Josh/GraDoN sigs


its been real
Mar 8, 2006
South Africa
Josh is my name btw :)
ok so i love making sigs eventhough im not all that good like by_my-$elf and crazy robster and all those peeps.

but here is some i made:




tell me what you think and what i can do better
<3 ya all :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
GraDon mate...who said you can't compare to me or By_My-$elf? Well, at least as far as I'm concerned you're better than I am!!! Love your sigs buddy they are so freakin awesome!!! Really!! You're great!!! Don't underestimate yourself! :thumbsup:
ok so i dont like double posting but ive waited a whole night and no one posted so skrew that... i make another sig last night and i really lke it.


i love it but i think the "HULK" text is not all that good. what do you think?
the best is i didnt use a tutorial for this sig :D :D
im so proud!!
ok i made a new sig. just played around in photoshop and found some cool filters i never really used. im still experimenting so this is still rough around the edges but i kinda like it.

this is a background i made just now... very easy to make and i like it but im not gonna use it so any1 can use it without puttin my name on it or anything.. just take it :) thats if any1 wants it....

thanks for your comments keep em coming. thanks diana and crazy robster for keeping me motivated :D
<3 you all!!!
Awww...dear GraDon your sigs are brilliant!! Especially the blue background and the green sig you are using are VERY beautiful!!!! You're a great artist and this is not just a compliment, it's the truth mate! :thumbsup:
ok update time i just made a new sig.. again didnt put much effort in it but i kinda like the outcome.. its a dance theme with lost of purple :D


plz comment!!
Like the blue background one, but the yellowish one doesnt appeal to me very much. It's prolly just me cause i dont like choppy graphics or choppy things for that matter :rolleyes:

The silhouette (sp!!!) on your latest one could use an outer glow, that might help it a bit. Otherwise, I like the background. Keep at it!
ok so i asked a new member if he wanted a sig and he asked for 2 how greedy :p so i went to my photoshop lab and started working and here are the results:
Linkin Park one:

ok this was fun making i cheated in this one (wont tell u how u may figure it out)

he asked me to make one of a band called coheed and cambria... so i asked uncle google and just like that he gave me special info *muhahaah* ok so here it is:

so theimpact68 there you go i really hope you like it and i hope you like your time at LPF!!!!
They're awesome mate!! The only thing I could recommend is that you should also use a border...I think it would make them perfect!!! ^^