalition March 26, 2003.

Nation of Islam
7351 South Stoney Island Ave.
Chicago, IL
Phone :773-324-6000
URL http://www.noi.org/

Afrocentric organization founded in 1930 by Wallace Dodd
Fard Early leader Elijah Muhammad taught that the white race was
created 6,000 years ago by a renegade black scientist named
Yakub In the 1950s, Malcolm X brought the organization to
Prominence In the mid-1960s, Louis Farrakhan assumed control of the
Organization Farrakhan has spoken out against "white devils" and

The Nation of Islam (NOI) was founded in Detroit in 1930 by
Wallace Dodd Fard, an itinerant salesman. Various identities
have been discovered for Fard: the FBI traced him to Portland
under the name Wallie D. Ford; Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad
referred to him as Wallace D. Fard, of Mecca. His common-law
wife claimed his real name was Fred or Wallace Dodd of New
Zealand; different Muslim writers have given an Arab version
of his name, Wali Farad; and one theory claims that he was a
renegade rabbi from New York named Arnold Josiah Ford.

Fard's movement, building on the honorably conceived if
woefully executed Afrocentricism of Marcus Garvey and the
visionary lunacy of Timothy Drew's Moorish Temple of Science,
was based on traditional Islamic teachings augmented by, and
interlaced with, obscure mathematical, Gnostic, and heretical
accretions, including an identification of all blacks as
first, Asiatic, and second, God. This message resonated among
American blacks who had migrated north, seeking to escape
racial oppression and rural poverty; the Depression had
eradicated the nascent prosperity that the industrial jobs of
northern cities had initially afforded.

One of Fard's earliest converts was Elijah Poole, a
grade-school dropout and alcoholic Georgian who had moved to
Detroit in 1923. By 1931, Poole had become known as Elijah
Muhammad, and upon Fard's disappearance in 1934, he became
head of the NOI. Various theories have been set forth about
Fard's disappearance. He had left Michigan in 1933 and settled
in Chicago. According to some, he died after being beaten
while in the custody of Chicago police, but later newspaper
accounts report that he returned to New Zealand after first
visiting an ex-wife in Portland.

Elijah Muhammad moved to Washington, D.C. in 1935 and promptly
began proselytizing for the NOI in different cities throughout
the U.S. He claimed that Fard was actually Allah, the
reincarnation of Jesus, the prophet the world had been
awaiting for the last 2,000 years, and the Son of Man.
Muhammad was arrested in 1942 for refusing to register for the
military draft; he urged all Muslims to resist fighting
against the Fascist threat, and openly favored the Japanese as
Asiatic heroes resisting white oppression.

In 1965, Muhammad published a 300-page book titled Message to
the Blackman in America, in which he explained that Allah had
originally created the black race before all others, followed
sequentially by the brown, red, and yellow races. The white
race, said Muhammad, was created some 6,000 years ago, not by
Allah but by a renegade black scientist named Yakub. According
to Muhammad, the process by which Yakub created whites
involved extracting the "brown germ" from the "black germ" and
in turn, grafting whites. In Muhammad's view, "the whole
Caucasian race is a race of devils . . . the evil and
murderous race."

Muhammad retained effective control over the NOI for 44 years,
but by far the most visible spokesman of the movement was
Malcolm X. Convicted of robbery in 1946, he converted to the
NOI in 1947 and, upon his parole in 1952, began working for
Muhammad as an organizer. Malcolm was responsible for a
considerable increase in NOI membership. In 1964 Malcolm made
a hajj to Mecca, which led him to reject his formerly held
notion that all whites were evil. He embraced a species of
revolutionary Marxism which was not overtly racist, and this
attitude shift put him at odds with Muhammad. Also in 1964,
Malcolm publicly revealed that Muhammad had impregnated
several of his teenage secretaries, in blatant violation of
Muhammad's own admonitions against sex outside of marriage
(two of Muhammad's secretaries filed paternity suits against

When Malcolm made these revelations, an anathema was
pronounced on him and he was suspended from his post as the
leader of the Harlem mosque. He was replaced by Louis
Farrakhan, who was outraged at what he perceived as Malcolm's
traitorous disloyalty. Ten weeks before Malcolm was
assassinated, Farrakhan denounced him in the NOI newspaper
Muhammad Speaks. "Only those who wish to be led to hell, or to
their doom, will follow Malcolm," Farrakhan wrote. "The die is
set, and Malcolm shall not escape, especially after such evil,
foolish talk about his benefactor; such a man is worthy of
death." On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was killed in Harlem's
Audubon Ballroom by three gunmen with ties to the NOI.

As recently as 1993, Farrakhan tried to justify Malcolm X's
assassination when he said in a speech, "Was Malcolm your
traitor or ours? And if we dealt with [Malcolm] like a nation
deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours? A
nation has to be able to deal with traitors and cut-throats
and turncoats." In May 1995, however, Farrakhan spoke for the
first time in repentant tones about the slaying, and he
admitted to having "helped create the atmosphere" that led to
it. "I may have been complicit in words that I spoke leading
up to 21 February," he said. "I acknowledge that and regret
that any word that I have said caused the loss of life of a
human being." Immediately thereafter, however, he named the
U.S.government as the real villain that had fomented zeal and
bitterness inside the NOI's ranks.

