Johnny McBush wants Jeb Bush to be education secretary in a McBush cabinet.


Harry Hope

Bush's first priority when taking office in 1999 was a massive
overhaul of the state's school system which included using
standardized testing to grade schools.

Schools were then rewarded or punished based on their grades.

He also put in place the first statewide voucher program, which
allowed children to go to private schools with taxpayer money instead
of remaining in schools that repeatedly failed.

That program, however, was later ruled unconstitutional.


Critics, including Democrats and teachers unions, point to other
indicators, such as graduation rates and money spent per student, that
show Florida schools among the worst in the country.

They also said the emphasis on the FCAT means schools now teach to the

From The Associated Press, 4/3/08:

McCain will seek Jeb Bush's help on education

AP Political Writer


Republican Presidential candidate John McCain said Thursday he has
turned to former Gov. Jeb Bush for advice on education policy and will
continue to do so if he wins the November election.

McCain said he's had meetings with Bush for "a couple of years" on
education policy and enthusiastically said he would seek his help if

The Arizona senator made the remarks after being asked how Bush will
help the campaign.


Johnny McBush's goal is a continuation of Bushworld.

"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
> Bush's first priority when taking office in 1999 was a massive
> overhaul of the state's school system which included using
> standardized testing to grade schools.
> Schools were then rewarded or punished based on their grades.
> He also put in place the first statewide voucher program, which
> allowed children to go to private schools with taxpayer money instead
> of remaining in schools that repeatedly failed.
> That program, however, was later ruled unconstitutional.
> ........................................................................................................
> Critics, including Democrats and teachers unions, point to other
> indicators, such as graduation rates and money spent per student, that
> show Florida schools among the worst in the country.
> They also said the emphasis on the FCAT means schools now teach to the
> test.
> From The Associated Press, 4/3/08:
> McCain will seek Jeb Bush's help on education
> AP Political Writer
> Republican Presidential candidate John McCain said Thursday he has
> turned to former Gov. Jeb Bush for advice on education policy and will
> continue to do so if he wins the November election.
> McCain said he's had meetings with Bush for "a couple of years" on
> education policy and enthusiastically said he would seek his help if
> elected.
> The Arizona senator made the remarks after being asked how Bush will
> help the campaign.
> ________________________________________________________
> Johnny McBush's goal is a continuation of Bushworld.
> Harry

What do they need a Secretary of Ejakasion fer? So preachers like Dobson,
Hagee and Parsley can keep the money?

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