John McCain and his religious extremist chums


Harry Hope



John McCain and religious extremism

Tom Nardi

Everyone with a political agenda has a problem with the traditional

Either they don't cover a story or they don't ask the tough questions
or they don't ask the right questions or something else in a litany of

I'm no exception.

Barack Obama's former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, had been widely
covered by the media over the Easter holiday for some controversial
statements made during his sermons.

I don't feel like that discussion was a topic out of bounds, but I do
think that the traditional media should have been more thorough in
their reporting.

After all, Obama is not the only candidate in the race who has ties to
controversial figures.

One of John McCain's most high-profile endorsements this cycle -
particularly during this dry-spell for him while the ongoing
Democratic primary is getting all the coverage - was the endorsement
of non-denominational evangelical minister John Hagee.

The event was a big to-do, with McCain and Hagee both on stage
together talking to press.

Hagee is the leader of a 19,000-person mega-church and CEO of a media
empire that stretches weekly into 99 million homes worldwide, so it is
no surprise that McCain was willing to accept Hagee's endorsement.

On stage, McCain said he was "very proud" to accept it.

In fact, it's been reported that McCain actively sought the
endorsement for over a year.

It behooves us, then, as responsible political actors, to see just who
Hagee is.

Hagee has the traditional right-wing evangelical problems, like
blaming Hurricane Katrina on the city of New Orleans as divine
retribution for holding "a homosexual parade."

But that's not my larger point.

You see, Hagee's not exactly a fan of Catholics.

During broadcasts, Hagee has referred to the Church as a "great
whore," "the anti-Christ" and a "false cult system."

In his book "Jerusalem Rising," Hagee goes so far as to blame the
Catholic Church for the rise of Hitler and his legitimization on the
world stage.

It makes one wonder why McCain is coming to speak at a Catholic
university on Tuesday, if this is the company he keeps.

McCain has also received an endorsement from and made appearances with
Rod Parsley, the pastor of an Ohio mega-church, calling Parsley a
"spiritual guide."

While Hagee is a little more well-known as a controversial McCain
endorsement, Parsley has seemed to get a free pass from the
traditional media.

So what views does Parsley preach?

In 2005, Parsley wrote and published a book called "Silent No More."

In it, he reveals that it is the true duty of America to destroy

To quote Parsley, "I do not believe our country can truly fulfill its
divine purpose until we understand our historical conflict with Islam
On Apr 11, 11:41 am, Harry Hope <> wrote:
> 4/10/08
> John McCain and religious extremism
> Tom Nardi
> Everyone with a political agenda has a problem with the traditional
> media.
> Either they don't cover a story or they don't ask the tough questions
> or they don't ask the right questions or something else in a litany of
> objections.
> I'm no exception.
> Barack Obama's former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, had been widely
> covered by the media over the Easter holiday for some controversial
> statements made during his sermons.
> I don't feel like that discussion was a topic out of bounds, but I do
> think that the traditional media should have been more thorough in
> their reporting.
> After all, Obama is not the only candidate in the race who has ties to
> controversial figures.
> One of John McCain's most high-profile endorsements this cycle -
> particularly during this dry-spell for him while the ongoing
> Democratic primary is getting all the coverage - was the endorsement
> of non-denominational evangelical minister John Hagee.
> The event was a big to-do, with McCain and Hagee both on stage
> together talking to press.
> Hagee is the leader of a 19,000-person mega-church and CEO of a media
> empire that stretches weekly into 99 million homes worldwide, so it is
> no surprise that McCain was willing to accept Hagee's endorsement.
> On stage, McCain said he was "very proud" to accept it.
> In fact, it's been reported that McCain actively sought the
> endorsement for over a year.
> It behooves us, then, as responsible political actors, to see just who
> Hagee is.
> Hagee has the traditional right-wing evangelical problems, like
> blaming Hurricane Katrina on the city of New Orleans as divine
> retribution for holding "a homosexual parade."
> But that's not my larger point.
> You see, Hagee's not exactly a fan of Catholics.
> During broadcasts, Hagee has referred to the Church as a "great
> whore," "the anti-Christ" and a "false cult system."
> In his book "Jerusalem Rising," Hagee goes so far as to blame the
> Catholic Church for the rise of Hitler and his legitimization on the
> world stage.
> It makes one wonder why McCain is coming to speak at a Catholic
> university on Tuesday, if this is the company he keeps.
> McCain has also received an endorsement from and made appearances with
> Rod Parsley, the pastor of an Ohio mega-church, calling Parsley a
> "spiritual guide."
> While Hagee is a little more well-known as a controversial McCain
> endorsement, Parsley has seemed to get a free pass from the
> traditional media.
> So what views does Parsley preach?
> In 2005, Parsley wrote and published a book called "Silent No More."
> In it, he reveals that it is the true duty of America to destroy
> Islam.
> To quote Parsley, "I do not believe our country can truly fulfill its
> divine purpose until we understand our historical conflict with Islam
> ... the fact is that America was founded, in part, with the intention of
> seeing this false religion destroyed."
> Parsley also paints that religion with a broad brush.
> Many observers make sure to note that there is a difference between
> extremist Islam that espouses terrorist tactics and moderate Islam.
> That argument is similar to saying you and I are moderate Christians,
> as opposed to the extremists who bomb abortion clinics.
> Not so for Parsley:
> "What some call 'extremists' are instead mainstream believers who are
> drawing from the well at the very heart of Islam."
> __________________________________________________
> Say it ain't so, Johnny
> Harry

Fair play. I dare say that McCain supporters will no more be dissuaded
than Obama supporters. A McCain supporter might rightfully point out
that Hagee is not, nor has ever been McCain's personal pastor. But, it
is certainly fair to require McCain to comment on his positions with
some of Hagee's more controversial comments.

I suspect that we already know where McCain stands on those issues.

-solon fox