Malcolm X was by no means the only person toward whom
Farrakhan has openly aimed menacing words. In 1984, for
example, Farrakhan publicly threatened Milton Coleman, a black
Washington Post reporter, with death. He portrayed Coleman as
a traitor for having revealed that Jesse Jackson, in a
conversation with campaign aides, had referred to Jews as
"Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown." "One day soon we
will punish you with death," Farrakhan said to Coleman.

Upon Elijah Muhammad's death in 1975, his son Wallace Deen
Muhammad took over the movement and attempted to integrate it
with mainstream Islam. This attempt eventually led to a
schism within the NOI; at present three organizations, one in
Baltimore, one in Atlanta, and one in Detroit, claim to be the
authentic NOI, but by far the most recognized group is that
headed by Farrakhan, headquartered at the Mosque Maryam in
Chicago. Farrakhan initially rejected the integrationism
favored by Wallace Deen Muhammad and his successors, although
unlike Elijah Muhammad, Farrakhan has not called for the
creation of a separate black state, and in 2000 he did meet
with Wallace Deen Muhammad about a possible rapprochement of
the NOI with mainstream Islam.

Farrakhan has a long, well documented history of venom-laced
references to the "white devils" and Jewish "bloodsuckers" who
purportedly decimate America's black community from coast to
coast. He has referred to Judaism as a "gutter religion," and
to Adolf Hitler as "a great man" - though he later claimed
that he had meant only that Hitler was "wickedly great."
At a November 2003 speech in Chicago, Farrakhan said, "This
Koran says that the Jews have altered the word of God out of
its place. They did not want the masters of the people to know
what Jesus really said, what Moses really said, because then
you wouldn't have a yardstick [by which] to measure their
deviations." A month earlier, he told Jews, "I don't like the
way you leech on us. See, a leech is somebody that sucks your
blood, takes from you and don't (sic) give you a damn thing."

Notwithstanding Farrakhan's ugly rhetoric, in the early 1990s
the NAACP, under the leadership of then-executive director
Benjamin Chavis, entered into a "sacred covenant" with the
Nation of Islam; Chavis, who would later join the NOI and
change his surname to Muhammad, pledged never to "forsake Mr.
Farrakhan as my brother." In September 1993, spokesmen for the
Congressional Black Caucus likewise announced, in front of a
large audience, that they too had joined in a "sacred
covenant" with Farrakhan and the NOI.

Farrakhan despises the United States and has consistently
condemned virtually its every foreign and domestic policy. He
opposes U.S. aid to Israel; opposes the war in Iraq; opposes
the Patriot Act; has been critical of President Bush's overall
response to 9/11; is critical of plans to employ NATO forces
as peacekeepers in Iraq; and in one 2004 press release, urged
young men to resist any proposed military draft. He insists,
however, that his anti-white, anti-American positions are
overstated by a hostile, Jewish-dominated press.

As we can find the roots of the Queer Jihad in Islamic Scriptures, we
can gain an insight into the Black Muslims from their foundational
documents that provide details of The (Black) Muslim Program

What The (Black) Muslims Want

This is the question asked most frequently by both the whites and the
blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as
1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom.
2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice under
the law. We want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed
class or color.
3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in
with the best in civilized society.
4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were
descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state
territory of their own--either on this continent or elsewhere. We
believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such
land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe
that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our
needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years--until we
are able to produce and supply our own needs. Since we cannot get
along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of
our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst
treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our
contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white
America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or
territory of our own
5. We want freedom for all Believers of Islam now held in federal
We want freedom for all black men and women now under death sentence
innumerable prisons in the North as well as the South.
We want every black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or
reject being separated from the slave master's children and establish
a land of their own. We know that the above plan for the solution of
the black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the
problem between two people.
6. We want an immediate end to the police brutality and mob attacks
against the so-called Negro throughout the United States.
We believe that the Federal government should intercede to see that
black men and women tried in white courts receive justice in
accordance with the laws of the land--or allow us to build a new
nation for ourselves, dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty.
7. As long as we are not allowed to establish a state or territory of
our own, we demand not only equal justice under the laws of the United
States, but equal employment opportunities- NOW!
We do not believe that after 400 years of free or nearly free labor,
sweat and blood, which has helped America become rich and powerful, so
many thousands of black people should have to subsist on relief or
charity or live in poor houses.
8. We want the government of the United States to exempt our people
from ALL taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under
the laws of the land.
9. We want equal education--but separate schools up to 16 for boys and
18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's
colleges and universities. We want all black children educated, taught
and trained by their own teachers. Under such schooling system we
believe we will make a better nation of people. The United States
government should provide, free, all necessary text books and
equipment, schools and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be
left free to teach and train their people in the way of righteousness,
decency and self respect.
10. We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited.
We want the religion of Islam taught without hinderance or
These are some of the things that we, the Muslims, want for our people
in North America.

