Judge rules wife of former L.A. Clippers owner owed $2.6 million: lawyer


Sports News

(Reuters) - A judge ruled on Tuesday that the wife of former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling is owed $2.6 million from the woman he lavished with gifts and was behind his downfall, the wife's lawyer said. Shelly Sterling said in her lawsuit that V. Stiviano, who recorded the racist remarks by Donald Sterling that led the NBA last year to ban him for life and force the sale of the Clippers franchise, was essentially a gold digger who seduced her husband into providing money and gifts. It is a victory for the Sterling family to recover millions that Donald lavished on a conniving mistress," said attorney Pierce O'Donnell in an emailed statement on Tuesday night. Shelly Sterling's lawyers asked the judge to grant her title to a $1.8 million house her husband had bought for Stiviano, plus more than $1 million in cash they said he showered on Stiviano for living expenses, credit-card purchases and three luxury cars.

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