Kanye West has issues...


New member
Leave Kanye alone...

He's practically the only rapper I still respect.

Sure, he may seem he has issues or whatever, but that doesn't give us a right to bash him for his meltdown. I bet each and every one of us would do the same thing if we were in his position or something.



New member
Well, maybe you guys notice it maybe you don't but he's really saying what all of us always say. He puts out tracks that whether you like rap or not generally have a bit of substance to them and yet he's always loosing out some other half assed artist and he's ******. I don't blame him. Kanye places some of the hottest hits out there and to be honest so far Linkin Park, Strata, and his Cd are the only albums I've actually bought this year. For a mainstream rapper/artist he puts more effort into his music than most. He could be like 50 cent or other rappers and just sell out and be about the money. But for him something of substance like an award is what matters and I can relate to him on that. Reeling in millions is cool but stuff like a grammy or an mtv award regardless of whether they are popularity driven, is a huge accomplishment. It says something.

I do think at times he should chill out and not go so crazy, but it is just him. Like person said, if it were me I'd be ******. If I'm putting my soul into my music and it's managing to grasp not only the mainstream listeners respect but also the underground gurus aswell, I think I'd deserve a little more airtime than just 2 minutes or a little more moonmen for that matter.



New member
Kanye does have some good songs ( I don't like a couple of them) but the guy does whine way too much and he should really come down off this high horse he has got thinking he is supposed to win everything award he gets nominated for, when the other artists in those same categories deserve just as much, if not more, than he does. It is not the point of how good or not good is music is, the point is that he should just keep his mouth closed every time he loses and learns what it's like to be a graceful loser. But I have noticed that he only complains when certain artists win and when certain artists get to play the main stage.

Note: I am sorry but I don't see how anybody can classify Kanye as a gangsta rapper.



New member
yea whoever said kanye was a gangsta rapper lol first off gangsta is definitely 2006, and lol kanye is the farthest from hes liek a neurotic rapper


New member
Its not a matter of whether or not he deserved it or not, its the fact that he didnt win and he should not be such a crybaby about it. Plenty of other nominees didnt win, but you dont see them going on immature rants. He just thinks hes the best and cant be a respectful loser.

I respect the music, but not the man...

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