What The (Black) Muslims Believe

1. WE BELIEVE In the One God whose proper Name is Allah.
2. WE BELIEVE in the Holy Koran and in the Scriptures of all the
Prophets of God.
3. WE BELIEVE in the truth of the Bible, but we believe that it has
been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not
be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it.
4. WE BELIEVE in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures they brought to
the people.
5. WE BELIEVE in the the resurrection of the dead--not in physical
resurrection--but in mental resurrection. We believe that the so-
Negroes are most in need of mental resurrection; therefore they will
resurrected first. Furthermore, we believe we are the people of God's
choice, as it has been written, that God would choose the rejected and
the despised. We can find no other persons fitting this description in
these last days more that the so-called Negroes in America. We believe
in the resurrection of the righteous.
6. WE BELIEVE in the judgment; we believe this first judgment will
place as God revealed, in America...
7. WE BELIEVE this is the time in history for the separation of the
so-called Negroes and the so-called white Americans. We believe the
black man should be freed in name as well as in fact. By this we mean
that he should be freed from the names imposed upon him by his former
slave masters. Names which identified him as being the slave master's
slave. We believe that if we are free indeed, we should go in our own
people's names--the black people of the Earth.
8. WE BELIEVE in justice for all, whether in God or not; we believe as
others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in
equality--as a nation--of equals. We do not believe that we are equal
with our slave masters in the status of "freed slaves."
We recognize and respect American citizens as independent peoples and
we respect their laws which govern this nation.
9. WE BELIEVE that the offer of integration is hypocritical and is
made by those who are trying to deceive the black peoples into
believing that their 400-year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and
equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends." Furthermore, we
believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people from
realizing that the time in history has arrived for the separation from
the whites of this nation. If the white people are truthful about
their professed friendship toward the so-called Negro, they can prove
it by dividing up America with their slaves. We do not believe that
America will ever be able to furnish enough jobs for her own millions
of unemployed, in addition to jobs for the 20,000,000 black people as
10. WE BELIEVE that we who declare ourselves to be righteous Muslims,
should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do
not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for
we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the
necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for.
11. WE BELIEVE our women should be respected and protected as the
women of other nationalities are respected and protected.
12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W.
Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the
Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims.

We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there
is no god and He will bring about a universal government of peace
wherein we all can live in peace together.

Note something carefully In the above:


Did you see anything that says, "WE WANT TO GO TO WORK!"? - No and
you won't. According to the BLACK MUSLIMS -


In response the BLACK MUSLIMS believe:

Farrakhan and their founder both have been taken up in a flying
saucer by Aliens to See God who confirmed their coming victory over

The Nation of Islam is primarily a group of illiterate ex-cons, over-
the-hill gang members and retired crack hos. THE BLACK MUSLIMS RECRUIT
PRIMARILY IN US PRISONS and most of their membership has a criminal
background - Chicagoans know well how dangerous they can be.

Unfortunately, any chance to 'get whitey' is attractive to career
criminals with a chip on their shoulder, and the alliances forged with
BIG CITY STREET GANGS are well known to law enforcement.

This is from Yahoo! Groups : MasterFardMuhammadMuslims Messages :
Message 513 of 534

From: "MGT" <nationnoi@...>
Date: Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:39 pm

The Culture War:

Israel Line - Friday, June 10, 2005

Thousands Participate in Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv.

Thousands of people took to the streets of Tel Aviv this
afternoon to participate in the city's annual gay pride parade,
HA'ARETZ reported. The parade set out from Rabin Square and was to end
in Yarkon Park, where musical performances were planned.

MKs Yosef Lapid (Shinui), Eitan Cabel (Labor) and Zehava Gal-On
(Yahad), as well as Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai, were set to speak at
the event.

The chairman of the national Association of Gay Men, Lesbians,
Bisexuals and Transgender in Israel, Mike Hamel, said today the parade
was organized with the "close cooperation" of the Tel Aviv
municipality. "It's great to see it, and great that it's one of the
few places in the world that has the support of a municipal body, a
government body," he said.

Hamel said the event is called a "pride parade," because it has
to do with "being proud of the way we are and the demand to accept
every person as a person, as he is, and not trying to change him."

Full story:


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- -- - -- -
Iran: Two More Executions for Homosexual Conduct
NEW YORK - November 22 -
Iran's execution of two men last week for homosexual conduct
highlights a
pattern of persecution of gay men that stands in stark violation of
the rights
to life and privacy, Human Rights Watch said today. On Sunday,
November 13, the semi-official Tehran daily Kayhan reported that the
government publicly hung two men, Mokhtar N. (24 years old) and Ali A.
(25 years old), in the Shahid Bahonar Square of the northern town of
Gorgan. The government reportedly executed the two men for the crime
of "lavat." Iran's shari'a-based penal code defines lavat as
penetrative and non-penetrative sexual acts between men. Iranian law
punishes all penetrative sexual acts between adult men with the death
Non-penetrative sexual acts between men are punished with lashes until
the fourth offense, when they are punished with death