Kaua'i man sues over recall to active duty

  • Thread starter YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!
  • Start date

YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!

David M. Miyasato enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve in 1987, served
three years of active duty during the first Gulf War and received an
honorable discharge in 1991. He remained on inactive status for five
more years, until 1996. Since then, the Kaua'i resident has married,
started an auto window tinting business and this year, he and his wife
had their first child.

But in September, Miyasato received a letter from the Army recalling
him to active duty and directing him to report to a military facility
in South Carolina on Tuesday.

"I was shocked," Miyasato said yesterday. "I never expected to see
something like that after being out of the service for 13 years."

Miyasato is now suing the Secretary of the Army, asking a court to
prevent the Army from ordering him to active duty. He is also asking
for a court judgment declaring that he fulfilled all his obligations
to the military.

Miyasato's lawyer, Eric Seitz, said Miyasato earlier asked for an
exemption, but never got a response.

But after the lawsuit was filed, Seitz said they received a faxed
letter from the Army's Human Resources Command saying Miyasato's
request for an exemption from active duty has not been finalized. It
said his Tuesday report date has been delayed for up to 30 days, but
warned new orders "reflecting your new report date" will be mailed and
that he must comply with them or risk being declared Absent Without
Leave or a deserter.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Harry Yee said the office will defend the
Army, but did not have any comment at this time.

Seitz said he doesn't know of another case in which a Hawai'i resident
has been recalled after having been released from the reserves.

The Army announced last year that it would be involuntarily activating
an estimated 5,600 soldiers to serve in Iraq, Afghanistan and
elsewhere. Army officials would be tapping members of the "Individual
Ready Reserves," military members who have been discharged from the
Army, Army Reserve or the Army National Guard, but still have
contractual obligations to the military.

Miyasato, however, long ago fulfilled his military obligations, Seitz

"My belief is that the Army is hard-pressed to recruit enough troops
to send to Iraq and they're activating reserves as means to avoid
implementing the draft," he said. "I think problems will increase as
more and more people are resistant to participating in the war."

Miyasato, 34, said he's not contesting his active duty because of any
strong feelings about the fighting in Iraq.

Miyasato served as a specialist E-4, driving a heavy equipment
mobility tactical truck capable of hauling heavy loads over rough
terrain. He delivered fuel, ammunition and other materials and served
in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, he said.

"I'm proud of it. I have no regrets," he said. "I'd do it all over

He said he would have gladly returned to active duty when he was on
inactive status, but that ended in 1996 and his life has changed,
particularly with their 7-month-old daughter and his business, which
can't survive without him.

He and his family would suffer "serious and irreparable harm" if he
must show up for duty, his lawsuit said.

"I fulfilled my contract," he said. "I just want to move on from this,
and I'm optimistic that I'll be successful."

Posted on: Saturday, November 6, 2004
Kaua'i man sues over recall to active duty
By Ken Kobayashi
Advertiser Courts Writer
On Feb 12, 5:30 pm, "YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!"
<j...@hackermail.com> quoted the Honolulu Advertiser:
> David M. Miyasato enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve in 1987, served
> three years of active duty during the first Gulf War and received an
> honorable discharge in 1991. He remained on inactive status for five
> more years, until 1996. Since then, the Kaua'i resident has married,
> started an auto window tinting business and this year, he and his wife
> had their first child.
> But in September, Miyasato received a letter from the Army recalling
> him to active duty and directing him to report to a military facility
> in South Carolina on Tuesday.

Washington only loses in trying to make discharged guys who've
been out for 10 years return to the Army involuntarily. Each such
case only gets more potential first-time recruits that the short
number of years they're considering enlisting for really is a LIFETIME
enlistment. What do you think that does to enlistment of first-time

No $4 to park! No $6 admission! http://www.INTERNET-GUN-SHOW.com
<editor@netpath.net> wrote in message
> On Feb 12, 5:30 pm, "YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!"
> <j...@hackermail.com> quoted the Honolulu Advertiser:
>> David M. Miyasato enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve in 1987, served
>> three years of active duty during the first Gulf War and received an
>> honorable discharge in 1991. He remained on inactive status for five
>> more years, until 1996. Since then, the Kaua'i resident has married,
>> started an auto window tinting business and this year, he and his wife
>> had their first child.
>> But in September, Miyasato received a letter from the Army recalling
>> him to active duty and directing him to report to a military facility
>> in South Carolina on Tuesday.

> Washington only loses in trying to make discharged guys who've
> been out for 10 years return to the Army involuntarily. Each such
> case only gets more potential first-time recruits that the short
> number of years they're considering enlisting for really is a LIFETIME
> enlistment. What do you think that does to enlistment of first-time
> recruits?

Sounds like a draft to me.

Why is stuff like this is going, when we're constantly assured that the
military is meeting recruiting goals?
<editor@netpath.net> wrote in message
> On Feb 12, 5:30 pm, "YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!"
> <j...@hackermail.com> quoted the Honolulu Advertiser:
> > David M. Miyasato enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve in 1987, served
> > three years of active duty during the first Gulf War and received an
> > honorable discharge in 1991. He remained on inactive status for five
> > more years, until 1996. Since then, the Kaua'i resident has married,
> > started an auto window tinting business and this year, he and his wife
> > had their first child.
> > But in September, Miyasato received a letter from the Army recalling
> > him to active duty and directing him to report to a military facility
> > in South Carolina on Tuesday.

> Washington only loses in trying to make discharged guys who've
> been out for 10 years return to the Army involuntarily. Each such
> case only gets more potential first-time recruits that the short
> number of years they're considering enlisting for really is a LIFETIME
> enlistment. What do you think that does to enlistment of first-time
> recruits?

