Just fixed this error on my Windows 7 PC



I have had this problem and I am running a Windows Vista Home Premium on a

Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo computer. My PC uses a wireless USB connection

(D-LINK DWA 140 Rangebooster) to a D-LINK DIR-655 Router.

I get this problem when I try to install IE 8.

I tried your idea with:

runas with the only user that is an administrator (not called administrator


and then

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Didn't work since this requires a raise in privilege. Any suggestions?

I seem to get this error code when trying to install IE updates.

Windows update shows the code 80070570 when trying to to security upgrade

to Windows Vista (KB974145). Gets a link to Microsoft security bulletin:


It is stated there that:

"The security update addresses the vulnerabilities by changing the way

Windows TCP/IP performs bounds checking and other packet handling operations."

Do I have some kind of TCP/IP problem on this computer?

Please advice


Thank you


"MowGreen" wrote:

> Mark Prestwood wrote:


> > I have had this problem since upgrading from XP to Vista and thought that the upgrade to Windows 7 would cure it, but it didn't.

> >

> > The problem is with the TCP window scaling used by Vista and Windows 7 being incompatible with some routers. There are two fixes:

> > 1) Change the router: I disabled SPI (Statefull Packet Inspection) on my Netgear WGR614 router and the problem went away

> > 2) Use IPConfig to configure the OS to not use TCP Window Scaling - instructions are on the Microsoft site.

> >

> > This problem also prevented me from downloading Adobe, Chrome, Skype and every other file I tried.

> >

> > Hope this is of help to others.

> >

> > MP in NZ.

> >


> Sorry Mark, there's not enough information in your post so that others

> may implement it. IF a User encounters the error and there is no Netgear

> router involved nor does the router have SPI capabilities,

> specifically , where are the instructions to not use TCP Windows

> Scaling for Vista/Windows 7 ?


> Is this it ?


> Description of the Receive Window Auto-Tuning feature for HTTP traffic

> on Windows Vista-based computers

> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/947239


> netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled




> MowGreen

> ===============

> -343- FDNY

> Never Forgotten

> ===============


> banthecheck.com

> "Security updates should never have non-security content prechecked


> .

"RobertAtHome" <RobertAtHome@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> I have had this problem and I am running a Windows Vista Home Premium on a

> Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo computer. My PC uses a wireless USB connection

> (D-LINK DWA 140 Rangebooster) to a D-LINK DIR-655 Router.


> I get this problem when I try to install IE 8.


> I tried your idea with:

> runas with the only user that is an administrator (not called

> administrator

> though)

> and then

> netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled


> Didn't work since this requires a raise in privilege. Any suggestions?

Because your Administrator doesn't have a password assigned to it? Add a

password to it then you can use it. Otherwise retry the procedure in a

safe mode boot with cmd only.


> I seem to get this error code when trying to install IE updates.


> Windows update shows the code 80070570 when trying to to security upgrade

> to Windows Vista (KB974145).

<cmd_output OS="W7">

C:\>set /a c = 0x570


C:\>net helpmsg %c%

The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.


That sounds unhealthy. ; }


Robert Aldwinckle
