Judge delays two Republican corruption trials


Harry Hope


June 12, 2007

Judge delays two corruption trials


A federal judge Monday delayed the political corruption trials of
former state Reps. Pete Kott and Bruce Weyhrauch by two months.

Kott's lawyer asked for the extra time to review evidence -- including
at least 250 hours of video and hundreds of phone conversations --
that investigators collected in the case.

U.S. District Court Judge John W. Sedwick agreed, pushing the trial
date back from July 9 to Sept. 5.

Kott and Weyhrauch are accused of selling their votes and influence to
executives at the oil field services company Veco Corp.

Much of the activity occurred during the 2006 legislative session.
Both have pleaded not guilty to bribery, extortion and conspiracy

Kott and Weyhrauch both now live in Juneau, their lawyers said. Kott,
a former GOP House Speaker, had represented Eagle River.

Weyhrauch, also Republican, represented Juneau.

The former legislators did not appear in court but phoned into the
brief hearing, saying little.

As he waits for his trial to begin, Kott continues to work on his
flooring business, said his defense lawyer, James Wendt.

Weyhrauch, represented at the hearing by attorney Ray Brown, is
continuing to work as a private practice attorney.

In late May, Sedwick agreed to delay a similar trial for Rep. Vic
Kohring, R-Wasilla, by three months.

Former Anchorage Rep. Tom Anderson also is facing federal charges.


More Republican corruption than you can shake a stick at.
