...John McCain's Betrayal Of Our Veterans


Harry Hope


April 16, 2008

John McCain - The Betrayal Of Our Veterans

By Steve Durham

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has worked hard to establish himself as the
premier Vietnam Veteran and has repeatedly touted himself as the best
friend of our Iraqi War veterans.

Look closely however, and see his true colors.

James Webb (USMC), another premier Vietnam Veteran (a grunt...he
wasn't a fly boy), has been working hard to re-establish the current
Montgomery GI Bill to mirror the original GI Bill.

The original GI Bill rewarded veterans with money for college and
worked like a voucher (capitalism at its best).

John McCain, showing his true allegiance to the NeoCon (rich men's
Communists) movement has said he will not support a bill such as Sen.
Webb (D-Va) is proposing.

I guess it doesn't matter than Sen. McCain was born into a family that
could readily afford higher education.

His reasoning is that a lucrative GI Bill would discourage veterans
from re-enlisting.

Shame on you John McCain.

The original GI Bill returned $6 to the economy for every $1 spent on
the program.

The great society the Republicans like to talk about was brought
about, in part, by the original GI Bill.

At the height of the program three million veterans were

Many Vietnam era veterans received college degrees on money provided
by this program.

The current bill is nothing in comparison to the original bill.

How many of you reading this post attended college on money provided
by the GI Bill?

It's high time we supported our returning veterans with more than just
flag waving.


It's obvious that John McCain doesn't understand or care about our