On Feb 12, 10:46 pm, "MikeC" <sendm...@tosomebodywhocares.com> wrote:
> Why is stuff like this is going, when we're constantly >assured that the military is meeting recruiting goals

Because of the obvious. Any teenager now can get hired at a fast-
food restaurant before he's out of high school. Some lucky teenagers
still in high school get hired at steak places where good tips go with
$20 steak dinners. Either way, it's indoor work where nobody's
shooting at you and no worries about boobytraps - and in an
airconditioned workplace. Enlistment obviously means Iraq, extreme
adverse working conditions - not to mention obvious combat; who but
the guy who always wanted to be a Green Beret wants that over

No $4 to park! No $6 admission! http://www.INTERNET-GUN-SHOW.com
"YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!" <joyce@hackermail.com> wrote in

> David M. Miyasato enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve in 1987, served
> three years of active duty during the first Gulf War and received an
> honorable discharge in 1991. He remained on inactive status for five
> more years, until 1996. Since then, the Kaua'i resident has married,
> started an auto window tinting business and this year, he and his wife
> had their first child.
> But in September, Miyasato received a letter from the Army recalling
> him to active duty and directing him to report to a military facility
> in South Carolina on Tuesday.
> "I was shocked," Miyasato said yesterday. "I never expected to see
> something like that after being out of the service for 13 years."
> Miyasato is now suing the Secretary of the Army, asking a court to
> prevent the Army from ordering him to active duty. He is also asking
> for a court judgment declaring that he fulfilled all his obligations
> to the military.
> Miyasato's lawyer, Eric Seitz, said Miyasato earlier asked for an
> exemption, but never got a response.
> But after the lawsuit was filed, Seitz said they received a faxed
> letter from the Army's Human Resources Command saying Miyasato's
> request for an exemption from active duty has not been finalized. It
> said his Tuesday report date has been delayed for up to 30 days, but
> warned new orders "reflecting your new report date" will be mailed and
> that he must comply with them or risk being declared Absent Without
> Leave or a deserter.
> Assistant U.S. Attorney Harry Yee said the office will defend the
> Army, but did not have any comment at this time.
> Seitz said he doesn't know of another case in which a Hawai'i resident
> has been recalled after having been released from the reserves.
> The Army announced last year that it would be involuntarily activating
> an estimated 5,600 soldiers to serve in Iraq, Afghanistan and
> elsewhere. Army officials would be tapping members of the "Individual
> Ready Reserves," military members who have been discharged from the
> Army, Army Reserve or the Army National Guard, but still have
> contractual obligations to the military.

While the neonazis whine and bellow about "poltical correctness", they
don't seem to have any problem with "involuntarily activating" being a
politico-speak term meaning DRAFT!

> Miyasato, however, long ago fulfilled his military obligations, Seitz
> said.
> "My belief is that the Army is hard-pressed to recruit enough troops
> to send to Iraq and they're activating reserves as means to avoid
> implementing the draft," he said. "I think problems will increase as
> more and more people are resistant to participating in the war."

Well ..... you have to come up with those 21,000 ...... or was it 50,000

Rest assured, though, if it EVER comes even close to DRAFTING the likes of
Cheny, Bush or the current republican crops of bellowing chickenhawks ....
they will just end the war or "nuke'em".

> Miyasato, 34, said he's not contesting his active duty because of any
> strong feelings about the fighting in Iraq.
> Miyasato served as a specialist E-4, driving a heavy equipment
> mobility tactical truck capable of hauling heavy loads over rough
> terrain. He delivered fuel, ammunition and other materials and served
> in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, he said.
> "I'm proud of it. I have no regrets," he said. "I'd do it all over
> again."
> He said he would have gladly returned to active duty when he was on
> inactive status, but that ended in 1996 and his life has changed,
> particularly with their 7-month-old daughter and his business, which
> can't survive without him.
> He and his family would suffer "serious and irreparable harm" if he
> must show up for duty, his lawsuit said.
> "I fulfilled my contract," he said. "I just want to move on from this,
> and I'm optimistic that I'll be successful."
> Posted on: Saturday, November 6, 2004
> Kaua'i man sues over recall to active duty
> By Ken Kobayashi
> Advertiser Courts Writer
> http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2004/Nov/06/ln/ln10p.html

The is something outrageously insane about an AWOL president, and other
chickenhawk republicans, drafting people who have already served in an
insane and corrupt war STARTED by those same chickenhawks ....and based on
lies, corruption, greed and psychotic fanaticism.
"editor@netpath.net" <editor@netpath.net> wrote in

> On Feb 12, 10:46 pm, "MikeC" <sendm...@tosomebodywhocares.com> wrote:
>> Why is stuff like this is going, when we're constantly >assured that
>> the military is meeting recruiting goals

> Because of the obvious. Any teenager now can get hired at a fast-
> food restaurant before he's out of high school. Some lucky teenagers
> still in high school get hired at steak places where good tips go with
> $20 steak dinners. Either way, it's indoor work where nobody's
> shooting at you and no worries about boobytraps - and in an
> airconditioned workplace. Enlistment obviously means Iraq, extreme
> adverse working conditions - not to mention obvious combat; who but
> the guy who always wanted to be a Green Beret wants that over
> McDonalds?
> No $4 to park! No $6 admission! http://www.INTERNET-GUN-SHOW.com

Ahhh......that's why the republicons are dead set against raising the
minimum wage. They need more cannon fodder, and people making DECENT money
are less likely to join the military!.