Jose Padilla vs. Bush Administration - Who's right?


New member
Given the circumstances of Padilla's "alleged" involvement with Al Qaeda combined with his previous record it seems to me that he's probably gonna be hosed. As far as his being held without being charged goes the B.A. has pretty much covered that with the "state of emergency" trump card, seems to be a big blanket for just this type of situation. More than likely I would imagine that Hamdi's case would probably be sited and the outcome of one might well reflect that of the other. I am curious to know if Padilla has given up his U.S. citizenship.


New member
Regardless of whether or not he has given up his citizenship he should be tried as such. The fact that anyone is concerned with this man's constutional rights as absurd. Those rights are reserved for American citizens and not for those who would impose harm upon our country or it's people. That is all based on the presumtion that the information that we have been fed by the press is unbiased and true. Honestly I could give two ***** about this particular subject. I am not a big fan of Bush, I believe he is wrong. I am not a fan of any type of traitor, so if the news blurbs are accurate I can say honestly that I don't feel any simpathy for Padilla either.

something else please.



New member
Regardless of whether or not he has given up his citizenship he should be tried as such. The fact that anyone is concerned with this man's constutional rights as absurd. Those rights are reserved for American citizens and not for those who would impose harm upon our country or it's people. That is all based on the presumtion that the information that we have been fed by the press is unbiased and true.
well executed
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